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Business ethics is a contemporary issue among business professionals. To enhance business ethics in the long run, educating future business professionals in colleges (i.e., college students) is one of the starting points. This paper aims to investigate students' perceptions on business ethics, such as their perceived importance of business ethics, knowledge of and interest in business ethics, their preferred method of introducing business ethics, and the perceived usefulness of learning business ethics in lessons. Focus groups will be used to collect feedback on these issues from students with different gender and seniority in colleges. This study will give insights into the students' perceptions on business ethics and suggest ways/methodology to increase the awareness of business ethics in colleges. Business professionals and educators can make reference to the findings to develop relevant materials on business ethics to their employees and students.  相似文献   

CEO个人生活或道德取向越来越受到关注,这是目前西方商业社会对商业伦理空前藿视的表现。对于企业这样一个庞大的组织来说,道德则不仅仅是其中的个人诚信问题,而是上升到砼业伦理这个庞大体系的话题。  相似文献   


This conceptual paper reviews the literature on business ethics and reports prevailing controversies: (i) The Deontological/Teleological (Formalist Utilitarian), Controversy: Whether ethical values are absolute or are they judged by their consequences, (ii) The Universal/Relativist Controversy: Whether ethical values are primarily universal, shared by all cultures, or are they culturally bound, (iii) Does business ethics warrant study as a field of its own, and whether or not to teach ethics in business schools. Consequently, the paper addresses the dilemma of: what value judgment is to prevail in case of conflicting systems, the case inherent in global business. This taxonomy aims at providing a frame for a cross-cultural research currently being conducted in Scandinavia, China and in the Middle East.  相似文献   

1995年5月初,修涞贵永远无法忘怀。吉林省通化市内,一个普通的角落。两扇破破烂烂的大门,不能再破旧的厂房,简单落后的设备,厂区内杂草丛生,修涞贵被眼前的景象惊呆了。总共五六十人,干部将近40人,工人才20人的小药厂。此刻只有几个工人坐在工厂内,无聊的打发时间,看到陌生人的到来,工人眼神中充满着疑惑。修涞贵没想到,这就是自己要接手的企业——固定资产只有20多万,负债却高达400多万,已经有7个月发不出工资!眼前的景象,让这位东北大汉心中一颤。修涞贵急了,接手的第二天马上召集所有的工人,开动员大会,修涞贵希望工人们重新振作精神。会…  相似文献   

Business model innovation has seen a recent surge in academic research and business practice. Changes to business models are recognized as a fundamental approach to realize innovations for sustainability. However, little is known about the successful adoption of sustainable business models (SBMs). The purpose of this paper is to develop a unified theoretical perspective for understanding business model innovations that lead to better organizational economic, environmental and social performance. The paper examines bodies of literature on business model innovation, sustainability innovation, networks theory, stakeholder theory and product–service systems. We develop five propositions that support the creation of SBMs in a unified perspective, which lays a foundation to support organizations in investigating and experimenting with alternative new business models. This article contributes to the emerging field of SBMs, which embed economic, environmental and social flows of value that are created, delivered and captured in a value network. It highlights gaps for addressing the challenges of business model innovation for sustainability and suggests avenues for future research. © 2017 The Authors. Business Strategy and the Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

In most countries, national statistical agencies do not release establishment‐level business microdata, because doing so represents too large a risk to establishments’ confidentiality. One approach with the potential for overcoming these risks is to release synthetic data; that is, the released establishment data are simulated from statistical models designed to mimic the distributions of the underlying real microdata. In this article, we describe an application of this strategy to create a public use file for the Longitudinal Business Database, an annual economic census of establishments in the United States comprising more than 20 million records dating back to 1976. The U.S. Bureau of the Census and the Internal Revenue Service recently approved the release of these synthetic microdata for public use, making the synthetic Longitudinal Business Database the first‐ever business microdata set publicly released in the United States. We describe how we created the synthetic data, evaluated analytical validity, and assessed disclosure risk.  相似文献   

企业社会责任与商业伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文逢博  高蕾 《价值工程》2011,30(10):102-103
作为社会系统中的一份子,企业组织的责任问题越来越受到人们的关注。这种关注不仅来自于理论界,更多的来自于企业周边的群体和利益相关者。本文从理论入手,透视市场经济体制下,企业如何履行自己的社会责任,并对现代企业如何构建社会责任体系,提出了一些观点。  相似文献   

中国企业要想在国际竞争中获得相对优势并获得发展,除具有正确的经营策略外,优秀的企业道德也是非常关键的因素.企业道德通过影响员工的职业道德撞接影响员工的行为从而企业的竞争力,这具体表现在员工的职业理想、职业态度、职业责任等八个方面.唯拥有优秀的企业道德,企业才能够从容实施它的经营策略并获得成功.  相似文献   

本首先介绍什么是美国CPA的企业道德服务,然后论述CPA为什么要提供道德服务,其次,阐述企业道德服务对CPA的要求(包括社会责任鉴证SA8000标准)和企业道德服务主要类型(道德咨询服务和道德监证服务),最后,探讨美国CPA开展的企业道德服务对我国的启示。  相似文献   

本文采用探索性单案例研究方法,以Zynga公司为案例研究对象,以该公司的商业模式演化过程为主线,从企业伦理视角探讨社交网络游戏企业的快经营商业模式。研究发现:快经营商业模式具有快速吸引用户、快速响应用户需求、持续黏附用户等特征;对于伦理价值与经济价值的不同追逐是快经营商业模式产生演化的根本原因;背离企业伦理的商业模式导致员工缺乏创新精神和管理者过度重视利益,而消费者、竞争者和合作者等相关者则都受到了利益侵害。  相似文献   

