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中华人民共和国法定货币是人民币。但是,人民币在发行之初并没有对货币名称做出规定,人民币这一名称是后来在使用过程中形成和确立的。为了弄清楚人民币这一货币名称的形成和确立时间,本文对人民币早期名称作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本轮房价上升是一次货币现象,是在全球制造业下行、产能过剩的情况下,资金寻找安全垫的过程,再加上其他一些因素的影响,最终形成目前这一奇绝的景象。  相似文献   

梁淑玲 《中国财政》2012,(20):58-59
一个行业、一个部门在发展与演变过程中,群体创造的具有鲜明行业特色的、先进的、大众的、主流的精神内涵,代表着这一行业、这一部门的核心价值观,也是一种推动行业部门持续发展的无形效应和动力。"财政精神"就是财政部门在长期发展和演变过程中形成的核心价值观,也是历代财政人不懈追寻的精神内涵。在财政这片沃土上,一代又一代财政人经历了无数风霜雪雨,创造了辉煌业  相似文献   

星星之火,可以燎原。这燎原的火星得看其性质如何,像行业先进经验、模范典型,当然是越能形成蔚为壮观之势越好,可如果,这火星是一些服务上的瑕疵,那它搞不好酿成的会是一场火灾。当前银行业机构在其经营管理过程中就正面临着如此考验。  相似文献   

银行业危机:金融泡沫视角的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代以来,银行业危机爆发越显频繁。然而,通过对银行业危机内部形成机理分析可以发现,银行业危机的爆发其实是伴随着金融泡沫的形成与破灭这一过程的。在金融泡沫的形成过程中,银行往往会给一些高风险行业发放贷款,从而增加银行经营风险;而在金融泡沫破灭之后,这将直接或间接地导致银行产生大量的不良贷款,从而使银行业危机最终爆发。因此,我国应尽快化解国有商业银行的不良资产;完善银行微观治理结构;建立和完善金融监管机制。  相似文献   

流行观点认为:价格是价值的货币表现形式,价值是价格的基础,价值决定价格,供求关系在价格的形成过程中仅起影响作用,即供求关系仅使价值与价格相背离,并围绕价值这一轴心上下波动。我们认为,这种观点是不全面的,它既缺乏对供求关系在价格形成过程中  相似文献   

当代中国经济体制改革是伴随着制度的变迁、市场化程度的提高和对外开放的推进而展开的。这一过程正好带来了企业集群形成和发展所必须的制度条件、市场条件和资本、技术及劳动力。可以说,没有中国经济体制改革的启动和深入展开,就没有我国企业集群的形成和发展。  相似文献   

广大中小投资者都知道股市中的一句谚语:"熊市不言底".其实这句话的意思是指底部的形成是一个复杂的过程,不会是几天几个月就能轻易形成的.但是股市毕竟还是有底部的.中小投资者往往抄不到真正的底部,原因就在于无法判断底部是否真正形成.  相似文献   

常玫 《中国外资》2013,(2):272-272
医院资料档案管理是医院在提高医疗服务过程中形成的,以不同形式和载体存在的,具有非常重要的保存价值,是医院的财富。资料档案管理在医院的建设过程中占据着举足轻重的地位,医院必须要注重加强这方面的管理和建设。  相似文献   

广大中小投资者都知道股市中的一句谚语:熊市不言底。其实这句话的意思是指底部的形成是一个复杂的过程,不会是几天几个月就能轻易形成的。但是股市毕竟还是有底部的。中小投资者往往抄不到真正的底部,原因就在于无法判断底部是否真正形成。专家们从股市的基本理论并结合实际操作的经验,总结出以下底部形成的特征,以供中小投资者参考。  相似文献   

By incorporating habit formation into an overlapping-generations economy, we show that the middle-aged consumers’ savings decision has a substantial impact on the equity premium. The higher incentive for savings for the middle-aged, resulting from the habit formation preference, causes an even higher demand for bonds and a lower demand for equity, which eventually generates a lower risk-free rate and a higher required return for holding equity than does the framework of non-habit forming models. Calibration results verify that the habit formation setting, together with an OLG framework is capable of yielding lower bond returns and higher equity returns than the standard CRRA utility models, and the borrowing constraint imposed on the young-aged consumers amplifies the positive effect of habit formation on the equity premium. The findings imply that habit formation preferences within the overlapping-generations framework under the borrowing-constrained economy can provide a more improved explanation of the equity premium puzzle.  相似文献   

企业集团是发展中国家的常见现象.许多学者运用新制度学派的企业理论来解释发展中国家企业集团的形成,将其归为市场不完善的结果.这种一般化的解释忽略了发展中国家企业集团形成的特殊性.发展中国家企业集团是在家族企业的基础上发展起来的.金融市场分割和资本绝对短缺为家族企业向企业集团转化奠定了社会经济基础,工业化发展战略和政府--银行--企业连结关系则直接导致了企业集团的形成.  相似文献   

