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控制通货紧缩的财政政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
控制我国的通货紧缩,必须推行扩张性财政政策。1998年以来的实践表明,扩张性财政政策对遏制我国通货紧缩的扩大与发展起了积极作用。但也不要过份夸大和迷信其作用,应看到其客观局限性。目前我国扩张性财政政策仍有较大的作用空间,开拓得好,可以有效地治理通货紧缩,促进经济健康、快速增长。  相似文献   

林刚 《发展研究》2000,(2):27-29
通货紧缩作为一种经济现象,它主要表现在物价水平下跌,商品和劳务供应大于需求,银行普遍出现“惜贷”现象。在我国,经过改革开放20年的建设,为何会在这时候面临通货紧缩呢?我想主要有以下一些方面的原因: 1.通货紧缩是治理通货膨胀的连锁效应。1990年出现市场疲软使经济增长减慢,政府采取扩大投资,增加货币投放等措施,到了1994年,整个经济又陷入狂热,通货膨胀高达20%以上。为了治理通货膨  相似文献   

我国通货紧缩向通货膨胀反转时期的形势与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对于从通货紧缩向通货膨胀反转时期的中国经济的争论、走向及选择进行了分析。根据有关过热的标准判断,中国经济目前尚未“过热”,只是“预热”,2004年也不太可能过热,但通货紧缩向通货膨胀的返转已不可逆转。与此同时,治理通货膨胀将面临失业、利益分化等许多成本,因此,需要谨慎观察并考虑宏观调控的成本。  相似文献   

通货紧缩下有效货币政策的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对我国货币政策低效的原因进行分析,考察了当前制约货币政策选择的一些深层次因素,如维护人民币汇率稳定、银行信贷渠道狭窄等,并就如何提高货币政策效率提出了一些建议  相似文献   

桁林 《财经研究》2001,27(3):3-11
本文分析了1997以来所采取的财政、货币政策取得的效果,一方面使得通货紧缩向经济复杂转化,另一方面,由于工资收入分配等政策扩大了城乡差距,加之原油价格上涨上部因素的冲击,使得货币政策日益成为人们关注的新焦点。本文区分了两种不同的物价上涨类型,提出坚持适度扩张政策,同时相应采取减税和收入政策的主张,以刺激供给因素尽快复苏。  相似文献   

刘澄  辛红 《当代经济》2002,(10):40-41
在我国目前的经济发展中,经济结构不合理是当前经济运行的主要矛盾。继续保持我国经济高增长、低通胀的良好发展态势,有赖于大力调整和优化经济结构,提高国民经济整体素质。税收分配政策要适应经济增长方式的转变,在经济结构调整中起到应有的调控作用。  相似文献   

董颖 《现代财经》2000,20(4):21-23
本文在对已实施的货币、财政政策的经济效果做出客观评价的基础上,提出在启动新一轮积极财政政策时,应对税收杠杆的经济调控作用予以重视,并着重对当前通货紧缩状态下税收政策的选择问题作了探讨。  相似文献   


加强宏观调控与完善财政货币政策的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

不同汇率制度下的货币政策、财政政策与最优货币区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了1999年度诺贝尔经济学奖获得者-芒德尔的主要理论贡献及其现实意义,芒德尔的开放经济中的稳定政策理论认为:稳定政策的效果取决于汇率制度。在浮动汇率制度下,货币政策是有力的而财政政策是无力的;在固定汇率制度下,财政政策是有力的而货币政策是无力的。最优货币区的判别理论为研究欧洲货币联盟(EMU)优缺点的研究人员提供了起点。  相似文献   

We study the consequences of the entry of a structurally heterogeneous country on the well-being of the current members of a monetary union. Welfare would be increased if the new country is more open, if it has a smaller sensibility of its demand to the interest rate, and also generally if its supply function has a lower sensibility to inflation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the design of macroeconomic policies after Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) have joined the EU. We consider scenarios with and without CEECs being members of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and analyze consequences of different intermediate targets for the European Central Bank. For the fiscal policy variables, we assume that the governments of incumbent and new members either refrain from pursuing active stabilization policies or follow either non-cooperative or cooperative activist fiscal policies. Different scenarios are simulated with the macroeconomic McKibbin–Sachs Model (MSG2 Model), and the resulting welfare orderings are determined. They show that the advantages and disadvantages of different policy arrangements depend strongly on the nature of the shock the economies are faced with. Additional macroeconomic noise resulting from the CEECs' membership of the EMU does not seem to be too much of a problem.  相似文献   

The growth rate of “nonprimary gross domestic product (GDP)” (Perú’s urban economy) dropped to 3.6 percent in 2014 and to 2.4 percent in 2015, far below the annual average of 7.3 percent recorded over the previous decade; moreover, an equally low growth rate of 2.8 percent per year is projected in 2016. In the macroeconomic history of Peru, the times of plenty —that is, the more or less prolonged booms—are also times of high prices of the commodities that the country exports; meanwhile, the lean times—that is, the more or less intense recessions in which economic activity slows down—are times of low commodity prices. This article describes the negative external shock undergone by the Peruvian economy and its recessionary and inflationary effects over 2014–15, analyzes the fiscal and monetary policies applied in response to the external shock, and outlines the macroeconomic challenges faced by the new government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.  相似文献   

