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对新疆农民专业合作组织发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛鲁江  冯鹤鸣 《新疆财经》2008,(1):28-31,52
建立农民专业合作组织是农村发展现代农业、走向市场经济的必然要求。目前,新疆各种新型的农民专业合作组织不断涌现,并在引导农户进入市场、提高农业效益、增加农民收入、保护农民利益等方面发挥着愈来愈显著的作用。但是新疆的农民专业合作组织在其发展过程中,因受农户素质、运营资金、合作规模等因素的制约发展缓慢。本文对此进行了分析,并提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

新疆农业现代化与农民增收问题的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为解决新疆农民收入增长缓慢,增长渠道单一,收入差距逐步扩大的问题,该文结合新疆农业特色,把新疆农业现代化具体界定为农村信息化、农业机械化、农田水利化和农民人力资本化。通过理论分析,假定新疆农业现代化与农民收入间存在正相关性,且对实际数据利用EViews6.0进行回归验证假说的正确性。最后提出通过推进新疆农业机械化、完善农田水利设备、培养新型农民和落实农村信息化,实现农民收入的持续快速增长。  相似文献   

农民专业合作社在引导农民进入市场,发展农业产业化经营,提高农产品竞争力,促进农民增收,建设现代农业等方面发挥了积极作用。齐齐哈尔市在全力推进城市化、城镇化、城乡一体化建设进程中,农民专业合作社的发展实现了农村经济的跨越发展,全面推进现代化大农业建设。无论是推进城市化,还是加快农业现代化,城市经济其重心都在于农民专业合作社建设的发展。  相似文献   

2005年,甘肃省临洮县供销合作联社及其农产品产销协会以市场为导句,以建设现代化农业、发展农村经济、增加农民收入为宗旨,大力发展农民专业协会,努力提高农民进入市场的组织化程度,在推动农业产业化经营,促进农业经济结构调整,增强农业市场竞争力和农业综合效益,繁荣农村经济,加快联合社职能转变,助农增收.加快建设社会主义新农村进程中做了大量卓有成效的工作。  相似文献   

潘亮 《环球财经》2014,(4):29-34
农地流转的政策目标应是为了促进农业生产的集约化、规模化和现代化,提高劳动生产效率,并且增加农民在市场博弈中的话语权,切实保障农民增收。  相似文献   

一、创新农村基本经营机制,推进农民经营性收入稳步增长 家庭经营收入是重要来源.通过创新农村基本经营机制,构建新型农业经营体系,以更加有力的农业合作化组织措施保障农民家庭经营性收入稳步增长.要毫不动摇地坚持农村基本经营制度,构建新型农业经营体系,实现农业现代化,增加农民收入.大力发展现代高效农业,因地制宜,与时俱进,确立农民主体地位,农区、牧区、林区各有特点,根据当地生产力发展水平,以提升农业集约化、规模化、产业化为导向,推动农业增长由依靠科技进步和劳动者素质提高转变,农业经营向规模化转变,由片状式走向规模经济,农业功能由生产为主向生产、生活、生态并重转变,可实行生产、生活、生态在空间上和时间上的分离,便于政府公共服务设施的配套,提高教育、医疗、卫生水平,增加公民受教育年限,提高劳动者素质,适应工业化、信息化、市场化、农业现代化、城镇化社会对劳动者的要求和市场服务体系形成.通过工业化机械装备推进农业现代化,提高全省农业现代化水平,用推进工业化的思路来抓农业,依靠发展农产品加工业带动农业产业化,依靠工业化带动农业机械化,依靠工业化带动整个农业的体制创新和组织创新,对农业的组织形式和经营形式进行彻底的调整和改进,进而推动农业产业结构调整,加快适度规模经营主体,以此为契机,为农民增加经营收入奠定基础.甘肃平凉苹果,定西马铃薯、陇南花椒、橄榄油、茶叶,甘南牦牛肉,兰州百合、苦水玫瑰,河西玉米育种、葡萄酒区域特色突出,各市、县都选择确定了本地的主导产业,加快发展市场体系建设,为增加农民经营收入做出了积极贡献.  相似文献   