随着教育事业的持续发展,高等教育的成本管理顺应需要发展起来,逐步成为高等学校财务管理的一项重要内容。明确辨析高等教育构成及内涵性质是进行高校教育成本核算、成本控制的前提和基础,具有十分重要的研究价值。在这种要求之下,本文分析了高等教育成本的内涵,教育成本的构成要素、内容及性质、介绍了中外高等教育成本的研究现状,总结出了高校教育成本的三种构成模式。  相似文献   

We show an isomorphism between optimal portfolio selection orcompetitive equilibrium models with utilities incorporatinglinear habit formation, and corresponding models without habitformation. The isomorphism can be used to mechanically transformknown solutions not involving habit formation to correspondingsolutions with habit formation. For example, the Constantinides(1990) and Ingersoll (1992) solutions are mechanically obtainedfrom the familiar Merton solutions for the additive utilitycase, without recourse to a Bellman equation or first-orderconditions. More generally, recent solutions to portfolio selectionproblems with recursive utility and a stochastic investmentopportunity set are readily transformed to novel solutions ofcorresponding problems with utility that combines recursivitywith habit formation. The methodology also applies in the contextof Hindy–Huang–Kreps (1992) preferences, where ourisomorphism shows that the solution obtained by Hindy and Huang(1993) can be mechanically transformed to Dybvig's (1995) solutionto the optimal consumption-investment problem with consumptionratcheting.  相似文献   

An important issue in the regulation of corporate behavior is its impact on the monitoring configuration selected by top management. In this article, we provide evidence consistent with the notion that the recent trend toward audit committee formation, and the movement toward Big-Eight auditors, are responses to increased legal exposure of the board of directors, notably stemming from the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. The costs associated with changes in monitoring configurations are also considered. In particular, it is argued that auditor assistance can substantially reduce the cost of audit committee formation. Because external auditors may have differential incentives to support audit committee formation, a hypothesis linking auditor identity and audit committee formation is offered. Recent auditor changes and audit committee formations of American Stock Exchange companies are examined to provide positive evidence for the theory. The data reveal a clear trend to form audit committees, and a movement to Big-Eight auditors. Underscoring the importance of auditor involvement, it is shown that audit committees were more likely to be formed given recent selection of a new Big-Eight auditor.  相似文献   

Using only the 200 large-cap securities that make up the NYSE 100 and NASDAQ 100, this study investigates 130 randomly selected formation periods from January 2000 through December 2012. During these formation periods, the three worst and three best performing stocks (based on excess return) are flagged. Once flagged, the subsequent 10-day holding period excess returns are calculated. Results indicate that NYSE securities demonstrate significant return reversal, but not return momentum. Conversely, the worst performing NASDAQ securities demonstrate return reversal, whereas the best performing NASDAQ securities demonstrate return momentum. Results are robust to the number of best and worst stocks that are flagged. Results are also robust to other combinations of formation and holding period lengths.  相似文献   

There are many studies on lobbying of accounting standards, but the technical agenda of regulators is taken as ‘given’ and why a particular topic was admitted to the agenda is not investigated. Agenda formation is important as control of the agenda determines which topics get regulated and the form of the regulatory response. A few studies have explored agenda formation across regulatory institutions but are largely silent on the role of individual decision makers and technical staff. However, the standards setters have sought to explain their agenda processes. This paper reviews statements by the members of accounting standards setting agencies about their experiences of agenda formation. It identifies insights gained from standard setters and makes some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

本文通过对世界证券市场形成及发展的模式、结构研究,并深入分析中国证券一级市场的建构,解析一级市场实操中出现的种种弊端,反思中国证券一级市场的发展方向.  相似文献   

生产方式是一个具有独立性的概念,它由生产的技术条件与社会条件构成。由于生产力和生产关系的构成都包含在生产的技术条件与社会条件之中,因此,两者中的任何一方发生变化都会导致生产方式变化,即两者都是生产方式的决定因素。只是因为生产力的技术构成方面在马克思的分析框架中是外生的,才导致了"生产力-生产方式-生产关系"这样一个公式。但是,由于生产力社会构成本身是以生产关系的形式表现出来的且是内生于马克思的经济系统的,再用"生产力-生产方式-生产关系"这个公式就很牵强了。  相似文献   

促进形成强大国内市场是新发展格局下我国经济高质量发展的重大战略部署。建设统一大市场是形成强大国内市场的重要举措,降低交易成本是建设统一大市场促进形成强大国内市场的关键。为此,基于交易成本的视角,分别从促进市场流通、交易环节精简、交易基础制度规则保障与多地域文化认同四个方面剖析建设统一大市场促进形成强大国内市场的机理,进而提出其实现路径:加快建设现代流通体系,促进流通业数字化转型;推进交易平台共享,打造全国统一交易平台;降低制度性交易成本,实现全国产权交易市场互联互通;强化文化认同,形成建设全国统一大市场的共有理念。  相似文献   

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