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水利是国民经济的基础设施,是以提供公共产品为主的基础产业。水利系统最主要的任务是为国民经济和社会发展提供涉水的公共产品,如防洪减灾、抗旱、水污染防治、水资源的配置与保护、生态建设等。水利行业主要特征是公益性、非营利性,体现的是巨大的社会效益。水利提供的公共产品具有消费的非排他性和不可分割性,不是通过市场机制来完成,不可能具有市场垄断性,不涉及消费者付费,不存在操纵市场价格,通过垄断价格获取垄断利润的可能。  相似文献   

史建华 《山西水利》2007,23(2):133-134
以弘扬水利行业精神为出发点,分别从两个方面论述了水利行业精神对构建水利文化的重要性,并由此提出了构建和谐水利文化的途径,以供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

水是万物之源、生命之本。人类自古择水而居,逐水而迁,繁衍延续,生生不息。本文阐述了水文化的概念,并对水文化进行了结构解析,定义了水利文化和水利行业文化,分析了水文化与水利文化的联系和区别,为水文化、水利文化的相关研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

通过阐述对国有资产加强管理的重要性和我省水利行业国有资产管理的现状,指出加强裁省水利行业国有资产的监管、“重组”和“盘活”,确保水利行业国有资产的保值增值,保证我省水利经济能够持续、快速、健康地向前发展。  相似文献   

《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划的建议》中指出:“信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,也是我国产业优化升级和实现工业化、现代化的关键环节。”还明确提出:“以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力的跨越式发展。”显示了世纪之交党中央的远见卓  相似文献   

我国水利投融资体制问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
借鉴国内交通行业和国外的水利投融资经验,提出改革并完善我国水利投融资体制的对策:利用民间资本发展水利事业;有偿转让、招标拍卖水利资源以获取建设资金;采用特许权转让的方式将供水和污水处理通过私有化解决;发展水利产业基金;加大利用外资发展水利产业的力度。  相似文献   

高丽 《山西水利》2011,27(12):48-48
第一次全国水利普查工作正有条不紊、如火如荼地进行着,这次水利普查内容多、范围广、专业性强、任务重,工作难度大。离石区12个普查分区的全体普查指导员和普查员迎难而上、勇挑重担,发扬不怕苦不怕累的精神,确保了水利普查各项工作按进度完成,期间涌现出许多先进表率。  相似文献   

康万营 《治淮》1999,(12):31-31
随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,水利作为国民经济的基础设施和基础产业,面临着如何走向市场,适应市场经济以及怎样推动经济发展的问题。长期以来,在计划经济体制下,在水利建设中重投入轻产出,重建设轻管理,只注重社会效益,不注重经济效益的问题较突出。其结果是作为回报率最高的水利产业,自身得不到应有的回报,自身消耗得不到合理补偿。这是水利行业难以走出困境的主要原因。因此,必须尽快改革现有的水利经济体制,建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的良性运行机制。  相似文献   

根据我国水利建设的特点,提出要运用市场经济的观点,科学地评价水利建设的经济效益,从投入产出的角度,按照“谁受益,谁负担”的市场经济要求,建设和发展我国水利社会服务市场,推行水利建设社会负担和水利有偿服务的政策机制,促进水利产业化的良性发展。  相似文献   


以水利信息化推动水利现代化是近几年部党组治水思路的重要内容.各级水利部门坚持科学发展观,贯彻党中央新时期水利工作方针,努力实践水利部党组的治水思路,2006年,在推进水利信息化的各项工作方面取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of a detailed study carried out on Official Development Assistance (ODA) and international private investment in the water sector from 1995 to 2004. Publicly available datasets from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), the World Bank, and the Human Development Reports were collected and stored in a database. ODA programmes were analysed individually to separate the water and sanitation subsectors. The study includes a comparative analysis of public and private international investment, focusing specifically on sanitation. It assesses the success of private participation in the sector and evaluates cross-cutting issues in ODA water programmes.  相似文献   


Types of partnerships between public and private companies in water and sewage services are evaluated on the basis of the economic efficiency of the scheme for each partner. Modeling of public-private partnerships involves the formulation of a contract prototype, which determines the roles, functions, and responsibilities as well as the allocation of costs and revenues for each partner. Alternative water management scenarios are used to identify the investments required for meeting the projected demand for water and sewage services. Investment and operational costs as well as revenues from water and sewage services are estimated according to the allocation defined in the contract prototype. The economic efficiency of the scheme is assessed through a cost benefit analysis for each partner. The evaluation of different water management scenarios indicates that, for the Cyclades Islands, Greece, there is a substantial water market where several forms of partnerships could be attractive for both the public and the private sectors. Such partnerships include, among others, lease purchase, temporary privatization, built operate transfer (BOT), and built own operate transfer (BOOT). These forms of public-private partnerships could also be successful in similar regions where significant improvements and expansion of the infrastructure is required while access to the required funds and expertise is restricted for small public water companies.  相似文献   

This research gives an overview of water sector finances in Spain on a national scale. A methodology is presented which allows to estimate the total financial cost of water services and the rate of cost recovery, based on financial and budget information of administrations, agencies, companies and users’ associations involved in water resources management and water service provision. Financial records of organisations are analysed and the overall amounts of expenditure, cost and revenue determined. Cost recovery rates are calculated for different organisations and water services, and the net contribution of public funds received by the water sector in addition to tariff revenue is determined.  相似文献   

水利科技创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强科技创新是实现水利现代化的根本保障。针对水利现代化的目标,讨论了水利创新的原则,探讨了水利科技创新的若干方向以及讨论了科技创新的环境问题。  相似文献   

政府为了保护消费者的利益,通常对供水价格实行管制,通过建立数学模型分析指出:如果对垄断供水企业实施限制水价,会出现供给不足,政府为弥补供给不足应给予供水企业一定的补贴.对于如何确定供水价格和政府补贴,建立了政府同时确定供水价格和政府补贴的双目标最优决策模型,并给出了这个双目标最优决策模型非劣解满足的条件与特征.  相似文献   

水利事业预算项目绩效问题分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李家祥 《中国水利》2005,(10):52-54
政府财政预算支出的效果和效率问题当前受到社会高度关注.对预算项目的绩效评价是实行绩效预算的难点和制约瓶颈.通过水利事业预算项目有关绩效问题的分析,提出绩效指标设计思路与方法.  相似文献   

树立新人才观抓好水利高技能人才培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2003年年底,党中央、国务院在北京召开了全国人才工作会议,这是新中国成立以来第一次以中央名义召开的人才工作会议.  相似文献   

The UNDP Capacity Building Programme has gained valuable though still limited experience since it became operational over three years ago. Its central premise of building, strengthening or utilizing national water sector capacity meets much enthusiasm in more and more countries. Besides its products (comprehensive sector assessment reports, specific capacity-building requirements, and enhanced cross-sectoral capacity), it is welcomed for its modus operandi: national teams of experts from different disciplines and organizations carrying out water sector assessments, with guidance from UNDP and associated agencies on demand. With three water sector assessments completed and another seven and related activities under way, the programme is gaining momentum. Its experience is expected to be of relevance to a large number of counties in the future. After a promising start, the methodology is being fine-tuned, and capacity is being built both in developing countries and in external support agencies.  相似文献   

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