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社会主义农业的根本任务是发展生产力。要发展农业生产力,就需要研究生产力各要素的构成和运动规律,并根据其自身的要求来判定发展对策。一、制约农业生产力发展的主要因素现实的生产力包括两大类:一类是实体性因素,即劳动者、劳动资料和劳动对象;另一类是渗入、体现于前者的非实体性因素,即科学技术、经济信息和生产管理等。从目前晋城市农业生产力各要素的现状、组合方式和动态变化来看,都存在着一些影响农业生产力进一步发展的因素。  相似文献   

生产力定义新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生产力定义新探张树斌传统的生产力定义,一般表述为:“人们征服自然、改造自然的能力,表示人与自然的关系。是由劳动者、劳动工具等因素构成的。”如《辞海》、《社会科学词典》等著述大体都是这样表述的。我认为,生产力的这种定义是不科学的,其道理在于:首先,生产...  相似文献   

生产力的构成要素包括:人,人进行特定劳动借以作用的劳动资料(如劳动工具),劳动作用对象即劳动材料,经过特定的生产流程最后组成一个中性结果——产品。我们在优化生产力布局方面存在两大优势:一是中国生产力的张力很大。二是中国生产力面临着通过社会分工取得突破性进展的良好机遇。不能听任传统产业和新兴产业生产力的发展处于自在的状态,必须采取各种措施,促进两者形成强大的契合力,关照好生产过程的两个要素并确保其价值目标的实现。  相似文献   

一、油田农业生态经济系统的一般特性油田农业生态经济系统实质上是属于农业生态经济系统在油田区域内的一种特殊型式。是油田勘探开发和生产建设的特定区域内原有的农业生态经济系统逐步驯化而形成的.并与油田工业生态经济系统紧密联系的,由油田农业生态系统、农业经济系统通过技术因素和技术手段联络而耦合形成的复合系统。因此,这一系统具备所有生态经济系统的一般特性,只不过表现方式不同而已。 (一)生态与经济的统一性。油田区域的农业生产过程同样是自然再生产与经济再生产相互交织的过程。在目前初级生产力水平的条件下.生态资源与经济发展处于矛盾的统一体中。当油田区域农业生态环境有利于经济发展时.其生态系统的能量流动、物质循环、信息交流处于高效状态.将会促进经济系统的资金  相似文献   

代云 《经济研究导刊》2009,(34):178-179
16世纪在英国现代化的内部障碍指的是生产关系对生产力的障碍,它是由16世纪英国农业生产力的突破引起的。生产力的突破主要体现在耕作技术的变革、生产工具的改进、草场管理的改革以及优良家畜品种的培育等方面。其突出特征是多集中在畜牧业方面。牧耕混合的农业模式的推广,使得农民的小块土地占有制成为农业生产进一步发展的障碍而必须被克服。在当时的英国,解决这个障碍的方式是圈地。在16世纪农业生产率有了显著提高、农业剩余有了明显增加以后,农业剩余的转化基本上是一个自然的过程。  相似文献   

马克思主义关于生产力的基本观点是“不论生产的社会形式如何,劳动者和生产资料始终是生产的因素……凡是进行生产,就必须使它们结合起来”。①这里的生产资料包括劳动对象和劳动资料。可见生产力作为人解决社会和自然矛盾的物质力量,是由人的因素即主体生产力,对象性因素即客体生产力和以工具为核心的手段性因素即中介生产力这三大要素所构成的动态系统。这三者之间的矛盾运动构成了生产力自身的发展。 主体生产力作为生产系统中人的因素,包括人的需要和人的能力。人的需要是人们征服自然,改造社会的内在驱动力;人的能力又由体力智力两部分构成,其中人的智力主要是来自于科学的思维和科学文化知识的武装。因此,主体生产力应该是物质和精神高度结合的统一体。当人们在需要动因的驱使下(包括物质和精神的),凭借自己的体力和智力,再利用由自己创造的劳动手段即中介生产力,将自己的本质力量外化到客体生产力之  相似文献   