A bstract .   This paper deals with the foundational "architectonics" (Kantian) at the ground of the internal relation between the three concepts raised in the title. First, I provide a short introduction into the ultimate foundation of practical philosophy by the transcendental-pragmatic conception of discourse ethics . Then, I discuss the foundational relation between discourse ethics , positive law , and democracy as a constitutional state of law . Finally, I explore the foundational relation between human rights as part of universal law, the democratic state of law, and international law or jus gentium . By taking issue with Kant, Habermas, and Rawls, I try to show that a rational foundation of ethics, as well as a rational approach to the traditional problems of international law, is only possible through a critical transformation of Kant's approach via a transcendental-pragmatic conception of discourse ethics.  相似文献   

A bstract Economics and business classes are closely related and, in most colleges and universities , included in the business core curriculum . Courses in ethics and the social responsibility of business, if not required, are increasingly recommended to business students. The authors argue that: (1) a discussion of ethical issues is lacking in economics core courses while core courses in management and marketing contain extensive coverage of the topic and (2) this topic should be integrated into the core courses of all business-related disciplines. In economics texts, problems of efficiency are seen as manageable and uncontroversial while problems of ethics and equity are seen as controversial and theoretically intractable. Using survey data from the top selling texts in the principles of economics , intermediate microeconomics , the principles of marketing, and the principles of management , the authors show the disparity in the presentation of ethical issues between the disciplines of business and economics.  相似文献   

This paper presents stories from women who work and care for a child with a significant chronic illness or disability. The purpose of this paper is to move towards ending the silence on their lives. A three-phase emergent research design responds to the question: What is life like for a full-time worker who is concurrently the primary carer of a chronically ill child? This paper considers the theory of Silencing the Self (Jack, 1991) in relation to the emergent themes of “Otherness” and “Doing it All.” As in Jack’s study, these women also engaged in silencing of the self. However, unlike the respondents in Jack’s study, these women did not demonstrate feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness for the future, nor were they alone in contributing to their silence. Indeed, many experienced silencing behaviors from others around them, and many rallied against the silence, not accepting that their burden should continue. Consideration of Jack’s theory is made to point out the distinctions between the women in this study and Jack’s study, and analytical commentary is provided to demonstrate the relevance of this analysis in light of the current debates surrounding the Work–Home Conflict and the rising levels of informal care provided by women in our communities.  相似文献   

龙海军 《企业活力》2010,(11):67-69
随着市场竞争的加剧,企业的获利行为已经不能仅仅依靠企业的竞争优势,伦理优势的作用逐步显现出来。伦理的投入可以得到长期的回报,伦理优势最终可以转化为竞争优势。因此,企业应通过树立良好的企业信誉和企业形象、推行"以人为本"的管理模式、用道德投资来增加企业价值的长期投入、建立"自利+他利"的竞争理念、坚持义利统一的经营原则等途径构建起企业伦理优势。  相似文献   

潘国强 《物流科技》2008,31(1):116-118
随着我国零售行业的迅速发展以及大量外国零售巨头的涌入,零售业的竞争日趋白热化。我国大部分零售企业尚处于整合、发展期,经营和管理水平落后于国外同行。尤其是作为零售企业核心技术之一的库存控制存有诸多缺陷。如何合理库存,加快资金周转.提升企业竞争力是我国零售企业必须解决的课题.  相似文献   

略论企业诚信与商业伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
恪守道德、诚信经营对企业至关重要。按照企业诚信与商业伦理的基本观点及其内涵进行实践,是中国企业健康成 长所必需的。  相似文献   

略论企业诚信与商业伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蕾  左小明  左伟光 《价值工程》2004,23(11):14-15
恪守道德、诚信经营对企业至关重要.按照企业诚信与商业伦理的基本观点及其内涵进行实践,是中国企业健康成长所必需的.  相似文献   

黄天弘 《企业活力》2010,(12):61-64
企业伦理化经营要求企业的经营活动必须经得起伦理道德尺度的评判与检验,它是对企业将营利作为唯一目标的反思。企业伦理化经营不仅是整个社会和谐和持续发展的需要,也有助于企业提高声誉,树立良好的形象,与核心利益相关者建立起良好的关系。企业伦理化经营要建立失信惩罚机制、伦理化经营的治理机制,并制定和实施企业伦理规范。  相似文献   

企业不同生命周期的融资结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业在不同生命周期阶段的现金流特征、风险等不同,从而其融资方式会有所区别,不同的融资方式决定了不同的融资结构.本文在对企业生命周期进行划分和对融资结构进行界定的基础上,运用制造类上市公司的数据从内外源融资结构、直间接融资结构、股债权融资结构和长短期融资结构四个方面对上市公司的融资结构进行了全面分析,发现企业在不同生命周期阶段确实具有不同的融资结构,企业可以根据其所处的生命周期阶段选择合理的融资结构,实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

We studied the discursive institutional work written by pharmacy leaders as part of a larger institutional project to preserve the institution of pharmacy. Our analysis of monthly editorials printed in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association from 1960 to 2003 shows how different discrete emotions were systematically incorporated in specific rhetorical argument structures over the course of an institutional project. In contrast to previous research, we show how discursive institutional work that is directed to members of the same specific social group (e.g., a profession) can vary over time in response to significant events and changes in practices of the target audience. Our longitudinal study shows that the relative frequency of argument types, the incorporation of emotion, and the content of rhetorical argumentation changed over time. We contribute to theory about the role of emotions in discursive institutional work by unpacking the role of discrete emotions and showing how such discourse evolves over time in concert with field conditions.  相似文献   

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