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Editorial Note:Professor Sumitro Djojohadilcusomo is one of the principal architects of Indonesia's post-independence economic policy. He has held key economic portfolios in both the immediate post-independence era and in the New Order. In addition, as Professor of Economics at the University of Indonesia, and as a tireless lecturer and writer on economic issues, he has been instrumental in shaping the education of several generations of economics students in Indonesia, many of whom are now in key government positions. At the end of August, Professor Sumitro generously agreed to be interviewed on his long career by two members of the BIES editorial board, Anne Booth and Thee Kian Wie. In preparing this interview for publication, the editors have tried to preserve Professor Sumilro's own words to the greatest extent possible; his lucid and entertaining remarks are thus reproduced with a minimum of editing. The interview began with a question to Professor Sumitro about his early training in economies.  相似文献   

Teuku Mohamad Daud, a pioneer Indonesian entrepreneur, was born in Perlak, Aceh, in 1920. Educated in Aceh and Jakarta, he joined the fledgling Indonesian National Army (TNI) at the proclamation of independence in 1945. Charged with procuring military equipment for the TNI Sumatra Command based at Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Mr Daud was forced to finance the procurement by smuggling agricultural commodities, with the help of his uncle, Teuku Abdul Hamid Azwar. In 1947, at the suggestion of Vice President Hatta, Mr Daud and his uncle established Indonesia's first state-owned general trading company, the Central Trading Corporation (CTC, renamed PN Tri Bhakti in 1961, and later PN Panca Niaga), based in Bukittinggi. Mr Daud became a director of CTC while remaining on the TNI staff, and was later President Director until his resignation in 1966. He and several colleagues then established a group of private companies, engaged mainly in construction work.

On 1 October 1996 and again in June 1997, Mr Daud talked with Howard Dick and Thee Kian Wie of the BIES Editorial Board about his experiences in running CTC, both during Indonesia's revolutionary struggle and in the early period of independence, and about his views on the role of government in commerce. References to current government policy relate to the Soeharto administration.  相似文献   

Mohammad Sadli, Professor Emeritus in the University of Indonesia's Faculty of Economics and Chairman of the Institute for Research and Development (LP3E) of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), is one of the group of economists who fashioned Indonesian economic policy under the New Order government after it took power in 1965. He was Chairman of the Technical Committee for Capital Investment (1967–73), Minister of Manpower (1971–73), Minister of Mining (1973–78), Secretary-General of Kadin, and later LP3E-Kadin's first director. Despite retiring from the University in 1987, Professor Sadli continues to write and give seminars in Indonesia and abroad. In 1992 he granted an interview to Thee Kian Wie and Chris Manning of the BIES Editorial Board, and discussed his career, economic policy formulation in the early years of the New Order, and issues such as foreign investment, manpower and labour relations, the 1975 Pertamina crisis and government-private sector interaction.  相似文献   

Suhadi Mangkusuwondo, Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia (FEUI), was born in Solo, Central Java, in December 1927. After participating in the war of independence, he resumed his secondary education in Malang, completing it in 1949. He then studied economics at the University of Indonesia (UI) and later became a teaching assistant there. Suhadi spent two years doing postgraduate study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later obtained a PhD in economics at the University of California at Berkeley. Returning to Indonesia and his teaching post at FEUI, he became editor of the journal Economics and Finance in Indonesia (EKI). He was Head of the R&D Agency in the Department of Trade from 1973 to 1975 and again in 1983-88, and Director General of Foreign Trade from 1975 to 1983. Professor Suhadi served as the Representative of the Government of Indonesia in the Uruguay Round when it was launched in 1986, and since 1992 has been a member of the Eminent Persons Group of the APEC (Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum. His other activities include membership of Indonesia's National Research Council (DRN), and of organisations such as the Regional Advisory Board of the ASEAN Economic Bulletin, the journal of the ASEAN Economic Research Unit of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. He is now also Vice Chairman of the Jakarta-based Trade and Development Institute. On 8 July 1994, Professor Suhadi talked with H.W. Arndt, Hal Hill and Thee Kian Wie about his views on Indonesia's economic development under the New Order, and particularly about trade policy. On 19 September 1995, in a second interview with H.W. Arndt, Mari Pangestu and Thee Kian Wie, he elaborated further on his work at the Ministry of Trade and his participation in the Uruguay Round and the APEC Eminent Persons Group (EPG).  相似文献   

Subroto, Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia (FEUI), is one of the architects of the economic policies that brought growing prosperity to Indonesia over the New Order years Educated in Dutch colonial and Japanese occupation schools, he joined Indonesia's independence struggle, and later studied economics at FEUI, McGill University, MIT, and Stanford and Harvard Universities. He taught international economics and business cycles at FEUI and was Secretary of the Faculty. With Widjojo Nitisastro, Mohammad Sadh, Ali Wardhana and Emil Salim, Subroto was appointed a Personal Economic Adviser to General (later President) Soeharto's new government in 1966 In 1968 he joined the Department of Trade, and later was minister of departments responsible for transmigration, cooperatives, mining and energy. After a 17-year ministerial career serving in four consecutive cabinets, Subroto was Secretary General of OPEC for six years from 1988 He remains active in Indonesia's nongovernmental Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE), writing on energy problems, and is also Rector of the private Pancasila University in South Jakarta As part of our occasional series of interviews with economists who have helped shape New Order Indonesia, Professor Subroto talked with Chris Manning and Thee Kian VVie of the Bulletin's Editorial Board about his experience as a cabinet minister and as Secretary General of OPEC, and about his views on Indonesia's economic development, particularly its energy problems.  相似文献   