应重新定义生产力   中共中央党校经济学部副教授刘振英在《如何正确处理人与自然的关系》中说,自从斯大林在《论辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义》一文中提出生产力是“人们同自然界作斗争以及利用自然界来生产物质资料”之后,我们对生产力的表述均由此而来。如,生产力是“具有劳动能力的人,跟生产资料 (生产工具和劳动对象 )相结合而构成的征服自然、改造自然的能力。人是生产中具有决定性的因素。生产力是生产中最活跃、最革命的因素。生产力的发展水平标志着人类征服自然界的程度”。事实上,我们给生产力所下的定义,不仅不符合马克…  相似文献   

试论我国生态农业生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,由于长期以来我们对农业生产力的认识存在偏差.因而农业生产力在其成长过程中出现了许多问题和矛盾。作者从生态经济学的角度,分析了我国农业生产力成长的传统方式及其特征,提出了我国农业生产力成长的新方式在于走生态农业生产力发展的道路,即农业生产力是经济生产力与自然生产力的综合力,只有这两种生产力协调发展,农业生产力的成长才可能是持久的、良性的。  相似文献   

<正> 一个似是而非的矛盾马克思关于资本主义绝对地租的理论,是从农业有机构成低于工业有机构成,从而农产品价值高于其社会生产价格出发的。当代资本主义国家农业生产力的迅速发展,农业有机构成接近或高于工业有机构成,还是仍然有一段差距,这是学术界正在进行争论,需要根据大量的实际数据来进行研究的问题。但不管是现在还是将来,随着农业生产力的发展,农业有机构成将会出现与工业有机构成相等的趋势。假定在上述有机构成完全相等的情况下,资本主义绝对地租是继续存在还是完全消失,这是国内外学术界正在热烈争论的问题。不管是主张“完全消失”还是主张“继续存在”的同志,都从马克思著作中找到有关论述作为根据。如何  相似文献   

1.体制性约束。我国现行的经济体制对农业经济发展方式转变有着一定约束,主要体现在两个层面即:微观层面和宏观层面。微观层面的主要体现为家庭联产承包经营的体制性缺陷。家庭联产承包经营作为一种以单个农户为单元的农业组织形式,适合了我国特定时期下的农业生产力水平,也在一定程度上符合了我国农业生  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore reasons for the decline in agricultural performance in Botswana that has occurred during the implementation of a variety of policy measures, as well as the introduction of new technologies, and to identify ways in which it might be reversed. Panel data from six regions in Botswana (period 1979–2012) is analyzed with a stochastic output distance function and inefficiency effects model. We decompose agricultural output growth into; total factor productivity (TFP ) and changes in input use (factors of production). TFP is further decomposed into scale effects, technical efficiency and technological change. The results show that over the study period agricultural output grew at a very low rate of 0.072 percent per year, which is largely due to a growth in factors of production at 0.071 percent per year rather than TFP growth (which declined at 0.003 percent per year). We found that the decline in productivity has been due to technological regress and low growth in technical efficiency and scale efficiency. Policy options aimed at improving agricultural productivity and output growth will require the strengthening of extension services; improving the agronomic and husbandry management skills of farmers through training; and by encouraging farmers to adopt and utilize technologies that have been provided under existing policy programs.  相似文献   

Along with investments in agricultural research, extension, and education, limited investment in transportation and communication infrastructure is often identified as an important constraint on the diffusion and use of new agricultural technology. Yet there are few systematic studies of the relationship between agricultural infrastructure and agricultural productivity, and there do not appear to be any studies which model and measure the productivity effect of infrastructure at the farm level. The aim of this paper is to fill this theoretical and empirical hiatus by investigating how human capital and infrastructure constrain the choice of technology and hence productivity. The effects of these capital constraints are translated into a ‘variable coefficient’ production function to measure their productivity effects on Indian rice farmers. The findings indicate that productivity is a function of the farmer's schooling, extension programs, transportation and communication infrastructure, irrigation availability, the utilization of high yielding varieties, and climatic factors. These findings thus support the hypothesis that agricultural productivity is a function of transportation and communication infrastructure, and suggest that infrastructure development is important to both growth and equity concerns in policy planning.  相似文献   

农村基础设施建设的制度激励问题探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
完善的农村基础设施在提高农业生产率、增加农业生产的稳定性和降低农业生产成本等方面起着非常重要的作用,而可持续的农村基础设施建设是与农村基础设施的供给与生产相关的制度激励问题直接联系的。在现有制度环境下,我国农村基础设施建设面临着内在的制度困境,可持续的农村基础设施建设必须采取相应措施,克服这些制度困境。  相似文献   

