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冷战的结束使军火贸易市场出现了新的态势和特点。军火贸易量在总体上呈减少趋势,但秘密武器交易急速升温,一些热点地区的军备竞赛有增无减。从发展趋势看,军火贸易量在一定程度下降后将逐步趋于稳定,军火设计、制造、销售上将进一步走向集团化,争夺高技术武器市场占有率将成为军火贸易的热点。  相似文献   

当前,伴随着国际局势的变化,世界军火市场出现新动向,一方面,竞争更加激烈,虽出口大国地位稳固,但中等武器出口国家亦不甘寂寞;另一方面,出于资本扩张的内在机制要求与战略考虑,军火出口大国的合作对象、内容也都有所扩展和突破。一是世界军火市场竞争激烈。据美国国会2000年8月21日发表的报告称,全世界军火贸易总额在1999年  相似文献   

世界服务贸易的发展速度明显超过商品贸易。这是因为:世界商品贸易迅速发展,世界经济向服务化、国际化方向发展,广大发展中国家实行开放以来,积极参与服务贸易。发达国家虽在服务贸易中占主导地位,但发展中国家的地位在上升,而且民间服务的地位上升。  相似文献   


国际军火贸易中的比较优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对国际军火贸易的成因及特点进行分析 ,明确国际军火贸易是国际贸易的一个重要组成部分 ;再通过对国际军火贸易中的比较优势分析 ,来认清我国的国际军火贸易的成绩和存在的问题 ,并运用比较优势理论的相关内容对我国的军火贸易提出建设性的意见。  相似文献   

世界贸易的新面貌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界经济经历着一场罕见的狂风,这场狂风席卷华盛顿、马德里、巴黎、首尔、北京等全球各地。然而,人们对这场狂风的中心却并不清楚。其实,这个中心就是世界贸易的神速发展。世界贸易的飞速发展经常被谈及,但却很少被研究,且往往被忽视!然而,今年,仅全球商品出口额就将超过10万亿美元。整个出口比重将达到全球产量的50%,而10年前这一比重却仅为20%。  相似文献   

现在绝对是全球经济的美好时光,但是美好时光很少会使人们真正主动去解决困难的问题。正是在这种背景下我很高兴地看到本周末几大经济体联合作出声明,表示它们在保持经济强劲增长的同时,将共同努力寻求有序解决全球贸易失衡的问题。  相似文献   

随着柏林墙的倒下和苏维埃帝国的解体,美国决定性地赢得了冷战。美元、盟国和军力被认为是美国获胜的决定性因素。当然,深层因素还包括美国军事工业。不仅提供了更多、更先进的武器装备,确保美军和盟军的技术领先,还因市场经济原则而保持了更高的效率。  相似文献   

我国小城镇餐饮业在近年来发展速度非常快,无论是数量、规模和经济效益上都比较明显,但是在发展过程中也存在一些问题。本文阐述了我国小城镇餐饮业发展现状、特点以及发展过程中存在的问题,并对我国小城镇餐饮产业的战略性发展提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

陶蕙 《上海经济》2003,(3):12-14
一、入世前,外资在我国服务业的特点 我国引资有三种形式:对外借款、外商直接投资以及用其他方式筹措的境外现汇、设备、技术等.入世前,我国服务业中的外资呈现出以下特点.  相似文献   

The trend towards further reductions in world military expenditure does not seem to be shared by most Asian-Pacific countries. Military expenditure in the region continues to expand, but the military burden (the proportion of military expenditure in GDP) and the military share (the share of military expenditure in central government expenditure) are declining in most Asian-Pacific countries. This is largely due to sustained high economic growth in the region. Thus far, the military burden has not had an adverse effect on the region's economic growth, but continued expansion of military expenditure is not sustainable in countries where the military share is high. Asian-Pacific countries are vigorously developing, modernizing and upgrading their indigenous arms production capabilities. This effort has been aided not only by the availability of financial resources but also by the changing nature of the international arms market that offers attractive package deals, including various licensing, co-production and offset manufacturing arrangements.  相似文献   

中国软件产业的现状与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、全球软件产业概况软件产业是当今世界上增长最快的朝阳产业,并将成为本世纪推动世界经济增长和社会发展的重要力量。世界各国已经将软件作为其全球竞争的战略制高点。软件产业越来越成为国家之间竞争的焦点。统计数据表明,从1997年到2000年,全球经济平均增长率为3.4%,而信息产业的平均增长率为10%,其中软件产业平均增长率为13%。进入90年代以来,中国软件产业每年增长率都在20%以上,呈现出快速发展的态势。中国、美国、日本、印度等国家在全球软件产业总额中的份额见下表1-1。表1-11999-200…  相似文献   

For nine long years China made determined but unsuccessful efforts to rejoin GATT, having gone through 21 rounds of protracted negotiations. China failed to become a founding member of WTO when it superseded GATT in January 1995. In 1989 GATT was about to work out the final terms of protocol for China's entry as a reforming socialist economy. But the Tiananmen event made the developed country members, led by the US, politicize the issue of China's membership. They also wanted to prise open the vast China market as a condition for China's entry; i.e. China to be admitted as a developed economy. China for its part regarded the price of its WTO membership as too exorbitant without being allowed a reasonable timetable for adjustment. Minister Wu Yi considered the US demands ‘absolutely unacceptable’. Hence the impasse over China's WTO membership continued. Apart from the imperative of trade diplomacy, however, the perceived benefits of WTO membership to China are difficult to capture. They are mainly general and long-term in nature, e.g. facilitating China's further economic reform and integrating China into the global economy. However, the costs and risks to China could be considerable, much depending on the exact protocol terms of China's membership. In general many state-owned enterprises and township-village enterprises would suffer from stiffer foreign competition. The effect of WTO on Chinese agriculture would be minimal, while the impact on the manufacturing sector could be quite disruptive. The service sector could fare even worse if no protective measures were to be taken. That explains why China needs to insist on developing-country terms of entry. Without doubt, China will eventually accede to WTO. It is a gross anomaly for this global multilateral trade body to continue excluding China, the world's 11th largest trading nation, on which also hinge the two other great trading entities of Hong Kong and Taiwan. There is increasing awareness of this point in the EU; and it will sooner or later also prevail in Washington.  相似文献   

对日美贸易摩擦的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
日美贸易摩擦是战后日美经济贸易关系中一个非常突出的问题,是日美全部经济摩擦的基点,在相当程度上决定着两国其它方面摩擦的产生,发展和解决方式。本文将在简要回顾日美贸易摩擦的历史发展进程的基础上,分析其特点及其产生根源,并进一步探讨新世纪日美贸易摩泊发展趋势。  相似文献   

安徽是全国农业大省,农产品出口额在全国却处于相对落后水平,与周边省份如山东、江苏、浙江相比则差距更大。文章从安徽省农产品对外贸易的现状和存在的问题出发,探究、提出发展安徽农产品对外贸易的对策和措施。  相似文献   

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