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弦子 《财会月刊》2010,(9):I0010-I0010
时尚借鉴 徐冰年轻美丽、衣着时尚,她一直经营着一家销售韩国时尚服装的小店。“开服装店是我创业的开始,已经经营了多年,销售的是从韩国直接进口的中高档服装。新服装要在换季时提前上架,所以我经常关注最新的时尚服装信息……”徐冰大概地介绍了一下自己的小店,却让我们发现她把一些经营时尚服装店的经验,借鉴到了“食尚”的“听泉观澜”当中。“听泉观澜”即将更换的春季菜单就是徐冰从时尚服装换季当中得到的灵感,这个酝酿多时的菜单由徐冰亲自监督制作。  相似文献   

近年来,在ZARA等国际品牌的影响下,"快时尚"成为中国服装行业新的发展趋势。这样的市场变化不仅对服装企业原有的经营模式提出了挑战,也对服装企业的供应链管理与物流系统提出了新的要求。市场的"快速反应能力"将成为服装企业成败的关键因素之一。服装企业应该如何随需而动,对供应链与物流体  相似文献   

"大,大,大." 问陈年创立凡客三年来性格变化大吗他一连说了三个"大". 特别是在2010年,凡客诚品发生了天翻地覆的变化,公司定位从"网上卖服装",到"卖时尚",最新的说法是"人民时尚".  相似文献   

<正>一、面料再设计的重要性作为人类"第二皮肤"的服装的发展变化,与面料本身的发展变化是息息相关的。面料作为服装的载体,是服饰设计之本。社会的竞争日益激烈,时尚潮流也是瞬息万变,一个优秀的设计师要想独占鳌头,在其他设计因素大  相似文献   

日前CCTV-5的奥运赛事转播中,中国的服装企业异军突起,成为众多广告商中的一支主要力量。一个沉寂多年的领域突然显示出前所未有的“热闹”。这是不是意味着:接下来的中国服装领域,将上演一场新的服装企业的“奥林匹克竞技”?品牌缺失下的造牌运动服装可以说是最古老的产业,同时也是最时尚的产业,古老是因为服装伴随人类文明的脚步一路走来;时尚不言而喻,几乎所有时尚的元素都能够在服装上得到最鲜活最快速的反映。正因为如此,所以要真正看清理解服装这个产业,还要更多的以时尚产业的视角,善变和彰显个性是时尚产业最大的特点,这种特点决…  相似文献   

中性服装是现代流行服装风格之一,它反映出现代人追求个性的审美心理。中性服装以其简约的造型,满足女性在社会竞争中的自信,以精炼的风格使女性享受时尚。如今,女性可以是商界的精英,政界的领导,甚至是时尚流行的主流。用男性服装的坚硬、帅气的气场体现出女性的中性美,简单的服装线条流畅、率性、自然且干练,简约的吸烟装风格体现趣味、帅气又优雅的中性美,体现当代职场女性的勇敢、坚强、智慧以及对时尚的追求。  相似文献   

孙蕙  马振同 《价值工程》2015,(7):216-217
高档服装干洗已成为时尚,对用化工产品干洗高档服装的技术进行了探究,通过进一步提高相关技术,改善了高档服装的干洗质量,使人们的着衣生活更加美好。  相似文献   

在现代消费中,服装的消费越来越去功能化而偏向于时尚化。服装企业要引领时尚,必须对市场需求有极快的反应速度。而这种快速反应是建立在整个供应链的提速基础上的。对服装企业来说,虽然产品不太复杂,但是整个供应链却相对要复杂得多。不但有供应商、零售商、消费者的交易,  相似文献   

随着服装产业的飞速发展,大家对时尚流行趋势敏锐度的捕捉能力逐渐增强,人们对着装要求及品味逐步提高,时尚、随性、优雅、舒适、都市感的服装吸引了更多人的眼球,映射在款式设计上的廓型可以通过半平面立体裁剪的技术运用在服装工业制版中来达到完美效果,进而加大市场需求,来推动整个服装行业的发展。  相似文献   

周良毅  朱勤雯 《物流技术》2007,26(2):218-220
从介绍我国服装行业发展现状出发,分析了当前服装产业所面临的革命性变化一从基本生活用品产业转化成时尚消费品产业,由此提出了服装企业取得成功的三要素一对时代美学需要的快速响应,卓越的充满灵感的设计和快速有效的供应链,并分析指出供应链管理是服装集团的重要核心竞争力。  相似文献   

在近年服装设计的发展中,单纯使用单一设计元素的设计理念已经被淘汰,取而代之的是几种设计元素共同作用于一件或同一系列服装中的设计理念.在一件服装中只使用单一的设计元素,会使服装的表现形式过于平面、呆板.有层次地合理使用多种设计元素则可以使服装,特别是系列服饰在艺术表现上更生动、更立体,更能表现设计师丰富的灵感及服装别具一格的设计风格.因此,在服装设计中运用多种设计元素是现代服装设计发展的主要趋势  相似文献   

服装的轮廓造型设计艺术是服装设计艺术中最能显现时代特征和流行趋势的因素之一。童装的轮廓造型设计艺术也是童装设计艺术中的第一视觉要素。在设计童装轮廓时不仅要考虑普通服装轮廓造型的设计要素,还要考虑到儿童的体型和生理特征等因素。  相似文献   

面料、款式、色彩是构成服装的三要素.而每一次掀起服装改革浪潮的都是面料.文中阐述了面料与服装的搭配.要抓住面料的特点,与设计的服装款式相结合,借助面料的特点,突出设计主题.表现服装风格.  相似文献   

