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全球金融危机对中国实体经济影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2008年10月开始,由美国国家刺激危机引发的全球性金融风暴开始侵蚀实体经济.世界几个主要经济体的经济增速已经出现明显下滑,失业率剧增,世界经济出现衰退.作为发展中大国,中国经济也毋庸置疑得受到了此次金融风暴的冲击.本论文遗针对全球金融危机对中国实体经济的具体影响做出了较为详细的分析,并且结合当前中国实体经济发展状况,对我国金融系统的稳定做出一些政策性建议.  相似文献   

东亚金融危机理论纷争与危机对经济理论的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

东亚区域经济发展和外汇储备累积与现有国际贸易格局和国际金融体系密不可分。以"三角贸易"为支撑的全球经济失衡为东亚积累外汇储备提供环境支持和持续增长的内在动力。美国金融霸权地位和东亚关键货币缺失使美国与东亚之间出现资金—产业贸易循环链条,促使东亚外汇储备流向美国债券市场。东亚地区由主动积累外汇储备变成被动承担外汇储备,并且这种局面将在长期存在。  相似文献   

提高利率,实施紧缩性财政政策,并进行结构性经济改革,推动国内经济的市场化和自由化,这是IMF拯救东亚金融危机方案中的主要措施。左翼经济学家认为东亚金融危机只是一场流动性危机,紧缩政策只会使危机国家雪上加霜,而右翼经济学家则认为IMF拯救行动加剧了道德风险问题,使国际金融更加动荡。IMF拯救方案引发的争议正在深入,并向国际金融领域的其他层面渗透。  相似文献   

通过对中国2008年经济增长率进行分解发现,全球金融危机对我国经济发展具有较强的负面影响,且该影响表现出较明显的区域不均衡性;其影响程度和先后顺序,呈现出从东向西的趋势。同时,各地区经济救助金融危机促进经济发展的能力也具有显著的区域特点,个别省市也表现出了较强经济发展竞争力。通过对具有较强竞争力的天津进行分析,发现转变经济增长方式、加强国内区域间经济合作与交流可以有效弱化外需和外资变化带来的影响。  相似文献   

美国国内的产业格局与储蓄消费的失衡决定了全球的分工格局与全球经济失衡,这种失衡是诱发金融危机的根本原因。金融危机反过来也会影响全球失衡的调整,其最更深远的影响体现在,使得国别经济关系关注的焦点从财富增长转向了利益调整中的财富分配。在这一背景下,从短期来看,防止经济衰退是中国宏观经济政策的主要目标,但在长期,我们更重要的是防范全球经济失衡中的利益调整所造成的中国长期经济衰退。  相似文献   

本文运用VAR系统方法,通过对危机前后7个国家外汇市场波动性之间的格兰杰因果和脉冲响应函数检验分析了金融危机的传染效应,得出结论:金融危机前的平稳期各国存在1对双向和4对单向因果关系;危机期,各国存在2对双向和3对单向因果关系,证明了危机传染的存在性;脉冲响应函数验证了各国之间危机传染的动态效应冲击强度比较大,持续时间增加.  相似文献   

发生在华尔街的金融危机不仅重创了美国脆弱的经济,引起美国股市崩盘,也给其他国家经济带来极大的危害。金融危机对全球实体经济产生了巨大的冲击,2008年世界经济已明显放缓,下行风险逐步加大,前景更加不确定。通过探讨金融危机的形成机理,分析其对经济的传导效应。  相似文献   

本文以韩国为例,分析东亚经济赶超过程中金融体系的转型.文中运用一个经济模型解释经济赶超过程中韩国集中化银行体系的软预算约束与经济快速增长这一看起来似乎相互矛盾的情况,认为在信息技术革命迅速发展和外部经济环境深刻变化的条件下,集中化的金融体系已不再适应经济的发展,迫切需要向分散化的市场方向转变.  相似文献   

文章通过对全球金融海啸的原因进行梳理分析提出后危机时代全球经济格局中的要素格局、贸易格局和产业格局会发生演变,同时,对后危机时代东亚经济整合提出了一些设想,认为亚洲一体化进程和经济货币合作进程的趋势是不可逆转的。为了推动亚洲区内经济的发展,必须加强亚洲各经济体之间的合作,促进贸易自由化。  相似文献   

