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李军  刘海云 《南方经济》2015,33(3):1-23
本文分析了Meltiz模型的情境条件,发现生产率异质性是与其三大前提假设紧密相关的。中国情境下,改革开放后不同阶段的不同类型的出口企业:与外商投资相关的企业、生而国际化的企业、先有本土市场而后国际化的企业,它们国际市场竞争力来源不只是生产率异质性,而是存在差异的企业区位、企业年龄、企业规模、创新、品牌、企业性质、企业级别、资本结构、人力资本、成长率等多重异质性。利用中国工业企业数据库,本文实证检验发现,在多个细分行业存在生产率悖论,生产率差异不能有效解释出口企业竞争力,而多重异质性具有更强的解释力,是中国出口企业竞争力来源。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济增长以及产业结构升级,能源强度及其影响因素在空间分布上呈现的特性具有新的变化。选取2015年中国30个省(区、市)的相关数据建立地理加权回归模型,实证研究了能源强度的空间异质性及其影响因素。结果表明:中国省域能源强度存在明显正的空间自相关性,并且在空间上存在明显的集聚特征,西北地区能源强度较高,东南地区能源强度较低;技术进步、经济发展水平、外开放程度与能源强度成负相关关系,对能源强度的降低有促进作用;第二产业比重、第三产业比重、能源价格与能源强度成正相关关系。  相似文献   

平衡经济发展与能源消费的关系是提高经济发展水平的关键。通过构建向量自回归模型,从能源结构角度探讨异质性能源对广西经济发展水平的影响效应,并分析各变量之间静态及动态关系。研究发现:电力能源已成为推动广西经济发展的关键因素。静态关系上,煤炭对广西经济发展水平有显著的负向影响;石油对广西经济发展水平的影响为负向,但不显著;电力对广西经济发展水平有显著的正向影响。动态关系上,从长期趋势看,电力能源消费对广西经济发展水平具有正向影响。为圆满达成“双碳”目标,提高广西经济发展水平,应优化能源结构,提高电力能源消费。基于此,提出如下措施:优化产业结构,树立绿色发展理念;优化升级传统产业,大力扶持新兴产业;实施创新驱动,助力经济高质量发展。  相似文献   

文中利用分位回归估计了不同所有制部门的工资方程.对于国有部门而言,1991、1993年的结果表明,低分位回归中的教育回报率比较高(1997年的结果没有明显的规律)。而对于私营经济而言,1993、1997年的结果表明,高分位回归中的教育回报率高于低分位回归。这种规律在城市和农村地区都是成立的。国有部门中处在收入条件分布低端的样本工资增长快于处在条件分布高端的样本,民营部门则没有这样的规律,甚至与之相反。  相似文献   

基于行业层面,对工业部门技术创新效率评估,考虑到各行业处于不同的技术前沿,将工业部门分为技术密集型行业、能源密集型行业和劳动力密集型行业。技术创新效率实证结果表明技术密集型行业效率最高、劳动力密集型行业次之、能源密集型行业技术创新效率最低。基于以上结果,对我国工业部门不同群组行业的技术创新效率提升提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本文综合居民消费习惯、可支配收入、实际利率、消费支出的不确定性、延迟退休等因素,运用预防性储蓄异质性理论构建动态面板模型,以我国31个省市2007-2014年的面板数据为基础,考察延迟退休政策对我国城镇居民预防性储蓄影响。研究结果表明,老年人口抚养比和消费支出不确定性的交叉项、城镇居民基本养老保障基金收入和消费支出不确定性的交叉项对消费支出有显著负影响,即延迟退休对我国城镇居民预防性储蓄有显著影响。建议通过建立完善养老保障体制、改善消费环境以及降低居民未来收入的不确定性等措施,降低居民预防性储蓄刺激消费。  相似文献   

李博  王霄 《世界经济》2023,(5):90-118
如何理解房产税在宏观经济运行中的作用和对微观家庭的异质性影响,对于中国的房产税改革非常重要。本文构建了一个包含异质性个体的世代交叠模型,量化分析了房产税改革对宏观经济运行和异质性微观个体福利的影响。研究表明,房产税改革的长期效果是优化居民资产结构、刺激消费、降低房价并显著提振实体经济。房产税改革带来了显著的福利改善,且对低收入群体福利改善最明显。然而,征收房产税在短期内会带来房价的快速下降和租金上升,高财富和住房资产较多的群体在改革当期甚至存在福利损失。当存在征收面积减免时,房产税改革对房地产市场和宏观经济的影响减弱,低收入群体更容易买房的同时伴随着消费的相对下降。  相似文献   

采用SML指数法测算1998—2008年全国各地区环境约束下的工业TFP指数,进而采用PSTR模型探索工业TFP变化及地区差异的原因。实证分析表明,TFP增长已成为我国工业增长的重要驱动力,技术进步是工业TFP增长的源泉,相对效率的改善十分微弱,而近年来我国的环保努力和国际金融危机分别对工业TFP增长率形成了正向和反向的冲击。PSTR回归分析显示各地区环境约束下的工业TFP增长具有明确的异质性,多个解释变量对工业TFP增长的影响在模型的高、低体制下具有显著的差异。  相似文献   