Of the many foreign social scientists who have carried out fieldwork in Indonesia since the second world war, few have gone on to reach the eminence of Professor Clifford Geertz. His books, written largely on the basis of his work in Java and Bali in the 1950s, have become classics. They have inspired a vast amount of debate and subsequent research on issues as diverse as the anthropology of religion and the economics of agricultural development, both in Indonesia and in other parts of the developing world. In 1986 Professor Geertz spent six months revisiting his original fieldwork site in Pare, East Java. During a visit to Canberra in late 1987, he gave the following interview to Anne Booth and Jamie Mackie. The interview began with a question on how the original decision came to be made for a group of Harvard graduate students to mount a team study of Pare in 1952.  相似文献   

六月的一个黄昏,北京《时尚旅游》杂志的记者进入了“我的地盘”:以栈桥为起点,往东,不走太平路,直取与其平行的广西路,过了从前的欧人监狱,进入莱阳路,沿锐角分支爬行金口二路;由金口一路拐入金口三路,顺大下坡扑进鱼山路;穿海洋大学而过,出大学路校门,过了马路就是一趟咖啡小店;最后沿着黄县路和龙江路,寻饭馆吃清水海鲜,终结湖南路与广西路,抵达红房子。  相似文献   

李克强 《走向世界》2009,(20):62-63
在科学技术的发展史上,没有任何通讯工具像"互联网"这样对传统的商业造成如此巨大的颠覆性影响,"互联网"甚至摆脱了早先被理解的工具意义,而成为一种商业认同标志和商业规则.电报、电话、手机的诞生,都曾经给商业化社会带来不同程度的惊喜,但并没有形成基于某种通讯工具的"上层建筑",而互联网时代宣告了一种基于工具的群落乃至文化的诞生.  相似文献   

有人说,花季女孩眼中的父亲是伟人,家庭是甜美的暖巢。真的是这样!我的家庭与众不同。因为,一家411人中,有两人是残疾人!我的父亲与众不同。因为,他是一名盲人,9岁就失明的盲人!  相似文献   

关岛 《重庆与世界》2011,(14):74-75
上帝创造天堂,我因出生太晚,没有看到。当代英雄梦筑数字城市的奇迹,却冲击得我的眼球直痛。北纬30°,滚滚的万里长江和缤纷多彩的嘉陵江,联手托举一座形状如同航空母舰的城市。它是中国内陆最年轻的直辖市,也是一个最具创新意识的城市。接纳与挑战是它的标记。不久  相似文献   

张增光 《走向世界》2012,(22):54-55
作为一对新人的证婚人,中华武校的校长李明治今天特别高兴。他说,桑伟淋是中华武校培养成材的。我们亲眼目睹了他的成长过程,10多年来,桑伟淋始终不忘母校,不忘师生间、同学间的那份情谊,经常为学校的发展献计出力,还资助了不少贫困同学深造学业。  相似文献   

第一次看到“威海”两个字是在中学历史课本上,它与甲午战争紧密连在一起;第一次亲眼看到威海,是大学毕业前一年,暑假到威海的同学家玩;而威海给我印象最深的人,则是一位不知姓名的卖雪糕的老大妈。 在威海的那几天,同学天天领我到西海边洗海澡。这里沙软水清,让人流连忘返。同学家离西海边有两三公里路,那时没有公共汽车,只能骑自行车,还要步行穿过一片郁郁葱葱的松林。  相似文献   

在晨曦中欣赏完石门山的景色后,我回到了自己在远东职业技术学院的公寓.每天早晨,我都习惯早早起床,坐在房间里朝东开的窗前,打开计算机,查看电子邮件,给在世界各地的家人和朋友写信、备课,给<走向世界>杂志修改英文.此时,我都有机会看到石门山山峰上的宝塔.  相似文献   

杨桦 《中国西部》2001,(6):118-119
很喜欢“香格里拉”这个词,它的汉语字形及发音都让我觉得美妙无比,直感到你不为她奉献点什么,或投入点什么,就不能体现你对她的痴情。的确,我自始至终都把香格里拉幻觉成一个冷艳而又温存的混血美人儿。其实,听说并知道香格里拉的人是很多的,但真正读懂小说《消失的地平线》的人就但少了。虽然那并不是一本难读的书。但带着十分浮躁心情的人们,远方古城的水还来不及冲刷清醒他们的神智,饱尝秀色可餐的景色使绝大多数亢奋得还不曾冷静下来思考的人们,很难再去面对一本十几万字的文  相似文献   

胡赳赳  刘佩 《走向世界》2007,(18):92-92
我总担心我的女儿会出事。她一不在我身边,我就心里发慌,幻想着她出了车祸,躺在陌生人的怀抱里,淌血。于是我就写了很多小纸条,塞在别人找不到的地方。其中一张小纸条上写着菩萨保佑女儿平安回来。我是个无神论者,但我已顾不上我是个无神论者。女儿一不在身边,我就变成了自我的失踪者。我的祈祷发生了灵验,我无数  相似文献   

贺兴友 《今日重庆》2004,(3):122-122
我是重庆人。我家住在渝中区正阳街里的一个小巷,是重庆的中心地带。我从那里已经搬走了十几年,但我至今认为那个小巷是我的家。如果有人问我家在何处,我还说是正阳街。  相似文献   

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