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本文介绍了主题公园的基本概念和主要特征,回顾了我国主题公园发展的历史及存在的问题。在此基础上,以大连音乐主题公园发展的现状为例展开设计分析。首先,应划分了人群的侧重点,成年人和青少年应作为主要的设计群体,为了满足这类人群在繁忙的都市生活、工作、学习中能有一个休闲、娱乐、可释放性的公共空间,从而打造一个现代城市地标性的音乐主题公园,提高城市的魅力,带来旅游商业的机遇,感受到音乐带给城市的活力与魅力。  相似文献   

传统城市旅游就业研究侧重总体效应评估,忽略了具体的就业分配,也缺乏对就业者生活境况的实际考察,这正是旅游就业研究的"断层"。文章通过对华侨城主题公园这一典型城市大型旅游项目的探索性案例研究,围绕城市大型旅游项目开发能否为本地居民创造就业,改善就业者生活境况展开讨论。文章首先指出,中国城市大型主题公园与欧美主题公园在就业分配及就业者生活境况方面存在较大差异,欧美国家的研究结论并不能直接借鉴到中国。案例研究的结果表明:第一,主题公园这类城市大型旅游项目所创造的就业具有结构性(包括正规部门就业和非正规部门就业),不可等同视之;第二,这类具有结构性就业的分配呈现明显的"外向型"特征,主要面向外来务工者。在没有其他干预的情况下,这类旅游项目开发所带来的就业将主要面向外来务工者;第三,就业者的实际生活质量并不乐观,旅游就业在改善就业者生活质量的积极效果不宜夸大。该研究为反思传统城市旅游就业评估提供了新思路和新证据。  相似文献   

肖轶楠  夏沫 《旅游学刊》2008,23(5):57-61
主题公园的建设与发展在中国方兴未艾,短短20年取得了很大成就,也暴露出了很多问题.尤其是世界主题公园巨头迪斯尼中国市场的进驻,更给中国主题公园提出了严峻挑战.在体验经济的今天,本文从体验的视角入手,剖析我国主题公园体验经营的内涵.并以发展最为成功的深圳华侨城主题公园为例,着重探讨主题公园体验过程的创造和体验价值的创新,为我国主题公园的经营与发展寻找一些借鉴.  相似文献   

刘姗  马斯婷  栾嘉骏 《当代旅游》2022,(8):98-101+113-114
主题公园及主题性旅游目的地的广场及节点,区别于城市广场,是以特定主题为核心,并围绕主题呈现多元性表现形式的活动空间,具有旅游休闲功能。本文以文化旅游度假区的主题公园作为场所背景,研究广场及空间节点设计的特性和要点,进而对主题公园广场的空间尺度、位置选择、设计原则、主题氛围营造及文化呈现等方面的设计进行分析研究。  相似文献   

关于昆明世博园市场前景的预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈孟炯 《旅游学刊》2001,16(2):43-45
根据深圳华侨城主题公园和国内主题公园的一般发展路径所给出的参老信息,本文对昆明世博园开业高峰期以后的前景作了探索,文中阐述了行政地主题公园巨大作用,以及它的一次性特征,国内主题公园旅客市场的一般发展轨迹,与国外主题公园游客市场发民展轨迹的区别等观点,这是目前主题公园投资和经营过程中较为重要,但又展开不够的问题。  相似文献   

随着全球化、现代化的发展和城市的蔓延,城市景观正经历着前所未有的改变.同类建筑和景观在不同的区位得以复制和重现;无意义的主题公园和超级市场侵蚀着地方的特性;现代技术如智能化终端的应用使得居民日益生活在"契约孤独"的社会中.城市星级酒店作为城市中的一个微空间,在现代旅游的推动下得到空前发展,其发展趋势也越来越趋向于外部形态与内部结构的同质化,呈现出无地方性(placelessness).  相似文献   

韩晶 《西部旅游》2023,(21):35-37+41
<正>主题公园产业是一个庞大的行业,且其市场规模正在逐年扩张。在欧美地区,前十大主题公园的年游客量数以亿计,形成了有关主题公园的大数据群体。对该群体客户体验数据进行分析,能够为升级主题公园建设方案、优化基础设施和相关管理系统、指导主题公园未来发展提供参考。文章以当前国外最受欢迎的社交媒体Twitter和Facebook为例,利用数据挖掘技术收集游客对主题公园的体验反馈,通过自然语言处理技术识别和提取相关用户特征(如年龄、性别、日期等),运用机器学习方法分析用户评论,获取游客对主题公园的观点和满意度,进而为主题公园产业的发展提供参考。分析结果表明,利用数据挖掘技术指导主题公园产业发展是一种有效的方法,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李舟 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):51-53
本文力图通过对当前中国主题公园中具有代表性的四大主题公园--深圳华侨城旅游景区中的锦绣中华、民俗村、世界之窗、欢乐谷的游客调查,了解游客对该类型景观的满意度和主要需求方向,以期对未来中国主题公园发展提供建设性的建议.  相似文献   

