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提高我国预算透明度问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对我国预算透明度现状进行了分析。近年来我国政府在立法、编制、审批、执行和审计方面为提高预算透明度做出了努力,法律体系逐步完善,科目设置更加科学,执行更加有力,监督更加到位,社会公众参与热情提高。但是,预算公开法律层次依然不高,收支涵盖资金不完全,审批时间短,审计部门独立性弱,都制约了预算透明度的进一步提高。针对这些问题,本文提出政府和公民要积极转变观念,实现双方良性互动;推动制度建设,编制全口径预算,强化预算审批作用;完善财政管理信息系统的改革,以此来提高我国预算透明度。  相似文献   

近年来,创意设计产业蓬勃发展,逐渐成为风险投资青睐的新兴领域。然而,创意 设计产业是典型的高风险投资行业,为了控制风险获取高收益,综合评价项目对于风险投资 者而言尤为重要。针对国内外缺少该领域研究的现状,本文简要分析了创意设计产业风险投 资项目的特点,并结合层次化分析法(AHP)构造了一套风险投资评价指标体系,对于指导 风险投资者进行投资决策具有实用价值和指导意义  相似文献   

建设行业电子政务信息安全问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机信息技术的飞速发展,电子政务在政府部门监督管理工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用。Internet是一个开放的系统,政府部门往往由于网络结构安全和网络信息安全规划设计得不完备,致使电子政务系统屡遭攻击和破坏。网络信息安全问题、保密问题和病毒传播问题,已成为电子政务建设中需要重点解决的问题。通过分析江苏省建设行业电子政务信息安全的现状和存在的问题,提出了信息安全策略和技术保障措施。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of information technology (IT) on productivity in the public sector econometrically, using data from the BLS Federal Productivity Measurement Program and from Computer Intelligence Infocorp, and by interviewing some government officials. We estimate a production function for government services that includes IT capital as an input, and find a strong positive relationship across federal agencies between productivity growth and computer-intensity growth during the period 1987–92, controlling for growth in compensation and other outlays per employee, and in the number of employees. Our estimates are consistent with the hypothesis that there are 'excess returns' to IT capital.  相似文献   

Jeske Reijs 《R&D Management》1994,24(2):167-174
With technology gaining greater recognition as a key factor in the economic performance of a country, foresight studies to identify emerging technologies get more attention. In a lot of countries foresight studies are carried out in order to target national resources to better improve economic competitiveness. This article describes foresight studies done in the Netherlands. Started as an experiment by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1989 they are now an integral part of the methods for determining technology policy in the Netherlands.
The ministry defined three objectives for the foresight studies: (a) they must generate information for strategic technology policy; (b) they have to provide SME's with advance information about the possibilities for application of new technologies; (c) they have to stimulate the creation of networks between actors in industry, research and the educational system who are involved in a defined technology area. From six studies done so far (adhesives, chipcards, mecha-tronics, matrix composites, signal processing and separation technology) the author shows how these objectives were met, which bottlenecks and which opportunities were identified and which activities were set up to exploit the situation in a certain technology area. She concludes that it is essential for the success of the foresight studies to bring together different stakeholders, to create consensus between them on future directions and to commit them to the results.  相似文献   

