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本文基于中国股权分置改革的特殊制度背景,以中国上市公司为样本,就股权结构对现金股利政策的影响进行了实证分析。实证结果发现,绝对控股结构的公司在股权分置改革前后一直存在现金股利的隧道效应;而在股权制衡结构的公司中,大股东之间的相互监督和制衡有效限制了控股股东对中小股东的利益侵占行为;股权分置改革前后,不同股权结构上市公司的股利支付水平和稳定性也存在差异。因此,上市公司股权结构的合理化调整应成为保护中小投资者利益的重要手段。  相似文献   

作为影响国际合资企业发展和运作的一个重要因素,股权结构与企业绩效的关系研究,是相关学术领域的一个重要议题。但不同学者的研究结论依然存在分歧,表明合资企业股权结构与其绩效之间的关系并不单纯。本研究从组织学习视角,运用吸收能力这一构念,对合资企业股权结构与绩效之间的复杂关系,以及内部作用机制进行探究,以期为这一重要研究议题,提供来自中国市场的证据。通过对95家中外合资企业的实证研究,我们发现,中外双方均衡持股的合资企业拥有最高的绩效,中方控股的次之,外方控股的最低。同时发现,合资企业的吸收能力在股权结构影响企业绩效的过程中起到完全中介的作用,较好地揭示了股权结构对合资企业绩效影响的作用机制。研究者建议,中国企业在参与国际合资时,对于股权控制问题应非常慎重,且不能轻易放弃控股权;在股权结构不变的条件下,则需要有意识地通过组织管理控制策略,提高企业的知识吸收能力,以获得更高的绩效。  相似文献   

外部治理环境与公司内部治理结构效应比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以深沪两市1039家上市公司2001—2005年的严格平衡面板数据作为样本.实证分析了外部治理环境的不同程度和公司内部治理结构的不同安排对公司价值的影响效应,并分行业细分了这种影响效应的差异。实证回归的结果发现。在外部治理环境当中只有法治化水平对总体样本的上市公司价值有显著的影响作用.而在公司内部治理结构当中则证实了正U型的股权结构效应。此外.外部治理环境与公司内部治理结构对公司价值的影响效应会因行业而有所差异。然而。从整体上看.前者的效应都明显地小于后者。研究结果表明。对于中国特殊的证券市场环境而言。同样存在着公司内部治理结构的合理安排可以作为公司价值保护机制的可能性。  相似文献   

本文以金字塔结构形成机理为研究对象,从金字塔结构融资优势理论的视角,检验了我国地方政府质量和社会资本对家族上市公司金字塔结构的影响,实证研究发现:较高的地方政府质量和社会资本水平能够帮助家族企业获取融资机会,缓解融资约束,降低金字塔结构层级和终极控制权与现金流权的分离度。在政府质量较低的地区,社会资本对家族企业金字塔结构作用更加显著,这揭示了社会资本与政府质量在家族企业金字塔结构选择中存在着替代效应。研究结论说明,转型经济中的家族企业发展,除了继续完善地方政府质量,构建地区之间以信任为基础的和谐社会氛围同样重要,本文的研究不仅对理解金字塔结构提供了一种新的视角,而且丰富了社会资本与政府质量的研究领域。  相似文献   

国有股减持必将引起公司股权结构的变化。形成何种公司股权结构模式是一个不容忽视的问题。公司股权模式直接影响到公司治理结构的有效性。数个相对控股股东并存、企业控制权具有可竞争性的股权结构模式,有利于打破现存的企业“内部人控制”格局,加强了企业内部利益主体间的制衡。此种模式对于我国上市公司的股权结构改革具有较大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

