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叶晖 《理论观察》2004,(5):96-97
我们正处于一个媒体时代,传媒即生活,生活即传媒。大众传媒以积极的姿态不断的生产需求,制造“幸福神话”和充当“生活牧师”,并通过对具体的商品和生活方式消费的诱导以及新的意义空间的开拓使大众在不知不觉当中成了完美的“消费机器”。  相似文献   

海子--一位生活在功利的现实世界中的具有哲学家气质的诗人,在无尚的精神追求中与功利的科学精神发生矛盾与冲突,丧失了精神的家园,信仰荒芜而导致诗人自觉地结束了被叔本华称为"梦境"的人生.  相似文献   

在经济全球化条件下 ,社会主义市场经济作为市场经济的一种类型 ,其特点和规律有与资本主义市场经济相同的性质。由于生产的知识化、国际化、全球化 ,跨国公司得到更大的发展。资本主义国家为了适应社会经济、政治结构和技术进步的变化 ,促进高新技术工业的发展 ,对资本主义生产关系进行调整和改革 ,资本主义调控经济的理论和政策也发生了变化。今天 ,资本主义国家经济的发展 ,说明了正是萨伊、马歇尔的自由市场经济理论和凯恩斯主义共同作用的结果。两种经济理论融汇综合 ,是今后西方经济学发展的主要趋势。我们要肯定其科学性、合理性 ,批判为资本主义辩护的庸俗性 ,为社会主义市场经济的发展提供借鉴。要与时俱进 ,发展马克思主义政治经济学。  相似文献   

纵观当今世界 ,新技术革命的浪潮迅猛发展 ,信息技术和网络技术日新月异。信息网络化建设已成为经济增长的重要驱动力。高度重视国内外信息网络发展的前景 ,深刻认识信息网络化建设在西部大开发中的重要性 ,对实现西部地区跨越式发展意义重大。  相似文献   

波谲云诡的黔地高原,像一场盛大的山川交响音乐会,自南向北逶迤顿挫而来,破娄山关,于海拔两千多米的金佛山倏然顿住……北望,已是云遮雾绕、大开大合的巴渝山水;西北方,氤氲升腾处则是柔情万种的四川盆地。大自然乐章竟如此神奇。  相似文献   

The Assessment: The Economics of Sport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of sports economics has expanded rapidly in recentyears in response to significantly increased demand–forsport itself, for economic analysis relevant to commercial litigationin sport, for lively teaching material in schools and universities,and for research into the incentive properties of sporting contests.While much of the literature has focused on the issue of competitivebalance and how to achieve it, there have still been relativelyfew studies that apply the lessons of the economic theory ofcontests to the analysis of sports. There remain huge opportunitiesboth to develop our theoretical understanding of incentive mechanismsin sport and to conduct empirical research in the operationof incentives in sporting contests.  相似文献   

魏明忠 《魅力中国》2010,(33):335-335
The Great Gatsby, written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and first published in 1925 as a good illustration of the pursuit and failure of the American Dream, has attracted, impressed, and influenced a large number of readers. T.S. Eliot once praised this novel as the first step of American literature since Henry James'. The story is told by Nick Carraway .  相似文献   

Summary This paper investigates the revenue from money and its distribution between the government and the central bank. An accounting framework is developed taking explicit account of stock and flow aspects of monetary revenue. Application of this framework to data for The Netherlands shows that although the overall revenue from money in the period 1949–1989 was sizeable, the central government did not really benefit from its monetary monopoly.Helpful comments by M.M.G. Fase and two anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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