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This work estimates probit and tobit models of the adoption of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on Connecticut dairy farms and then endogenizes that adoption in estimates of milk production and farm profit rates. The work improves on the current literature by allowing the rbST decision to be both continuous and contingent on other technology adoption decisions. The results show that larger farms, with more productivity technologies, and with younger, more educated farmers, are more likely to adopt rbST. While rbST is shown to significantly increase milk production, there is no evidence that it increases profits on a per cow basis.  相似文献   

A spatial model of intensive livestock production for a region in southern Alberta was used to evaluate the impact of economic factors and regulation on regional returns and optimal manure management. Under current conditions, profit maximizing application of manure met nitrogen requirements but phosphorus application was about three times the crop requirements. Higher commercial nitrogen prices did not significantly alter the optimal manure application, but reduced regional returns. With a phosphorus limit regulation, it was less costly to compost about half of the beef cattle manure to remove it from the region than to truck manure long distances to meet the regulation. A $0.91/t reduction in the costs of composting, or a subsidy to reduce costs, was required to meet the phosphorus regulation. The net costs of the subsidy were slightly less than that ofphosphorus regulation. Future research needs to explore the economic market and limitations of composting for manure management before any composting policy is initiated. Nous avons utilisé un modèle spatial de la production animale intensive dans une région du sud de l'Alberta pour évaluer l'impact de la réglementation et de facteurs économiques sur les rendements économiques régionaux et la gestion optimale du fumier. Dans les conditions actuelles, l'épandage de fumier effectué en vue de maximiser les profits a respecté les exigences en azote, tandis que la quantité de phosphore était trois fois supérieure aux besoins des cultures. Le prix élevé de l'azote commercial n'a pas modifié de manière significative l'épandage optimal de fumier, mais a diminué les rendements économiques dans la région. En raison de la réglementation sur le taux d'application limite du phosphore, il a été moins coûteux de composter environ la moitié du fumier de bovins pour l'éliminer de la région que de le transporter par camion sur de longues distances. Pour respecter la réglementation sur le phosphore, il faudrait diminuer le coût du compostage de 0,91 $/tonne ou offrir une subvention équivalente pour diminuer les coûts. Les coûts nets de la subvention étaient légèrement inférieurs à ceux de la réglementation sur le phosphore. Des recherches ultérieures devront être effectuées pour explorer le marchééconomique et les limites du compostage dans le cadre de la gestion du fumier avant d'élaborer toute politique sur le compostage.  相似文献   

The discharge of manure nutrients into area waters from confined animal feeding operations is considered a leading contributor to U.S. water quality impairments. An option to mitigate these impairments is to constrain land application of manure. When these constraints are particularly binding, due to minimal acceptance of manure as a substitute for commercial fertilizer, potentially large and unanticipated changes in returns to agricultural production and water quality may occur. Moreover, some of the cost of meeting the constraints is passed on to consumers through higher prices and to a portion of rural economies through lower production rates and labor expenditures.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of variance and econometric analysis are used in conjunction to analyze China's rural household consumption behavior across households that differ in the level of self-sufficiency relative to the production/purchase of fruits and vegetables. There is a significant difference in consumption patterns for different households with different levels of self-sufficiency. Households that purchase but do not produce fruits and vegetables exhibit a notably more market-oriented price responsive behavior. The consumption decisions of households that produce fruits and vegetables, but do not purchase them, are influenced more heavily by implicit income effects than by implicit price effects.  相似文献   

The dilemma of free trade and self-sufficiency for the case of rice in Iran justifies continuous governmental intervention in this market. Among all policy instruments, import tariffs have been extensively used to achieve self-sufficiency; however, the results of this policy are quite controversial and remain as a main question for researchers and policymakers. Hence, this article examines the economic impacts of increasing import tariff policy applying a multimarket spatial price equilibrium model. The results suggest that pursuing the goal of self- sufficiency by restricting rice import would be detrimental. Social welfare as well as real and per capita income are adversely affected by increasing import tariffs both in nationwide and regional scale except for 1 region, which is characterized as the largest net exporter region in Iran. Also results show that adopting free trade policies and improving rice yield may be the well-advised strategy in the case of rice in Iran.  相似文献   

