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This is the first study to examine the post-earnings-announcement drift anomaly in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) context. The efficient markets hypothesis suggests that unexpected earnings should be fully incorporated into asset prices soon after being publicly announced. We hypothesize that publicly announced earnings signals may be more certain for REITs due to the presence of a parallel (private) asset market, suggesting less drift for REIT stocks. However, we find a large REIT drift component that is both statistically and economically significant. Furthermore, while the initial earnings surprise response is more muted for REITs, we find that the magnitude of the drift is significantly larger for REITs than for ordinary common stocks (NonREITs). Thus, information does not appear to move between the private and public asset markets in such a way as to render REIT earnings signals more certain than NonREIT earnings signals.  相似文献   

Data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) provide a unique setting to examine the inflation illusion hypothesis. NCREIF provides appraisal-based and transaction-based return series allowing comparison of market participants with specific valuation expertise to general market participants. Results using the appraisal-based indices indicate that the mispricing term is not statistically significantly related to expected inflation, which suggests that commercial valuers do not suffer from inflation illusion. Interestingly, results based on the investor oriented transaction-based indices show that the mispricing term is inversely related to expected inflation and that mispricing plays an important role in determining the long-term discount rate. These results are robust across different empirical specifications, inflation data and subsamples by property type. The comprehensive findings suggest that the inflation illusion effect in direct investment in real estate differs from securitized markets. This study further adds to the general literature regarding the impact of inflation illusion on asset markets by showing that experienced participants may not suffer from inflation illusion which suggests that 1) novice participants may be driving its appearance and 2) experience and training mitigate this bias.  相似文献   

Employing dividend yield decomposition, this paper explores the inflation illusion and inflation hedging effects on REIT stock prices. Results show that changes in expected inflation explain a large share of the time series variation of the mispricing component of the dividend yield. Also, while both inflation hedging and inflation illusion effects exist for REITs, the inflation illusion effect tends to dominate the hedging effect during the 1980 to 2008 period. These results suggest that investors are unable to quickly reconcile changes in discount rates and dividend growth rates associated with inflation into stock prices. The findings also provide an alternative explanation as to why short-term REIT returns are often negatively related to expected inflation.  相似文献   

This paper uses a stochastic dominance approach to test for market efficiency following earnings announcements. We find that the stocks that recently announced good earnings news stochastically dominate those that recently announced bad news. The results cast serious doubt on any belief that asset pricing model misspecifications might explain post-earnings-announcement drift.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a theoretical treatment of how inflation target ranges cope with the time-inconsistency problem arising from incentives for the monetary policymaker to exploit the short-run trade-off between employment and inflation to pursue short-run employment objectives, as in a Barro-Gordon (1983) model. Inflation band targets are able to achieve many of the benefits that arise under practically less attractive solutions such as the conservative central banker and optimal inflation contracts. Our theoretical model also shows how an inflation targeting range should be set and how it should respond to changes in the nature of shocks to the economy.  相似文献   

通货膨胀成为信用货币经济中循环往复的问题,货币是症结关键。通过建立包含货币缺口和收入差距的凯恩斯Phillips曲线理论模型,利用中国1979-2010年的数据实证得出:货币化通过两种途径作用于通货膨胀,一是通过扩大货币缺口、直接推动当期物价上升,二是高货币化导致了较高的通货膨胀预期,这种预期又推动了通货膨胀的自我实现。因此,在经济平稳发展情况下,货币化是一个金融发展程度指标,但在严重依赖货币扩张推动经济增长的情况下,货币化却可能是货币超发的指标,与通货膨胀存在着密切关系。  相似文献   

Money Illusion and Housing Frenzies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A reduction in inflation can fuel run-ups in housing pricesif people suffer from money illusion. For example, investorswho decide whether to rent or buy a house by simply comparingmonthly rent and mortgage payments do not take into accountthe fact that inflation lowers future real mortgage costs. Wedecompose the price–rent ratio into a rational component—meantto capture the "proxy effect" and risk premia—and an impliedmispricing. We find that inflation and nominalinterest ratesexplain a large share of the time series variation of the mispricing,and that the tilt effect is very unlikely to rationalize thisfinding.  相似文献   

The market demand for the Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) is rather small. This is puzzling, as we show that an agent, who derives utility from real wealth and dynamically invests into multiple asset classes over a 30-year horizon, incurs a certainty equivalent loss of 1.6% per annum from not investing in inflation-indexed bonds. However, if the investor suffers from money illusion, the perceived loss is only 0.5% per annum. Furthermore, the perceived loss is totally negligible for an unsophisticated money-illusioned investor ignoring the time variation of risk premia. Money illusion causes significant portfolio shifts from inflation-indexed toward nominal bonds, with little effects on equity allocations, contributing to the low market demand for TIPS.  相似文献   

