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Allotment is, for urban authorities, a governance strategy to reduce public transport costs. It consists of dividing a network into several lots, so as to multiply the number of calls for tender. On the one hand, gains should be obtained by increasing competition for the market and reducing the costs of obtaining accurate information. On the other hand, cutting a network into several parts is also expected to have negative consequences on production costs, in terms of lower returns to scale. Many industry stakeholders believe that the latter element more than compensates for the former. In this article, we estimate a translog cost function with a panel of 141 French urban public transport networks. Our main conclusion is that scale economies are exhausted for a production of about 3 million vehicle-kilometres per year. Therefore, as far as returns to scale are concerned, allotment would reduce the costs of public transport services for the main cities of our sample. A second dividend for allotment is then presented and implies that the assumed trade-off between returns to scale and increased competition is irrelevant.  相似文献   



Acquisition costs of palivizumab have increased in Canada since 2007. This analysis aims to re-evaluate the cost effectiveness of palivizumab in Canada for premature infants born between 32 and 35 weeks’ gestational age using updated 2010 healthcare costs compared to those used in a 2007 decision analytic model.


New costs (CAN$) were acquired from the same Health Canada and Ontario Ministry of Health sources that were utilized in the previously published 2007 model. Palivizumab prices were acquired from Abbott Laboratories Ltd., current as of August 2010.


Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) rose by $742, going from $30,618/QALY to $31,360/QALY. ICER changes increased from a range of $801,297 to $820,701 for infants with zero risk factors to a decrease from $808 to $192 for infants with four or more risk factors.


Palivizumab ICERs remained fairly stable from 2007 to 2010. The original recommendation stating that palivizumab is cost effective in infants born between 32 and 35 weeks’ GA with two or more risk factors, or who are at moderate-to-high risk based on a risk assessment model, does not change. Analyses founded on evolving country-specific variables are needed in order to accurately reassess the cost effectiveness of interventions as costs change worldwide.


There are a limited number of publications reporting mortality in premature Canadian infants with RSV as a primary outcome. In addition, conclusions drawn from this analysis are country-specific and limited to premature infants dwelling in Canada.  相似文献   


Objectives: We used a systematic review and meta-analysis to analyze the difference in costs between surgery for frail and non-frail elderly patients. The opportunity cost of frailty in geriatric surgery is estimated using the results.

Methodology: Two literature reviews were carried out between 2000 and 2019: (1) studies comparing total hospital costs of frail and non-frail surgical patients; (2) studies evaluating the length of hospital stay and cost for surgical geriatric patients. We performed a meta-analysis of the items selected in the first review. We subsequently calculated the opportunity cost of frail patients, based on the design of a cost/time variable.

Results: Twelve articles in the first review were selected (272,717 non-frail and 16,461 frail). Fourteen articles were selected from the second review. Frail patients had higher hospital costs than non-frail patients (22,282.541 € and 16,388.844, p?<?.001) and a longer hospital stay (10.16 days and 8.4 (p?<?.001)). The estimated opportunity cost in frail patients is 1,019.56 € (cost/time unit factor of 579.30 €/day).

Conclusions: Frail surgical geriatric patients generate a higher total hospital cost, and an opportunity cost arising from not operating in the best possible state of health. Preoperatively treating the frailty of elderly patients will improve the use of health resources  相似文献   

Studies, which have discussed some of the important issues concerning the measurement of trade costs, have conceded that the literature is still in the early stages of understanding and measuring what the real costs are. It is in this context, decomposing trade costs into ‘natural’ costs, ‘behind the border’ costs, ‘explicit beyond the border’ costs, and ‘implicit beyond the border’ costs, this paper suggests a method to measure the impacts of these components on changes in exports between countries in the absence of complete information on all the components of trade costs in home and partner countries. Empirical measurement has been demonstrated using 1999 and 2004 trade data from Pakistan. The results show that Pakistan's export growth between 1999 and 2004 came mainly from the reduction in both ‘explicit and implicit beyond the border’ trade costs in partner countries.  相似文献   

《Journal of medical economics》2013,16(12):1060-1070


Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is associated with non-malignant kidney lesions—angiomyolipomata—that may be associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study investigated the relationship between renal angiomyolipomata and CKD in TSC, including the impact on healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) and costs.  相似文献   