民营企业金字塔结构与产品市场竞争   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
理论界普遍认为,金字塔结构建立存在利益攫取行为和融资优势两种理论解释,但两者孰轻孰重,难有定论。本文采用中国民营制造业上市公司2004—2010年共7年的非平衡面板数据,利用"行业间竞争"、"行业内竞争"两个维度的产品市场竞争变量和金字塔结构层级和复杂度两个衡量指标,实证考察了中国民营制造业上市公司金字塔结构与产品市场竞争之间的相互关系和变化规律,并揭示了金字塔结构产生的主要根源。实证结果显示,对于中国民营制造业上市公司来说,产品市场竞争程度与金字塔结构层级和复杂度呈显著的负相关关系,表明金字塔结构的建立更偏好于控股股东利益攫取行为。在进一步考虑公司利益攫取和融资约束分类的情况下,高利益攫取公司和低融资约束公司表现为显著的利益攫取动机;低利益攫取公司和高融资约束公司则表现为显著的融资优势效应,进一步验证了金字塔结构建立的两种理论学说。这些研究结论不仅丰富和补充了中国民营企业集团金字塔结构建立根源的相关研究,也为企业正确有效利用金字塔结构和健康发展提供了实践支持。  相似文献   

本文纵观国内外学者对公司治理结构与组织绩效的相关性研究,针对中国上市公司所处的特殊的市场经济环境,综合考察了公司股权结构、董事会规模、监事会规模、高层管理人员等方面,更加全面地分析了其对公司长期成长和发展的影响。结果表明,我国上市公司的公司治理结构与组织绩效之间有一定的相关性,并且总体的相关关系较弱,但是这同样对于提高和改善我国上市公司的治理结构方面有一定的启发。  相似文献   

制造业外资进入与市场势力波动:竞争还是垄断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对外资市场效应的评估和计量是处理好外资政策、产业政策和反垄断政策关系的重要问题。本文采用中国1999—2010年28个两位数和447个四位数代码制造业面板数据,首先估计了两位数代码制造业的市场势力水平,然后进一步考察外资进入的市场效应,并测度外资引致的福利变动。研究表明:制造业各行业存在显著的市场势力,但金融危机前后市场势力溢价水平波动较大。全样本结果显示制造业市场势力溢价约为6.2%,但金融危机前样本证实市场势力溢价高达22.1%。细分产业中,外资的竞争效应占主导,但在部分产业中外资表现出了反竞争效应。制造业总体层面上,外资进入与市场势力波动之间呈现U形非线性关系,拐点稳定在外资比重为47.3%—54.0%的区间内。从福利角度看,外资进入的竞争效应,使得垄断带来的无谓损失减少了3334.70亿元;但FDI的反竞争效应使得相应行业垄断福利损失增加2407.45亿元。  相似文献   

一、股权结构有待进一步调整、优化目前我国多数国有大中型煤炭企业都进行了公司化改造 ,从国有独资的工厂制转变为国有控股的有限责任公司 ,其中一部分已成为上市的股份公司。但股权结构不合理 ,国有大型煤炭企业还都是国有独资公司或绝对控股的公司。国有股一股独大 ,成为我国煤炭企业快速变革之中的一个过渡性问题。其实在市场经济发达国家和地区的企业并不排斥“一股独大” ,比尔·盖茨在微软公司、李嘉诚在和记黄埔公司都曾占有很高比例的股权。国有企业因产权主体不够明确 ,和市场经济条件下最普遍的产权存在形式———“人格化”产权…  相似文献   

一、股权结构的类型和特点 股权结构是公司治理的重要组成部分。股权结构对公司绩效的影响,近些年国内已有不少研究人员对此问题作了探讨。所谓股权结构,就是指一个公司股东的构成情况,以及股权的分散、集中程度。  相似文献   

Utilizing the agency viewpoint, this research attempts to shed light on the issue of family leadership by examining ethnic Chinese family business groups in Taiwan. The study examines the performance implications of this kind of leadership under the ownership structure concern. The research results indicate that the ownership structure of the affiliate firm influences the likelihood that family leadership will be used. Specifically, if the founding family owns more direct ownership of the affiliate firm, the family will be likely to appoint a family leader at the affiliate firm. However, when the founding family has a greater degree of pyramidal ownership of an affiliate firm, family leadership will be less likely at that affiliate firm. Additionally, family leadership mediates the relationship between ownership structure and affiliate firm performance in a family business group. Family leadership positively affects the effect of direct family ownership on affiliate firm performance but does not significantly affect the negative relationship between pyramidal ownership and affiliate firm performance. The implications of these findings for future research on leadership in family business groups are discussed.  相似文献   