关于新疆设施农业又好又快发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王英平 《新疆财经》2010,(5):21-23,34
加快发展设施农业是新时期新疆推进现代农业建设、促进农业增效、农民增收的一项重大决策,研究解决设施农业发展中存在的问题,对于更好地发挥设施农业的作用具有重大意义。本文分析了新疆发展设施农业的必要性,以及设施农业发展中存在的一些问题,进而提出了推动设施农业又好又快发展的几点措施和建议。  相似文献   

新疆金融与农民专业合作经济组织发展问题研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,农民专业合作经济组织已经成为我国农村经济的重要主体,在新农村建设、提高农民的组织化程度、推进农业产业化和增加农民收入等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用.但由于受政策扶持力度不足、融资难和贷款难等一系列问题的制约,发展还很不稳定.本文在分析新疆金融支持农民专业合作经济组织发展存在问题的基础上,提出了几点对策建议.  相似文献   

我国农民专业合作经济组织发展现状、问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有效率的组织是经济增长的关键。农业现代化不仅是生产手段和农业技术体系的现代化,而且是农业生产组织的创新过程。现阶段,我国农民专业合作经济组织虽得到了一定的发展,但依然存在很多问题。采取有效措施,大力发展各种形式的农民专业合作经济组织,不仅是提高农民和农业市场竞争力的需要,而且也是进一步促进农业和农村经济社会发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

全面推进乡村振兴是党的十九届五中全会作出的战略部署,为“十四五”时期“三农”工作指明了前进方向。全面推进乡村振兴要体现在全党、全社会的共同意志和共同行动中,这就不仅要充分发挥政府作用,而且要充分发挥农民、社会、市场作用,以形成政府有为、农民主体、社会赋能、市场有效的四方发力协同推进乡村振兴格局,使它们在乡村振兴中各尽其责、相互补充,形成合力来促进农业全面升级、农村全面进步、农民全面发展,从而全面推进乡村振兴,实现农业农村现代化。  相似文献   

Although the link between trade and growth has long been discussed, systematic empirical investigation of the relationship has been undertaken only relatively recently. A number of time-series studies exist for individual countries in the area of export-led growth, but for Bangladesh there has been little work in this area. This study seeks to bridge an important gap in the literature, and is perhaps the first to use Johansen's multivariate framework taking the terms of trade as an additional variable for Bangladesh. The findings suggest that the direction of both long and short-term causality is from income to exports. This result is hardly surprising as, for most of the period covered, Bangladesh has followed an inward-looking strategy of development that discriminated against exports.  相似文献   

谢子远 《改革与战略》2012,28(4):152-154,168
文章运用多种统计方法,对我国的海洋产业结构状况及其动态演变特征进行了分析。研究发现,海洋各产业发展不均衡,各有不同的演变趋势;"三、二、一"的产业格局已经形成,但二产和三产差距较小,这种格局还不是很稳定;海洋新兴产业、未来产业发展势头良好,海洋传统产业比重持续下降;产业集中度有所下降,产业间差距趋于缩小;海洋渔业、滨海旅游业、海洋交通运输业作为三大主导产业的格局,近十年间没有发生根本改变。  相似文献   

浙江外贸增速迅猛,长期存在贸易顺差,其发展轨迹具有地域性和集群性的特点。究其原因,浙江外贸在制度安排、市场主体、交易方式和产业组织形式等方面有其独特之处,“浙江外贸现象”是民营企业追逐利润的必然结果。  相似文献   

2006年,中国经济增长速度再次加速,经济是否过热成为大家议论的热点。我们分析认为,虽然目前的经济高增长有一定合理的成分,但也使经济发展过程中固有的矛盾更加突出。事实上,经济发展中出现的问题(过热倾向)一方面需要短期政策的应对,更重要的是深层次矛盾的凸显意味着中国经济转型已到了不得不为的时候了。面对目前的经济发展态势,政策措施应兼顾短期与长期两方面,而且更多地需要从理顺利益关系、转变政府职能等制度性方面着手。  相似文献   