Eastern enlargement of the EU is a central pillar in Europe's post-Cold War architecture. Keeping the eastern countries out seriously endangers their economic transition, and economic failure in the east could threaten peace and prosperity in western Europe. The perceived economic costs and benefits will dictate the enlargement's timing. There are four parts to the calculus – the costs and the benefits in the east and in the west. Here we break new ground in estimating the economic benefits of enlargement for east and west using simulations in a global applied general equilibrium model. Our analysis includes a scenario in which joining the EU significantly reduces the risk premium on investment in the east – with resulting huge benefits to the new entrants. We also review the existing literature on the EU budget costs and arrive at a surprisingly well-determined 'consensus' estimate, which we support with a new political economy analysis of the budget. The bottom line is unambiguous and strongly positive: enlargement is a very good deal for both the EU incumbents and the new members.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济制度日益完善,公路建筑市场竞争日趋激烈,对于每个公路施工企业来说,面临的首要问题就是能否在公路工程项目投标过程中处于有利形势,最终在市场竞争中获得生存与发展。该文从科学决策、有效组织、合理报价三个方面对公路工程项目投标方法进行了探索。对公路工程项目的承包商进行投标报价,承揽工程有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   



The clinical goal in the treatment of diabetes is to achieve good glycemic control. Tight glycemic control achieved with intensive glucose lowering treatment reduces the risk of long-term micro- and macro-vascular complications of diabetes, resulting in an improvement in quality-of-life for the patient and decreased healthcare costs. The positive impact of good glycemic control is, however, counterbalanced by the negative impact of an increased incidence of hypoglycemia.


A search of PubMed was conducted to identify published literature on the impact of hypoglycemia, both on patient quality-of-life and associated costs to the healthcare system and society.


In people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, hypoglycemia is associated with a reduction in quality-of-life, increased fear and anxiety, reduced productivity, and increased healthcare costs. Fear of hypoglycemia may promote compensatory behaviors in order to avoid hypoglycemia, such as decreased insulin doses, resulting in poor glycemic control and an increased risk of serious health consequences. Every non-severe event may be associated with a utility loss in the range of 0.0033–0.0052 over 1 year, further contributing to the negative impact.


This review is intended to provide an overview of hypoglycemia in diabetes and its impact on patients and society, and consequently it is not a comprehensive evaluation of all studies reporting hypoglycemic episodes.


To provide the best possible care for patients and a cost-effective treatment strategy for healthcare decision-makers, a treatment that provides good glycemic control with a limited risk of hypoglycemia would be a welcome addition to diabetes management options.  相似文献   

项目简介香港西(部)铁(路)(WestRail)是香港回归以来规模最大的基建工程项目之一,定线总长30.5公里,总投资约464亿港元。西铁项目共有17个土木工程合约(CivilConstruction)、10个设计—建造合约(Design&Build)、三个供应—安装合约(Supply&In-stallation)、九个供应—采购合约(Supply&Procurement)和七个详细设计合约(DetailedDesign)等。其中,土木工程合约总造价约210亿港元。西铁高架桥设计独特,不同于其他桥梁需在每个桥墩上安装支座(Bearing)以容许桥大梁因热胀冷缩而移动,而是采用了桥身与桥墩合二为一的…  相似文献   

Research examining the relationships between nurse staffing, hospital costs, and length of stay is varied using a range of methods and definitions. This lack of coherence in definitions and measurement tools for cost and length of stay makes it difficult to conclude with certainty the results of nurse staffing on hospital cost and length of stay. However, the evidence reflected that significant reductions in cost and length of stay may be possible with higher ratios of nursing personnel in hospital settings. Sufficient numbers of RNs may prevent patient adverse events that cause patients to stay longer than necessary. Patient costs were also reduced with greater RN staffing as RNs have higher knowledge and skill levels to provide more effective nursing care as well as reduce patient resource consumption. Hospital administrators are encouraged to use higher ratios of RNs to non-licensed personnel to achieve their objectives of quality patient outcomes and cost containment.  相似文献   


