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This paper examines the development of satellite television in the Asian countries and their policy change. It is found that many countries initially tended to forbid the reception of satellite television but, with the growth of satellite television, liberalization is on the way. In response to competition posed by satellite television, policy makers generally choose to deregulate their local television market in the hope that the quality of local television will improve through competition. The authors suggest that satellite television in Asia is likely to agglomerate the diverse markets into bigger cultural markets to gain the economy of scale. Satellite television will bring about a regional capitalist culture. Professional journalism modelled after the West may also grow. The general trend for Asia is towards further deregulation and greater openness.  相似文献   

This article examines the recent strategy adopted by the US television production industry in coping with the changing worldwide media environment. Developments in the USA include the commercial networks' declining audience share, the increasing penetration of cable TV, and spiralling production costs; abroad, the coming of age and increased sophistication of the televesion industry and the strengthening of programme import regulations are significant. Access to foreign markets is becoming critical to the financial equation of US producers and distributors of high-budget TV programmes. International co-production is the response to the new dynamics of world-wide television programming and a product of economic necessities.  相似文献   

国内独有的等离子电视回暖现象背后,是整个电视机行业博弈的结果,但这很可能依旧改变不了中国彩电业没落的格局。  相似文献   

1970年4月24日,我国自行研制的第一颗人造卫星——“东方红”一号,在“长征”一号火箭的运送下,准确进入预定地球轨道。卫星昼夜不停地向全球播送《东方红》乐曲和遥测信号,向全世界宣布中国已进入了宇宙太空,揭开了中国人民决心向宇宙太空进军的序幕。消息传开,全国顿时一片欢腾,各族人民热烈欢呼这一伟大的成就。正值全国各地庆祝“五一”劳动节,  相似文献   

2005年6月28~29日,广东油气商会选择在广东省的工业城市——东莞召开了“中国LNG卫星站专题研讨会”。虽然6月底的广东经过暴雨的洗礼更加显得闷热,但对于热切关注中国LNG产业发展的各界人士来说,天气热没有人们的心气热。LNG卫星站在整个LNG产业链中虽然只是一个小小的环节,却吸引了包括四大国家石油公司,许多民营企业以技国外石油公司在内的,  相似文献   

什么是互联网电视?“顾名思义就是可以上网的电视,但并非接上网线就可所向披靡地浏览网页,你只能看到电视厂家推送的有限内容。”电视机生产企业会这样跟你解释,这听起来有点古怪,但事实就是如此。  相似文献   

跨界、跨媒体、跨区域合作可能引发全盘泡沫,但也许能创造出广电行业全新生存模式。  相似文献   

李薇 《IT经理世界》2012,(9):26-30,6
在全球巨头以及诸多玩家之间,智能电视时代的苹果能否再度脱颖?该领域内还能爆发出另一个"苹果"吗?  相似文献   

Project-driven manufacturing, based on the make-to-order or the build-to-order principle and predominant in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), calls for an efficient solution of large combinatorial problems, especially in such areas as task scheduling or resource management. This paper addresses the problem of finding a computationally effective approach to scheduling a new project subject to constraints imposed by a multi-project environment. A constraint programming (CP) modeling framework is discussed in the context of an efficient decomposition of the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and the evaluation of strategies for pruning the search tree. The proposed approach is illustrated through examples of its application to the evaluation of a new production order.  相似文献   

The US National Science Foundation sponsored three major trials of interactive cable television. Reports evaluating these trials have been published, and edited versions of the Executive Summaries are presented here. Further information on the studies may be obtained from the research organizations.  相似文献   

Regulatory decisions have controlled the possible technical alternatives in the use of artificial satellites, for both domestic and international telecommunications, since the enactment by the US Congress of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962. At the same time, advancements in technology have caused satellite systems to play a larger role in telecommunications. An updating of the 1934 Communications Act would allow for a more definitive statement of national satellite policy and for a revised regulatory standard. This article reviews some of the principle factors which have influenced communications satellite policy, and offers additional issues for consideration that can affect the development of communications satellite markets, systems and services.  相似文献   

