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Geographic Diversification, Bank Holding Company Value, and Risk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We assess the association between geographic diversification and bank holding company (BHC) value and risk, controlling for the distance between the headquarters and branches. The distance-adjusted deposit dispersion index used as a measure of geographic diversification accounts for the number of locations where a BHC operates, the level of activity in each location, and the distance between a BHC and its branches. We find that geographic diversification is associated with BHC value enhancement and risk reduction, increased distance between a BHC and its branches is associated with firm value reduction and risk increase, and geographic diversification across more remote areas is associated with greater value enhancement but smaller risk reduction.  相似文献   

In this article we examine whether the federal safety net is viewed by the market as being extended beyond de jure deposits to other bank debt and even the debt of bank holding companies (BHCs). We extend previous research by focusing on the post‐FDICIA period and by examining the risk‐return relation of bonds issued directly by banks, not BHCs. Our results provide evidence that both bank and BHC bonds are priced by the secondary market in relation to their underlying credit risk, particularly for less capitalized issuers, suggesting that proposals requiring banks to issue subordinated debt may enhance market monitoring and discipline and be useful in supplementing regulatory discipline.  相似文献   

This article examines the role played by derivatives in determining the interest rate sensitivity of bank holding companies' (BHCs) common stock, controlling for the influence of on-balance sheet activities and other bank-specific characteristics. The major result of the analysis suggests that derivatives have played a significant role in shaping banks' interest rate risk exposures in recent years. For the typical bank holding company in the sample, increases in the use of interest rate derivatives corresponded to greater interest rate risk exposure during the 1991–1994 period. This relationship is particularly strong for bank holding companies that serve as derivatives dealers and for smaller, end-user BHCs. During earlier years, however, there is no significant relationship between the extent of derivatives activities and interest rate risk exposure. There are two plausible interpretations of the relationship between interest rate derivative activity and interest rate risk exposure in the latter part of the sample period: one interpretation suggests that derivatives tend to enhance interest rate risk exposure for the typical BHC in the sample, while the other suggests that derivatives may be used to partially offset high interest rate risk exposures arising from other activities. The analysis provides support for the first of these two interpretations.  相似文献   

This study measures the effects of the 1970 amendment to the Bank Holding Company (BHC) Act on the profitability and risk of BHCs using capital market data. Differences in abnormal returns and risk among three portfolios of bank shares which differ in their regulatory status are examined in various periods preceding and following the enactment. No significant differences in performance and no change in the relative risk of any pair of portfolios were observed. Thus, the null hypothesis that the nonbank expansion provisions of the 1970 amendment had no effect on BHCs' risk and profitability cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

金融控股公司与我国商业银行发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本从效率与安全角度阐明了金融控股公司是一种有效的综合性银行稳 健发展的良好组织制度,我国商业银行综合化经营的实现应当借助于金融控股公司这一组织制度。分析了我国金融控股公司构建的制度基础与可供选择的途径。  相似文献   

我国金融控股集团的风险监管研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对我国金融控股集团监管的思路是,设立专门的监管部门——金融控股集团监管委员会,建立健全行业监管机制,从三个层次对金融控股集团进行监管。在此基础上,要加强对金融控股集团特有风险(主要是财务风险、内部交易和风险集中)的监管,加强对金融控股集团进入退出的监管。  相似文献   

We construct a risk management index (RMI) to measure the strength and independence of the risk management function at bank holding companies (BHCs). The U.S. BHCs with higher RMI before the onset of the financial crisis have lower tail risk, lower nonperforming loans, and better operating and stock return performance during the financial crisis years. Over the period 1995 to 2010, BHCs with a higher lagged RMI have lower tail risk and higher return on assets, all else equal. Overall, these results suggest that a strong and independent risk management function can curtail tail risk exposures at banks.  相似文献   

村镇银行控股公司是以符合条件的金融机构子公司身份设立的银行业金融机构,可由境内金融机构在绝对控股基础上与外资或民资共同发起设立.通过新设、并购、股权转换方式建立或整合其下的村镇银行子公司。村镇银行控股公司将来可以用营业让与方式脱壳设立为纯粹型农村金融控股公司,前者可比照银行业金融机构监管,后者需采用机构与功能监管相结合的类伞形牵头监管模式,并应从市场准入、运营监管、市场退出等多方面完善法制建设。  相似文献   

