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<正>企业治理理论是近年来经济学界研究的主流,其核心就是探讨所有权安排。关于什么怎样进行所有权的配置才是最佳的,理论界一直存在不同的观点。有的认为资本雇佣劳动是最佳安排;有的认为劳动占有资本,人力资本所有者拥有企业所有权是企业  相似文献   

水资源所有权是中国水权制度改革中的核心问题。《物权法》肯定了将水资源国家所有权改造成为纯粹的私权的主流观念。事实上,在世界水资源国家所有权的产生和发展历史上,民法典并未将其纳入私权体系。水资源国家所有权主要是规定在宪法和水资源单行法中,公权的属性更为突出。应当矫正我国《物权法》对水资源国家所有权不恰当的私权定位,实现其公共所有权的回归,特别是要强调水资源国家所有权的全民性和国家责任。  相似文献   

面对管理中的悖论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

盈余管理作为上市公司的一种常见行为很难被发现,从而对社会公众在资本市场中产生信息障碍。文章通过研究上市企业经营战略的选择与盈余管理程度的关系研究,进一步探究盈余管理新的动机以及企业经营战略选择对企业行为与经济后果的影响。进一步地按企业所有权性质将上市企业划分为国有和非国有两大类,探究这两类企业的盈余管理行为差异。  相似文献   

本文分析高管的银行背景是否影响企业现金持有决策,以及这种影响在国有企业和民营企业之间是否存在显著差异。基于中国非金融类上市公司2003-2013年的数据,检验发现,那些聘请具有银行背景的人士担任高管的企业具有显著更低的现金持有水平和更快的现金持有调整速度。相对于国有企业,高管银行背景对企业现金持有决策的影响在民营企业显著更强。上述研究结论有助于揭示社会资本在促进企业发展中的具体运行机制,为上市公司做出更优的现金持有决策具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

由于生产要素具有稀缺性和高能性的特点,科技创业企业形成了独特的所有权结构.基于此,本文首先分别分析了科技创业企业两个主要生产要素的产权特征,然后深入地分析了这类企业产权结构的特点,最后给出了有价值的结论.  相似文献   

企业性质:从系统理论的角度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统理论其普遍的意义是作为一般方法论存在的。本文从系统科学理论出发,运用系统科学理论中的基本原理,分析了企业这个社会经济系统,进而,认为企业的全部资源表现为人力资本与非人力资本,企业的运营效率则来自于此两者的有机结合,最后,引出了基于系统理论的企业性质。  相似文献   

很多伟大的公司和管理者都在尝试创造一种格局,在“创新与制度”这对天敌之间建立“制衡与共生”的良性关系。身处变幻莫测的现代世界,对于大多数像趋势科技这样的企业来说,建造一个完善严谨、科学合理的制度,既是一种必须也是一种奢侈。  相似文献   

Standard accounts on the nature of the firm are highly dependent on explanations by Coase, coupled with inputs from agency theory and shareholder theory. This paper carries out their critique in light of personalist and common good postulates. It shows how personalist and common good principles create a framework that not only accommodates business ethics better but also affords a more compelling understanding of business as a whole.Joan Fontrodona is Assistant Professor of Business Ethics and Academic Director of the Center for Business in Society at IESE Business School. He is member of the Academic Board of EABIS and member of the Executive Committee of EBEN-Spain.Alejo José G. Sison is the Rafael Escolá Chair of Professional Ethics (TECNUN) with appointments from the Philosophy Department and the Institute of Enterprise and Humanism of the University of Navarra.  相似文献   

The low efficiency of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is widely accepted by academics. However, the accounting literature shows that non-SOEs are more likely to engage in earnings management, which artificially boosts their financial performance. This suggests that the higher financial performance in non-SOEs may be merely cosmetic. This study compares the real financial performance between SOEs and non-SOEs, while the real performance is obtained by estimating the level of earnings management and removing it from the reported financial performance. The result shows that there is no significant difference in real performance between SOEs and non-SOEs. This study sheds new light on the debate over the efficiency of SOEs and the relationship between ownership structure and financial performance.  相似文献   

