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近日.东风公司党委常委、东风有限副总裁、东风汽车股份有限公司(简称“东风汽车”)总经理朱福寿发布“东风汽车”成都宣言:2007年东风轻型商用车(含郑州日产)的产销目标为15万辆;2009年,即“东风汽车”上市10周年时.产销力争实现20万辆:2011年.东风轻型商用车产销将挑战30万辆.赢利水平行业领先.并成为行业最具竞争力的LCV(轻型商用车)制造商。  相似文献   

对作为东风轻型商用车责任主体的东风汽车股份有限公司而言,2005年实在是不平凡的一年。在轻型商用车市场整体表现欠佳、竞争日益激烈的大背景下,东风轻型商用车产销竟然突破10万大关,比2004年增加4万余辆,同时在车辆品质、售后服务、顾客满意度等方面都同获嘉许,实在是件很难为之事。然而,东风汽车股份有限公司做到了,在其走向成功与辉煌的征程中,走过了一个里程碑式的节点,达到了其从未达到的高峰。可以预期,东风汽车股份有限公司在排除一个又一个的艰险之后,将登上一个又一个的高峰。  相似文献   

7月16日,东风汽车股份有限公司(以下简称“东风汽车”)举办庆典盛会,隆重庆祝公司成立五周年。  相似文献   

随着市场的激烈竞争,企业家越来越清楚地认识到,品牌的生命在于其高质量的产品。名牌产品对消费者的巨大吸引力,来自其非凡的质量魅力。  相似文献   

缘何构建国际化轻型商用车公司?“东风汽车”总经理朱福寿说:一是国内外广阔的轻型商用车市场空间为“东风汽车”的有序扩张提供了舞台。二是“东风有限”战略规划的需要,在把东风商用车打造成世界第三知名品牌的宏伟目标中,“东风汽车”作为东风轻型商用车的责任主体,肩负重要的职责。三是“东风汽车”自身发展壮大的需要。  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的第二届中国东盟博览会上,“东风汽车”摘下出口的金秋硕果,分别与乌克兰、泰国、马来西亚以及中美洲国家签订了2006年的轻型商用车购销意向合同,共计6000辆汽车,约3.8亿元人民币。  相似文献   

近日,“东风汽车”在河南省黄河迎宾馆召开了2005年商务工作大会。会上,“东风汽车”公布了2005年生产经营目标:汽车生产销售突破11万辆,发动机产销达到12万台,销售收入突破120亿元人民币。这标志着卧薪尝胆两年的“东风汽车”拉开了全面出击轻型商用车市场的帷幕。  相似文献   

2005年,东风汽车股份有限公司所生产的各类轻型商用车产销量已突破10万辆,达到10.5万辆。“东风汽车”超额完成了2005年度的产销目标,提前步人了轻卡企业可以长期生存良性发展的10万辆规模平台。  相似文献   

4月的新西兰绿草如茵碧空如冼,塔斯曼海宜人的海风似乎缓释着女皇城国际汽车拉力赛的紧张气氛尽管这次赛事不如巴黎至选喀尔拉力赛那样漫长惊险,也不似世界一级方程式赛车那样激烈、扣人心弦,但来自世界各大汽车制造商、经销商,驰名于世的轿车、卡车、摩托车200多辆云集于此,使这次赛事显得格外不同寻常。  相似文献   

2002年9月19日,东风汽车公司与日产汽车公司在北京签署了长期全面合作的协议。从此揭开了东风与日产合作的历史篇章,同时也使中国汽车生产企业的格局产生了巨大的变化。  相似文献   

2004年中国国际贸易学会学术年会于2004年10月22日—26日在江西省南昌市和九江市举行。本次会议是由中国国际贸易学会与江西财经大学、九江学院联合主办,江西省外经贸厅、江西省国际经贸学会共同协办的。年会的主题是:加入WTO后过渡期——形势与对策。  相似文献   

Eritrea is located in the coastal area of Red Sea in the eastern Africa.The country has achieved independence for a short time,the economy is underdeveloped.The market of project contract of Eritrea has attracted over 10 international companies from the Middle East,Europe and Asia and Pacific.In such a fierce competition,SRBC has seized the market opportunity to make an outstanding performance and has achieved considerable market shares.  相似文献   

This article explores the hybrid phenomenon of social business, that is, both a form of organization and a practice that deliberately harnesses market dynamics to address deeply rooted social issues through the design and implementation of a core product or service. This new form of hybrid venture melds the social purpose traditionally associated with non-profit organizations with the economic purpose and market-based methods traditionally associated with for-profit firms. This exploratory research inductively explores the process by which social businesses are designed. The result suggests that clear intentionality around social purpose drives the design of these ventures and their associated missions and business models such that they can creatively synthesize competing paradigms (economic and social purpose) within one venture. The tight coupling of mission, method, and operationalization allows for the multi-stakeholder promise of the business model to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

Much has been written about how e‐business can serve as a strong homogenizing influence and essentially make the world into one market. Yet, little research has empirically investigated this question. This study seeks to describe e‐business activity in China, Sweden, and Russia to identify similarities and differences in the portfolios of e‐business applications in these countries. Our results indicate that different e‐business applications are emerging as more prevalent in different countries. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

一、上半年全省外经贸工作取得良好的阶段性成果今年上半年,全省外经贸工作是在我国加入WTO第一年的新形势下展开的。半年来,全省外经贸战线的广大职工以江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,解放思想,与时俱进,较为出色地完成了上半年的工作任务。赢得了加入世贸组织的新形势下加速外经贸发展的一个良好开局。今年前6个月,全省外贸进出口完成18.7亿美元,同比增长24.8%,高于全国平均增幅12.5个百分点,增幅列全国第2位,其中出口完成7.7亿美元,增长17.6%,高于全国平均增幅3.5个百分点,增幅列全国…  相似文献   

An individual's dietary habits are largely developed during childhood and adolescence, and are likely to be determined by both nature (the development of sensory perceptions) and nurture (parental influence, and later on the influence of peers). However, diet is likely to evolve throughout the life cycle as circumstances change and new influences are introduced to an individual's lifestyle. An example of this is the changes in diet that occur as a result of the transition young people make away from the family home into independent living. Leaving behind the meals provided and cooked by parents/guardians and learning how to shop on a budget and prepare and cook for themselves may result in the adoption of poor eating habits, which is likely to have a detrimental effect on health. Leaving behind the restrictions of parental control may also result in the adoption of unhealthy lifestyle practices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. This study therefore seeks to investigate the effect of leaving home on a young person's diet and lifestyle. Health behaviour and food intake was assessed by questionnaire. Findings suggest that a young person's diet may change after leaving home, but these changes are not necessarily negative. More negative health behaviour was observed in young people living independently.  相似文献   

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