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Web 2.0时代的中国旅游市场营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余晓娟 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):10-10
2003年以来,Web2.0的兴起和迅猛发展,使得互联网进入了一个崭新的时代:网民们不再是各大网站单方向发布信息的接收者,而是成为众多论坛/BBS、博客、Wiki等Web 2.0应用上积极主动的个性化信息生产者,同时满足着同样高度个性化的信息需求.而旅游作为一个信息密集的行业和个人活动,也在Web 2.0的大平台上发生着质的变化.  相似文献   

甘恬 《当代旅游》2022,(14):101-104
基于Web 2.0数据的游客反馈对以博彩旅游为特征的澳门在历史文化和遗产资源方面的旅游形象进行分析,根据游客感知下的澳门旅游形象的分析结果,发现旅游营销上的不足,并进一步提出建议及应对策略。  相似文献   

在目前互联网界风头正旺的 Web2.0概念和技术支持下,昔日纸质旅行手册的读者摇身一变成为今日网络旅行手册的作者——只要你曾经亲临其境。而一旦那些新一代 Web2.0旅游网站全面运转起来,无论在其中充当读者还是作者,你都不会觉得寂寞。  相似文献   

以六度分隔理论(Six Degrees of Separation)为基础,应用Web 2.0技术形成的社交网络服务(SNS)网站.是近年来热门的新兴网站形式.SNS网站因信息的可信程度较高,使其网络流量和广告营收都迅速增加.本研究于2009年11月25~31日共计6天,3位研究员搜集两岸十家SNS网站资料,比较两岸网站营销机能差异和1151个置入性营销案置入媒介与置入形态的相关性,从旅游营销角度对要进入两岸SNS网站进行网站营销的旅游产业提出最佳SNS网站选择与营销策略建议.研究结果显示,台湾以"Facebook"为旅游产业进行网站营销的最佳选择;中国大陆则以"天涯社区"为最佳选择.  相似文献   

这一年,国家评选出一批5A级风景区,5A成为国内旅游景区的最高级别。这一年,国家旅游局将2006年的旅游主题定为"城乡和谐游",旨在促进城市和乡村之间统筹协调发展。这一年,在线旅游方兴未艾,比价搜索、Web2.0等电子商务旅游网站齐头并进。  相似文献   

电子目的地:旅游技术和应用的全球最佳实践 Dimitrios Buhalis,Ramona Wagner (School of Tourism,Bournemouth University,Poole,BH12 5BB,UK) 1 引 言 旅游业经历了一次从线下到线上旅游者的转变,越来越多的消费者不再依赖旅行社,而是利用互联网、Web1.0和Web2.0上网浏览来搜寻信息,获得关于下一个度假目的地的灵感①.这反过来使全世界旅游目的地成为消费者做决策时关注的焦点.面对这个过程,全球许多目的地正面临一种挑战,因为现有的互联网设备和在线内容都还相当脆弱②.  相似文献   

利用现代科技,特别是信息技术推进旅游业从传统服务业向现代服务转型是我国旅游业发展面临的中长期问题。互联网的发展,尤其是Web2.0的应用模式使得用户成为网络的中心,网络成为旅游者获取旅游信息、享受旅游服务、展现旅游过程感受的重要途径和手段,这对于旅游业提升信息化程度带来了更高的要求。然而,我国旅游供应链中存在  相似文献   

在信息化技术飞速发展的时代背景下,旅游网站的功能以及旅游者对于旅游网站的需求也会随之发生相应的变化,把握这一变化趋势对于旅游网站的发展有重要意义。文章通过在2005年和2010年对100名旅游者和75个中国5A级旅游景区网站进行调查,获得在5年的时间里旅游者对旅游景区网站评价指标的变化和旅游景区网站的变化情况,在此基础上分析了旅游者对旅游景区网站需求的变化以及中国旅游景区网站对互联网技术运用的变化。同时,文章通过重要值—表现值(IPA)方法对两者进行关联比较,分析了中国旅游景区网站发展过程中与旅游者期望一致的变化以及不符合旅游者期望的变化,进一步论述了中国旅游景区网站5年来在发展中存在的问题以及未来的改进方向。文章在最后还讨论了研究成果在学术界和业界的应用前景。  相似文献   