社会主义所有制应是公有和个人所有相融合,这是社会主义的一个根本性问题.30年改革开放促进了我国所有制理论的重大发展,也使我国所有制结构发生了巨大变化.理论的发展在解放思想、观念转变的推动下,为改革提供理论依据,促进改革一步一步发展.而改革止步不前,则是因为观念上存在误区,需要进一步解放思想,促进理论发展.改革开放30年来,我国所取得的伟大成就正是在突破斯大林两种所有制(全民所有制和集体所有制)理论的进程中取得的.例如,党的十二届三中全会提出国有企业改革的必要性;党的十五大对社会主义所有制理论的重大突破;党的十五届四中全会对国有经济进行定位;党的十六届三中全会对股份制进行定性.中国特色社会主义是斯大林社会主义模式基础上的创新,必须解放思想,转变观念,确立中国特色社会主义的历史地位.首先,要认识到斯大林的两种所有制观念在理论上不符合马克思的社会主义所有制理论,在实践上不利于社会主义建设,要废除两种所有制观念,促进改革深入发展,彻底解除"三农"问题的根源.其次,要转变国有经济是公有制主体和社会主义制度经济基础的观念,把国有经济严格限制在"三个行业两类企业"之内,国有经济的首要任务是提供重要公共产品和为社会服务,而并不全是保值增值.最后,要转变国有企业是宏观调控物质基础的观念.政府利用经济政策和市场机制进行宏观调控,适合各种所有制企业,不需要以国有企业作为物质基础.  相似文献   

This paper develops micro-economic foundations for a theory of entrepreneurship and growth, focusing on innovation and opportunity as intermediate linkages between the two. Expanding upon points of tangency between Schumpeter and Coase, the paper argues that transactions costs are the glue that holds together entrepreneurial “new combinations.” Technological/organizational complexity of production is defined as the extent to which a technical decision by one unit within the firm affects the productive efficiency of other units. Where decreasing transactions costs tend to pull incumbent organizations apart, the possession of difficult to imitate production practices by the same organizations keeps them together. The dissolution of incumbent firms creates opportunities for entrepreneurs; the prospect of Schumpeterian rents provides the incentive to realize those opportunities.   相似文献   

This study investigates whether accounting firms match the experience level of individual auditors with the risk level of clients in order to control audit risk. We find that accounting firms tend to assign more experienced auditors to non-state-owned clients that typically have higher tendency to engage in earnings management. Such an assignment pattern is more pronounced for non-Big 4 accounting firms. Further analysis suggests that auditors' experience helps reduce clients' earnings management level, proxied by abnormal accruals, and thus improves the audit quality. This study enriches the literature on the allocation of human resources and the risk control mechanism in the audit services industry, which has been seldom explored in prior studies.  相似文献   

Tasubinsa is a “Special Employment and Occupational Center” constituted in accordance with Spanish Law where 90% of the workers have mental, sensorial or physical impairments of at least 30%. Its positive experience of more than 15 years provides entirely different responses from mainstream neoclassical theory (transaction cost theory, agency theory, and shareholder theory) to basic questions such as “What is a firm?”, “What is its purpose?”, “Who owns a firm?”, and “What do a firm’s owners seek?”. The article discusses how these different premises give rise to a distinctive corporate culture centered on the handicapped person.  相似文献   

本文根据马克思的有关论述,从企业的契约性质、要素产权界定与企业治理结构、企业治理结构与企业绩效的关系等方面介绍了马克思的企业治理理论,指出马克思是企业治理理论的创始人。  相似文献   

The Resource-Based Theory of the Firm and Firm Survival   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the determinants of firm survival. We use hazard models to test a number of hypotheses mainly drawn from the Resource-Based Theory of the Firm. According to the Resource-Based View the ability of a firm to develop distinct capabilities enhances its ability to adapt to the changing competitive environment and improves its survival prospects. The results confirm that firms that develop firm-specific assets through advertising and making R&D (independently of the technological intensity of the industry) enjoy better survival prospects. Furthermore, failure risk increases up to about 20 years of trading, and then decreases to later rise in line with liability of “adolescence” and “senescence.”   相似文献   

寇淮 《商业研究》2005,(8):12-14
二十多年来,我国国有企业改革在马克思所有制理论指导下,不断发展创新,使国企改革先后经历了放权让利、承包经营、利税分流和建立现代企业制度等过程,改革取得明显成就。党的十六届三中全会提出“使股份制成为公有制的主要实现形式”,这是我国公有制实现形式认识的重大突破,为公有制经济的实现形式开辟了新的道路,同时也必将助推国有企业向股份制迈进  相似文献   

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