Following calls to explore organisational development in a fashion retail marketing context this paper conceptualises and explains how 14 fashion retailers operating purely online have developed their enterprises via a six-stage approach, through which they moved at various speeds, either in a linear sequence or concurrently. Effective strategies to secure sustainability for comfort-zone and growth-oriented enterprises are identified, including the development of online portfolios which acknowledges the presence of habitual entrepreneurship in fashion electronic retailing. This paper represents the first in-depth multiple case study into independent, successful pure-players marketing clothing, footwear and accessories categories online. A qualitative case approach is employed from a social constructionist perspective. Rich data is generated via in-depth interviews with owner-managers. Results are developed through thematic qualitative analysis and theoretical contributions are based on data saturation across cases and fashion categories, thus offering strong horizontal and vertical credibility. Findings stress the role of developing internet-technology competencies, strategic marketing and service capabilities in the quest for successful e-retailing in pure-play enterprises, alongside overseas market development and demonstrate an emphasis on planning for the small firm. The current findings therefore differentiate this group of enterprises from the majority of small firms accused of poor technology utilisation/competency, lack of planning and weak marketing. The paper provides strong understanding of the complexities of organisational development in pure-play retailing. That these firms have navigated the recent recession and that many have survived online for over 10?years emphasises the importance of the strategic directions explained in this paper to the marketing/entrepreneurship interface.  相似文献   

Slow fashion that improves with an increasing awareness of sustainability has changed consumers' value perception and purchasing behaviours. The aim of this study is to determine slow fashion dimensions that influence consumers' value perceptions for slow fashion products and to reveal the effects of the perceived value on consumers' intentions to purchase and willingness to pay higher prices. The sample includes 725 students pursuing higher education in Turkey and Kazakhstan. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to specify the factor structure of the variables used in the research, and structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses. Data analysis showed that authenticity, locality, and exclusivity aspects in Turkey and equity, functionality, locality, and exclusivity aspects in Kazakhstan contributed to perceived customer value. Perceived customer value in both groups positively affects the intention to purchase and the willingness to pay higher prices. In addition, consumers who intend to purchase slow fashion clothing are willing to pay higher prices than other products. The results suggest that consumers in different countries have different orientations that influence their perceptions of value. From this perspective, this study can provide designers with insights on the importance of making sustainable designs that are appropriate to the target market beyond the trends imposed by the global fashion industry.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The clothing industry is both a quintessential global industry and one that is inescapably labour intensive. Despite more and more production shifting to low wage economies in the past decades, there remains a significant amount of clothing manufacturing in high wage economies. This study examines the drivers of change that are forcing restructuring in one such country and the outcomes of such changes for the organization of production. Because the changes have involved treating workers as a resource to be developed rather than a cost, preventing labour turnover has become a crucial component of this strategic repositioning. In presenting the results of a national survey of UK clothing manufacturers we find that high labour turnover rates persist. We discuss the historical background to this phenomenon and current trends, and then explore the principal variables that might explain these trends. We conclude with a discussion of the outcomes facing firms in this industry and comment on why managers resist comprehensive changes in organizational routines and the effort bargain.  相似文献   

Research on sustainable consumption is increasing however, it mostly focuses on commercial products. Fashion industry in general remains understudied especially small size business in sustainable fashion. Even this segment continues to be neglected in research, it creates a significant impact on sustainability. The study is carried in Lithuania. While sustainability is regarded as the business standard in neighboring countries, especially Scandinavia, Lithuania is still learning how to become more conscious and sustainable. Although the country has the capacity to lead sustainability in the region, there is inadequate education on this matter. Regardless, several local businesses and governments agree that incorporating sustainability is a single clear route to economic growth. The paper aims to understand motives and values of Lithuanian sustainable clothing business owners and explore how they communicate these motives and values. The study employs a qualitative approach of in-depth semi-structured interviews. The analysis is guided by the framework of grounded theory, which leads to the conception of four themes: (1) Initiating a Change; (2) Respectful and Responsible Approach; (3) Slowness; (4) Personal and Purposeful Communication. A possible limitation of this study is the language barrier. Participants could choose whether they wished to speak in English or Lithuanian. Three out of seven chose to speak their native language, while four agreed to speak in English. Although English-speaking participants did not show any difficulty expressing themselves, their interviews turned out to be shorter than those conducted in Lithuanian. Findings indicate that the motives, values, and communication procedures of the owners are reflected in bringing about a change in consumers' minds and actions, taking responsibility to show respect to stakeholders and the environment, slowing down in every step from design to shipping, and building a conscious and educated community. The paper has defined relevant terms and put forward the ground values of the sustainable fashion industry by giving a voice to sustainable clothing business owners, their experiences, and insights.  相似文献   

谢少安 《价值工程》2010,29(17):42-43
一流企业卖品牌,二流企业卖技术,三流的企业卖产品,四流企业卖苦力。我国是服装制造大国,但不是服装创造大国。为了应对国际金融危机,国际贸易贸易摩擦和纠纷、提高国际化经营的效益,必须改变90%靠贴牌生产出口的局面,亟待发展服装自主品牌出口,转变服装出口增长方式。本文通过服装自主品牌识势、品牌蓄势、品牌造势、努力提升打造品牌的执行力,不仅要打造服装自主品牌出口,而且要形成服装自主品牌国际化经营之势,从而实现由OEM向OBM的转变,实现由服装生产大国向服装品牌大国的跨越。  相似文献   

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