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Introducing cross‐gender brand extensions—masculine or feminine brands that extend to the opposite gender—is a growing trend on the marketplace, though not always a successful one. This research examines the effect of consumer multifactorial gender and biological sex on consumers’ evaluation of cross‐gender brand extensions. The influence of gender role attitudes is demonstrated: consumers with traditional gender attitudes are significantly more reluctant to accept these extensions than consumers with more liberal attitudes. Hence the extensions have a negative impact on the subsequent attitude of the former group toward the parent brand, contrary to their effect on more egalitarian consumers. No significant impact of the consumer's biological sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation is identified. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings for the development of cross‐gender brand extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

通过梳理颜色和性格相关性理论研究以及性格和消费行为理论研究,发现到目前为止,对颜色、性格和消费者消费行为三者之间关系的实证研究比较少。基于此,论文选取某大学学生为研究对象,发放问卷500份,回收有效问卷338份,构建颜色-性格-消费行为理论模型。借助SPSS软件对数据进行相关分析。结果发现,不同颜色反应不同消费者性格,不同性格反映出不同消费行为,针对不同颜色反映出不同性格所表现出的不同消费行为提出有效的营销策略,希望此研究能为企业营销决策提供有力依据。  相似文献   

品牌个性、消费者真实自我与品牌态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于FCB Grid模型视角,运用实证分析的方法研究品牌个性与消费者真实自我对品牌态度的影响。研究发现,高涉入度/认知型和高涉入度/情感型品牌的品牌个性与真实自我概念一致的群体比不一致的群体具有更高的品牌态度,在此类品牌的塑造上考虑注入品牌个性的五个维度中的"智"和"雅"的个性特征,低涉入度/认知品牌未显示出显著的品牌个性,低涉入度/情感型品牌的一致群体与不一致群体均显示出显著的品牌个性。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on consumer behaviour at contemporary museums. It explores the concept of postmodern consumer society in relation to the individual and the 'popularisation' of museums. The paper then draws upon findings from a grounded theory study of consumer behaviour at contemporary museums and heritage attractions. It proposes that there are three identifiable types of behaviour based around differences in cultural identification, perceptions of self, the desire for authenticity, nostalgic reactions, and social motivations.  相似文献   

This paper examines and contrasts the attitude to food shopping in Denmark and Spain in both grocery products and white goods used to store and prepare foods. The focus is on the underlying dimensions used by consumers in Copenhagen and Madrid to select food and electrical stores to patronise. The attributes studied are drawn from prior research and are consistent across the two product categories. The research concludes that there is a relatively meaningful set of attributes, which is limited in size, that consumers may employ to make judgements. The salience of individual attributes was shown to vary with the sector under consideration. Contrasts are evident between the attribute ranking given by Danish and Spanish consumers. Particular attention is paid to the manner in which consumers distinguish between ‘service’ and ‘personnel’ in making their store selection. The work is set in the context of the retail internationalisation literature, where it is held that there is a convergence of consumer tastes in different international markers that facilitate operators developing stores overseas. Some evidence is produced to support this idea, though the need for additional cross-cultural and longitudinal studies to test this idea further is recognised.  相似文献   

This article draws on the results of a qualitative, exploratory study of 20 Australian women business owners to demonstrate how using a ‹gender as social identity’ lens provides new insights into the influence of gender on exporting and entrepreneurial behaviour. Interview data reveal perceptions of gender identity and gender relations varied and influenced the interpretations which women business owners placed on their exporting activities. Women in the study used different terms to describe exporter and entrepreneurial characteristics to those found in extant literature. A strong theme was exporting as a life-changing experience that allowed the women to grow personally as well as grow the business and succeed as exporters.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of consumer responses to products placed in a sitcom, “Ads R’ Us,” created as a stimulus to ascertain the influence of a television program’s genre and male/female respondents’ sex on responses. Textual analysis is used to analyze sitcoms, a category of programs created in accordance with genre conventions, the structural framework that influences responses to media vehicles. First‐generation feminist reading theory, which challenged the patriarchal assumptions mostly unquestioned in the US until the early 1960s, is used to analyze responses produced by second‐generation respondents, who came of age a generation later, after the women’s liberation movement led to socio‐cultural changes. The study draws from multidisciplinary theory and integrates stimulus‐side/response‐side research to enhance understanding of the text‐context‐consumer relationship. Findings indicate that second‐generation responses to placed products are problematized by the coexistence of patriarchal and feminist perspectives that color male/female readings of sitcoms.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - This study makes a novel attempt to disentangle the complex relationships between making sustainable purchasing choices and happiness, while also considering the key...  相似文献   

本文对创新扩散理论( IDT)和技术接受模型( TAM2)进行拓展,分别引入扩散过程中的传播渠道和时间变量、感知风险与感知价格变量,并将两个模型进行整合,构建消费者参与网络团购行为影响因素的概念模型,进行实证研究。研究结果表明:影响消费者参与网络团购意愿的因素可以归纳为个人感知因素与创新扩散因素两大类。网络团购的传播渠道(大众传媒和人际关系)、时间(成交订单数)相容性、感知有用性对消费者参与网络团购的意愿有显著的正向影响;感知风险与感知价格对消费者参与网络团购的意愿有显著的负向影响;感知易用性对消费者的参与意愿无显著的影响。其中,相容性对消费者参与网络团购意愿的影响最大,感知有用性和人际关系传播的影响次之。  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of rules theory to make intelligible the socially constructed reality of consumer behaviour. Rules theory, which is grounded in Systems theory and later Wittgensteinian language philosophy offers a technology for accessing the meaning and action that characterise consumer behaviour. Two forms of rule can be used to interpret consumer behaviour, constitutive rule and regulative rule. The former are socially constructed rules of meaning; the latter are socially constructed rules of action. Rules theory also acknowledges that meaning and action have potential for contextual variation. Rules theory serves as a metatheoretical counterpoint to the positivistic paradigm which dominates the consumer behaviour literature.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special issue “Effects of the euro changeover on consumer behaviour” by briefly reviewing the contents of the included papers. The introduction follows the organization of the papers in three sections each focusing on a common set of issues. In the first section, research revealing the perceived and actual problems consumers face after the euro changeover is described. Research illuminating learning and adaptation to the euro changeover is the focus of the second section. A special problem is the misperception of inflation after the euro changeover. Research on this problem is addressed in the third section. In a final section, the main findings and their policy implications are summarized.  相似文献   