This study undertook a panel data analysis of the top 100 family business groups in Taiwan between the years 1988 and 2002 to investigate the role of family management and family ownership structures in diversification using an agency theory approach. The results show that, in the institutional context under study, family management and family ownership play key roles in diversification decisions in family business groups. Specifically, the likelihood of diversification declines as a controlling family assigns more family members to an affiliate firm’s key leadership positions. In contrast, the level of diversification increases as the degree of pyramidal ownership structure increases. The research findings presented in this study (1) clarify the roles that family management and the pyramidal ownership structure play in the diversification decisions of family business groups and (2) provide insights into family business groups’ growth.  相似文献   

产权理论认为,不完备的产权不仅影响利用资产创造价值的程度,也使得人们花费资源用于攫取和保护产权。本文把交易成本看做是与攫取、保护和转移产权相联系的成本。由于攫取和保护行为会耗散企业的价值,企业可以凭借影响攫取和保护的成本来创造价值。本文在产权理论的基础上构建了竞争战略的产权分析框架,并且比较了这一观点与其他竞争战略观点的区别与联系。  相似文献   

Research summary : While research has shown that good stakeholder relations increase the value of a firm, less is known about how specific types of stakeholder governance affect firm value. We examine the value of one such governance mechanism—community benefits agreements (CBAs) signed by firms and local communities—intended to minimize social conflict that disrupts access to valuable resources. We argue that shareholders evaluate more positively CBAs with local communities with strong property rights and histories of institutional action and extra‐institutional mobilization because these communities are more likely to cause costly disruptions and delays for a firm. We evaluate these arguments by analyzing the cumulative abnormal returns associated with the unexpected announcement of 148 CBAs signed between mining companies and local indigenous communities in Canada. Managerial summary : With firms across many industries facing escalating costs associated with social conflict, new tools are emerging to help firms mitigate these risks by seeking the support of the local communities in which they operate. Community benefits agreements (CBAs) are contracts in which a community provides consent for a new investment in return for tangible benefits, such as local hiring and revenue sharing. We argue that although CBAs are costly for the firm, they are particularly valuable when communities can cause costly disruptions and delays for a firm. Our study of investor reactions to the announcement of 148 CBAs signed between mining companies and local indigenous communities in Canada shows that investors value more CBAs signed with communities with strong property rights and histories of protest. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of control rights in biotechnology alliances through three case studies and a quantitative analysis. Aghion and Tirole [1994] argue that control rights will be assigned so as to maximize the value of the final output, as long as the R&D firm has sufficient financial resources. Consistent with this framework, the allocation of control rights to the R&D firm increases with the firm's financial resources. The empirical evidence regarding the relationship between control rights and the stage of the project at the time the alliance is signed is more ambiguous.  相似文献   

While strategy researchers have devoted considerable attention to the role of firm‐specific capabilities in the pursuit of competitive advantage, less attention has been directed at how firms obtain these capabilities from outside their boundaries. In this study, we examine how firms' multiplex network ties in business groups represent one important source of capability acquisition. Our focus allows us to go beyond the traditional focus on network structure and offer a novel contingency model that specifies how different types of network ties (e.g., buyer‐supplier, equity, and director), individually and in complementary combination, will differentially affect the process of R&D capability acquisition. We also offer an original analysis of how other aspects of network structure (i.e., network density) in business groups affect the efficacy of network ties on R&D capability. Empirically, we provide an original contribution to the capabilities literature by utilizing a stochastic frontier estimation to rigorously measure firm capabilities, and we demonstrate the value of this approach using longitudinal data on business groups in emerging economies. We close by discussing the implications of our supportive results for future research on firm capabilities, organizational networks, and business groups. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New product development and introduction is an ongoing important issue to facilitate a firm's success. To demonstrate the financial impact of new product introductions and the supporting role of firm resources and organizational structure, the authors collected 409 new product announcements from 1990 to 1998 and used event methodology and regression models in this research. Building on resources and capabilities perspectives, the present study argues that firm resources with emphases on research and development (R&D) are imperative to materialize new product concepts. However, the research revealed that R&D resources have dual effects on immediate shareholder value (i.e., abnormal stock returns). On one hand, when the firm commits only lower to moderate levels of R&D, investors would have perceived such R&D as expenditures reducing the firm's profit margin and thereby negatively evaluate R&D resources. Nevertheless, when the firm has dedicated its resources to R&D significant enough to signal investors its potential benefits can outweigh its costs, it generates positive shareholder value. Further, the study found that investors honor positive marketing resources that are critical to promote and launch new products to customers. Apart from resources perspectives, according to the organizational structure literature, firm size reflects the layers of bureaucracy within an organization. The research found a negative effect on shareholder value, indicating that investors evaluate more optimistically smaller firms that are likely to be more innovative and entrepreneurial resulted in more breakthrough products. In conclusion, this study provides value to practitioners in understanding the impact of firm size and, more importantly, to what extent they dedicate their resources in R&D and marketing to generate different performance outcomes.  相似文献   

