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This paper examines the development of satellite television in the Asian countries and their policy change. It is found that many countries initially tended to forbid the reception of satellite television but, with the growth of satellite television, liberalization is on the way. In response to competition posed by satellite television, policy makers generally choose to deregulate their local television market in the hope that the quality of local television will improve through competition. The authors suggest that satellite television in Asia is likely to agglomerate the diverse markets into bigger cultural markets to gain the economy of scale. Satellite television will bring about a regional capitalist culture. Professional journalism modelled after the West may also grow. The general trend for Asia is towards further deregulation and greater openness.  相似文献   

The affiliation agreement has historically been the mechanism through which television networks in the USA have solidified their power, erected barriers to entry for new networks, and taken over control of prime-time programming. While the FCC has modified certain contract terms, local affiliates still clear a staggering amount of network programmes. The central issue for public policy analysis is what can be done to take advantage of the economies of scale of networking without the accompanying side effects on new entry and programming decisions. The author explores what might happen if programme-by-programme bidding were substituted for the affiliation agreement.  相似文献   

This article traces the efforts by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to promote the entry of new networks, starting from its regulation of radio networks under the Chain Broadcasting Rules, through its regulation of broadcast television networks under its Financial Interest and Syndication Rules and its Prime Time Access Rule, and finally to its regulation of cable television networks under its Channel Occupancy and Leased Access Rules and its National Ownership Cap. The article’s principal conclusion is that these efforts by the FCC were largely ineffectual and that only the removal of regulatory barriers to new network entry could, and indeed did, achieve the Commission’s goal.  相似文献   

The past year in economics at the Federal Communications Commission covered a broad range of topics in telecommunications policy. This paper highlights the economic issues that are addressed in the following key areas: spectrum management, universal service and intercarrier compensation reform, and merger review. In spectrum management, the FCC received congressional authority to implement an ??incentive auction?? to repurpose television broadcasting spectrum into flexible-use licenses that will be suitable for mobile wireless service providers. We discuss some important issues in designing the auction. We next address some aspects of the FCC??s comprehensive reforms of intercarrier compensation, which mainly involves call termination rates, and of universal service. Finally, we discuss the economic analysis of two major mergers: AT&T-T-Mobile, which the FCC staff recommended should be referred to an administrative hearing, and Level 3/Global Crossing, which was cleared with no conditions.  相似文献   

随着我国市场化进程不断加快,我国的广电网络纷纷由事业单位转型为现代企业进行运营。本文主要阐述了转型后广电网络企业在固定资产管理方面出现的一些问题,并提出相应的解决方法,同时简要阐述广电网络企业固定资产管理制度构建。  相似文献   

The effect of advertising intensity in four media(television, radio, newspapers and magazines) on profitability is examined in this paper. Aprofitability model is tested using a unique 1993–1996panel data set of 350 Greek food manufacturing firms.Fixed effects results for the full model show thatonly television advertising increases profitabilitysignificantly. The results for eight major foodcategories estimated separately show importantdifferences between consumer and producer groups;television advertising effects on profitability arepositive and significant only in the consumerindustries where television advertising intensity ishigh. These findings show that television is the onlymedia where persuasive advertising exists in Greekfood manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

The present regulatory environment for electronic message systems in the USA is characterized by complex overlapping and blurring of jurisdictions. The author makes an argument for general deregulation of the market for EMS to allow for more competition and investment, and that, where regulation is required, the FCC be the sole regulatory agency.  相似文献   

The pay-television industry in the USA has been developing very rapidly in the past five years and is providing network quality alternatives to the mass taste programming of commercial television. However, the industry has been developing along lines very similar to the early history of radio in the USA with the emergence of strong distributor networks, restrictive affiliation contracts, and wide-spread vertical integration across all stages of production. History and economic efficiencies suggest that the result will be a strong oligopoly market structure. The proper public policy, then, is to insure that the unavoidable degree of concentration is not greater than that needed for efficiency reasons.  相似文献   

Securing sales to a large buyer can be pivotal to a supplier's decision to produce. While conventional wisdom suggests that being pivotal improves a buyer's bargaining position, the opposite is shown in a multilateral bargaining model. If other buyers' payments fall short of costs, a pivotal buyer must cover the shortfall or forfeit consumption. This affords leverage that the supplier lacks when bargaining with non-pivotal buyers. The analysis illuminates contracting in markets with high fixed costs, such as cable television programming, motion pictures, and large-scale project finance, and has implications for the FCC's horizontal ownership limits on cable system operators.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(8-9):473-492
This paper examines whether diverse opinions make their way into the communication policy decisions. Specifically, it examines whether academics from distinct disciplines engage one another and whether Federal Communications Commission (FCC) experts rely on a multidisciplinary body of research in making telecommunications-related decisions. After tracing how narrow expertise can lead to shallow policy perspectives, the paper employs a social network analysis of citations to assess the breadth of the media ownership debate. The case of media ownership was considered a worthy choice for analysis because it was so high on the policy agenda. The paper found that the media ownership policy network is extremely hierarchical; it comprises relatively few connected members around which clusters form and the majority of communication takes place. Lacking overlap among subgroups, there is very little interaction across disciplinary boundaries. An analysis of FCC citations demonstrates the impact that the dominant journals have on the FCC decision-making process, with significant implications for FCC decision making in all aspects of telecommunications.  相似文献   

制播分离是广播电视体制机制改革与创新的主要内容之一。美国是最典型的"制播分离"的国家,早已形成了完整的节目投资、生产机制、节目营销机制以及节目质量反馈机制。网台分离、制播分离是美国三大电视网的基本运作制度。本文通过对美国"制播分离"运作机制的深入剖析,引出其先进的广电传媒运行机制对我国广电媒体的启示。  相似文献   