This study investigates how consumer attitudes toward advertising in general affect their attitudes toward online advertising. It also investigates the moderating role of the personality traits of introversion and extroversion in explaining this relationship. An online survey is used to collect data from a convenience sample of 244 respondents living in Canada. Results show that attitude toward advertising in general has a positive and significant impact on attitude toward online advertising. Introversion is found to have no moderating impact on the relationship between both attitudes. However, extroversion moderates this relationship.  相似文献   

As competitive liberalisation and the application of technology in the creation and distribution of financial services have increased consumer choice in the UK personal financial service industry, so consumer choice in the UK personal financial services industry, so consumer behaviour has assumed a greater role in determining the strategic environment in which financial service providers operate. This paper explores the reltionship between consumer behaviour and the strategic choices facing financial consumer behaviour and the strategic choices facing financial service firms by developing a framework of consumer behaviour and linking the forms of behaviour and type of financial service instrument that determines the strategic environment within which financial service providers operate. Based on that interaction the paper develops a contingency view of financial services strategy and argues that to be successful, financial service providers will need to move away from broad service provision and adopt more focused strategies that reflect far more closely the strategic environment in which they operate.  相似文献   

This paper represents an attempt to highlight a novel perspective on consumer behaviour generally and self-gift behaviours specifically. Self-gift behaviours have not been viewed from an explicit mood-alleviative perspective in prior research. This is a strange shortcoming, since mood-alleviative self-gift behaviours have multiple linkages to other consumption phenomena and to consumer behaviour theory development. This paper specifies the contents of these linkages. It aims at demonstrating the relevance of studying mood-alleviative self-gift behaviours and at stimulating theoretical and empirical investigations addressing them by showing a need for developing and enriching the conceptual basis of consumer behaviour related mood research and by providing a general starting point for this. The specification is concluded by outlining directions for future research and delineating managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of different anticonsumption constructs on consumer wellbeing. The study assumes that people will only lower their level of consumption if doing so does not also lower personal wellbeing. More precisely, this research investigates how specific subtypes of sustainable anticonsumption (e.g., voluntary simplicity, collaborative consumption, and debt-free living) relate to different states of consumer's wellbeing (e.g., financial, psychosocial, and subjective wellbeing). This work also examines whether consumer empowerment can improve personal wellbeing and strengthen the anticonsumption wellbeing relationship. The results show that voluntarily foregoing consumption does not reduce wellbeing and consumer empowerment plays a significant role in supporting sustainable pathways to consumer wellbeing. This study reasons that empowerment improves consumer sovereignty, but may be detrimental for consumers heavily concerned about debt-free living. The present investigation concludes by proposing implications for public and consumer policymakers wishing to promote appropriate sustainable (anticonsumption) pathways to consumer wellbeing.  相似文献   

This study investigates the simultaneous influence of personality and personal values on attitude toward self‐production, and how self‐production attitude influences use of time and depth of self‐production behavior in home meal preparation. The results show that self‐control and agreeableness personality traits positively influence attitude toward self‐production, while the resultant self‐enhancement value dimension has a negative effect. Moreover, self‐control negatively moderates the influence of resultant self‐enhancement on self‐production attitude. Attitude toward self‐production has positive influences on both dimensions of self‐production behavior, with a stronger effect on the depth dimension than on the time use dimension. The results support the proposed hierarchical model that personality and personal values relate to more specific self‐production attitude and behavior in a food preparation context.  相似文献   

三个实验检验了品牌拟人形象性别与目标消费者性别一致性的积极效应以及品牌热情能力定位对其的调节作用。结果表明:出于社会认同动机,当性别刻板印象未被激活时,消费者对于拟人形象和自身性别一致的品牌态度更加积极。而当性别热情能力刻板印象被激活时,性别一致性的积极效应被品牌热情能力定位调节。具体而言,对于男性消费者,相对于能力型品牌,热情型品牌由于和男性高能力低热情刻板印象不同,男性消费者对男性拟人形象的社会认同降低,品牌拟人形象与消费者性别一致性对社会认同和品牌态度的积极效应消失;而对于女性消费者,与传统刻板印象相反的高能力低热情的女性拟人形象并未对她们的社会认同及品牌态度产生负面影响。  相似文献   

Marketing research has long acknowledged that consumers act differently around traditional holidays and family occasions. Further, the seasonal nature of consumption is well documented. Retailing and other fields of research have acknowledged that the day of the week impacts the behaviors of individuals. The finance literature, for example, has long noted the presence of a day of the week effect within the investment sector. Using daily U.S. website activity by 10 million internet users per day over a two year period, this study finds evidence of a day of the week effect in consumer behavior over 16 of 18 industries studied using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression. Ten of the industries were found to be weekend dominant. Six industries experienced weekday spikes in activity. Using qualitative analysis methods, a model of utilitarian and hedonistic consumer behavior, based on the day of the week effect, is presented.  相似文献   

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