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This paper examines exclusionary practices allegedly used by Intel to maintain its dominant position in sales of microprocessors for IBM–compatible personal computers (PCs), focusing primarily on the preferential allocation of scarce product among customers. The paper considers the period 1991–93, which encompasses the transition from the 386 to the 486 microprocessor generation and the entry of several competitors. We test for two conditions that are necessary for exclusionary practices to be successful. First, using the market definition approach that is common to antitrust analyses in the US, we demonstrate that, at the upstream microprocessor level, Intel had monopoly power in a distinct market for high–end microprocessors. In particular, pricing data show that the effects of entry were localized at the low end of Intel‘s product line. Secondly, we identify four conditions that are sufficient for exclusionary practices to be successful, and show that the downstream PC manufacturing stage has these characteristics. Finally, we consider potential explanations for preferential allocation that are based on efficiencies, and outline a methodology for calculating the effect of exclusionary practices on the prices received by two of Intel‘s competitors  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the issues involved with sequential licensing of innovations. In particular, a model is developed in which the granting of an exclusive license has the potential to distort future industrial structure. Subsequent licensing negotiations are then affected by the initial exclusivity, giving the initial licensee more leverage in bidding. This dynamic effect gives firms strategic incentives to take exclusive licenses, even when, in a one-shot market, such licenses would not be optimal. Appropriate antitrust rules in the context of sequential innovations are then discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years,a considerable body of research has been established on the co–evolution of technology and industry structure, from the time that the technology is young to the time when it is mature· A somewhat smaller body of research has been established on how private and public institutions, and public programs and policies co-evolved with a technology and industry· It is proposed here that nations differ in their pace and pattern of institutional response to the birth and development of an industry, and that the locus of comparative advantage is largely determined by these different kinds of national response.  相似文献   

This paper aims to shed light on factors that lead firms to resort to collaborative ventures. Specific attention is devoted to the role of firm size. The study relies on an extensive econometric analysis of a representative sample of firms in three Information Technology industries (semiconductor, data processing, and telecommunications). Data relating to the number and type of agreements concluded by firms, provided by the ARPA database developed at Politecnico di Milano, are correlated with firm–, industry– and country–specific variables. The findings of the econometric estimates point to the importance of firm size, scope of activity within the industries considered, diversification in related industries, and, to a less extent, degree of internationalization in explaining use of agreements. Moreover, the study provides preliminary evidence in support of a complementary relation between interfirm linkages and R&D expenditures. A positive correlation with growth rates also seems to emerge. In contrast, the s regarding the relation between internal capital expenditures and recourse to agreements are mixed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the scale and cost inefficiencies in operation for the Swiss regional bus companies. For this purpose,we have considered estimation of a stochastic and a deterministic frontier cost model for a sample of 93 bus companies in 1989. The estimates of inefficiency from the frontier models are compared and discussed within the political and regulatory setting within which the Swiss regional bus companies operate. The empirical results indicate that regulation does not seem to influence the cost efficiency significantly. Only the tariff subsidies have a negative influence on efficiency. This is an interesting result because in the current transport policy debate, the abolition of this kind of subsidy has been raised.  相似文献   

The low elasticity of top executive pay to performance in recent empirical work presents a puzzle since it is clear from the data that in practice both pay and performance measures have moved closely in line in recent years. This paper demonstrates that cross-section and time-series estimates of the pay performance elasticity differ significantly unless the effect of average executive pay is included. It is argued that this can be seen as the effect of the participation constraint in a principal agent model, more commonly known as "the going rate". The going rate must be paid to executives to deter them from taking up their outside option, which is the opportunity to leave the current firm and sign an incentive contract with another firm. Thus the outside option will depend on performance by other firms. Since performance is correlated between firms, this generates a larger time-series pay performance elasticity as perceived by the executive. The paper also considers the possibility that the going

rate may induce incentive effects. The predictions of this argument are tested on a panel of data for large UK companies  相似文献   

This paper purports to analyze a hospital's adoption of both product and process innovation as a quanta! choice. The impacts of this decision on physicians, while depending on institutions that differ between the US and continental Europe, are shown to feed back to the hospital, influencing the profitability of the innovation. Recent changes of hospital finance give rise to testable comparative predictions in both institutional settings  相似文献   