旅游Web2.0:用户驱动下的商业模式创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
回顾Web1.0时代,国内旅游网站战绩骄人:携程旅行网、e龙旅行网以旅游预订业务为特色实现了海外上市;搜狐、网易、新浪等大型门户网站的旅游频道也百花齐放;青旅在线、芒果网、春秋航空旅游网等基于旅行社构建的网站也日益焕发其魅力.  相似文献   

信息化时代,越来越多的旅游者通过旅游网站进行信息搜寻进一步做出旅游决策.文章从广告心理学角度出发,应用效果层次模式(HOE模型),借助AMOS 21.0软件和SPSS 19.0软件,将网站创意元素作为外在刺激因素,探讨其如何通过旅游者的认知、情感阶段,进而影响其旅游意向.研究表明,网站创意对网站察觉有显著影响,旅游网站的创意越强,旅游者最终做出旅游决策的可能性越大.但网站创意不会直接形成目的地察觉,必须经网站察觉才能形成对目的地的察觉.网站创意可以通过两条路径说服旅游者:一条是旅游者受到网站创意元素的刺激,形成积极的网站态度,最终选择该旅游网站推荐的旅游目的地;另一条是旅游者通过网站获取目的地信息,形成目的地察觉后,随着对目的地了解不断加深,形成积极的目的地态度,最终形成去往该目的地的旅游意向.  相似文献   

This paper documents the use of online travel photo-sharing technologies among Hong Kong residents. The advent of Web 2.0 is changing fundamentally the tourist information search and destination choice process. Yet, to date, no study has documented Web 2.0 usage levels and preferences for certain media for posting travel photographs across an entire community. This study reveals that some 89% of pleasure travelers take photographs and that 41% of them posted their photographs online. Social network sites (SNSs), instant messaging, online photo albums and personal blogs were the most popular media used. In general, people who post photographs online tend to be younger, better educated, and earn a higher income than those who do not. The study determined that most people also use multiple media platforms to disseminate their images. Cluster analysis based on the four major styles of online platform identified five cohorts of users who differed in number and type of media used, demographic profile and travel motive. Implications for destination promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, hospitality and tourism researchers have presented their findings of many studies on website performance and evaluations. Although these prior studies have achieved a certain degree of success for assisting industrial practitioners to develop and maintain their websites, it remains largely unknown how consumers find a specific travel or hotel website. This paper reports a study that investigated the perceived importance of different channels for finding travel or hotel websites from an international travelers' perspective. Empirical results from 153 travel or hotel website users indicated that the Google search engine was the only channel that was perceived as important, and 47.4% of the respondents viewed up to three screens in the list of search results when using search engines. The paper should be of interest to industrial practitioners and academic researchers to understand better the behavior of users of travel and hotel websites during their website search procedure.  相似文献   


The Internet has become a dominant issue in today's tourism environment. This paper is to provide large travel agencies in Korea with a better understanding of their Web‐based competitive environment. A content analysis of the top 60 travel agencies Web‐sites in Korea suggests that many travel agencies do not develop their own Web‐sites and although travel agencies are using the Web, they have not, as yet, fully utilized capabilities of Web‐sites. This study also suggests some implications for successful cyber tourism marketing, including the establishment of a Web‐site, on‐line selling, customer supports, and cyber marketing mix strategy on the Web. Limitations and further research issues are also suggested.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing use of the Internet in travel and tourism, the issue of usability on travel websites has been largely overlooked in the existing tourism literature in Mainland China (hereafter known as China), one of the world's largest markets for generating and receiving tourists. This paper reports on a study that investigated the perceptions of Internet users in China on China-based travel agency websites (henceforth referred to as travel websites). The expectancy disconfirmation theory was used to compare the expected performance and experienced performance of 24 usability attributes. Empirical results showed significant differences between perceived performance and expected performance for all included attributes.  相似文献   