The Persistence of Profitability among Firms in the Food Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The persistence of industry, firm-specific, and corporate-parent effects on firm profitability in the food economy are calculated and further analyzed within its four major sectors: food processing, wholesale grocery, retail supermarket, and restaurant. Profits are more persistent within an industry than within a corporation. The retail supermarket sector has had stable profits as has individual retail supermarket firms relative to the other three sectors.  相似文献   

The Economics of Controlling Infectious Diseases on Dairy Farms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cost‐effective disease control on the dairy farm can enhance productivity and subsequently profitability. Previous economic studies on animal disease have focused on production losses and evaluation of disease eradication programs and have provided little guidance on the optimal prevention action. This paper presents a theoretical model on the economics of livestock disease and develops an empirical model to determine the optimal set of control strategies for four production‐limiting cattle diseases: bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), Johne's Disease (JD) and neosporosis. Control functions indicating the prevalence of infection with each of the four diseases for each of the 10 strategies are estimated. The optimal strategies that minimize total disease cost (direct production losses and control expenditures) are provided for each disease on the basis of farm survey results from the maritime provinces. The results emphasize the importance of introduction checks before new animals enter the herd and adequate vaccination protection as cost‐effective control strategies. Lutter contre la maladie d'une manière rentable dans les élevages de bovins laitiers peut déboucher sur un meilleur rendement et des profits plus élevés. Les études économiques antérieures s'intéressant à cet aspect portaient essentiellement sur les pertes de production et l'évaluation des programmes d'éradication. Elles donnaient peu d'indications sur la solution idéale au niveau de la prévention. Cet article présente un modèle théorique de l'économique des maladies du bétail et aboutit à un modèle empirique permettant d'établir le jeu optimal de moyens pour lutter contre quatre maladies réduisant la production animale : la diarrhée à virus des bovins (DVB), la leucose bovine enzootique (LBE), la paratuberculose et la néosporose. Les auteurs estiment les fonctions qui indiquent la prévalence d'une infection pour chacune des quatre maladies retenues, dans le cadre des dix stratégies examinées. Ensuite, ils présentent les meilleures stratégies, à savoir celles qui minimisent le coût total de la maladie (pertes de production directes et dépenses associées à la lutte contre la maladie), pour chaque maladie en fonction des résultats d'un sondage auprès des éleveurs des provinces de l'Atlantique. Tout indique que les méthodes de lutte les plus rentables sont l'examen de l'animal avant son addition au troupeau et une vaccination qui protègera les bêtes de manière adéquate.  相似文献   

This paper decomposes the variance in EU food industry return‐on‐assets into year, country, industry and firm effects using a hierarchical linear model (HLM). The HLM approach accounts for some of the methodological drawbacks of conventional approaches of variance decomposition such as anova and components of variance and additionally allows the estimation of the impact of covariates within each effect level. The results for selected EU countries show that firm effects are far more important than industry structure in determining food industry profitability. In particular, firm size and industry concentration are drivers of profitability while firm risk and age as well as industry growth have a negative influence.  相似文献   

A detailed nitrogen (N) budget was constructed for a mixed farm in the Cotswold Hills, England, situated on thin, well drained soils prone to leaching. The study covered all stages of the farm's seven-year rotation and included the removal of the dairy herd. All inputs and outputs of N were measured or estimated and a balanced budget achieved, but only by including relatively expensive measurements of soluble organic nitrogen (SON) leached. Leaching was the main loss process. Given the nature of the soil and the influence of the weather, it would be difficult to reduce losses without drastic reductions in fertiliser inputs or stocking rates. Nitrogen use efficiency averaged 46%. The mean N surplus declined from 141 kg N ha?1 to 117 kg N ha?1 with the removal of the dairy herd. However, the farm to which the herd moved had an N surplus of 392 kg N ha?1. Simple farm gate N budgets were constructed for neighbouring Cotswold farms to encourage farmers to consider ways to improve N use. Implications for policy to reduce losses of N while maintaining farm profitability are discussed.  相似文献   

