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我们将全力推动物业管理体系的三个转变,即:管理体制由专业型向社会型转变、服务内容由单一型向综合型转变、经营机制由生存型向发展型转变。2013年3月15日,扬州市召开市区物业管理工作推进大会,并下发了《关于进一步加强市区物业管理工作的意见》,为扬州市物业管理发展提供了难得的机遇。近日,本刊记者采访了扬州市住房保  相似文献   

<正>战略构想之一:服务社会发展全局科学、正确认识物业管理在城市经济社会发展中的独特地位和作用,健全物业管理参与和协助基层社会管理和城市管理的工作机制,推动物业管理与社区管理的有效结合,充分发挥物业管理在维护社会公共秩序、社区文化建设、创建宜居社区和安全文明小区中的积极作用。加强综合调研,促进物业管理理论创新富有时代性、创新性、前瞻性的物业管理理论对实践  相似文献   

<正>行业向现代服务业转型升级的一个重要方面就是要向产业链中的价值增值环节延伸,拓宽赢利渠道,增加赢利点。加快向现代服务业的转型升级已经成为当前行业的一项重要任务,但如何向现代服务业转型升级,行业内尚没有全面系统的专业阐述。笔者所在的深圳龙之盛物业管理有限公司(下简称"龙之盛物业")所管的项目主要为高新科技园区提供物业管理专业服务,现结合公司转型升级的实践经验谈谈物业服务企业如何实现转型升级。  相似文献   

《物业管理行业发展报告》(下简称“《发展报告》”)全面总结了中国物业管理30多年的发展历程,从多个方面闸述了行业的发展状况和变化,客观地提出行业存在的问题,并指出了行业的发展方向,这在国内尚属首次  相似文献   

<正>创建社区电子商务平台,创新盈利模式作为物业服务企业拓宽收入来源的重要渠道,对于改善行业当前成本高涨、利润微薄的困境及推动行业转型升级具有重要作用。近年来,伴随着物业服务人员工资、员工劳动保险费用、各项能耗、维修材料费用等刚性成本的不断上涨,许多物业服务企业正面临着越来越大的生存压力。创建社区电子商务平台,创新盈利模式作  相似文献   

我认为转型升级本身就是一场革命,假如它能够实现的话,行业必然会以全新的面貌展现在世人面前。在7月4日下午举行的行业高层发展论坛上,中国物业管理协会副会长、上海同涞物业管理有限公司董事长翁国强,上海物业管理协会副会长、上海科瑞物业管理有限公司总经理张一民,江苏中住物业管理有限公司董事长  相似文献   

梁浩  王佳琪  龚维科 《城市发展研究》2021,28(8):中插1-中插5
随着我国进入高质量发展阶段,传统物业管理也需要通过转型升级来适应人民群众对美好生活日益增长的新需求.从老旧小区改造需求和国家老旧小区改造任务出发,结合我国传统物业管理的特点及老旧小区改造后所显现的物业管理突出问题,通过理论与实际相结合和经验总结与比较分析相结合等方法对老旧小区改造需求进行分析并分类,根据不同老旧小区的居...  相似文献   

<正>要注重政府行为和企业行为的互动,政府和企业是推进转型升级的两个不同的中坚力量,只有当两个力量有机结合起来,才有可能实现物业管理行业的转型升级。温家宝总理在第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议《政府工作报告》中提出:着力扩大消费需求,加快构建扩大消费的长效机制,大力调整收入分配格局,增加中低收入者收入,提高居民消费能力。完善鼓励居民消费政策,大力发展社会化养老、家政、物业、医疗保健等服务业。物业管理行业被赋  相似文献   

<正>2012年3月30日,中国物业管理协会第三届理事会第二次全体会议在长沙召开。在这次会议上,谢家瑾会长就"成本上涨与行业应对"的问题进行了专题演讲,最后,住房和城乡建设部房地产市场监管司沈建忠司长做了重要讲话,  相似文献   