携程旅行网春秋国旅网e龙旅行网内容交付性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴思  凌宏鸿 《旅游学刊》2005,20(5):66-69
旅行电子商务网站成功的关键因素之一是能否提供满足消费者需求的内容,基于瑞奇曼(Rachman)和布奇南(Buchanan)的研究方法,对国内三个著名旅行网站的内容交付性进行了研究,讨论了我国旅行电子商务网站在内容建设方面存在的问题以及改进的方法。  相似文献   

旅游个性化推介服务的未来发展:时空一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李仁杰  路紫 《旅游学刊》2011,26(10):82-88
文章在问题解决策略剖析基础上,指出了旅游个性化推介服务的未来发展方向:时空一体化,并认为旅游网站、LBS网站和ESNs3种平台的整合会成为发展的突破点。以携程网、人人网、切客网等20多个代表性旅游网站、ESNs和LBS网站统计数据为基础,分析了3类平台当前的发展状态,发现3种平台具有趋向融合的发展态势,阐明了旅游个性化推介服务向时空一体方向发展的信息化基础。设计了“信息检索、个性旅行计划辅助决策、动态结伴同游、商务推介、景区导航、导游实时到岗服务、会员口碑推介、旅游预警”等8项时空一体个性化服务内容,是对旅游电子商务、旅游信息化未来发展方向的前瞻性思考。  相似文献   

旅游网站已成为了游客出游前后必不可少的信息收集、决策辅助和意见反馈的交流平台,但传统旅游在线预订网站提供的酒店、机票产品已经呈现趋同之势。随着带薪休假制度和Web2.0时代的到来,旅游网站又迎来了新的挑战和契机。本文通过“自由行”产品的实证案例研究,结合最新的市场动态,围绕用户在线体验和Web2,0技术,探索性地提出了在线交付过程的概念模型,主张网站访问体验也属于游客体验的一部分,用户参与可影响旅游产品的再设计,并通过交付性比较、案例分析、内容分析法等实证研究,提取出高体验性的影响因子,以期提高旅游网站的设计质量,改善旅游产品的在线交付品质。  相似文献   

The websites of many hotels are beginning to incorporate new online tools such as social media in order to maintain closer relationships with clients and, possibly, investors. The objectives of this study are to identify the strategies pursued by Spanish hotel websites and to analyze the relationship between the size of the hotel and website strategy. The results show that Spanish hotel websites are primarily built for customers and that the information oriented toward investors is relatively scarce. Further, there is a significant positive relationship between the size of the hotel and the information provided in two of the perspectives studied, those of the investor and presence on social media. Lastly, significant relationships were identified between the customer, marketing, Web 2.0 and social media categories. However, significant relationships were not identified between the investor perspective and any of the other four categories investigated.  相似文献   

Despite older adults’ potential for engagement in e-commerce, there is limited understanding of what makes them achieve well-being while using a travel website. In addressing this research gap relating to older adults’ travel website experiences, this study highlights the important role of trust generating value in the context of travel websites. Specifically, this paper examines the relationships between trust, functional and hedonic values, well-being, and word-of-mouth (WOM). We analyzed 300 older adults in the United States (US) who used travel websites and purchased package tours, employing the structural equation modeling technique. The results show that trust significantly influences both functional and hedonic values, both of which result in well-being. Interestingly, hedonic value has a stronger effect on well-being than functional value, leading to WOM.  相似文献   

Despite the large increase in the amount of online purchases of travel-related products in recent years, previous studies on travel website analysis have concentrated mainly on assessing the quality of travel websites, customer purchase behavior, and website content analysis. In the context of Mainland China (hereafter known as China), with growing wealth of her citizens and the inclination to travel, more Chinese travelers have been, and will probably be, visiting worldwide destinations. In addition, many Chinese travelers will use the Internet to search, and subsequently to purchase, travel-related products and services. This study makes an attempt to analyze Chinese online buyers and online browsers on their perceived importance of travel website functionality (content) and usability (design) and their specific factors. Online buyers (e-buyers) are the Internet users who have previously purchased on travel websites, whereas online browsers (e-browsers) are the Internet users who have browsed travel websites but without making any purchases. The research findings showed that e-buyers did not differ significantly from e-browsers in most of the included factors. The findings of this research are expected to assist travel website developers to improve their websites and to attract more e-travelers.  相似文献   

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