We examine the international capital flows of seven East Asian emerging economies over the last decade and a half. We find that domestic capital market conditions appear to be the best predictors of the changes in the total capital flows of these countries. Overall, changes in capital market openness are less helpful in explaining the behavior of the recent capital flows of these economies. Finally, we find that, while US macroeconomic conditions are strong predictors of GDP growth in the region, US conditions matter very little for the region's capital flows.  相似文献   

The causal relationships between savings and economic growth have been given special attention because it has significant implication on policy-making. Nevertheless, the direction of causality remains unclear as previous studies failed to provide persuasive evidence to support the savings-led growth hypothesis. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to empirically re-investigate the savings–growth nexus in selected East Asian economies. It covers the quarterly sample period from 1970:Q1 to 2011:Q4. Our empirical results reveal that savings, economic growth and some other variables are cointegrated in these economies. Additionally, the causality results exhibit that the causal effect from savings to economic growth is stable over the period of analysis. Therefore, the probability of success in boosting economic growth through any policy action to induce greater savings is the greatest in the case of East Asian economies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of the recent Asian financial crisis on global economic adjustment and its implication for US agriculture using a multi-country, multi-sector dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium model with endogenously modelled financial markets. The simulation results show that the crisis in Asia reduces not only US exports but also interest rates and the cost of intermediate inputs of production, stimulating US domestic economic activity in interest-sensitive sectors, and driving up demand for agriculture products. However, this stimulus of domestic demand may or may not offset the negative impact of declining exports. JEL Classification Numbers: D58, F17, F30.  相似文献   

由美国"次贷蝴蝶"扇起的国际金融风暴来势之猛、波及面之广、对实体经济的影响之深超出各方预期.本文主要分析本次国际金融危机产生的原因、传导机制,及对全球和中国经济的影响,总结这次危机的经验教训,提出中国应在贯彻"保增长、扩内需、调结构、标本兼治"基本思想的基础上,利用财政货币政策有效启动内需;公平分配,提高社会消费水平;解决农户和农村中小企业贷款抵押担保难问题,促进农村经济发展,扩大内需;采取措施保持房地产市场稳定健康发展.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects on and responses of five middle‐income Southeast Asian economies to the current global environment of authoritarian populism, the retreat from economic liberalism, and the appeal of anti‐globalization movements. While the political histories and institutional capabilities of the five – Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam – vary greatly, these economies have a history of at least moderately fast economic growth for extended periods, and of increasing regional and global economic integration. We argue that most of the factors behind the discontent with globalization in the rich economies are not present to the same degree in these countries, and that there has therefore been no major retreat from the economic policy settings that have underpinned their past economic success. However, there are no grounds for complacency. Economic growth is slowing in some of the countries, economic insecurity remains widespread, and the development of durable independent institutions has lagged economic growth.  相似文献   

The impressive economic growth in a select group of Asian economies in the last several decades prompts some to argue that authoritarianism helps rapid economic growth while democracy hampers it. In this paper, we used the panel data approach to test this hypothesis for seven Asian economies, including South Korea, Singapore, and China. Our results reject the strong version of this hypothesis but fail to reject the weak version of it. Specifically, we found insignificant impacts of political freedom but significant effects of economic freedom on advancing economic convergence in these economies.  相似文献   

东亚经济的调整与合作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程恩富  夏晖 《财经研究》2003,29(7):34-38
本文描述了东亚经济及其模式的一般特点,重点阐述了其显露和隐含的问题。文章指出:在经济全球化发展的时代,东亚国家必须突破日本一雁领头的“雁形结构”,尽快形成由日本和中国领先的“双头鹰结构”,或由日本、中国和韩国三足鼎立的“鼎形结构”,提高产业调整速度,共同实现向资本和技术密集型产业的升级;要在和平条件下提高区域合作紧密化程度,其中,“东盟 中国 日本 韩国”的区域经济合作机制和组织的不断完善,平等互利基础上的亚洲货币基金组织的建立,将为东亚和整个亚洲经济的高效合作提供良好的平台。  相似文献   

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