异质性企业贸易理论研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以Mehtz(2003)模型为基础,对异质性企业的研究形成了两个分支:一支是沿着Melitz(2003)假定不断发展,推出了众多可以进行实证检验的假说;另一支是由Antras开创,沿着厂商内生性边界展开,将新制度经济学的不完全契约思想纳入一体化和外包的商业模式选择。文章对异质性企业理论及其拓展模型进行梳理,并对Helpman(2008)加入劳动异质性变量后异质性企业贸易理论的最新拓展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This article estimates returns to education among entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, using unique survey data from 2012. Our main instrument for education is the education of the father of the entrepreneur, and we control for sibling education in order to take out the potential effect of father education on productivity and profitability. The results suggest a return to education in the order of 11 per cent per year of education. Using the education of the mother as an alternative instrument, we find evidence of heterogeneous returns to education among entrepreneurs. Compared to our main instrument, the education of mothers appears to affect education choices among individuals with relatively higher participation probabilities in education, where returns to education are lower.  相似文献   

Attaining a college education bestows advantages in the labor market, but it is undetermined whether a college education could also benefit those in need of assistance. Using a unique dataset from a large online medical crowdfunding platform based in China, this paper investigates the social support returns to college education. Our study finds that patients attaining college education would raise 88.1% more funds through medical crowdfunding. A variety of identification strategies suggest that the relationship is causal. By examining the potential mechanism, we conclude that college-educated patients have more detailed narratives and have more school-related social connections who are willing to verify and distribute the campaigns, attracting more supporters and ultimately raising more funds.  相似文献   

Some important aspects of returns to education in Indonesia have been neglected. This paper draws on the Indonesia Family Life Survey, a longitudinal survey, to shed some light on these aspects. This paper finds in a Mincerian specification that a more recent rate of return is in line with the rates found in previous research. A quantile regression is applied to show that the rate varies little in the conditional distribution of earnings, which stands in stark contrast to findings from some developed countries. In addition, the rate of return in self‐employment is estimated to be lower than that in paid employment for person‐ and sector‐specific reasons. In addition to monetary returns to education, happiness returns to education are considered. This paper advances evidence that education has important and robust implications for happiness above and beyond absolute and relative levels of income.  相似文献   

We estimate returns to school resources in the Jim Crow era, as measured by young males' 1940 wage earnings, occupational status, and cognitive aptitude scores. Results point to a 16 cent annual return on each $1 invested in public schools. To the question of whether some school inputs mattered more than others, we find comparable 25–32 cent returns per dollar invested in extended school years, teacher salaries, and smaller classes. School spending and inputs had much more bearing on labor market outcomes than aptitude scores. We document diminishing returns to school expenditures, which, in combination with segregated schools, resulted in higher returns to expenditures in black schools relative to white.  相似文献   

Erik Canton 《De Economist》2007,155(4):449-468
Summary This paper presents new evidence on the social returns to education within a macroeconomic growth regression framework. I use improved schooling data and a macro version of the Mincer relationship between education and wages for individual workers. The results suggest that an increase by one year of the average education level of the labor force would increase labor productivity by 7–10% in the short run and by 11–15% in the long run. Some evidence is found for the presence of dynamic human capital spillovers: the human capital stock increases prospective economic growth. The empirical results are used to quantify the macroeconomic impact of skill upgrading as agreed upon in the European Union’s Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. Finally, the paper discusses discrepancies between private and social returns to education. I would like to thank two referees, Dinand Webbink, Peter Wobst, and participants of the brown bag lunch seminar series at the Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General of the European Commission for helpful comments. Views expressed are my own, and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the European Commission or the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to measure the causal effect of education on earnings using a large dataset of twins compiled in Japan with wide‐ranging socioeconomic information. Recent research conducted in China showed that, contrary to the case in Western countries, ability bias is large in estimating the return to education. It is argued that the low rate of return in China is in part due to the competitive and exam‐oriented education system, which is similar to the system in Japan. The empirical results in our study show that the estimated rate of return to education using the sample of identical twins in Japan is 9.3 percent even after omitted ability bias and measurement errors in self‐reported schooling were corrected. Our findings suggest that the conventional OLS estimate is not significantly contaminated by potential biases in Japan.  相似文献   

在异质性企业贸易理论提出以后,生产率就被看作是决定企业出口的重要因素,只有生产率高的企业才有能力选择出口.不过对中国企业的经验研究发现,中国出口企业的生产率的均值要低于非出口企业,即存在“生产率悖论”.本文使用2007年中国制造业企业样本,运用两种方法,其一是计算比较生产率法,其二是运用统计方法检验出口企业与非出口企业的生产率差异.为了结论的准确性,我们分行业、分地区、分企业注册类型、分企业规模检验.最后检验出口企业的生产率与其出口规模的相关性.结论认为:出口企业生产率均值在大部分情况下低于非出口企业;出口企业的生产率在很多时候显著低于非出口企业或者与非出口企业无差异;出口企业的生产率与出口规模正相关,但是在控制其它可能影响出口的因素后,则变为负相关.这些都是中国出口企业存在“生产率悖论”的证据.  相似文献   

为了解新疆少数民族农民教育收益率的具体情况,本文在新疆六地市农民入户调研数据的基础上,对新疆少数民族农民的受教育程度和收入情况进行了分析,并采用明瑟收益函数方法对新疆少数民族农民的教育收益率进行了计量回归分析。结果发现,农民收入中,外出打工收入对新疆少数民族农民的收入水平具有重要影响;性别差异对新疆少数民族农民的教育收益率影响显著,且整体教育收益率随受教育程度的提高呈近似“u”型结构。而且新疆少数民族农民的收入水平和教育收益率与国内其他农村地区相比存在很大差距。  相似文献   

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