近五年来,中航物业在机构类物业后勤社会化方面进行了大量的实践,形成了适应多种机构类物业形态的服务方案和适应个性化需求的解决方案。近几年,中央政府不断展示开明、亲民、廉政的公开形象,一方面,不断推进政府机构、公共事业单位的后勤社会化,在降低直接管理成本的同时,专注于自身职能的建设和完善;另一方面,严控三公经费,特别是新一届政府提出,本届政府任期内,政府性的楼堂  相似文献   

We study capital flows in a panel of 130 countries, and derive the implications for the observed patterns of capital flows and capital controls before and into the crisis of 2008–11. We find that the size of capital flows is positively correlated with country's income level. In addition, capital flight has a non-linear relationship with the income level. Using the Hansen threshold estimation, we identify a three-stage threshold effect: for low-income countries (GDP per capita below US$ 3,000), capital flight increases as the income level rises; and only after the economy passes a threshold level (GDP per capita above US$ 5,000), capital flight declines with income. We conclude with a case study of Brazil and Korea, observing that the decisions to implement capital control measures tend to be pushed around by the feedbacks among economic growth, currency appreciation, and the global financial conditions.  相似文献   

祝涛 《财会月刊》2006,(12):56-58
本文在分析公司财务资本的内涵和对公司治理概念重新界定的基础上,剖析了公司财务资本在完善公司治理结构中的功能,探讨了公司财务资本积累的基本原则及具体措施.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study is to investigate the relationships among international human capital (input-based international human capital, transformational, output-based, and competency of top management team), global initiatives (global learning and global marketing) and financial performance. The open systems view is introduced to develop a comprehensive measurement of international human capital, the human capital that enables a firm to compete globally. The structural equation modelling technique is then employed to investigate the proposed relationships. The results support our expectation that international human capital is positively associated with a firm's global initiatives and financial performance. The importance of the role of top management team competency is identified because it is positively associated with the other three international human capital components. It also indirectly fosters a firm's financial performance and global initiatives through its positive association with input-based, transformational, and output-based international human capital.  相似文献   


This paper provides new evidence on the quantification of economic losses and/or gains from skilled human capital mobility in terms of GDP and productivity in several EU countries during and after the Great Recession. We construct two novel indicators to quantify and compare the economic effects of human capital mobility across EU countries in 2008, 2012, and 2016. Through hierarchical clustering, we created groups of countries to perform a non-parametric MANOVA. The results suggest the existence of three groups of countries aggregated by similar economic and mobility patterns. The differences between these groups are significant and allow us to delineate the countries’ gains and losses.


本文在比较事项法会计和传统会计的基础上,分析了事项法会计的一些流行观点,进而认为事项法会计应与传统会计相融合,做好传统会计体系的改良工作。  相似文献   

The Feldstein-Horioka (FH) puzzle has long been debated as it relates to the important topics of capital mobility and how to determine levels of investment. Adopting a recursive approach and panel techniques, this paper explores the impacts of the recent financial crisis on the validity of the puzzle. The OECD’s saving-investment correlation dropped to a record low just before the 2008 crisis began, reflecting the perceived ‘end’ of the FH puzzle in some studies. But since the onset of the crisis, our results indicate that this correlation has increased, suggesting the puzzle’s return. The puzzle for net capital-importing and net capital-exporting countries differs, with the relationship being more significant for the exporters compared to the importers, reflecting the asymmetry in terms of the degree of shocks across countries.  相似文献   

姚薇 《企业技术开发》2009,28(11):82-83,98
文章阐述了由美国次贷危机所引发的全球性金融危机的爆发,分析了全球金融危机对我国经济和资本市场的影响,并从中得出我国资本市场发展的若干启示。  相似文献   

This study investigates the interplay between integrated reporting (IR) and capital markets. In particular, building on voluntary disclosure and information processing theories, we hypothesize and empirically find that IR adoption improves analysts' ability to make accurate earnings forecasts. Whereas previous studies focus on the South African context, we rely on an international sample that also allows us to study the moderating effect of the corporate governance regime (shareholder or stakeholder oriented). The results suggest that IR improves analysts' ability to make accurate predictions to a larger extent in North America than in Europe, and we derive interesting insights on the much‐debated nature of IR. This study offers valuable insights to policy makers interested in improving disclosure practices in the financial market.  相似文献   

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