Jie Li 《Applied economics》2013,45(27):3904-3913
We study how effective fiscal and monetary policy responses are during a twin crisis. Using the dataset provided by Laeven and Valencia (2008 Laeven, L and Valencia, F. (2008) Systemic banking crises: a new database. IMF Working Paper No. 08/224 [Google Scholar]), we identify 57 episodes of twin crises. Following the methods proposed in Baldacci et al. (2009 Baldacci, E. 2009. Gupta, S. and Mulas-Granados, C., How effective is fiscal policy response in systemic banking crises?, IMF Working Paper No. 09/160 [Google Scholar]) and Hutchison et al. (2010 Hutchison, M. 2010. Noy, I. and Wang, L., Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of sudden stops, Journal of International Money and Finance, 29, 973–87 [Google Scholar]), we construct the variables measuring the duration and output cost of a twin crisis. We find that fiscal policy does not seem to be associated with the shortening of a twin crisis. Regarding monetary policy, we find that monetary tightening is associated with the lengthening of a twin crisis duration, consistent with the result in Hutchison et al. (2010 Hutchison, M. 2010. Noy, I. and Wang, L., Fiscal and monetary policies and the cost of sudden stops, Journal of International Money and Finance, 29, 973–87 [Google Scholar]) dealing with a sudden stop crisis. In addition, our results show that while a mild monetary expansion is effective in reducing a twin crisis duration, over-expansionary monetary policy loses its effectiveness.  相似文献   

基于货币目标区模型、货币政策反应方程以及外汇储备与基础货币之间的关系方程,对2005年7月汇改前后我国货币政策自主性变化情况进行的实证研究结果表明,汇改后我国的利率政策自主性较汇改前增强,但货币数量政策则由汇改前的具备自主性变为汇改后的缺乏自主性;在我国,通过增强汇率制度弹性以提高利率政策自主性是可行的,但对货币数量政策并不成立。研究结果还表明,我国应以利率作为货币政策中介目标。  相似文献   

The performance of the Indian economy in recent years has attracted increasing international interest. This paper focuses on the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the evolution of the Indian economy over the years, with particular attention being given to the reforms undertaken in these policies since the early 1990s. The coordination of fiscal and monetary policies has been crucial in the sequencing of the economic reform process carried out since the early 1990s. Monetary policy aims to maintain a judicious balance between price stability and economic growth. With the opening up of the Indian economy and the spread of financial sector reforms aimed at functional autonomy, prudential strengthening, operational efficiency, and competitiveness of banks, considerations of financial stability have assumed greater importance in recent years alongside the increasing openness of the Indian economy. The biggest challenge facing the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy in India is to continue the accelerated growth process while maintaining price and financial stability. Therefore, the self‐imposed rule‐based fiscal correction at both the national and subnational levels has to be consolidated and carried forward. The existence of a high level of fiscal deficit also contributes to the persistence of an interest rate differential with the rest of the world, which then also constrains progress toward full capital account convertibility. The success achieved in revenue buoyancy through tax rationalization and compliance has to be strengthened further.  相似文献   

文章通过构建一个真实GDP增长率、财政赤字占GDP比重、货币供给M2增长率、零售物价指数变化率等4个变量的VAR模型,对我国财政政策与货币政策相互作用的关系及其动态性进行了实证分析,通过模型设定、格兰杰因果关系检验、脉冲响应函数分析和预测方差分解,发现在我国不存在简单的财政货币政策的互补或替代关系,而是存在一种非对称性的关系,即扩张的货币政策伴随着收缩或稳健的财政政策,而扩张的财政政策导致被动扩张的货币政策,表现形式取决于具体宏观经济环境和经济冲击形式。同时,文章也得到其他一些结论,并认为,要增强政策的效率,必须强化央行的独立性,在现阶段需要严格控制赤字财政政策,以减少其对经济增长和经济波动的影响。  相似文献   

我国积极财政政策"紧缩效应"的形成机制及其检验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
积极财政政策的扩张性效果依赖经济周期的阶段性,积极财政政策也有可能通过货币需求的利率渠道和汇率渠道等,产生对于实际产出的紧缩影响.本文利用误差修正模型和时变参数模型,通过估计货币需求相对于实际产出的弹性系数,发现我国的财政政策仅在1996年前体现出显著的"紧缩效应",而在1996年后"紧缩效应"逐渐减弱和消失,这说明在我国宏观经济调控中,积极财政政策和稳健货币政策的组合方式和期限结构发挥了比较稳定的政策效果.  相似文献   

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