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This paper analyses the enabling conditions for a water governance model responsive to future Philippine water requirements. Using the stage-based approach to institutional reforms, it assesses the outcomes of previous water governance reforms, such as conflicts in customary and formal rules; urban and rural; upstream and downstream; and the contestations in water supply privatization in Metro Manila. The analysis suggests that past water governance reforms were symbolic and procedural, and structural changes to support the legal frameworks were not achieved. Based on the case findings, the authors support the current reform agenda of implementing a decentralized framework of water governance at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

针对大马尼拉供水项目3.7 m直径、2 065 m长供水隧洞混凝土衬砌,采用三套全圆针梁式钢模台车快速施工,在通风、排水、供电、混凝土运输等方面采取了一系列措施,从而实现了保护层开挖支护、混凝土衬砌、灌浆消缺、底板清理等多工序最大限度的平行交叉作业,保证了施工速度和工程质量,为项目提前通水起到了决定性作用。  相似文献   

采用1986~2006年潘家口水库水质监测资料,分析水质时空变化规律。结果表明水库水体高锰酸盐指数较早期没有增加,但存在一定的增加趋势,总氮和总磷较早期有显著增加,富营养化趋势明显。采用引滦入津工程沿程8个监测断面的监测资料,分析水质空间变化规律,发现潘家口水库上游污染严重,下游水质较好。从水文变化和人类活动两方面,分析水质演化原因,据此提出了引滦入津工程水资源保护建议。  相似文献   

Stakeholder analysis and social network analysis were used to analyze stakeholders’ social and structural characteristics based on their interests, influence and interactions in Lake Naivasha basin, Kenya. Even though the Kenyan government and its agencies seem to command higher influence and interest in water resource management, the presence of influential and central stakeholders from non-government sectors plays a key role in strengthening partnership in a governance environment with multiple sectors, complex issues and competing interests. Interactions in the basin are guided by stakeholders’ interest and sphere of influence, which have both promoted participation in implementing a collaborative water governance framework.  相似文献   

抚河流域生态需水计算方法与模型建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合抚河流域生态需水特征,阐述了抚河流域生态需水概念界定和拟选的适合该流域的计算方法,并根据拟选计算方法和模型,确定了抚河流域最小生态需水量及其年内逐月分配过程.  相似文献   


In recent decades, an agro-export boom has deeply transformed Peru’s coastal valleys, resulting in dramatic territorial changes and social inequality in the Ica Valley. This article explains how politico-economic and socio-institutional forces have triggered the emergence of a new ‘hydrosocial territory’, transforming the Ica Valley into a virtual-water extraction zone that produces luxury export crops for the North and China. In addition, it shows how these territorial reconfigurations have led to ecological damage, water scarcity and increasing rural–urban inequality sustained by a hegemonic development discourse that supports agribusiness-elite territorial dominance and discourages social unrest.  相似文献   


This paper provides a synthetic presentation of French water governance and its evolution since the 1960s. Through this French experience, it discusses the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) water governance cycle showing disputes as the main drivers of change. France has been a pioneer in introducing water river basin management some 50 years ago. It is also noted for its water services management by local authorities, leaving a significant role to private and public companies. But French water governance has not been frozen since the 1960s and continues to change radically within a framework based upon its unique history.  相似文献   

The water resources of the Koshi Basin (87,311 km2) are largely untapped, and while proposals for their development exist, their impacts on current and future water demand are not quantified. The current study is the first to evaluate the impacts of 11 proposed development projects for hydropower generation and water storage. We find that 29,733 GWh of hydropower could be generated annually and 8382 million m3 of water could be stored. This could satisfy unmet demand in the current (660 million m3) basin situation and in future scenarios – i.e. population, agricultural and industrial growth – that are projected to have 920, 970 and 1003 million m3 of unmet demand, respectively, by 2050.  相似文献   