Personalised diets based on people’s existing food choices, and/or phenotypic, and/or genetic information hold potential to improve public dietary-related health. The aim of this analysis, therefore, has been to examine the degree to which factors which determine uptake of personalised nutrition vary between EU countries to better target policies to encourage uptake, and optimise the health benefits of personalised nutrition technology. A questionnaire developed from previous qualitative research was used to survey nationally representative samples from 9 EU countries (N = 9381). Perceived barriers to the uptake of personalised nutrition comprised three factors (data protection; the eating context; and, societal acceptance). Trust in sources of information comprised four factors (commerce and media; practitioners; government; family and, friends). Benefits comprised a single factor. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to compare differences in responses between the United Kingdom; Ireland; Portugal; Poland; Norway; the Netherlands; Germany; and, Spain. The results indicated that respondents in Greece, Poland, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, rated the benefits of personalised nutrition highest, suggesting a particular readiness in these countries to adopt personalised nutrition interventions. Greek participants were more likely to perceive the social context of eating as a barrier to adoption of personalised nutrition, implying a need for support in negotiating social situations while on a prescribed diet. Those in Spain, Germany, Portugal and Poland scored highest on perceived barriers related to data protection. Government was more trusted than commerce to deliver and provide information on personalised nutrition overall. This was particularly the case in Ireland, Portugal and Greece, indicating an imperative to build trust, particularly in the ability of commercial service providers to deliver personalised dietary regimes effectively in these countries. These findings, obtained from a nationally representative sample of EU citizens, imply that a parallel, integrated, public-private delivery system would capture the needs of most potential consumers.  相似文献   

Successful technology commercialization is important for business profitability, and government policies can help or hinder firms' success. As a regulator, government affects standard setting and the nature and scope of property rights. As a sponsor, government can empower technology commercialization by its financial support of new technology. As a first user, government can significantly enhance the chances of successful technology commercialization. And as a buyer, government accounts for a substantial part of the world economy. Previous research on government's roles in technology commercialization mainly addressed the effects of specific roles. However, there is little understanding about the combined impact of these roles on technology commercialization. This article develops a conceptual model to analyze the combined effect of these roles on technology development projects. This model is based on a review of the literature on large technical systems, technological regimes, and technology policy that enabled this study on government's diverse roles in technology commercialization. To refine the conceptual model, an in‐depth analysis of three technology development projects was conducted. The empirical findings are drawn from road infrastructure. In that sector, government is the dominant customer and first user of most new technologies. Therefore, government has to create a market for those technologies and strongly affects their viability. This research has produced several major results. First, the developed model is the first to conceptualize the relevant relationships between the various roles of government in technology commercialization. Second, this study has shown that government's behavior as a regulator and sponsor conflicts with its preferences as a buyer and user. Consequently, the support of and demand for new technology is inconsistent and uncoordinated, leaving firms with significant uncertainties in assessing market opportunities. Third, the dominant position of government as a buyer in road infrastructure weakens the effectiveness of intellectual property rights. Fourth, existing studies on technology for partially public goods are mainly historical accounts, and only a few are empirical studies on innovation processes. This study provides an in‐depth analysis of the development and commercialization of technology for partially public goods. This article concludes with policy implications and suggestions for future research. An important policy implication is that government could improve technology commercialization by either stimulating the commercialization of various competing technologies or developing various competing products based on the same technology. A central issue for future research is how firms can involve government in its diverse roles in technology commercialization. Most of the existing research on customer involvement deals with consumer and business‐to‐business markets. A better understanding of government involvement could help firms to overcome the impediments they face in dealing with government.  相似文献   

The paper examines the incentives provided by public–private partnerships (PPPs) to stimulate private market parties to participate in municipal fibre networks in the Netherlands. Although there has been a growing interest of Dutch municipalities in fibre technologies since the beginning of the 2000s, PPP models to implement these technologies developed rather slowly in response to changes in public policy, the legislative environment and experiences gained in early projects. In 2005, the viability of a cooperative PPP model called “Ons Net” Nuenen was tested in an experimental setting for the first time using government subsidies. In undertaking a techno-economic analysis of the PPP “Ons Net” in Nuenen, the paper examines its objectives, boundaries and viability. It shows that the experience of this PPP based on ubiquity, open fibre access and demand aggregation provided important incentives for companies to invest in (other) municipal fibre networks in the Netherlands. The paper concludes furthermore that mandating of open access will become a key task for (local) governments to foster competitive entry and to facilitate innovation in municipal fibre networks.  相似文献   

一个民主的、负责任的、有能力的、高效率的、透明的政府对经济社会全面的可持续发展具有举足轻重的地位。政府预算作为整个财政工作的核心和财政政策的主要工具,预算信息更是对整个预算过程预算管理的重要的载体。预算信息的公开可以强化政府的公共受托责任、推进依法治国与国际标准接轨,以及转变政府执政理念,提高公民参与公共治理的积极性,是提高财政透明度和实现善治必要途径。  相似文献   