Both acquisition activity and deregulation have had an impact upon share price and performance of commercial bank holding companies. The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to discern the effects of acquisition activity from the effects of the passage of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) and Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (GSG) on balance sheet composition of bank holding companies; and second, to examine the effects of deregulation on returns to shareholders of acquiring bank holding companies. This study finds that commercial bank holding companies involved in acquisitions experience significant changes in their balance sheet composition, not as a result of acquisition activity, but as a result of deregulation. Additionally, bank holding companies that announced acquisitions prior to the effective date of deregulation earned abnormal returns that were significantly negative, whereas holding companies announcing acquisitions after enactment of deregulation earned returns that were not significantly different from zero. Also, the abnormal returns found in previous studies of bank acquisitions may be biased upward because of increases in systematic risk associated with the passage of DIDMCA and GSG.  相似文献   

近几年大型金融控股公司问题频出,给国家和企业造成了巨大损失,其中尤以德隆事件影响最广,损失最大.这些金融控股公司的风险的确折射出不少金融监管方面亟待解决的问题,笔者以为有必要认真、客观地回顾分析这一事件,从中总结制度性风险以未雨绸缪,使我国金融控股公司在合法合规的道路上健康发展.  相似文献   

我国金融控股公司发展模式研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在全球金融混业经营的发展背景下,金融控股公司得到很大发展。本从比较国外金融控股公司模式入手,在分析我国金融控股公司的发展、现状及其存在的诸多问题的基础上,提出了我国金融控股公司的最优发展模式和进一步发展我国金融控股公司的政策建议。  相似文献   

论金融控股公司的比较优势及在我国的发展模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金融服务业的变革和一体化促进了金融集团和金融控股公司的发展。对金融控股公司比较优势的分析结果表明,金融控股公司作为混业经营和分业经营的中间模式,在某种程度上兼有混业经营与分业经营的优势,是力求保持效率与稳定之间的一种动态平衡模式。从这个角度出发,发展金融控股公司应是我国金融业的现实选择。  相似文献   

商业银行经营金融租赁业务是国际通行模式,在银行控股模式下银行与金融租赁公司的协同效应显著增强.金融租赁公司自身业务创新发展,以及加强与银行及其子公司的整合和协调是实现战略协同的关键.商业银行应该对控股金融租赁子公司加强一级法人治理结构建设和严格业绩管理,推动金融租赁公司专业化经营,实现银租协同发展,提升银行综合服务水平和整体竞争力.  相似文献   

对企业集团公司中的母公司进行价值评估时,以集团公司的合并财务报表为指引,将具有提高评估质量和效率的重要意义。  相似文献   

在节约交易费用、业务内部化以及支持集团产业的优势吸引下,一批产业型金融控股集团应运而生,但内部控制和外部监管的问题制约了产业型金融控股集团的进一步发展,因此,应借鉴国外产业型金融控股集团发展经验,完善以治理结构和资本充足为核心的内控机制,完善市场准入和监管模式,强化其外部监管。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of announcements of dividend changes by bank holding companies (BHCs) on equity returns. Many empirical studies of dividend behavior reveal positive market responses to dividend increases, which have been interpreted as confirmation of the signalling theory of dividend behavior. These studies typically focus on “large” changes, however. We argue that BHCs allow for a stronger test of signalling theory because regulatory monitors, in effect, “certify” dividend signals. Consequently, even “small” dividend increases should result in positive abnormal equity returns. Using the event study methodology, our results generally confirm this hypothesis for a sample covering the period 1973–1987.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple method for quantifying banks’ exposures to large (negative) shocks in a forward-looking manner. The method is based on estimating banks’ share prices sensitivities to (market) put options and does not require the actual observation of tail risk events. We find that estimated (excess) tail risk exposures for U.S. Bank Holding Companies are negatively correlated with their share price beta, suggesting that banks which appear safer in normal periods are actually more crisis prone than their beta would suggest. We also study the determinants of banks’ tail risk exposures and find that their key drivers are uninsured deposits and non-traditional activities that leave assets on banks’ balance sheets.  相似文献   

上市公司与控股股东关联方交易的规范   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
关联方交易是一种特殊的交易形式.由于我国国有控股股东行为模式的特殊性,上市公司与控股股东关联方交易的公平性和公正性亟待规范.本文在对不公平的关联方交易产生的根源及控股股东行为模式进行论述的基础上,通过分析上市公司与控股股东不公平的关联方交易,结合我国股票市场的实际情况提出规范上市公司与控股股东关联方交易的若干措施.  相似文献   

特定监管结构下对我国金融控股公司的风险防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金融控股公司是金融业混业经营的产物,因其包含了不同的金融业务部门或非金融业务的多家控股公司,蕴含着巨大的金融风险。随着金融控股公司在我国的不断发展,如何更好地防范其带来的金融风险已成为人们普遍关注的问题。本文通过分析金融控股公司风险的来源和其对传统金融监管带来的挑战,对我国现有监管结构下相应的风险防范措施提出建议。  相似文献   

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