通过对松花江干流多年水沙过程、纵剖面及横断面形态、河道稳定性计算及河势变化分析,表明松花江干流河势总体相对稳定。针对松花江以推移质造床为主,输沙水量不是维持河道稳定的决定性因素的特点,提出了包含水量、流量和历时要求的维持河道稳定需水量的概念,以典型断面哈尔滨站为例,给出了维持松花江干流河道稳定的需水量为173×10.8m3,占全年总水量的40%;维持松花江干流河道稳定的平滩流量过程的重现期为1.3a,频率为9.6%。说明松花江干流水量充沛,平滩洪水重现和持续历时符合造床条件,基本能够满足维持河道稳定的需求。  相似文献   

From the analysis of stakeholders’ attitudes, this article explores problems, opportunities and constraints for improving sustainability and establishing better water governance processes in the selected case study, the Neste irrigation canal (France). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by means of a new codification system for identifying the affinities and confrontations between stakeholder demands. Results revealed that there are conceptual and practical heterogeneities among the preferences of stakeholder groups regarding irrigation management, sustainable attitudes and governance promotion. These results can be used by stakeholders and the relevant authorities as a first step in customizing their interventions.  相似文献   


The Kenyan Constitution calls for a devolved response to the stewardship of water and other natural resources. A case study based on planners’ experiences illustrates the shift towards a governance approach that is inclusive, integrates available technologies to achieve resilience to both flood and drought, and works across scales from the settlement to the catchment. Devolution is a slow process, and the challenges are many. Recent observations show that increasing local agency in water resource development is helping alleviate drought and flood emergencies. Nevertheless, more concerted action is still needed from the centre.  相似文献   

Municipal infrastructure for water supply and delivery often does not reach populations in rural and peri-urban areas. This article examines rainwater harvesting as a means of increasing water security in such areas, through the case of Guachtuq, a peri-urban community outside San Cristóbal, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The project team designed a rainwater harvesting system to improve three dimensions of water security: quantity, quality and access. The design was implemented for 12 households and evaluated for its contribution to water security and for the potential of expanding project coverage to the region and beyond. The system has improved water security. Several concerns remain, however, regarding the potential of expanding the project to other households in the region and beyond, including system cost, water quality and the individualization of public responsibility for water security.  相似文献   

本文以国家防汛抗旱总指挥部、水利部水文局旱限水位确定办法作为标准,对赣江上游一级支流章水中游(南康市城区段)旱限水位作出分析,根据当地实际用水需求及来水量,最终确定该水位值,该水位设置合理,能满足日常用水需求,可作为今后干旱发生时启动干旱应急响应提供基本依据.  相似文献   

Research on water resource conflicts needs to be better aligned with practitioner approaches to water resources development, chiefly integrated water resources management (IWRM). This paper bridges the gap between research and practice through a novel application of the social–ecological systems framework to a set of 10 conflict cases from an IWRM initiative in rural Central America. The conflicts in the empirical cases are found to be primarily the result of socio-political variables, particularly low levels of trust and social capital, and peacebuilding is suggested as a promising approach to address this suite of conflicts. The paper concludes with a proposed course of research designed to further both theoretical and applied knowledge of water resource conflicts.  相似文献   

根据田纳西干流四个主要测站有1935~1942年的水沙资料分析得出泥沙呈减少趋势,其原因为气候、水利和水保工程影响。根据支流典型测站有1935~1938和1963~1965年水沙资料情况对9条支流进行了平均对比分析,得出泥沙减少是流域内水保工程所致;对有1935~1938,1939~1942和1963~1965年三个时段的支流测站VALLEY河进行了深入的分析,得出在排除降雨条件影响下水土保持措施的减沙效果。另外结合田纳西流域的治理,对我国长江流域的水保提出了商榷性意见。  相似文献   

牛栏江-滇池补水工程输水线路金奎地隧洞设计桩号K9+593处为灰岩与泥岩结合带,地质条件复杂,地下水位较高,施工开挖过程中先后发生两次较大规模的塌方和特大突泥涌水。初期拟采用超前大管棚、注浆及强支撑等支护措施进行处理,实际操作中管棚施工极为困难,处理效果极不理想,后决定采用绕线方案。分析了初始方案无法实施的原因,改线方案的技术要求和施工重点,相关经验可供类似工程突泥涌水处理借鉴。  相似文献   

