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Concern over the effect of industries on the natural environment is growing on a multitude of levels. This study examines the effects of how perceptions of (a) environmental values, (b) green image and (c) perceived value of industrial customers influence their loyalty towards suppliers in existing relationships, and how the length of B2B relationships may moderate these linkages. A conceptual framework is developed and data are collected from a global sample (N =121) of B2B customers. We find that both green image and perceived value have a direct positive link with customer loyalty and that environmental values are positively linked to the green image of the supplier. Moreover, the effect of green image on loyalty is mediated by perceived value, with environmental values only indirectly linked with perceived value of the supplier. As the length of relationship increases, on one hand the positive relationship between green image and customer loyalty is strengthened, while on the other the positive relationship between environmental value and green image is weakened. Regardless of how environmentally aware the customer is, green image is a strong predictor of both perceived value and loyalty. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

顾客满意与顾客忠诚的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
随着企业间的竞争不断升级,市场占有率不再是具有决定意义的唯一衡量指标,企业竞争的目标由追求市场份额的数量-“市场占有率”转向了市场份额的质量-“满意顾客和忠诚顾客的数量”,因为在竞争非常激烈的环境下只有满意的顾客才会有可能再次光顾,才会有可能继续购买企业的产品,对企业产品持续的满意,这种重复购买才会持久,进而达到忠诚,因此忠诚顾客是企业长期利润最重要的源泉。本文在文献回顾的基础上,探讨了顾客满意与忠诚的概念、内涵,在此基础上对两者的区别和联系进行了分析,并对各联系的发生条件进行了探索。  相似文献   

陈德刚 《价值工程》2012,31(11):119-120
在C2C电子商务环境下,电子商店之间的竞争越来越激烈,顾客忠诚度尤为重要,是电子商店谋求长期发展的保证。本文分析了C2C时代消费者特征和影响C2C顾客忠诚度的因素,并提出了提升顾客忠诚度的相关建议。  相似文献   

可持续发展与绿色施工   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
竹隰生  任宏 《基建优化》2002,23(4):33-35
在施工阶段落实可持续发展思想对促进建筑业可持续发展具有重要的作用。绿色施工正是可持续发展思想在工程施工中应用的主要体现。分析了绿色施工的重要意义及概念,提出了绿色施工原则和一些有用的绿色施工技术措施。  相似文献   

贾建忠  杨杨 《价值工程》2012,31(17):300-301
通过线性回归分析了乡村徒步旅游游客感知价值对游客满意及游客忠诚的影响,研究发现,乡村徒步旅游游客感知价值的四个维度价格价值、功能价值、社会价值及情感价值对游客满意和游客忠诚都呈显著性的正相关;其中情感价值的影响最大也最显著,其次是功能价值;同时游客满意对游客忠诚也呈显著性正相关;通过中介效应的分析发现,游客感知价值是通过游客满意来影响游客忠诚的,即游客满意起到了部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

Many companies have developed a green marketing strategy, aimed at promoting and selling green environmental products. While the majority of articles on this topic report on studies in a business-to-consumer setting, this research focusses on the impact of green marketing strategies on the satisfaction and loyalty of professional buyers in a business-to-business setting. Hypotheses were tested with survey data from 148 Dutch professional purchasers in the cleaning industry. The results emphasize the impact and importance of product quality, product price and corporate image. The most notable and strong impact on satisfaction and loyalty was found for the salesperson expertise.  相似文献   

This paper explores the green supply chain management (GSCM) of companies based in the Yangtze River Delta, China. The companies' overall GSCM practice level (LGSCM) is measured by using the data from 165 valid respondents in a questionnaire survey conducted during April and May 2009. The relationships between LGSCM and the classified determinant factors are analyzed. It is indicated that Chinese companies are still at a preliminary stage of GSCM practices. Their environmental management in cooperation with external members of the supply chain is very marginal. A company's LGSCM is significantly and positively associated with the external pressures from regulatory, domestic clients and business competitors. As an internal factor, a company's learning capacity greatly determines LGSCM. We also confirm that the internal factors function as intermediate variables of external pressures in influencing a company's GSCM. A company's environmental management capacities will be strongly enhanced by frequent internal training of employees to increase its involvement in GSCM practices. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

随着邮轮旅游的迅猛发展,我国邮轮港口的邮轮数量日益增多,邮轮旅游对我国沿海地区的环境压力也日趋增大。研究邮轮旅游的环境问题,有利于实现邮轮旅游产业持续健康发展。采用定性分析的方法,首先分析邮轮旅游过程中,邮轮本身及邮轮游客产生的污染物,然后分析这些污染对生态环境的影响,最后从科技、经济、政策、教育等角度提出邮轮旅游环境问题的控制对策,并尝试建立多主体多方面合作的治理模式,以更好地应对邮轮旅游环境问题。  相似文献   

陆月华 《价值工程》2011,30(20):53-54
面对竞争日益激烈的建筑施工企业,员工忠诚起到至关重要的程度。能否从影响员工忠诚度影响因素着手分析培养与管理员工忠诚度是维持企业可持续发展的重要因素。本文从企业员工忠诚度的价值分析着手,阐述了影响忠诚度两大因素,给予培养与管理忠诚度的对策,促进企业与员工共同成长发展。  相似文献   