日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变及对我国的启示   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
从上个世纪 6 0年代开始到现在 ,日本政府一直在试图改变本国小而散的农业经营格局 ,在这期间 ,也提出了许多扩大农地经营规模的政策措施。这些政策措施有的取得了成效 ,有的收效甚微。但是 ,这些政策实施的经验对于我国制定扩大农地经营规模的相关政策有一定的借鉴意义。本文总结了战后日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变过程 ,并提出了对我国的若干启示。一、战后日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变(一 )鼓励“自立经营农户”发展 ,提高农户收入的阶段 (196 1~ 196 9年 )二战结束后 ,日本成功地进行了农地制度改革 ,建立了“耕者有其田”的自耕…  相似文献   

The significant variation in the stringency of environmental regulations across Ontario municipalities in the late 1990s created the possibility of pollution havens where expanding livestock operations would locate in those municipalities with the lowest regulatory compliance costs. Using actual building permit data rather than aggregate regional production numbers, the study examined the factors affecting spatial changes. Instead of locating to reduce environmental compliance costs as suggested by the pollution haven hypothesis, barns are being built largely where the livestock sector is concentrated suggesting the existence of agglomeration economies. The result suggests that the normalization of standards across the province through the new Nutrient Management Act will not significantly influence the location decisions of expanding or new livestock facilities which are largely determined by economic factors associated with livestock infrastructure support. L'importante variation de sévérité des règlements environnementaux dans les municipalités de l'Ontario vers la fin des années 1990 a créé la possibilité de refuges pour pollueurs: les fermes d'élevage en expansion allaient s'installer dans les municipalités où les coûts de conformité aux règlements étaient les plus faibles. À l'aide de données sur les permis de construire plutôt que de données agrégées sur la production régionale, la présente étude a examiné les facteurs qui influaient sur les changements spatiaux. Au lieu de s'installer là où les coûts de conformité aux règlements sont faibles comme le laisse supposer l'hypothèse des refuges pour pollueurs, les entreprises choisissent de s'installer là où le secteur de l'élevage est concentré, ce qui laisse supposer l'existence d'économies d'agglomération. Les résultats semblent indiquer que l'uniformisation des normes à l'échelle provinciale en vertu de la Loi sur la gestion des éléments nutritifs n'aura pas d'influence significative sur le choix des endroits où seront construits les bâtiments des exploitations en expansion ou des nouvelles exploitations puisque ce choix est en grande partie motivé par des facteurs économiques liés au soutien à l'infrastructure de l'élevage.  相似文献   

