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Videocassettes and satellite-delivered television programmes are having a profound effect on existing communication policies in the world. Set up to protect local media industries and preserve native cultures, communication policies are being threatened by both legal and illegal uses of the VCR and communication satellite. Because the VCR has not been considered a mass medium and the piracy of broadcast signals is illegal, most nations have not accounted for the impact of foreign films and television programmes flooding their borders. A desire for more media diversity is cited as the prime reason for the popularity of the content carried by these new technologies.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):891-903
This paper looks back at forty years of U.S. communications policy, and concludes that all of the challenges that were salient when Telecommunications Policy published its first issue—the lack of competition in CPE, long distance, local telephone service, television networks, and multichannel video program distribution—have essentially been addressed. The other technology that has grown in importance since 1976—the Internet—is widely regarded as a raging success. Although no history is completely uniform, the past forty years illustrates the key considerations underlying the choice between whether to impose access regulations or whether to rely on facilities-based competition. Moreover, the paper considers the important role that U.S. courts have played in promoting competition and consumer welfare. In many cases, timely judicial intervention has forced regulators to retreat from positions that protected incumbents and limited competition. The paper concludes with outlooks on new issues and debates that will continue to arise.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the role and use of theory in theory-building case research. How to use existing theory in theory-building efforts is a crucial, yet somewhat overlooked challenge within qualitative research. On that background, the purpose of the paper is to explore, compare and discuss two distinct approaches for using existing theory and developing theoretical awareness in theory-building case studies. Upon discussing the role and use of theory in case study research in general, we identify two approaches for drawing on pre-existing theory, labeled the in vivo approach and the ex ante approach. The in vivo approach takes departure in a single theoretical framework, anchored in a single paradigm, and the aim of theory-building is to gradually deepen, refine and complement this framework. The ex ante approach suggests that researchers should look for paradox in the form of theoretical tensions and use these to develop theory, meaning that researchers should develop an elaborate theoretical understanding of meta-theoretical stances and use these to generate different readings of the case material, subsequently prioritizing and integrating them into a coherent pattern.  相似文献   

The paper develops a composite index of GMO standards restrictiveness for 60 countries, assigning objective scores to six different regulatory dimensions. Using this index and its components, we empirically investigate the political and economic determinants of GMO regulations for 55 countries, controlling for spatial autocorrelation. Results show that many of the determinants highlighted in the theoretical literature, such as the structure of the agricultural sector and the institutional environment are important determinants of the restrictiveness of the GMO regulation. As a key result there emerges a prominent role of the market for information, showing that the structure of domestic mass media (public vs. private) is an important driver of GMO standards.  相似文献   

The Working Party on Information, Computers and Communications Policy of the OECD has been created to carry out extensive research in preparation for the integrated policies that must be implemented to give direction to the development and merging of information technologies. The author discusses the activities and objectives of the research programme, focusing on that part of it which involves the macroeconomic analysis of information activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines how and why activist groups representing marginalized communities of color are increasingly engaging in communications technology policy issues, particularly in relation to issues of digital access and representation. It explores three distinct but related case studies to disentangle the issues and concerns of a range of communities of color, and the challenges and opportunities for their advocates in navigating the highly technical communications technology policy arena: the first case study, which centers on the NAACP's original opposition to net neutrality, reveals the primacy of issues surrounding the “digital divide” to populations of color, and the difficulties of engaging in technical conversations surrounding Internet governance when issues of access persist. Meanwhile, the second case reviews the campaign by Free Press to promote set-top box liberalization as an issue of representation and diversity to both policymakers and citizens. The final case, which examines the work of the Tribal International Carrier to build an alternative internet service network for Native populations, highlights the precarity which organizations must strategically navigate in order to mitigate the influence of both the state and large corporations over Internet policy issues in order to both serve and represent their constituents. In all, this paper presents and extends upon a novel approach to communications policy research, foregrounding the need to integrate critical race frameworks and, relatedly, to center the breadth, depth, and lived experiences of communities of color, which can therein facilitate more inclusive digital media and communication environments and policy structures.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the papers of this Special Issue on Achieving Food Security in Central Asia. Identifying the current challenges, it enlists the information gaps and policy research needs for accelerating the reform process in the food, agriculture and natural resource sectors of the Central Asian Republics. The paper concludes by calling for identifying policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate economic reforms that will lead to poverty reduction, increased food security, and sustainable use of natural resources.  相似文献   