旅游季节性是旅游活动的普遍特征,是主题公园经营需要面临的一个难题.文章以深圳华侨城主题公园(深圳欢乐谷、世界之窗和锦绣中华)为例,选取了2002年春节黄金周到2008年春节黄金周之间的数据,对主题公园旺季游客流季节性及其影响因素进行分析.研究表明,主题公园游客流的时间集中性较低,近程市场和重游市场比重增加的主题公园的黄金周游客流集中性逐年降低;不同类型主题公园具有不同的市场结构和气候要求,其黄金周游客流波动存在明显差异;主题公园黄金周的峰值日出现在假期的前半段,且游客流高峰持续时间短.在此基础上,结合以往研究,文章归纳出黄金周内峰值日的一般规律.  相似文献   

在旅游供给研究中,重视在线旅行社发展的同时,不应忽略传统旅行社在地理实体空间的布局特征及其变化趋势。目前,对中微观尺度的都市区传统旅行社的空间布局研究相对薄弱,实证研究尤为缺乏。文章以旅游百事通在重庆主城区的195家零售门店为例,从都市区的中微观空间尺度分析了旅行社零售门店的空间集聚和空间关联特征,比较了商圈、社区和临街等不同分布类型的门店销售等级差异。结果表明:(1)旅行社门店呈现出较明显向城市商圈、交通设施和大型社区集聚的特征;(2)在城市内部,旅行社与其他城市生活服务业呈现出消费者主导型、商品主导型、竞争性关联和互助性关联等多种类型的空间关联关系;(3)商圈与非商圈门店、临街与写字楼门店的销售等级存在显著差异;社区与非社区门店、干道与非干道门店的销售等级差异均不明显。  相似文献   

国家形象是国际商务和国际营销领域的重要概念,目的地形象是旅游领域的重要概念。在竞争日益激烈的全球化市场上,国家形象和目的地形象对于产品和旅游目的地获得竞争优势具有重要的战略价值。目前,国家形象和目的地形象研究基本上是独立的,文章在全面回顾两个领域最新研究进展的基础上,分析两概念定义、理论基础、形象主体和客体、形象内容等方面的异同;根据对国家形象、目的地形象与旅游研究中的其他社会心理变量之间关系的分析,提出整合这些变量的旅游意向模型以及相应的三个命题,以引导下一步的实证研究。  相似文献   


Equivocal findings regarding the relationship between attitudes toward leisure and the extent to which people feel in control of their own fate led to the consideration of possible mediating influences. The current study was an attempt to examine the relationship between locus of control and the affective domain of leisure attitude, or leisure “ethic,” while controlling for the influence of work ethic. The possibility of differences between males and females and students and nonstudents led to four separate subgroup analyses. Results indicated that of the four groups, only female students showed a substantial relationship between locus of control and leisure ethic. In this group, leisure ethic was associated with an external locus of control, the tendency to regard the control of life's circumstances as lying outside oneself. In none of the groups was the influence of work ethic great enough to make an appreciable difference in the relationship between locus of control and leisure ethic. The group differences were discussed in terms of sex‐role orientations and career aspirations.  相似文献   

Although the financial performance of US casual-dining restaurants has been better than returns in other restaurant segments, it is not known how large and small casual-dining restaurant companies perform when their stock returns are adjusted for risk. The present study uses traditional and contemporary risk-adjusted performance and cost of equity models to fill the void in this area of research. The results indicate that large casual-dining restaurants outperformed their smaller counterparts on a risk-adjusted basis, and had a lower cost of equity for the 1998–2002 period. In addition, the findings demonstrate that the cost of equity estimates pose some serious challenges when sub-periods before and after September 11 events are included in the analysis.  相似文献   

This study developed a theoretical framework in which overall image, image congruence, and quality of physical environment, service, and food affect guests’ satisfaction and intentions to revisit a luxury hotel restaurant and visit other restaurants of the same hotel by considering the influence of conspicuousness as a moderator. The measurement model assessment revealed that all items included an acceptable level of measurement quality. Results of the structural analysis indicated that the research variables were in general significantly associated; quality dimensions and satisfaction had a mediating role; and the impact of satisfaction and overall image on decision formation was greater than that of other variables. Moreover, the structural invariance model assessment indicated that conspicuousness acted as a significant moderator. Overall, our proposed theoretical framework was found to include a sufficient power in predicting patrons’ intentions for luxury hotel restaurant products. Using this quantitative approach, our research objectives were wholly achieved.  相似文献   