A risk analysis of the economics of alternative wheat supplies to a small ethanol-beef feedlot facility was conducted, based on historical data from an 18-year period (1978–96). Alternatives simulated were Black, Dark Brown and Brown soil zone locations in Alberta growing either Hard Red Spring (HRS) wheat, Canadian Prairie Spring (CPS) wheat or irrigated Soft White (SWW) wheat to supply a 10 ML per year ethanol plant. The plant would use the coproduct of wet distillers grains in the finishing of approximately 14,000 steer calves per year. Three valuation scenarios were considered: selling ethanol at its market price, inclusion of current Alberta tax incentive levels for ethanol sale, and sale of wheat to the Canadian Wheat Board as opposed to sale to an ethanol plant. Ethanol facility and total net revenues were highest for the CPS-Dark Brown soil scenario due to its relatively high ethanol yields per tonne of feedstock, and high grain yields per hectare. An integrated feedstock-ethanol-livestock operation selling ethanol at current subsidy (tax incentives) levels will lose money approximately half to two-thirds of the time over the long run. Without subsidies, an integrated facility would lose money two-thirds to three-quarters of the time. Nous avons réalisé, à partir de données recueillies durant une période de 18 ans (1978 à 1996), une analyse de risque des aspects économiques de diverses provenances de blé pour une petite exploitation éthanol-parc d'engraissement. Les options simulées consistaient en emplacements situés dans les zones de sols noirs, brunfoncé et bruns de I'Alberta, produisant soil du blé roux vitreux deprintemps (BRVP), du blé de printemps des Prairies canadiennes (BPPC) ou du blé blanc tendre (BBT) sous irrigation pour alimenter un atelier d'éthanol d'un volume de fabrication de 10 millions de litres par année. L'atelier hypothétique utiliserait le co-produit des drêches de distillerie humides pour engraisser quelque 14 OOOjeunes bouvillons par année. Trois scénarios de valorisation étaient envisagés: vente de I'éthanol au prix de marché, inclusion des incitatifs fiscaux actuels de I'Alberta pour la vente de I'éthanol et vente du bléà la Commission canadienne du blé par opposition à la vente à un atelier de production d'éthanol. Les revenus nets tirés de I'atelieret les revenus nets totaux les plus élevés de l'exploitation étaient obtenus dans le scénario BPPC-sol brunfoncé en raison des rendements d'éthanol relativement élevés par tonne de blé et des bons rendements grainiers par hectare obtenus dans cette combinaison. Selon les résultats obtenus, un atelier intégré blé-éthanol-parc d'engraissement écoulant son éthanol au niveau de subvention actuel (incitatifs fiscaux), perdrait de I'argen d'environ la moitié aux deux tiers du temps. Sans ces subventions, il ne rentrerait dans ses dépenses qu'unefois sur trois ou unefois sur quatre seulement.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO,对农垦事业既是挑战也是机遇。该文主要就目前存在的体制、机制、结构的缺陷和矛盾等问题进行了分析,进而提出了进一步农村改革,促进农业现代化及管理体制改革、产业产品结构调整和优化以及创立吸引、尊重、使用和培养人才的机制等思路与对策。  相似文献   

广西国有林场改革与发展的思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了广西国有林场目前所存在的问题,主要涉及从问题表象出发分析产生问题的根源,并从7个方面对广西国有林场提出改革与发展的思路。这些问题包括:明晰产权问题"、政企分离"问题、分类经营问题、分离第一产业问题、集中力量发展第二产业问题、大力发展林下经济问题。  相似文献   

Rapidly growing demand for year‐round fresh food, regardless of the weather or climate, is driving demand for controlled environment agriculture systems. Sales from greenhouses (GHs) are growing at 8.8%, while sales from vertical farms (VFs) are growing at 30%. It is commonly believed in industry circles that a VF cannot economically compete with a GH, due to the high cost of powering artificial lighting. Nonetheless, researchers have yet to analyze the economics underlying a VF, let alone compare the profitability of a VF to that of a GH. This research gap is particularly relevant to Canada, as it is uniquely positioned to be a leader in the VF market. Below, we report the results of a detailed simulation of the profitability of growing lettuce in a VF and in a GH located near Quebec City. Surprisingly, we find that the costs to both equip and run the two facilities are very similar, while the gross profit is slightly higher for the VF.  相似文献   

组建中心团场是兵团党委适应新世纪国际国内形势变化的要求,为了加快兵团经济社会全面发展,更好地履行屯垦戍边使命而做出的一项重大战略决策。要使这一重大决策如愿以偿、顺利实现,必须认真面对组建过程中存在的突出问题,从根本上解决中心团场与进入团场之间的矛盾,实现真正意义上的团场的集团“整合”和规模扩张。  相似文献   

Following the 2006 reform of the European Union sugar market, and in anticipation of the quota abolition, a reallocation of sugar production has occurred. Using a Lowe quantity index, we evaluate the productivity and profitability of sugar beet farming in Germany from 2004 to 2013. The results show that an increase in total factor productivity partly compensated for losses in terms of trade. Moreover, the contribution of production reallocation to sector productivity growth varied across regions with distinct ownership structures of sugar processing companies. These findings have implications for policy and industry, as it transitions to a liberalised market.  相似文献   

我国城乡居民畜产品消费的影响因素分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

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