Complex social issues exist in many emerging democratic contexts. It has been argued that boundary-crossing leadership is needed to overcome these issues. Scholarship has developed around this, arguing that leadership in these shared power contexts is different to leadership in hierarchical organisations. This study focuses on a sample of senior private-sector leaders in South Africa who have reached across sector boundaries, in their individual capacity, to make a difference. This extends the existing scholarship which has focused on public-sector and non-profit integrative leadership. The intention is to understand the relational context of their boundary-crossing work and to extend the concept of ‘Integrative Public Leadership’. The leaders studied manage relationships with the government, their own company and multi-company partners within a historical context. The findings emphasise three understudied issues: own-company buy-in, historical context and ‘integrative’ conflict. A shared concept of integrative leadership, located in the African context, could further enhance practice.  相似文献   

我国现阶段收入分配差距问题探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放为我国社会经济的发展带来了生机,国民总体收入和生活水平有了大幅提高,但与此同时,居民收入差距却呈现出不断扩大的趋势。主要表现为城乡收入差距不断扩大、地区收入差距不断扩大、行业收入差距不断扩大以及社会居民收入的两极分化趋势。造成目前我国居民收入差距不断扩大的原因是多方面的,其主要原因表现在经济体制转轨及其渐进性、经济发展中的政策倾斜、分配领域中的政策缺位以及灰色收入的大量存在等。过大的收入差距将影响我国城乡和地区的统筹发展,挫伤广大劳动群众的积极性,甚至影响到社会的稳定。应该从思想上正确认识公平与效率的关系,进一步调节过高收入,惩治腐败和非法收入,努力提高低收入者的生活水平。  相似文献   

牧区是指草原畜牧业经济在农业经济中的比重相对较高的地区。新中国成立后,尤其是改革开放以来,新疆牧区的种植业生产规模不断扩大,发展速度和效益不断提高。在很多牧业地区,种植业产值超过畜牧业,成为牧区经济的主体,发展种植业在新牧区建设中具有举足轻重的地位和作用。本文从新牧区建设的特殊性和种植业的作用入手,深入分析了制约牧区种植业发展的因素,从而提出加快牧区种植业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Chinese history is littered with sharp policy swings, and the communist era, which has not yet fully drawn to a close, has witnessed a veritable embarrassment of riches. This has provided a fertile ground for researchers engaged in crystal ball gazing. Recently, momentum has accelerated on that front, a development apparently reflecting the increasingly fluid political‐economic conditions in the country. The scenarios generated can serve as an effective reference point in planning exercises, but there is scope for solidifying the conceptual architecture. The issue of rendering them highly relevant to foreign investors, presumably very important potential consumers of the product, should also be addressed.  相似文献   

Until the outbreak of the recent economic and financial crisis, Spain was leading the ranking of countries with the largest share of temporary employees. During the crisis this share has fallen to its lowest level in decades, but this does not mean that working conditions in Spain have improved. The flow of new temporary contracts is larger than ever before. A particularly striking feature is the steep growth in the volume of fixed-duration contracts lasting less than a week or a month. We document these trends and analyse how this phenomenon has affected the transition from temporary to permanent employment.  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(10):1823-1834
The aim of this paper is to chart the demographic transition in China, identify its proximate causes and analyze its socioeconomic implications with reference to, first, the proportion and composition of the dependent population, second, the age structure of the labor force and, third, the size and composition of households. Defined as a steady deceleration in population growth to a nonrising total, the onset of the demographic transition in 1970 predates the one-child policy. Thus far the transition has had its largest impact on the proportion of children in the population, which has fallen. Next in magnitude is a rise of in the share of working-age adults. These two changes dwarf the rise in the share of the elderly on which much of the discussion in China tends to be focused. The crude dependency ratio has been falling and will continue to do so for another two decades or so. It is pointed out that the change in the age structure has significant distributive implications. The last 20 or so years have seen a substantial change the size distribution of households. The average household has shrunk in size from 4.5 in 1982 to 3.5. This is important because the distribution of the population into households has a significant impact on the household expenditure pattern. In particular, controlling for per capita expenditure, smaller households spend more on food per capita than do larger households.  相似文献   

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