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张玉利 《中外管理》2011,(5):104-105
什么人更容易洞察创业机会?抓住创业机会的前提是什么?机会识别是创业的开端,也是创业的前提。围绕创业机会,有些基本的问题是所有想创业的人都关心的,比如:为什么是他而不是别人看到了机会?未经系统论证调查的(甚至可以说偶然发现的)机会,为什么可以以及怎样成为创业机会的?  相似文献   

本文从企业家网络视角分析了企业家把握创业机会的机理,提出基于企业家网络的创业机会识别理论模型。并从企业家网络的关系、结构和治理机制三个方面来对创业机会发现进行论述。最后,通过某公司老总整合网络资源,把握住市场机会,实施品牌战略的案例实证了企业家网络在创业机会识别中起到的作用。  相似文献   

创业机会的识别、开发和利用既是小企业成功创业的重要法宝,也是大公司持续成长的永恒课题。本文以微软与谷歌公司为案例研究对象,选择两大技术型企业的核心业务进行追溯性解剖,揭示影响机会识别和开发的四大关键因素:个人特征、创业者网络、战略匹配、愿景与文化,从而验证了机会识别与开发的概念性模型。  相似文献   

创业活动是创新、就业和经济增长的重要来源。企业家通过持续探索创造新业务,促进社会和经济的发展和繁荣。本文基于资源基础理论和知识基础理论,以大众创业浪潮为研究背景,深入揭示创业导向、外部知识获取与创业机会识别之间的关系,并以中国246份创业新企业为样本进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:创业导向对新企业的机会识别和外部知识获取均具有积极影响;外部知识获取在创业导向和新企业的机会识别之间起到部分中介作用;此外,市场知识获取比技术知识获取对创业机会识别的影响更为突出。  相似文献   

马昆姝 《价值工程》2020,39(5):76-77
我国已经全面进入机会型创业阶段,这不仅有助于全面提升我国经济的竞争力,更是大力推动着我国经济的转型和发展。本文在分析创业机会和机会识别的基础上,将原型理论引入,从机会特性对创业机会识别进行了解读,为机会识别研究做出了新的尝试。  相似文献   

蔡翔  刘晓正  谌婷 《企业活力》2010,(11):87-91
自创业活动作为一门科学出现在学术研究领域开始,各国对创业活动的关注就从未停止过。而创业机会的识别问题作为创业活动的起点,就一直是创业领域研究的关键问题。而从个人因素、机会因素两大维度对创业机会的识别进行探讨,分析影响创业机会识别的主要因素,将有助于完善创业研究的理论体系,为今后的科研工作奠定更为坚实的基础。  相似文献   

彭运芳  朱满红 《价值工程》2013,(29):321-322
创业机会一直是创业研究领域的核心问题。近十几年来,学者们对创业机会的内涵、来源以及创业机会的识别和评价等问题进行了大量研究,并取得了不少有价值的研究成果。在此基础上,着重对创业机会的相关研究进行了梳理、阐释和总结,对个别关键问题进行了多角度的认识,并指出创业机会研究存在的不足和进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

创业机会是指市场中未得到充分利用的能力或资源.资源众筹过程中对创业机会的敏感、捕捉和占据成为新时代创业优势的主要来源.识别资源众筹中的创业机会,可以从资源市场空隙、资源市场空间、资源市场空缺、资源市场变化四个方面入手.对资源众筹中创业机会识别的影响因子,从创业动机、创业者身份、自我效能及创业机会识别为维度测量建立模型开展研究.  相似文献   

In view of the importance of Disruptive Innovations (DIs) in both emerging and advanced economies, a better understanding of how to cultivate opportunities for DIs is called for. We provide case study exemplars that illustrate how entrepreneurs have deliberately undertaken DIs for customers of low-end and new markets. Our findings show how the entrepreneurial opportunities embedded in these DIs are purposefully discovered and created. By extending research on the generation of entrepreneurial opportunities into the arena of disruptive innovations, the paper aims to contribute to understanding of both DI and the nature of opportunity generation and to provide a basis for guidance to practitioners.  相似文献   

Firms that internationalise early in their lives share characteristics with those that receive venture capital. The relationship between receipt of venture capital and the international intensity of 1348 young technology firms is examined, including whether the source of capital, from independent venture capital firms, corporations or private sources, has an impact. The absence of venture capital is shown to be positively associated with increased internationalisation. While previous literature suggests differences in the value added of different sources of venture capital, the results indicate no such differences in their impact on international intensity.  相似文献   