This editorial article introduces the papers presented at the ITS Seoul 2018 and seven papers selected for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018. Specifically, this article provides the results of keyword networks, research agendas and coauthor networks of ITS Seoul 2018. A summary of the seven papers accepted for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018 is also included. Finally, this article concludes by introducing another paper that empirically explores the value of special issues by analyzing the characteristics of special issues of Telecommunications Policy.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):662-673
Focusing on the effects of policy on investment and innovation this paper examines whether the conceptual foundations of sector regulation are aligned with the current technological and economic conditions of advanced communications. One conclusion is that the prevailing theories and practices are only adequate if the policy challenge can be reasonably approximated as a static or steady-state problem but they may have serious shortcomings if this is not possible. The article proceeds with a review and critical examination of two approaches that could augment or possibly replace the traditional approach under conditions of dynamic competition—the theory of platform markets and systems approaches. Both frameworks model aspects of competition in interconnected systems in more detail and offer novel insights to inform communications policy in an era of continuous change. Nonetheless, important theoretical and implementation gaps remain that will require additional efforts by researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Research and development in fields as diverse as microelectronics and space vehicles have profoundly affected the technologies of information transmission, as well as the way in which government regulates the communications and information service industries. This article focuses on R&D policy in the USA, drawing from 1984 OTA reports. The article focuses briefly on industry and universities and at greater length on government actions and policies, indicating possible implications for communication satellites.  相似文献   

Developing food systems in marginal areas and secondary regions presents a range of challenges to contemporary food policy. This article discusses what those challenges are and proposes a framework for applied research to generate appropriate policy directions. Emphasis is placed on three topics: farming systems research; technology support systems; and, administrative capacity.  相似文献   

We present here a paradigm for assessing second-order measurement models. Our approach is hierarchical in nature. We discuss the need for higher-order models from a conceptual perspective and illustrate how some common challenges in empirical research can be resolved through the deployment of higher-order modeling. Essentially, we argue that many constructs can be meaningfully described by a higher-order structure and testing for the existence of such structures requires a careful examination of alternative models. There is a need for conceptual as well as empirical support. In order to demonstrate our paradigm, we use data that relate to airline service quality. Our sample includes two databases. Responses from 170 individuals are employed for exploratory purposes and responses from 437 individuals are used for subsequent data analyses.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has become a microcosm of the political battles in Congress. The Democratic-controlled Wheeler Commission entitled its Net Neutrality Order “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet.” Not to be outdone, the Republican-controlled Pai Commission that overturned that Order entitled its own “Restoring `Internet Freedom.” And like Congressional pronouncements, Commissioners look to grab headlines with dramatic statements of impending doom if their policies are not enacted. We show that the untold societal damage that both sides claim have relatively little to no factual support. Outmoded distinctions between information and telecommunications services exacerbate the situation because a good deal of regulatory history is built on them. As a potential way forward toward reliance on theoretically-sound, evidence-based decision-making, the authors recommend moving away from the silo mentality of focusing on whether particular services are information services or telecommunications services (e.g., Broadband Internet Access Service (BIAS)) toward a focus on packet transmission across broadband networks. Such an approach would facilitate fresh perspectives with the objective of more collaborative, less confrontational regulatory decision-making.  相似文献   

Business networks are complex webs of interdependent exchange relationships within which companies and individual managers operate. They consist of manifold actors, complex interactions, as well as organizational structures and resource transformation processes. Business managers cannot just capitulate vis-à-vis this complexity. Making sense of complex business networks helps managers to understand their own position, as well as their available options for change. Similarly, research in the area of sense-making and management in business networks may help us understand how managers cope with the contextual complexity in business networks, and how managers construct the forms in which this complexity appears. This paper identifies six major research themes that need to be taken up in the future with regard to sense-making and management in business networks, and discusses some methodological issues to advance our knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

Implementation of incentive regulation intelecommunications requires the accurate measurementof the change in productivity. An approach isintroduced that not only provides a measure of thechange in productivity but also allows for adecomposition into two mutually exclusive andexhaustive components – changes in technicalefficiency over time and shifts in technology overtime. Using annual data on four output measures andsix input measures for the period 1988 to 1998 fornineteen individual local exchange carriers, theresults indicate that productivity increased by about5.0 percent per year. This growth is due primarily toinnovation rather than improvements in efficiency. Ofthe nineteen LECs in the sample, thirteen wereoperating efficiently throughout the entire 1988–1998period. Of the remaining six, two showed a slightimprovement in efficiency while the efficiency of fourdeclined. In the aggregate, however, there wasvirtually no change in efficiency. Finally, acomparison is made between two methods of estimatingthe change in productivity. The conventional growthaccounting approach yields a lower estimate of therate of change in productivity than does the Malmquistindex approach. The difference between theseestimates is interpreted as the lower bound of thebias associated with the conventional growthaccounting approach to measuring the growth inproductivity.  相似文献   

In this overview of office information systems (OIS), the author describes OIS technology, gives a prognosis for increasingly sophisticated levels of application, discusses the forces that drive the OIS industry, and finally identifies issues needing public policy attention. As well as providing a comprehensive review, he conceives several innovative applications for OIS and attempts to structure the broad range of possibilities into useful categories.  相似文献   

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