Interwar macroeconomic history is a natural place to look for evidence on the correlation between output growth and inflation or unexpected inflation. We apply time‐series methods to measure unexpected inflation for more than 20 countries using both retail and wholesale prices. There is a significant, positive correlation between output growth and inflation for the entire period. There is little evidence that this correlation is caused by an underlying role for unexpected inflation. For wholesale price inflation in particular, the output declines associated with deflations were larger than the output increases associated with inflations of the same scale.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nexus between news coverage on inflation and households’ inflation expectations. In doing so, we test the epidemiological foundations of the sticky information model (Carroll 2003, 2006 ). We use both aggregate and household‐level data from the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan. We highlight a fundamental disconnection among news on inflation, consumers’ frequency of expectation updating, and the accuracy of their expectations. Our evidence provides at best weak support to the epidemiological framework, as most of the consumers who update their expectations do not revise them toward professional forecasters’ mean forecast.  相似文献   

The accuracy of inflation forecasts obtained from household and professional surveys has deteriorated noticeably of late, to the extent that a simple autoregressive specification outperforms survey forecasts. The decline in (absolute and relative) accuracy has taken place at about the same time as an apparent change in the inflation process. Projections of household forecasts on realized inflation suggests that households have not recognized this change. For the professionals, projections of expected inflation on headline inflation have changed, but on core inflation have not. By contrast, projections of realized headline inflation on core have changed sharply.  相似文献   

Inflation and inequality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cross-country evidence on inflation and income inequality suggests that they are positively related. This article explores the hypothesis that this correlation is the outcome of a distributional conflict underlying the determination of government policies. A political economy model is presented in which equilibrium inflation is positively related to the degree of inequality in income due to the relative vulnerability to inflation of low income households.  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2010,46(11):18490A-18490A

This paper reports on the author's theoretical and empirical research which has supported the following propositions. First, the change in the rate of inflation from one year to the next depends upon the growth of the money supply less the current rate of inflation. The current unemployment rate does not significantly affect whether the rate of inflation will rise or fall. If the monetary authorities raise the rate of monetary expansion above the current rate of inflation, the latter will rise regardless of the slack in the economy. Second, the change in the unemployment rate from one year to the next depends upon: (a) the deviation of the current unemployment rate from its equilibrium value and (b) the growth of the money supply less the current rate of inflation. The first effect concerns wage flexibility and the second effect concerns the shift of the aggregate demand (C+I+G) curve.  相似文献   

This paper develops a bivariate model of inflation and a survey‐based long‐run forecast of inflation that allows for the estimation of the link between trend inflation and the long‐run forecast. Thus, our model allows for the possibilities that long‐run forecasts taken from surveys can be equated with trend inflation, that the two are completely unrelated, or anything in between. Using a variety of inflation measures and survey‐based forecasts for several countries, we find that long‐run forecasts can provide substantial help in refining estimates and fitting and forecasting inflation. It is less helpful to simply equate trend inflation with the long‐run forecasts.  相似文献   

We discuss the likely evolution of U.S. inflation in the near and medium terms on the basis of (i) past U.S. experience with very low levels of inflation, (ii) the most recent Japanese experience with negative inflation, and (iii) some preliminary U.S. micro evidence on downward nominal wage rigidity. Our findings question the view that stable long‐run inflation expectations and downward nominal wage rigidity will necessarily provide sufficient support to prices to avoid further declines in inflation. We show that an inflation model fitted on Japanese data over the past 20 years, which accounts for both short‐ and long‐run inflation expectations, matches the recent U.S. inflation experience quite well. While the model indicates that U.S. inflation might be subject to a lower bound, it does not rule out a prolonged period of low inflation or even mild deflation going forward. In addition, micro‐level data on wages suggest no obvious downward rigidity in the firm's wage bill, downward rigidity in individual wages notwithstanding. As a consequence, downward nominal wage rigidity may not be enough to offset deflationary pressures in the current situation.  相似文献   

Real Rates, Expected Inflation, and Inflation Risk Premia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies the term structure of real rates, expected inflation, and inflation risk premia. The analysis is based on new estimates of the real term structure derived from the prices of index-linked and nominal debt in the U.K. I find strong evidence to reject both the Fisher Hypothesis and versions of the Expectations Hypothesis for real rates. The estimates also imply the presence of time-varying inflation risk premia throughout the term structure.  相似文献   

货币流动性与通货膨胀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
货币流动性与通货膨胀是我国目前经济运行中较为突出的两个问题.及时开展货币流动性与通货膨胀之间关系的研究,厘清二者之间的相互引导关系,探寻二者之间的传导机制和形成机理,测定二者之间的传导时滞及影响力,这对中央银行有效调控流动性,有效预防、控制通货膨胀,进而促进国民经济的健康发展,都具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

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