Parties needing to monitor the financial performance of not–for–profit (NFP) organizations have traditionally relied upon financial ratios of accounting data. This practice can lead to misleading inferences about profitability in relation to organizational needs, since accounting rates of return are potentially poor proxies for economic rates of return. In this paper we show how to compensate for the imprecision of the accounting rate of return through the use of a simple interpretive rule based on the finding that accounting and economic rates of return are on the same side of the growth rate. According to our rule, the accounting rate of return must exceed the asset growth rate in order to sustain growth with internally–generated cash flow. Logistic regressions are used to test the rule's ability to predict sustainable asset growth in a sample of NFP hospitals. The findings not only validate the rule, but also show that the rule exploits all usable information contained in the accounting rate of return  相似文献   

A duopoly model is developed in which firms' strategic variables include brand quality, the number of distinct market segments to enter and price. Informative advertising is used to overcome consumer ignorance about brands. In contrast to many existing models in which firms engage in price competition, the subgame perfect equilibria of the game are not characterised by the production of vertically differentiated products. Further, whilst the firms typically produce identical high quality products, in some circumstances the production of homogeneous low quality brands can be an equilibrium strategy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which industry-specific and macro-economic factors combine to lead to variations over time in the rate of new firm formation in the UK construction industry. The paper corroborates findings from elsewhere which suggest that housing wealth may be an important source of collateral for individuals seeking to raise the finance necessary to start up in business. The analysis of industry-specific influences supports the hypothesis that formation activity in construction is responsive to variations in the relative returns to entrepreneurship  相似文献   

This article develops a model, based on switching costs and technological uncertainty, which explains some aspects of the price dynamics of e‐commerce. Switching costs and intertemporal cost correlation lock‐in consumers. Firms initially charge low prices to build a customer base. If firms fail to reduce costs, and reservation prices are low, firms exit the industry. Over time, prices increase if no exit occurs, and decrease if exit occurs. Prices may also decrease over time, if the proportion of low search cost consumers increases.  相似文献   

This paper uses the comparative statics method of testing for a monopoly equilibrium to track the competitiveness of the US cigarette industry between 1955 and 1990. The degree of competition ranged from somewhat less than a Coumot–Nash equilibrium would imply to somewhat more. Although the industry's behavior was highly autocorrelated, there were periodic reversions to behavior that was much more competitive than the trend  相似文献   

This paper applies modem statistical techniques to estimate levels and shifts of market conduct and aggregate excess capacity in the provision of traditional US banking products such as loans and demand deposits. A variety of models indicate that loans are competitively supplied, with no obvious excess capacity as defined. Some models indicate an anticompetitive shift in demand deposits after 1984, but other evidence suggests that this result may be an artifact attributable to the growth of NOW accounts, MMDAs, and the like. All results suggest that the current levels of these services can be profitably sustained under current market conditions.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between advertising, fees and quality in the self–regulating professions. Much of the literature is derived from the perspective of advertising as an information–enhancing device, helping to reduce the information asymmetry between professional and client. This is consistent with the majority of the empirical studies which suggest that advertising tends to have a downward effect on professional fees, with little if any adverse effect on quality. There are, however, important issues of method and measurement which may lessen the force of this conclusion  相似文献   

This paper reviews two early precedent–setting US antitrust decisions and asks a series of counter–factual questions. What if the Standard Oil Company had not been broken into 34 pieces? What if the United States Steel Corporation had been fragmented? It traces the qualitative evolution of the Standard Oil fragments, following the 1911 divestiture decision, and the corresponding history of United States Steel. It then undertakes quantitative analyses of the survivors' market share trends and the comparative productivity growth, average plant sizes, price — cost margins, and net exports for petroleum refining, blast furnaces and steel from 1899 through 1939. At first, the post–divestiture performance did not differ much between the two subject industries. However, by the 1930s, competition intensified in petroleum refining and the decline of the Standard Oil fragments' market shares came to a halt. In the steel industry, however, competition continued to be mild. A lethargic United States Steel held a price um brella over its rivals and steadily lost market share. Steel companies were ill–prepared for rising import competition during the 1960s and 1970s. The paper concludes that the 1911 break–up of Standard Oil had few deleterious short–run consequences and, by shaping a more competitive environment, it had a decidedly positive long–run effect.  相似文献   

