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刘建中  吴宏 《东北之窗》2011,(22):49-49
在长海县大长山镇,无论你清晨漫步于公园,还是傍晚置身于广场,随处可见各个年龄段的群众舞动的身影和绽放的笑容,越来越多的人都在融入到百姓健康舞的队伍之中,甚至出现了夫妻共舞、祖孙共舞的场景,大家在尽情享受舞蹈快乐的同时也舞出了海岛人的精气神。  相似文献   

千湖之国有着迷人的自然风光和独特的人文风情,去日不落城赫尔辛基享受一天20小时的日光,古都图库尔欣赏古老建筑,坦佩雷寻找美丽自然风光,芬兰所给你的惊喜远不止这些!芬兰是世界上森林覆盖率最高的国家,也是世界上纬度最高的国家之一。它的国境内有大大小小湖泊十多万个,素有千湖之国之称。到芬兰旅游的最佳季节是每年的6至9月。在这个季节芬兰有世界罕见的极昼奇观,还可以看到人们欢庆仲夏节的欢乐场面。  相似文献   

唐明 《今日重庆》2010,(9):66-69
“和谐、自然、快乐、超越”,构成了一幅幅绝美武隆的动感瞬间。9月3日至6日,由国家体育总局、国家广播电影电视总局、重庆市人民政府联合主办的2010“仙女山杯”中国重庆武隆第八届国际山地户外运动公开赛,在历经四天的会战之后完美谢幕。  相似文献   

芬兰媒体7月23日报道,柴油车以其节能和环保等因素,在芬兰开始受到更多人的认可。今年芬兰柴油车销量比去年增加了16%,其中私人用柴油车销量几乎比去年翻了一番。  相似文献   

本文对芬兰R&D(研究与开发)经费投入方面进行分析,总结其R&D经费投入的特点,并通过与中国和美国对比,对我国R&D经费投入作出反思。认为我国的R&D经费投入强度绝对值还很低,而且长期徘徊在低位。我们应该与发达国家对比,看到自己的不足,从而更加明确目标与方向。  相似文献   

本文对芬兰R&D(研究与开发)经费投入方面进行分析,总结其R&D经费投入的特点,并通过与中国和美国对比,对我国R&D经费投入作出反思.认为我国的R&D经费投入强度绝对值还很低,而且长期徘徊在低位.我们应该与发达国家对比,看到自己的不足,从而更加明确目标与方向.  相似文献   

“千湖之国”有着迷人的自然风光和独特的人文风情,去日不落城赫尔辛基享受一天20小时的日光,古都图库尔欣赏古老建筑,坦佩雷寻找美丽自然风光,芬兰所给你的惊喜远不止这些!  相似文献   

北欧小国芬兰连续三次被世界经济论坛评为"世界最具竞争力的国家"。这些成就都和芬兰的职业教育分不开。一方面,反映在经济发展对职业教育的投入、规模和发展格局的影响;另一方面,由于职业教育办学模式的多元化,使职业教育对劳动力素质的影响,以及劳动力因素对劳动生产效率的影响巨大。  相似文献   

大年初一,正准备开门接待小辈拜年,习惯性地环顾客厅,目光被鱼缸拽住,不觉高叫一声:"谁撒的一缸红宝石?"只见红莹莹的亮点,左一个右一个,穿越水波,摇摆游弋。此乃我家硕果仅存的红箭下的小鱼崽儿,少说有七八十条。神奇生命,不期造访,这可是上天送我的大红包!  相似文献   

芬兰的这家”诚信商店“和我们国内唯一不同的是没有营业员和收银员  相似文献   

冬天应该是有味道的。脚下的白雪、树枝上的冰凌、厚厚的冬装、冻得红彤彤的笑脸……无一例外地,都透出冬天无尽的味道。寒暑交替,自然而已。没有春的烂漫、秋的绚丽,冬天却也有自己独到的韵味——静谧而深沉。  相似文献   


