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abstract Favourable organizational status and prestige has a substantial role in shaping constituents' attitudes and actions. The status and prestige of an organization is often a reflection of its achievements or performance. In the present study, we investigate the role of organizational performance or achievement (as assessed by organizational members) in evoking employees' identification, adjustment, and job performance. The results of this study indicate that two forms of organizational performance (labelled as perceived social responsibility and development and perceived market and financial performance) are associated with organizational identification. However, when compared to perceived market and financial performance, perceived social responsibility and development had a larger effect on organizational identification, which in turn resulted in enhanced employees' work outcomes – adjustment and job performance.  相似文献   

A bstract .   In this article, we attempt to analyze the Talmudic notion of well-being in the light of modern hedonic psychology. First, we examine the thoughts of Hebrew "wisdom" and Greek " sophia " concerning the phenomenon of happiness. We then discuss the Talmudic doctrine of "optimality," a concept similar to that of the Pareto improvement. This is followed by a discourse deemed to be of extraordinary significance—the idea of "mutual benefit," which may be described as "super optimum." Thereafter, the doctrine of the "Benefit of a Pleasure" is demonstrated to be a "pleasure-measure" of reciprocal and nonreciprocal happiness. Finally, it is argued, that although Plato, according to Professor Lowry, detailed precise "trade-offs" between degrees of pleasure, pain, and time, it was applied to "moral values" only, whereas the Talmudists posited the existence of a "psychoeconomic" category, in which pleasure itself is equated with money.  相似文献   

员工角色压力对工作满意感的影响:组织氛围的调节效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文作者对52个旅游企业121个部门1594名员工进行了一次实证研究.多层次线性模型分析结果表明,员工的角色模糊对工作满意感有显著的负向影响,部门的支持型领导氛围部分中介了企业的支持型领导氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响,员工的心理受权部分中介了部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响.此外,企业的支持型领导氛围既会调节部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的影响,又会调节员工的角色模糊对员工工作满意感的影响,企业的员工服务行为评估氛围则会调节员工的角色冲突对他们的工作满意感的影响.  相似文献   

Despite the complex nature of discrimination in employment, antidiscrimination legislation in most countries has placed almost exclusive responsibility on one party, the employer, who may base employment decisions on illegal grounds, by using personal information (such as age, gender, marital status, ethnicity, etc.) provided by job applicants. This study examined 107 real résumés from Australian managerial applicants to determine how much personal information is provided in résumés. It was found that although employers and recruitment consultants are prohibited from seeking personal information from applicants, this information is often either provided directly or indirectly by applicants in their résumés. Thus this paper suggests that job applicants aid and abet employer discrimination in the selection process. Methods to prevent or minimize discrimination in the recruitment and selection phases of the employment process are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an easy‐to‐use nonparametric indicator for club convergence, or convergence within clusters of countries: it measures whether the modes of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita distribution become more pronounced over time. Relying on changes in the critical bandwidth for unimodality, the indicator is a dynamic extension of concepts from often‐used multimodality tests. Its evolution suggests the new empirical result of a ‘millennium peak’ in club convergence in the worldwide GDP per capita distribution. The club convergence movements of the 1980s and 1990s, when groups of poor and rich countries converged to two separate points, was followed by a de‐clubbing movement after the turn of the millennium. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. The working wife as a factor in the determination of family status has been universally ignored by students of stratification. In this plea for investigation, it is suggested that the employment or married women could affect the system of stratification in the following ways: (1) making pos-sible greater access to symbols of status; (2) implying that the husband has been unsuccessful in his own career; (3) identifying the wife with a particular occupation; and (4) identifying certain occupations with wives of high status.  相似文献   

Job Performance and Turnover: A Review and Integrative Multi-Route Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research and theory on the elusive yet important relationship between individual job performance and employee turnover is reviewed. An integrative model of the relationship is proposed which argues that performance may lead to turnover through three different routes. One, performance may influence turnover through cognitive and affective evaluations of the desire to leave the organization. Two, performance may influence turnover through actual and perceived mobility in the job market. Three, performance may lead more directly to turnover in response to performance-related shocks to the system. Additionally, important moderators of these relationships, notably visibility and reward contingency, are highlighted.  相似文献   

员工即兴行为是企业应对外部环境动态性、复杂性和模糊性的有效抓手。虽已有研究对包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间的关系进行了探究,但目前对二者之间的作用机制知之甚少。论文从社会交换理论视角出发,基于458份问卷数据,实证了包容型领导与员工即兴行为的关系,研究结果表明:包容型领导正向影响员工即兴行为,工作卷入在包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间起部分中介作用,员工主动性人格正向调节包容型领导和工作卷入之间的关系。  相似文献   

姜弢  钟庆旭 《物流技术》2021,(1):1-4,37
以新冠疫情期间应急物流运作为对象,阐述了应急物流的特点,提出了应急物流运作的基本原则和方法,对我国应急物流的发展提出了一些建议,包括:统一归口管理,分级响应;构建统一的信息平台;建立应急物流体系;完善战略储备制度等,以期为我国应急物流的高效运作提供参考。  相似文献   

工作压力的产生与形成,不仅取决于工作要求与控制的交互作用,个体的自我效能感也将通过影响工作控制与工作要求的匹配程度而导致个体不同程度的压力;同时,自我效能感又是预测个体工作绩效的重要变量。因此,传统的JDC模型应充分考虑个体自我效能感。对于组织而言,可采取个体压力认知重建、压力应对技能培训、工作丰富化、个体参与管理等措施来改变个体自我效能感水平,继而有效降低个体压力并提高组织绩效。  相似文献   