Research summary : Integrating the behavioral and institutional perspectives, we propose that a country's formal institutions, particularly its legal frameworks, affect managers' deployment of slack resources. Specifically, we explore the moderating effects of creditor and employee rights on the performance effects of slack. Using longitudinal data from 162,633 European private firms in 26 countries, we find that financial slack enhances firm performance at diminishing rates, whereas human resource (HR) slack lowers performance at diminishing rates. However, financial slack has a more positive effect on firm performance in countries with weaker creditor rights, whereas HR slack has a more negative effect on performance in countries with stronger employee rights. The results provide a richer view of the relationship between slack and firm performance than currently assumed in the literature. Managerial summary : A key dilemma managers often encounter is whether, on the one hand, they should build in excess resources to buffer their firms from internal and external shocks and to pursue new opportunities or whether, on the other hand, they should develop “lean” firms. Our study suggests that excess cash resources—which are usually viewed as easy to redeploy—benefit firm performance, especially when firms operate in countries with weaker creditor rights. However, excess human resources—which are usually viewed as more difficult to redeploy—hamper firm performance, particularly when firms operate in countries with stronger labor protection laws. Thus, the management of slack resources critically depends on the characteristics of these resources (e.g., redeployability) and the institutional context in which managers operate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that competition can destroy incentives to invest in firm‐specific relationships. This paper examines how the tension between relationships and competition is resolved in the investment banking market, which for decades has been characterized by both relationships and competition. The model studies the impact on relationships of four different dimensions of competition: non‐exclusive relationships, competition from arm's‐length intermediaries, non‐price competition, and endogenous entry. The analysis shows how market equilibrium adjusts so that relationships are sustained in the face of such competition. Banks are shown to establish relationships without either local or aggregate monopoly power. The model rationalizes two distinct empirical regularities of market structure: the invariance of market concentration to market size; and a pyramidal market structure with an oligopoly comprising similar‐sized players at the top and a large number of small banks at the bottom. The analysis may also shed light on the industrial organization of other professional service industries.  相似文献   

Research summary : A firm's strategic investments in knowledge‐based assets through research and development (R&D) can generate economic rents for the firm, and thus are expected to affect positively a firm's financial performance. However, weak protection of minority shareholders, weak property rights, and ineffective law enforcement can allow those rents to be appropriated disproportionately by a firm's powerful insiders such as large owners and top managers. Recent data on Chinese publicly listed firms during 2007–2012 were used to demonstrate that the expected positive relationship between knowledge assets and performance is weaker in transition economies when a firm's ownership is highly concentrated and its managers have wide discretion. Moreover, rent appropriation by insiders was shown to vary with the levels of institutional development in which a firm operates. Managerial summary : Investing in knowledge‐based intangible assets (e.g., R&D) is an important value‐creation activity for the firm. Such value creation process can be facilitated by large shareholders and powerful managers, who can then take an advantageous position with critical insider information on these valuable intangible assets and therefore enjoy more opportunities to appropriate more value from them, leaving less value for other minority shareholders. The value distribution becomes increasingly skewed against minority shareholders when the institutional protection for them is weak. Indeed, in a large sample of Chinese publicly listed firms, we found that R&D investment becomes less positively associated with firm financial performance with the presence of large shareholders, high managerial equity, or CEO/Chairman duality, especially in Chinese provinces with weak institutional development. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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