The decision to exit is examined for a cohort of over 12,000 plants established in 1976. Using a longitudinal data base, the performance of the establishments is analysed over the subsequent 10 years. The empirical evidence suggests that start-up size, ownership status, and the industry environment affect the likelihood of a start -up subsequently exiting. Plants with more employees during the start -up year are found to have a lower likelihood of exit than do smaller plants. Similarly, establishnwnts which are independent are found to have a lower likelihood of exit within the following years than do newly created establishments belonging to a multi-plant firm. However, the determinants of exit apparently vary along with the age of the establishment. Innovative activity is found to raise the likelihood of establishment exit in the short run but lower it in the longer run.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the stock market effects associated with the announcements of product approvals, denials and recalls by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the impact of product approvals on research and development expenditures (R&D) and forecasts of earnings by Value Line. When the FDA announces approvals, the shareholder wealth of affected firms increases significantly. The announcements of denials and recalls by the FDA are associated with stock price declines. The stock price impact of recalls is dependent on whether the firm voluntarily withdraws a product or if the withdrawal is mandated by the FDA. Specifically, voluntary recalls are not associated with a change in stockholder wealth, while FDA mandated recalls are associated with decreases in stock price. In addition, we find that partial product recalls have a smaller impact than total recalls. An examination of the effects on competitors' stock price reveals losses when the FDA announces an approval or a recall, but no imt for a d. An analysis of changes in risk around FDA decisions suggests that, on average, betas do not change around approvals, recalls or denials. In addition, our results suggest that announcement period stock price behavior is unrelated to risk changes except for approvals where returns are positive and significant for firms with either increasing risk or no change in risk. We also find that approvals are associated with increases in R&D and forecasts of earnings for the sample firms, with returns to stockholders upon announcement of the approval being related to the increases in R&D and short-term earnings forecasts.  相似文献   

Many scholars now agree that market orientation is necessary, but not sufficient to facilitate the type of innovation that breeds long-term competitive advantage (cf. Dickson, 1996). In addition to a strong market orientation, a firm must also be able to institutionalize higher order learning processes, the type of learning that enables radical innovation. Recent research (cf. Baker and Sinkula, 1999) has empirically established a synergistic effect of market orientation and learning orientation on organizational performance. This paper attempts to add to the literature by offering a more complete theoretical explanation of how these two constructs interact to affect product innovation capabilities. Three types of marketing firms are identified. Phase I firms learn primarily through modeling and are typically limited to manager-driven incremental innovation. Phase II firms learn primarily through adaptive learning and are typically limited to market-driven incremental innovation. Phase III firms engage in generative learning and pursue ongoing radical innovation. We propose that only Phase III firms are capable of maintaining competitive advantage in dynamic market environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transaction cost analysis of the internal business processes of firms. Business processes are collections of activities which are technologically or managerially linked so that they jointly affect value added. Their organisation is characterised by their ‘architecture’—the allocation of responsibilities amongst individuals and groups and communication between them for information and coordination—and their incentive structure. The overall costs of organisation are determined by losses due to imperfect motivation of process members, which flows from the incentive structure, and imperfect information and coordination, which flow from the architecture, together with the resource costs associated with incentives and architecture. Perfect motivation corresponds to ‘team behaviour’ and a quantitative model, based on team theory, indicates how the best architecture depends on the degree interaction between activities comprising the business process.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of various agglomeration forces on employment and innovation for a sample of aeronautical cluster firms in Northern Germany and a control group of geographically dispersed aeronautical firms in other German regions. The findings suggest that employment growth is positively affected by labor market pooling but this effect is not cluster‐specific. The firms' probability of innovating is positively influenced by knowledge flows from proximate scientific institutions and public information sources as well as demanding local customers. However, only the effect of demanding customers is cluster‐specific.  相似文献   

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