By integrating social capital theory with a capability-based view on performance, this paper aims to examine the extent to which returnee entrepreneurial ventures (REVs) gain international performance advantages from the founding entrepreneurs’ experience with international networks. Using data on 200 Chinese REVs, the paper proposes and tests a structural model with a focus on the link between individual entrepreneurs and the subsequent development of firm capabilities. The results provide evidence that it is important that the returnee entrepreneurs have an international social network for the REV to develop an international network capability, which, in turn, mediates the effects on opportunity knowledge and the international performance of the REVs. The findings highlight the concurrent effect of the role of entrepreneurs and organizational learning in internationalization, and they provide an understanding as to the importance of the returnee-specific advantages for the international performance of these firms.  相似文献   

当今世界经济呈现多极化趋势,新兴经济体成为世界经济增长的主要动力,对世界政治经济格局产生深刻影响。本文阐述新兴经济体在政治、经济、社会等各方面发展状况,分析新兴经济体的发展对国际社会的影响力。新兴经济体的发展促进了世界经济、国际贸易的稳步发展和产业结构调整,为消除世界范围的贫困和维护世界和平做出了积极的贡献,为发展中国家加快发展和加强“区域化”多边合作提供了可借鉴模式,同时对全球治理结构转型和国际秩序重塑产生一定影响。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship policies are now widely spread among the general policy agenda in most of the countries. In particular, emerging countries started to focus on startups and young firms as potential engines of economic growth and structural transformation. Therefore, several governments from these countries are devoting significant efforts to develop their entrepreneurial ecosystems and promote the emergence of new dynamic firms. However, data on entrepreneurship in these countries is scarce leaving policymakers without a clear evidence-based platform for designing their policies and programs. This paper tries to contribute to this task in two manners. First, it presents a systemic conceptual approach to guide the design of entrepreneurship policies that explicitly includes the structural factors acting act as barriers in less developed contexts. Secondly, Based on the information from the IDE (Index of Dynamic Entrepreneurship) this study advances into the characterization of six different configurations of systemic conditions – three of which include emerging countries – analyzing their main strengths and weaknesses. Hence, this article provides a new evidence-based platform to identify and discuss the heterogeneity among ecosystems in emerging countries and suggests several policy recommendations for those governments that want to implement new entrepreneurship policies. At the same time, they introduce to the literature new concepts such as ‘systemic balance’ and ‘dual ecosystems’, which serve to characterize most of the observed configurations of systemic conditions for entrepreneurship in less developed regions. All in all, the results of this study would serve to guide policymakers to formulate their policies in a more contextualized framework.  相似文献   

Hofstede's model has been extensively used and applied in international management. This study begins with a critique of Hofstede's thesis. The applicability of his framework is then tested using a cross-cultural comparison of reward preferences in four countries. The findings reveal that although his framework provides both theoretical and practical contributions to the reward arena, the proposition that human values are conditioned solely by national culture ignores the potential influence of a variety of other contextual factors.  相似文献   

国外乡村建设实践对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
党的十六届五中全会明确提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,这既是对国际城市化进程中乡村改造的经验总结,也是有效解决我国"三农"问题,统筹城乡发展,建设小康社会的基本出路.英、美、日、韩等国家在乡村改造中充分发挥政府的主导作用,突出农业的基础地位,大力推广农业科学技术,加强农村基础设施建设,注重对农民的教育和培训等,为我国的新农村建设提供了重要的经验借鉴.我国应在科学规划、不断加大资金投入、改善基础设施建设、推动农村产业升级以及培养和造就新型农民等方面,缩小城乡差距,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设.  相似文献   

Many social enterprises use the poor as producers to improve their living standards. We seek to answer how they do so, from a supply chain perspective. Drawing on various successful social enterprises in Afghanistan, Africa, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines and Sri Lanka, we look at the material, information and cash flows of the micro-entrepreneurs for these social enterprises. We show how a social enterprise helps its associated micro-entrepreneurs by improving the latter’s supply chain operations via: (1) easier access to financial credits; (2) easier access to market information; (3) easier market access; and (4) better access to supplies and raw materials and higher productivity through better health and equipment. We then speculate on how to make social enterprises economically sustainable and propose that social enterprises would be better off enabling micro-enterprises rather than running production operations themselves.  相似文献   

文中从加入WTO后我国物流企业面临的竞争环境展开分析.提出我国的第三方物流企业应建立完善的物流信息管理系统,实现核心技术能力,与用户建立战略合作伙伴关系;完善企业的服务网络;提供优质的个性化服务;加速人才的培养。通过上述方法整合,塑造并培养自己的核心竞争力,从而使企业获得长期竞争优势的能力,打造出我国的大型国际物流企业。  相似文献   

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