洪琼  张浩  聂家林  庄思思  丁瑞 《物流科技》2020,(1):73-75,78
快递业的高速发展给社会与环境带来了一定的负面影响,实施绿色物流是快递业转型发展的必然趋势。文章基于对快递业环境污染影响、绿色新技术采纳及绿色物流政策支持情况分析的基础上,剖析其存在的问题,结合企业、政府、用户等多主体特征,提出了促进快递业物流绿色创新发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

客户关系管理的核心是价值创造,企业实施客户关系管理时,在对客户的识别、保留、发展的整个生命周期中对价值的评判始终贯穿其中,因此客户关系管理中的价值评判非常重要,其价值评判包括两个方面:一是企业为客户创造的价值评价,二是客户为企业创造的价值评价。本文就企业为客户创造的价值的评判指标、方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

卢诚 《企业科技与发展》2012,(15):109-110,113
全球性资源短缺和环境问题已成为人们关注的焦点,建筑是最主要的资源消耗者和环境污染者。文章通过对环境现状进行分析,指出了发展绿色建筑的必要性和紧迫性,并介绍了发展绿色建筑的主要做法。  相似文献   

周刚 《价值工程》2011,30(14):94-95
随着当前经济的不断发展,城市化建设不断深入,城市人口也随之不断增加和居民出行逐渐频繁,这势必会对我国的城市环境以及城市道路建设提出要求。目前,我国的大部分城市普遍存在的问题是城市生活环境差,人均绿化程度低,道路拥挤严重,堵车成为人们必须面对出行问题,道路的建设速度远远跟不上车辆的增长速度等等。这些问题不但给居民的正常生活带来影响,也给政府增加了压力,影响了城市经济化建设的前进步伐。  相似文献   

影响员工忠诚的因素有社会因素、员工自身、企业组织,前两类因素对员工忠诚的影响是直接的,而企业组织对员工忠诚的影响往往通过员工的工作满意感以及组织公平感等心理感受类中介变量产生作用。因此,以信任为基石,以人为中心的网络忠诚管理模型是培育、发展员工忠诚的企业有效的内部管理机制。  相似文献   

绿色供应链管理模式下的企业环境管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国企业环境管理中存在的环境管理目标与职能虚置、管理方式落后以及绿色需求不足等问题,依据绿色供应链管理的基本思想,指出我国企业在环境管理过程中应通过采取确立环境管理在企业中的战略地位,实施源头控制的环境管理方式和增强绿色意识、引导绿色消费等措施来降低环境管理成本,取得经济竞争优势,从而提高企业的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

要达到品牌资产准确评估的目的,品牌忠诚的定义及其测量指标的设置是关键,而品牌忠诚测量必须考虑产品的差异,从消费者期望价值角度考虑品牌产品的属性价值进而在此基础上对产品分类讨论品牌忠诚测量指标的科学性,显然具有实用性和操作指导意义。  相似文献   

董健 《企业活力》2012,(8):28-32
在实践中,中国服务业发展迅速,但营销水平有待提高,很多管理人员对营销以及服务管理的理解有限。在理论中,对感知服务质量各个维度、顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间的关系讨论很多,尚无定论。实证研究发现,是顾客满意正向影响感知服务质量各个因子,而不是相反,说明基于交易的顾客满意会影响对服务进行长期综合评价的感知服务质量。只有忠诚度一个因子影响顾客忠诚,因此企业在培养忠诚顾客上应该有所侧重。顾客满意和顾客忠诚的关系被验证并非线性关系,在线性方程模型中未能验证成功。  相似文献   

由于地铁具有安全、快捷的优点,其日益成为人们外出的主要交通工具。文章构建了地铁服务质量对乘客满意度及忠诚度的关系模型,包括8个构面(有形性、可靠性、反应性、保证性、关怀性、舒适性、乘客满意度和乘客忠诚度),提出13条假设。通过实证研究验证了各因素之间的相互作用关系,其中11条假设成立并呈现出不同程度的影响,而舒适性与乘客满意度及忠诚度之间的假设不被支持。基于研究结果,提出一系列改善地铁服务进而持续吸引乘客的建议,旨在促进城市地铁的良好发展。  相似文献   

Building on the Porter hypothesis, which posits that regulatory stringency triggers innovation and thereby allows firms to achieve the dual purpose of environment protection and enhanced business performance, the present research develops an integrative model that explores the determinants of green innovation with a focus being placed on knowledge sharing. Data were collected from 203 green innovation project leaders from electronics manufacturers operating in China. The results indicate that knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between green requirements and new green product success as well as that between green requirements and green product and process innovations. Interestingly, the empirical analysis rejects the hypothesized positive influence of green requirements on green product and process innovations as well as that on new green product success, while confirming that there exists a direct and positive association between green requirements and knowledge sharing. The direct positive impact of knowledge sharing is the strongest on green process innovation. This study provides a theoretical basis for investigating the possible determinants in the causal links between green requirements and green innovation success and establishes that knowledge sharing and green process innovation may be the points where leverage can be applied to best secure innovation success. Implications of the findings on environmental policy and law design are also discussed to see how the regulatory role of the government can be better positioned to facilitate compliance and innovation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

激烈的竞争环境下,企业要获得一席之地,必须给顾客提供高让渡价值,使顾客形成情感依赖达到忠诚。当然,不管是交易型价值还是关系型价值,都是顾客通过与自己预期值的比较而得到的一种感受,是交换中的顾客依据个人主观判断完成的,可见顾客价值和顾客心理契约是对应的。  相似文献   

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