The purpose of Dr. Nils Meinander's “Story of the Water-Driven Sawmill” in Finland is quite different from that of his Ph. D. thesis, published five years later. The former was written in celebration of the Finnish Sawmills Owners' Association's fiftieth anniversary and covers the whole field of the history of the early sawmills business in Finland. The latter gives a systematic and detailed account of the use of forest resources and of other problems connected with these industries in three river districts in the most northern part of Ostrobothnia.  相似文献   


In the year 1800 a capital levy was imposed by the Swedish Riksdag (Parliament), and in connection with this levy a property valuation was made which affords a unique cross-section of the distribution of property among the different districts, occupational sections, and families in Finland and Sweden.  相似文献   


Dr. Björkqvist's voluminous dissertation covers a wide field. The problem of introducing the Gold Standard in Finland in 1877 was in the first place an economic one but negotiations with the Russian authorities also brought up, to a large extent, questions concerning the political relations between the then Grand Duchy of Finland and the Imperial Government of Russia. Dr. Björkqvist considers both these aspects and also approaches the problem from a third angle, the statistical one. He has compiled figures from various sources and turned them into handy time series. Viewed as a whole, however, the book must be classified as a study in economic history.  相似文献   


Dr. Oredsson's extremely able and original doctoral dissertation! is concerned primarily with the issue of state versus private railway policy in certain countries. So far as Finland is concerned, he confines himself to strategic considerations, dismissing the subject of ownership with the statement: ‘All railways of major importance were built by the State’ (p. 23). The impression gained by the reader is that from the outset State ownership was regarded as self-evident in Finland. This, however, was not the case. My intention in this note is not to criticise Oredsson, but to supplement his account of the railway policy of Sweden's eastern neighbour.  相似文献   


The historiography of mercantilism has been described as a series of disconnected still pictures which reflect the shifting viewpoints of economic thought.1 However, historians have favoured different concepts of mercantilism not only in response to the shifts of economic science but also because they have held, explicitly or implicitly, different opinions on the problem of how economic ideas are formed and of the role they have played in historical development. The following reexamination of some of those ‘stills’ concentrate on such differences.2  相似文献   

芬兰公有土地租赁制度的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立彦  李银生 《改革与战略》2009,25(11):168-171
芬兰公有土地租赁制度具有立法完备、设定适宜的政策目标、实行年租金制度、租赁到期时对地上建筑物给予补偿和在公共部门内部实行内部地租等特点。文章认为,借鉴芬兰公有土地租赁制度的有益经验,我国国有土地有偿使用制度应在完善立法、合理设定国有土地有偿使用的政策目标、选择适宜的土地租赁形式、实行地上建筑物的补偿制度和加强对公共目的用地的成本管理等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

Conclusions In this study, the role of factor intensities and factor proportions in Swedish and Finnish trade with Eastern Europe have been examined. In the two-factor model, the Swedish results conform with the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. Finland, on the other hand, shows a paradoxical trade pattern, i.e. the results are contrary to the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem.  相似文献   

A quantitative look is taken at electricity and ICT as the engines of economic growth in Finland which was one of the leading countries in the electrification of mechanical drive in industry and which today is one of the leading information societies. It is shown that ICT’s contribution to GDP growth in 1990-2004 was three times as large as electricity’s contribution in 1920-1938. The improvement of multi-factor productivity in production accounted for 60% of ICT’s contribution but only one third of electricity’s. Electricity’s growth contribution was smaller but ICT’s larger than in the United States.  相似文献   

树木在感叹,今年冬雪又一次早早地来到了济南。记得几年前的11月,一场大雪降临,给济南带来了灾害,很多树枝被压断,掉落在屋顶上。早上去上课的路上.我又看到了很多树技被大雪压折,凌乱地散落在校园里。积雪太厚了,为了减轻大树的负担,有一个女孩甚至在撼动一棵巨大的法国梧桐。大雪和秋叶看来是矛盾的,至少秋叶不能承受。  相似文献   

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