深入分析农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的影响因素,对于促进农民农业收入的持续增长有着重要意义。本文利用2006-2010年浙江农户微观面板数据,基于随机前沿模型,将农业劳动生产率增长分解为5个因素的变化,采用反事实分析法,比较分析农业劳动生产率虚拟分布与真实分布的差异,进而判断各因素对农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的影响。结果表明:劳均农业物质费用投入和技术效率是农业劳动生产率增长分布位置与形态演进的主要原因,前沿技术则主要影响农业劳动生产率增长分布形态的演进,而劳均土地面积和农业劳动力数量对农业劳动生产率增长分布演进的作用较小。  相似文献   

利用产出距离函数将农业碳生产率变化分解为技术效率、技术进步和要素替代变化,并实证测算1995—2016年中国农业碳生产率的变化及其驱动因素,结果表明:(1)研究期中国农业碳生产率年均提高3.57%,单位GDP碳排放量年均下降3.31%,累计下降50.96%,主要归因于技术进步和要素替代效应。(2)中国农业资本深化对农业碳生产率提升有正向影响,劳动力价格上涨有负向影响。(3)中国农业碳生产率表现出“东高西低,阶梯分布”的空间特征,东南沿海省份和西北省份存在区域“农业碳生产率缺口”,且呈缺口扩大趋势。鉴于此,为提高农业碳生产率提出政策建议。  相似文献   

试论农业科技发展的规律性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从逻辑和历史相结合的角度,论述了农业科技发展作为一个过程所具有的三个方面的规律性,即:①生活资料需求、生产资料需求、生态环境需求和社会文化需求等多样化的社会需求是推动农业科技发展的主要动力;②清除或缓解生产要素配置中的“瓶颈”制约,是农业科技发展的突破口;③提高由社会生产力和自然生产力构成的农业生产力的整体水平,是它业科技发展的落脚点。  相似文献   

The use of the internet is growing rapidly and has become an engine for economic development. However, few studies have examined the impact of internet use on agricultural production, and the results are not yet conclusive. Employing a dataset of more than 2000 observations in rural Vietnam, our study analyses the impact of internet use on agricultural productivity using the heteroscedasticity-based instrument approach suggested by Lewbel, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2012, 30, 67–80 and examines the heterogeneity and distribution of the impact using quantile regressions. Our results show that internet use has significant and positive effects on agricultural productivity. However, these effects are heterogeneous across population groups. The positive effects of internet use are stronger for households with a lower level of education, with a young and female head, and from ethnic minorities. The benefits are also found to be skewed towards the group of farmers at the bottom of the productivity distribution. Therefore, we propose facilitating the diffusion of the internet, since it not only boosts agricultural productivity, but also reduces productivity inequality. In addition, we recommend promoting rural education, supporting local markets, investing more in irrigation systems, and facilitating farm mechanisation as these factors are found to contribute to increasing agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

经济方式指生产力与生产关系的统一,包含两种类型:一是自然经济方式,二是商品经济方式。与之相适应也有两类生产力:自然经济生产力与商品经济生产力。要求相应的生产关系与之相适应。  相似文献   

Hyperbolic measures of efficiency and productivity change with respect to a graph representation of production technology allow researchers to consider output and input dimensions simultaneously in measuring producer performance. Hyperbolic efficiency measures have been proposed, but empirical implementation has not followed, either in efficiency analysis or in productivity analysis. The objectives of this paper are to define hyperbolic performance measures on a graph representation of production technology, to motivate their use by stating some of their advantages over their radial counterparts, and to introduce a direct formulation to calculate them making use of Data Envelopment Analysis techniques. The ideas are illustrated by calculating hyperbolic efficiency and Malmquist productivity indexes for a US agricultural panel data set.  相似文献   

Agricultural research that increases knowledge is an important component of agricultural productivity and development. This paper focuses on understanding and formulating the interactions among factors involved in the knowledge production process. A conceptual mode of research input-output relationships is developed based on the existing literature. These relationships are estimated based on cross-sectional time-series data for the public research system in Israel. Research resources (inputs) such as direct cost and senior scientific manpower were found to extend knowledge production, while resources such as junior researchers and technicians were found to be nonsignificant. Use of the estimated functions for forecasting and control of agricultural development is also illustrated.  相似文献   

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