Raising children takes both time and money. Scholars have sought convincing ways to capture the costs of children, but even when these estimates include indirect costs, such as mothers' foregone earnings, they fall short of the true time costs involved. This paper uses data from the 1997 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Time Use Survey to study how the allocation of time differs across households with varying numbers and ages of children and how households with children differ from those without children. It also examines the intra household division of time resources, showing how childcare, related unpaid work, and the total market and non-market workloads compare for a couple in the same household. It includes secondary activity in an analysis of total parental time commitments to give a more accurate picture of the time cost of children than is possible on the basis of analyzing “primary” activities alone.  相似文献   

In a number of countries where health care is publicly funded, policies to introduce greater patient choice are being implemented. In most cases patient choice is seen as an instrument to reduce waiting times for elective (non-emergency) hospital services. An important issue is whether facilitating greater patient choice will increase the demand for health care and thereby undermine the achievement of reduced waiting times. A large scale pilot of choice in the London metropolitan area permits a test of the hypothesis that choice will affect demand. This paper estimates a model of the demand for elective surgery using a panel of 150 English acute hospitals over the period 1995 to 2004 for three surgical specialties. It examines whether demand shifted following the introduction of the London Patient Choice Project in 2002. The results suggest that the choice project only shifted NHS inpatient demand in orthopaedics and that this shift was inwards.  相似文献   

交易成本:软件盗版的一个经济学注释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周梁 《经济与管理》2005,19(3):86-88
盗版软件影响软件市场的发展,长期以来却屡禁不绝。从产权经济学上分析,软件是具有公共性的商品。矫正软件公共性所导致的交易成本过高,被认为是盗版问题的主要经济学根源,造成了在打击盗版方面执法效果不佳。只有关注交易成本的影响,才能更加合理有效的对软件产权进行保护。  相似文献   

The procurement of infrastructure projects via public–private partnerships (PPPs) is rising globally. PPPs are, however, often characterized by lengthy tendering periods, defined as the difference between contract notice and financial close. Tendering periods are important because they account for a significant proportion of overall project delivery time. Slow tendering deters bidders and thus reduces competition for contracts. We source data on 670 PPP projects in the United Kingdom and use a duration analysis model to empirically examine factors that impact tendering period duration. Our results reveal significant sectoral variation with projects in the health and housing sectors taking significantly longer to reach financial close. We also show that, after controlling for other factors, projects with higher capital values and projects that overlap with the timing of general elections are associated with significantly longer tendering periods. We further examine the impact of the competitive dialogue procurement method and find evidence that tendering periods have increased since 2006; the year competitive dialogue was introduced. We do, however, observe a significant reduction in the time between appointment of preferred bidder and financial close post-2006. This suggests that competitive dialogue is effective in reducing the scope for negotiations by preferred bidders holding quasi-monopoly advantages.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the return on investment (ROI) and economic impact of providing insurance coverage for the laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) procedure in classes II and III obese members of the Texas Employees Retirement System (ERS) and their dependents from payer, employer, and societal perspectives.

Methods: Classes II and III obese employee members and their adult dependents were identified in a Texas ERS database using self-reported health risk assessment (HRA) data. Direct health costs and related absenteeism and mortality losses were estimated using data from previous research. A dynamic input–output model was then used to calculate overall economic effects by incorporating direct, indirect, and induced impacts. Direct health costs were inflation-adjusted to 2008 US dollars using the Consumer Price Index for Medical Care and other spending categories were similarly adjusted using relevant consumer and industrial indices. The future cost savings and other monetary benefits were discounted to present value using a real rate of 4.00%.

Results: From the payer perspective (ERS), the payback period for direct health costs associated with the LAGB procedure was 23–24 months and the annual return (over 5 years) was 28.8%. From the employer perspective (State of Texas), the costs associated with the LAGB procedure were recouped within 17–19 months (in terms of direct, indirect, and induced gains as they translated into State revenue) and the annual return (over 5 years) was 45.5%. From a societal perspective, the impact on total business activity for Texas (over 5 years) included gains of $195.3 million in total expenditures, $93.8 million in gross product, and 1354 person-years of employment.

Limitations: The analysis was limited by the following: reliance on other studies for methodology and use of a control sample; restriction of cost savings to 2.5 years which required out-of-sample forecasting; conservative assumptions related to the cost of the procedure; exclusion of presenteeism; and no sensitivity analyses performed.

Conclusion: This analysis indicates that providing benefits for the LAGB procedure to eligible members of the Texas ERS and their dependents is worthy of support from payer, employer, and societal perspectives.  相似文献   

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