In situations where quality is fixed, the widely used RPI‐X regulatory mechanism has a number of desirable properties, such as convergence to a second best optimum. Theoretical analysis of this mechanism in the case of endogenous quality is limited and therefore regulators have typically imposed constraints on the firm's quality choice in ad hoc manners, either by mandating quality levels, or by including quality adjustment factors in the RPI‐X mechanism. In this paper, we construct the rigorous theoretical counterpart of these manners of including quality measures in the constraints faced by a regulated firm. This mechanism converges to second best optimum. It works by offering the firm trade‐offs between prices and qualities based on the choice it made in the previous period; however, reflecting the practical problem valuing quality, the informational requirement to select these trade‐offs appropriately is qualitatively stronger than in the fixed quality case. Moreover, even when the informational problem can be overcome, we identify a further potential pitfall in the approach taken in practice by regulators, and show that, in order to avoid it, the regulated firm should be subject to an additional constraint, which we label the distance constraint, and which can be interpreted as requiring the firms to choose prices and qualities within a band in every period.  相似文献   

基于多轮开放式与封闭式问卷调查研究,探索企业招聘网站内容的内涵与结构,考察企业招聘网站设计因素(内容、结构和视觉因素)对应聘者求职意向的影响及其中介机制.实证研究结果显示,招聘网站内容包括组织文化与背景、组织政策与环境、组织薪酬与福利和岗位职责与要求四个维度;招聘网站内容和视觉对应聘者求职意向有显著积极影响,网站结构对应聘者求职意向无显著影响;组织信任感在招聘网站内容和视觉与求职意向之间起中介作用.  相似文献   

2006年6月,人事部、中组部等部委联合下发了《关于事业单位工作人员收入分配改革方案的通知》和《事业单位工作人员收入分配制度改革实施办法》等文件。这些文件的出台拉开了我国收入分配制度新一轮改革序幕。收入分配制度改革涉及众多人的切身利益,这既是经济问题也是政治和社会问题。  相似文献   

In addressing the notion of team ambidexterity, we propose that socio‐psychological factors (i.e., team cohesion and team efficacy) may help team members to resolve paradoxical challenges and to combine exploratory and exploitative learning efforts. In addition, we theorize that senior executives may play an important role in facilitating the emergence of ambidexterity at lower hierarchical levels. In doing so, we develop a multilevel contingency framework and propose that the effectiveness of teams to achieve ambidexterity is contingent upon supportive leadership behaviours at the organizational‐level. Using multilevel, multisource, and temporally separated data on 87 teams within 37 high‐tech and pharmaceutical firms, we not only reveal how team cohesion and efficacy may matter for the emergence of team ambidexterity but also show that the effectiveness of supportive leadership behaviours from senior executives varies across cohesive and efficacious teams.  相似文献   

We propose a model of job passion that links two types of passion, harmonious and obsessive passion, to employees' work performance, via the mediating mechanism of cognitive engagement (comprising attention and absorption). Results from a survey conducted with 509 employees from an insurance firm indicate that employees with harmonious passion performed better at work, and that this relationship was mediated primarily by cognitive absorption, that is, the intensity of focus and immersion experienced by the employees when working. However, even though obsessive passion was negatively related to cognitive attention (i.e. the amount of cognitive resources spent thinking about work), it did not have a significant relationship to work performance overall. We identify and discuss research and practical implications for job passion and performance management.  相似文献   

狄浩 《价值工程》2014,(2):141-143
作业成本法的作用不仅仅是为了近似精确计算成本,还为作业成本管理提供有力支持,以达到不断消除浪费、实现持续改善、提高客户价值,并最终实现企业战略目标。本文以Topsis法基本思想为指导,分析作业业绩综合比较评价,客观评价企业相关作业的先进性,为改进企业成本管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

abstract Drawing from Karasek's job demands–control model, this study investigated how perceived amount and clarity of interdependency in managers’ jobs affect role stress, and the extent to which job control moderates these relationships. Results show that amount of interdependency was positively associated with role conflict, and clarity of interdependency was negatively associated with role ambiguity. There was also support for the job demands–control model as greater job control reduced role ambiguity when clarity of interdependency was low. Although higher job control produced lower role ambiguity when both clarity and amount of interdependency were low, higher job control did not produce lower role ambiguity when clarity of interdependency was low and amount of interdependency was high, suggesting that the buffering value of job control on reducing role stress is contingent on the task interdependencies that managers confront.  相似文献   

Respect for the environment has rapidly gained importance in the context of firms, regardless of their pollution levels. Most of the existing research has related to the most polluting sectors and has been limited to the effect that the adoption of cleaner practices has on performance, primarily in terms of operations, financial performance and competitiveness. This paper expands the research towards a more complete picture of environmental management by examining context, development and performance to understand how other factors can influence the development of cleaner practices. In addition, we focus our research on the service sector. In our analysis, we differentiated between the affiliation and size of the studied companies to better understand their specificities. Based on a sample of 374 restaurants, the results show the importance of the influence of institutions and the limited influence of competitors in encouraging firms to adopt a strategic, clean approach, especially for the smallest firms. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

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