中国已基本实现全民医疗保险覆盖,基本医疗保险参保率多年维持在95%以上,剩下的未参保人群成为真正实现全民医疗保险的“最后一公里”。精准识别未参保人群对于完善当前医疗保障制度具有重要意义。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS),描述了大量新生儿未参加基本医疗保险的事实,并实证分析了参保率较低的原因及其对医疗服务利用的影响。描述性统计结果显示,新生儿参保率不足1/2,大大低于其他年龄阶段人群的参保率。进一步实证分析发现,父母不了解新生儿参保政策信息、基层组织缺乏向新生儿家庭宣传参保政策的激励是新生儿参保率低的主要原因。最后,考察未参保对新生儿医疗服务利用产生的影响,发现未参保状态显著降低了新生儿的医疗服务利用率。为了提高新生儿基本医疗保险参保率,政府一方面应针对性地加强新生儿医疗保险政策宣传,降低新生儿参保的信息障碍;另一方面应积极推动新生儿自动纳入基本医疗保障范围,甚至应考虑制定专门针对新生儿的医疗保健计划。  相似文献   

This study aims to explain employees' adaptability to information and communications technology (ICT), using a representative sample of 713 employees in the Netherlands. The willingness to acquire ICT competencies and the mastery of equipment and software are primarily affected by intensity of ICT use, an informated ICT strategy of the organisation and an intensive personnel policy.  相似文献   

近年来欧洲各国都经受着主权债务危机的考验,而中国在2008年实行经济刺激政策后地方政府形成了大规模的负债,违约风险也较高。在政府预算信息披露公开程度不够高的情况下,地方债务的真实数据仍不够清晰。政府机构是社会公民管理国家的代理人,在编制和执行预算的过程中应该公开透明才能避免机会主义行为和提高资金使用效率。从理论上论证地方政府预算信息披露的必要性和重要性,并就如何完善现阶段地方政府预算信息披露提出相应对策及建议。  相似文献   

政府会计需要改进,具有很多背景,如果从公共危机是常态、公共危机管理是公共管理的特殊状态和形式的角度来思考,则可以把公共危机作为政府会计必须改进的特殊背景。这种背景之所以催生着政府会计必然和必须地加以改进,就在于公共危机具有"公共性"的特征和管理上的诉求,就在于这种管理上的诉求需要强化公共危机下人们对危机信息全面、及时、公开的迫切需要。  相似文献   

我国亟待实施社会责任会计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会责任会计是研究如何更好地维护可持续发展 ,为企业管理当局、政府、社会公众等相关利益集团和个人的决策提供企业的社会责任履行情况的会计信息系统。我国应建立企业社会责任会计 ,以便有效地协调企业经营目标与社会目标的矛盾 ,维护市场经济的正常秩序。  相似文献   

Jon M. Peha   《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(10-11):605-618
Emergency responders such as firefighters, police, and paramedics depend on reliable and ubiquitous wireless communications. Failures in these communications systems can cost lives. Particularly since 9/11, there has been great concern in the US about the possibility of failures due to lack of interoperability, and failures due to a shortage of public safety spectrum. This paper shows how both of these and other serious problems are a logical consequence of America's fragmented approach to public safety, in which thousands of local agencies make independent decisions without a coherent strategy to unify or guide them. Because of this fragmented approach, public safety agencies build more infrastructure than they should, spend more tax-payer money than they should, and consume more scarce spectrum than they should, all for a system that is unnecessarily prone to interoperability failures. This paper also considers the most widely cited estimates of public safety's spectrum needs, which predict a serious shortage unless considerably more spectrum becomes available to public safety by 2010. This paper shows that estimates for the amount of spectrum needed in 2010 would be vastly lower if the US adopted an effective national strategy that included coordinated planning and modern technology. On the other hand, if the US retains today's fragmented approach, regions where coordination among local public safety agencies is particularly weak may need more spectrum than popular estimates would indicate, leading to an even greater shortage. Thus, the federal government should start playing a large role in setting the direction of public safety communications, rather than leaving this to many independent local governments.  相似文献   