Convention and visitors bureaux (CVBs) have become a dominant type of destination marketing organization since the very first bureau was founded in Detroit in 1895. Nowadays, about 1,000 CVBs are operating in major and secondary metropolitan and resort areas in the United States. Dozens of bureaux can be found in the rest of the world, as well. The aim of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the management and funding of CVBs especially from a European perspective. The paper is based on a benchmark survey conducted by the author among 100 bureaux throughout the world, with responses secured from 29 CVBs. The analysis of the questionnaire sheds light on several aspects of CVB operations, such as geographic scope, types of shareholders controlling the CVB, membership of individual tourist businesses in the CVB, annual budget, sources of income, main expense categories, target markets, and Staffing.  相似文献   

隐喻性思维与中西文化认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是一种思维方式,一种认知手段,是人类生存和认知的基本方式之一。隐喻的本质就是"用一种事物去理解和经历另一种事物。"理解"和"经历"这两个词将隐喻引出语言领域。隐喻根植于语言、思维和文化中。它的研究重点是隐喻概念体系。隐喻的文化本质体现在它的文化原型色彩,它构成文化、传承并创造文化。隐喻作为人类思维和认知的方式体现了人类认知的共性特征,而作为一种文化现象又具有鲜明的民族性。  相似文献   

Although socio-economic variables are commonly used for market segmentation and are widely applied in describing winery visitors, increasing awareness is evident in the literature that personality might also be useful for that purpose. The present study examined whether, compared with socio-economic variables (age, gender, education level, personal income, and household income), the personality variable sensation seeking adds to the ability to predict differences in various attitudes and behaviours of wine tourists. With the effects of the former controlled, sensation seeking was observed to be significantly related to spending on wine, and wine drinking, as well as to the frequency of visits to wineries and the number of activities engaged in at wineries, the use of the internet as a source of information about wineries, venturing off the beaten track during a visit to a wine region, and the strength of opportunity for learning, stimulation, or indulgence as incentives to visit a wine region. Sensation seeking was also observed to be significantly related to all but one of those variables when the effects of another variable which is receiving increasing attention as a means by which to characterize wine tourists, “involvement”, were controlled. The practical significance of the results for winery and wine region marketing and management is discussed, and several requirements for further research are identified.  相似文献   

Our paper explores the construction of ethnic and gender identities through sport and physical education, arguing that the social attitudes of women and members of ethnic minorities to sport helps to define their marginal position in society. We analyse the literature with respect to ethnicity, gender and sport within the framework of recent ethnographic research, and show how gender and ethnic factors markedly affect attitudes to sport. The wider implications of these attitudes are examined and related to work, unemployment and marginal social status. Attitudes to sport are seen to be significant in establishing attitudes to leisure as a whole, which is discussed in terms of social reproduction and the state. We extend the notion of marginality to take account of the importance of leisure behaviour in explaining and justifying the status of women and ethnic minorities in society.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred breeding and racing has survived on the ability of racing administrators to capture gambling revenue, whether it is proximal, remote or virtual. Given this relationship, there is surprisingly little academic work on the perceptions of gambling, preferences for different forms of gambling, preferences for different types of thoroughbred races that may facilitate gambling, and the relationships between viewing thoroughbred races and gambling on these events. We address this important gap in the literature through a study involving racing patrons at two Sydney racecourses, including midweek and weekend racing meetings, and a corresponding study of four Sydney suburbs, with differing socio-economic characteristics. Our research highlights the variety of attitudes to gambling and the diversity of gambling experiences among participants. It situates contemporary technological innovations such as internet gambling within a longer history of approaches to revenue capture that address the impermanence of existing borders and revenue arrangements based on the control of defined space.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study is two-fold: it examines antecedents and consequence of choosing an emotional labor strategy from the basis of the conservation of resource theory and it sub-divides preceding factors of emotional labor into an individual level (emotional intelligence [EI] and psychological contract) and a restaurant level (service under pressure). The research supported all the hypotheses proposed. Employees with high EI tend to select deep acting (DA), which is a driver of higher service performance. Service under pressure is a significant driver of employee surface acting (SA), which leads to poor service performance. In addition, DA enhances service performance, while SA impedes the effective delivery of services.  相似文献   

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