Over the past 80 years, the Federal Communications Commission has been responsible for the allocation of non-governmental use of the radio frequency spectrum. Over that time, here have been significant changes in spectrum use that have been driven by changes in demand and technology. The technical, regulatory, and business obstacles in past reallocations shed light on some of the FCC’s implementation decisions for its upcoming two-sided auction.  相似文献   

Although we have many tools to understand the effect of regulation on firm entry, we know little about the importance of actual regulation enforcement. For this purpose, this paper uses data from Spain's local television industry from 1995 through 2001, which provide a unique opportunity for examining how firms' profitability changes with the introduction of regulation and a posterior liberalization. During this period, the local television industry transitioned from a state of alegality (no regulation in place) to being highly regulated and finally to being informally deregulated. Using a firm entry model from Bresnahan and Reiss (1990, 1991a,b), we estimate local TV station entry thresholds by number of entrants across years. We find the entry threshold in 1998 increased relative to the thresholds in 1995 and 2001, suggesting that entry was less attractive during the period when the local TV industry was highly regulated. We decompose the entry thresholds into the fixed costs and variable profits, and find the fixed-cost ratios increase in 1998 and stay constant in 2001. Meanwhile, we find an increase in the variable-profit ratios in 2001. These findings suggest that the informal deregulation did not invalidate the regulation introduced in 1995 on the cost side. However, the deregulation seemed to have an impact on variable profits through how local TV stations competed.  相似文献   

This article reviews a number of the major economic issues confronting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over the past year and discusses new analytic techniques that FCC economists applied to some of those issues. The article also identifies several areas in which further academic research would be valuable to this agency.Martin Perry is serving as FCC Chief Economist on leave from Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ. Jonathan Levy is the FCC Deputy Chief Economist and, like Evan Kwerel and Chuck Needy, works in the FCCs Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis. Mark Uretsky works in the FCCs International Bureau and Tracy Waldon in the FCCs Media Bureau. All authors are economists except for John Williams, an engineer consultant who advises the FCC on spectrum issues.  相似文献   

Currently, the FCC assigns radio licences after making a determination of the public interest. Conflicting licence applications are resolved through comparative hearings. This mechanism is cumbersome and unreliable. This article analyses three alternatives: Increasing the available spectrum; an auction; or, lottery of radio licences. The analysis deals specifically with the Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS). The analysis suggests that increasing the spectrum allocation will create more assignments than will be demanded by MDS. Rough calculations suggest that auctions offer a more efficient selection mechanism. Lotteries with resale of the license are better than hearings, but not as good as auctions.  相似文献   

With the 2008 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order amending both the definition of broadband and its data collection practices, the problems associated with data integrity and ZIP code aggregations in the United States will soon be forgotten. However, between 1999 and 2007, FCC Form 477 data remain the only viable, nationwide database of broadband provision in the United States. While broadband data from 1999–2004 and 2005–2007 are not directly comparable due to a modification in collection procedure, there is an absence of objective empirical analysis for the latter time period. Interestingly, although the FCC made the 2005–2007 data publically available on the Internet, password protected files largely prevented analysts from accessing, manipulating and analyzing these data. The purpose of this paper is three-fold. First, the process utilized for liberating these data from their protected format and integrating them into a geographic information system (GIS) is outlined. Second, the spatial distribution of broadband provision in the United States for 2005–2007 is explored. A mathematical programming approach is also utilized for comparing the relative efficiencies of ZIP code areas in acquiring broadband service given their demand-side socio-economic and demographic determinants. Finally, implications for public policy, particularly those associated with developing local and regional benchmarks for broadband provision, competition and access, are addressed.  相似文献   

This article traces the debate on the deregulation of telecommunications in Australia from initial private sector lobbying in 1977. Although the recommendations of the Davidson Report were seemingly sunk by the defeat of the Fraser government in 1983, the authors believe that the Labor government's commitment to monopoly public sector telecommunications may give way to deregulation by default under increasing fiscal restraint and private sector demands.  相似文献   

The Communications Act of 1934 created a dual review process in which mergers in the communications industry are reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as well as the antitrust authorities. Commentators have criticized dual review not only as costly and redundant, but also as subject to substantive and procedural abuse. The process of clearing the 2011 Comcast–NBC Universal merger provides a useful case study to examine whether such concerns are justified. A review of the empirical context reveals that the FCC intervened even though the relevant markets were not structured in a way that would ordinarily raise anticompetitive concerns. In addition, the FCC was able to use differences between its review process and that used by the Justice Department to extract concessions from the merging parties that had nothing to do with the merger and which were more properly addressed through general rulemaking. Moreover, the use of voluntary commitments also allowed the FCC to avoid subjecting certain aspects of its decision to public comment and immunized it from having to offer a reasoned explanation or subjecting its decision to judicial review. The aftermath of the merger provides an opportunity to assess whether the FCC’s intervention yielded consumer benefits.  相似文献   

The authors describe a methodology designed to evaluate the impact of deregulation on point-to-point demand in the USA. They briefly review the rationale for regulation and the likely impacts of deregulation. After summarizing previous approaches to the demand for long-distance calls, they present preliminary results of a new study of the demand for toll messages. They conclude that the approach provides a first step towards determining the impact of new (competitive) services on existing point-to-point suppliers.  相似文献   

Because cable television is the classic example of a bundled commodity, it is difficult to determine how consumers value individual cable networks offered on a typical system. This paper uses a modified hedonic framework to determine the marginal willingness to pay by consumers for individual cable networks. The traditional hedonic framework is adapted to allow for the lack of competition on the supply side of the market. It is clear that consumers do value some types of programming more than other types. Sports, news, and family programming all have positive implicit prices while program guides have negative marginal prices.  相似文献   

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