In recent years, the preference for purely private funding and ownership of telecommunications networks has given way to a ‘new wisdom’ that some form of public funding is now likely necessary if faster and more capacious next generation access (NGA) networks are to be constructed in a timely fashion for the majority of the population. Policy-makers are charged with deciding how that public investment will take place. One approach is via Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), where public and private actors collaborate in UFB (Ultrafast Fibre Broadband) investment, construction and operation. However, the body of analysis of PPPs in NGA networks to guide policy-makers is scant.By using the concept of regulatory commitment, the paper compares the experiences gained in a hold-up situation in PPPs in other infrastructures (e.g. roading) with the UFB context. A case study of New Zealand's Ultrafast Fibre Broadband Initiative is used to draw new insights for government purchasers and regulatory agencies. In comparing the different forms of PPPs, the paper shows that UFB PPPs reverse the typical direction of financing and ownership observed in roading PPPs. Financing and asset ownership are separated in UFB PPPs, increasing the potential for misalignment of incentives and the likelihood that the public party can use its legislative powers to alter regulatory settings after the PPP contract is signed, and thereby hold up the private party once existing network assets are sunk. Whilst the government instigating the PPP may not be inclined to act opportunistically, a successive government facing different political priorities does not face the same incentives. To the extent that the private party can anticipate this risk, it should structure the initial agreement to ensure that the public party is penalised if such an event occurs (i.e. an automatic right to favourable renegotiation or payment of compensation). Such terms will discourage opportunism, so that the project benefits from time-consistent alignment of incentives and objectives.  相似文献   

供应商在面向多制造商时研发共性技术还是研发专用技术?以此问题为基点,本文运用演化博弈论,在共性技术外部性、外部性引发价格战及政府干预治理情形下对供应商技术研发决策行为进行分析。研究发现:共性技术外部性的存在使得博弈演化稳定于由选择不同技术研发策略的供应商共存的均衡;在外部性引发价格战情形下,当外部性较强时,零部件降价幅度越大,供应商越倾向于选择研发专用技术,反之,当外部性较弱时供应商越倾向于选择研发共性技术;当考虑外部干预治理时,政府价格干预效果依该行为所引致的市场额外需求降低状况,而政府补偿干预有效引导着供应商选择共性技术研发策略。  相似文献   

目前我国政府投资公益性建设项目中普遍存在三超现象,政府机构与建设单位之间总是处于超投资,追加投资状态,为了深入探讨三超现象,引入博弈论方法,按照现行工程管理模式下信息不对称的特征及信息模型,建立了项目各主体之间的行为动态博弈模型,基于寻租经济理论,给出了混合纳什均衡解,根据均衡解给出解决权力寻租活动的相应对策,并提出完善推进代建制、有效监督机制和权力约束机制的政策建议,以从根本上杜绝建设项目的寻租行为,最大限度降低三超现象。  相似文献   

随着Internet的迅速发展和广泛应用,网络和信息安全越来越受到人们的高度重视。防火墙作为一种网络与系统之间强制实行的访问控制机制,是确保网络安全的重要手段。但是当敏感信息通过防火墙进入开放的网络进行传送时,如何保证这些敏感信息的完整性和保密性,防火墙就无能为力了。为此,需引入加密技术来保证其完整性和保密性。加密技术与防火墙技术的强强联合,将使网络安全得以增强并在一个更大的范围得以实现。如何构建一个具有加密机制的防火墙是本篇论文研究的重点。  相似文献   

The adaptation of lean techniques in public services is viewed as an innovative managerialist response to government demands for more efficient services amidst large reductions in public spending. This paper explores workers' experiences of the impact of lean on work organisation and control and provides new insights into developments within contemporary back office clerical work.  相似文献   

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