This article assesses the telecommunications needs of developing countries and the possibility of using satellite communications to meet those needs. Three primary technological factors provide a guide to this application: small inexpensive satellite earth stations can provide a solution to the problem of limited ground facilities; satellites can operate in a broadcast and multiple acess mode as well as in a conventional point- to-point mode; and, the capacity required to support a single interactive digital terminal is about 1000 times less than that required to support a voice telephone and abput 1 000 000 times less than that required for video transmission. These factors lead to consideration of new forms of national networks based on satellites, microprocessors and small earth stations which do not follow the North American model. These new advanced forms of networks can co-exist with conventional voice networks, and can provide a realistic alternative for consideration by national telecommunications authorities.  相似文献   

我国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红”一号研制和发射成功至今已35周年了,笔者作为参与卫星观测裙设计的一员,对当年参与研制工作的情景依然记忆犹新。  相似文献   

12月5日消息,据国外科技博客TNW报道,今天,沃尔特·迪斯尼影视制作公司和在线视频分销商Netflix签订了多年协议,为美国订户提供迪斯尼影视制作的实景真人和动画电影首轮播放服务。该协议2016开始生效,届时,Netflix将成为美国唯一一家可以在电视上播放迪斯尼电影节目的分销商。此外,迪士尼和Netflix已经砍掉了运行多年的影片分类协议,将为网民带来《小飞象》、《风中奇缘》和《爱丽丝在仙境》等影片服务。该协议将从2016年开始生效,届时,包括新迪斯  相似文献   

炫动传播近日透露,《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的两部大电影、《虹猫与蓝兔》等--ffL优秀国产动画影视剧,已经走向国际荧屏——在美国国际卫视/ICN电视联播网各地频道正式播出。  相似文献   

近年来信息技术的不断突破和发展给电视媒体带来了一场数字化的革命,数字化已经成为当今电视界不可阻挡的潮流。与传统的模拟电视相比,数字化电视最显著的特点是:信号质量更好且长距离传输和多代复制过程无损失,超大规模集成电路的大量应用使电视设备更轻便、功能更强大、功耗更低和价格更便宜。以一套基本的电视制作系统为例,如果是模拟的,它起码应包括:编辑放像机、编辑录像机、编辑遥控器、特技机、字幕机和调音台等,若换成数字化制作系统,只需一台数字录像机和一台非线性编辑设备。由于数字化技术的优势和相关成熟设备的不断推…  相似文献   

日前,随着中国液晶电视标准的出台,掀起了一阵液晶电视将取代等离子电视成为市场主流的舆论。等离子(Plasma Display Panel,PDP)电视和液晶(LCD,Liquid Crystal Display)电视市场之争,缘起决不是去年今年的事。其实早在2002年,就已经有了二者除了尺寸还要比拼谁的价格低的言论。激烈的等离子与液晶大战,只是市场竞争更加激烈的表现,而断言一方将替代另一方,在笔者看来,实在是为时过早。  相似文献   

The mining of more than ten million tons of limestone for cement production in western Taiwan will be prohibited by the end of 1997 and hence almost half of the cement production will move toward eastern Taiwan. Since the supply and demand will be separated by the Central Ridge, the planning of transportation networks and facilities for limestone and cement appears urgent. This research resolves the cement transportation planning problem using fuzzy linear programming methods. Three types of fuzzy linear programming models are used to determine the optimal transportation amount and the capacity of new facilities. The emphasis is also on how to formulate a transportation planning problem where the port capacity, demand fulfillment, trans-shipping operation capacity and traffic congestion constraints are included.  相似文献   

卫星式柔印机是柔印机中最重要的机型。它的技术性能和档次是由若干参数指标和结构特征决定的,主要包括: 1.承印材料(包括种类、厚度、定量) 2.料带宽度/印刷宽度范围 3.印刷色组数量(最大印刷色数) 4.印刷组合方式(正面印刷色数和反面印刷色数) 5.印刷图文重复长度及其变更方式(长度  相似文献   

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