实现农业用水效率与农业经济的协调发展是黄河流域高质量发展的重要内容.分别运用非期望产出超效率SBM模型和综合评价模型测度沿黄九省(区)农业用水效率和农业经济发展水平,并运用耦合协调度模型和变异系数法分析二者的耦合协调关系及空间差异.结果 表明:2011-2019年沿黄九省(区)农业用水效率和农业经济发展水平均得到整体提...  相似文献   

围绕淮河、巢湖及长江中下游水患治理中存在的关键科学问题,回顾了安徽省(水利部淮河水利委员会)水利科学研究院建院70年来的发展历程;从岩土力学与渗流计算理论、水工结构与力学性能、水文统计理论与水文实验学科、河湖演变与综合整治、节水减排控污与农田水利综合治理、河湖监测预警与水利工程联合调度等6个方面系统回顾了该院70年来攻克的关键治水难题,以及在土体性能测定、渗流计算理论、水文统计理论、河湖演变机理、农田排水指标、河湖监测预警等方面取得的丰硕学术成就;展望了新形势与新要求下江淮治水所面临的机遇与挑战,为建设平安美丽安徽提供支撑。  相似文献   

The city of Puno in Peru is the largest producer of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using intensive floating cage systems installed in Lake Titicaca. As a result, the increase in diseases and the use of antibiotics to control them during the production cycle has been documented. We study the impact of antibiotics on drinking water, trout tissues and the lake's aquatic ecosystem. Nine antibiotics were monitored: tetracyclines, sulfonamides and fluoroquinolones. The samples were collected randomly and analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and the solid-phase extraction system. The sediment samples and surface water samples contain high concentrations of antibiotics. All sediments contain fluoroquinolones (3.74 mg kg?1) and tetracyclines (3.08 mg kg?1) and the surface water contains fluoroquinolones of up to 408.2 and 652.7 ng L?1 in the dry and rainy seasons respectively (P > 0.05). Drinking water samples from the city of Puno collected at sampling points with Lake Titicaca as a source of drinking water, reached an average of 188.1 and 222.2 ng L?1 of ciprofloxacin in dry and rainy seasons respectively. Complementarily, in trout tissues, it reached 7.8 μg kg?1 in oxytetracycline 8.7 μg kg?1 in sulfatizole, 4.2 μg kg?1 in ciprofloxacin and 3.6 μg kg?1 in sarafloxacin. The presence of these antibiotics in surface water is attributed to the aquaculture activity, in addition to runoff and wastewater, and their presence can have detrimental effects on the aquatic ecosystem, and even affect public health due to the consumption of aquaculture products and drinking water contaminated with antibiotic residues.  相似文献   

To understand the temporal and spatial variability of thermal refuges, this study focused on modeling potential thermal refuge area (PTRA) at a sub-daily time-step in two tributary confluences of the Sainte-Marguerite River (Canada) during the summers of 2020 and 2021. Aquatic ectotherm species, such as Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), seek these refuges to avoid heat stress during high summer river temperatures. To investigate the temporal variability of these PTRA, we employed inverse weighted distance interpolation to delineate the hourly area available at both confluences. We then analyzed the impact of the atypical low flow conditions of summer 2021 on the diel cycle of PTRA extremes using the coefficient of variation and the generalized additive model (GAM). Finally, we used four supervised machine-learning regression models and three to five hydrometeorological predictors to estimate hourly PTRA availability: multivariate adaptive splines regression (MARS), GAM, support vector machine regression (SVM), and random forest regression (RF). The results showed that tree-based and kernel-based regression models, RF and SVM, outperformed GAM and MARS. RF had the highest accuracy at both sites, with a relative root mean square error and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (Nash) of 13% and 93%, respectively. Our study discovered that under warm conditions in August 2021, small perennial tributary inflows in combination with low mainstem discharge could create high and constant PTRA at confluences, potentially providing vital thermal refuges for cold-water taxa. These refuges may be especially important at the local level, within a specific stretch or section of the river. Given the decreasing availability of thermal refuges for salmonids, it is crucial to monitor stream temperatures at small spatial and temporal scales using data-driven techniques in order to understand stream temperature heterogeneity at tributary confluences.  相似文献   

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