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江西昌河铃木汽车有限责任公司,坐落于举世文明的中国瓷都景德镇,是国家轿车定点生产基地之一。公司于2002年通过ISO9001-2000质量体系认证,2003年2月首批通过国家强制性产品认证(即“CCC”认证)。其产品连续多年受到全国用户的广泛好评,其中,北斗星多功能小型车,被评为2000年北京国际车展倍受关注的两款国产车 相似文献
对于自主品牌汽车企业来说,随着多项刺激政策的退出和合资企业产品不断下探,今年乃至今后一段时间,都将面临销量下滑、利润锐减困局。兼并重组不到两年的新昌河,可谓迎来了首场市场大考。通过兼并重组,昌河汽车产生了哪些实质性蜕变?面对首场市场大考,昌河汽车的考前准备做得如何?带着这些问题,记者专访了昌河汽车总经理李黎。 相似文献
李建新 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2003,(4):40-41
湖南长丰汽车制造股份有限公司,是中国最大的轻型越野汽车生产厂家,是中国唯一一家和日本三菱汽车公司合资的整车制造厂家。湖南长丰汽车制造股份有限公司原隶属于广州军区装备部,是国家和军队生产轻型越野汽车的龙头骨干企业,是国家大二型企业,拥有总资产15亿元。 相似文献
江西,物华天宝,人杰地灵,山清水秀。在这片红土地上还有一个中国航空工业的大型骨干企业,它就是名声响彻大江南北的——江西洪都航空工业股份有限公司(简称洪都航空)…… 相似文献
本刊讯尽管汽车召回制度已经在今年3月15日出台,但与之相关的汽车“三包”政策却迟迟没有消息。但日前,记者从有关人士处获悉,我国汽车“三包”政策已经定稿,目前在等待主管部门的最后审批。该人士表示,如果不出意外,汽车“三包”政策有望在今年10月1日出台。另外,为保证10月1日缺陷汽车产品召回制度的顺利实施,国家质检总局近期出台了4部关 相似文献
1.The introduction of Changhe Motors Established on Nov. 26,1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
1. The introduction of Changhe Motors Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
1.The introduction of Changhe Motors
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
I. The introduction of Changhe Motors
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
1. The introduction of Changhe Motors
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
1. The introduction of Changhe Motors
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
1. The introduction of Changhe Motors
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献
Established on Nov. 26, 1999, Jiangxi Changhe Motors Co.,Ltd. is located in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, the famous city of China. It was sanctioned by National Economic and Trade Committee, Changhe Aircraft Industries Group is the main sponsor. 相似文献