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论述了铁路建设中前期工作的重要意义,阐述了铁路部门如何做好建设项目前期工作,并重点介绍了进藏铁路前期工作开展情况。  相似文献   

《中长期铁路网规划》实施一年来,铁道部先后与20多个省市自治区签署了共同加快铁路建设的《会谈纪要》,一大批铁路建设项目的立项和可行性研究获得批准,23个铁路重点项目相继开工。  相似文献   

铁路建设项目档案是铁路企业管理体系的重要基础,加强档案管理对科学有序推进铁路工程建设具有重要意义。结合铁路建设项目档案管理实践,分析其重要作用,探讨铁路建设项目档案的概念及属性,提出依法规范管理、加强档案管理信息化建设等建议。  相似文献   

可行性研究是建设前期工作的重要步骤,是编制建设项目设计任务书的依据。对建设项目进行可行性研究是基本建设管理中的一项重要基础工作,是保证建设项目以最小的投资换取最佳经济效果的科学方法,可行性研究存项目投资决策和项目运作建设中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

有效地对铁路建设项目进行全过程投资控制是铁路建设管理的重要内容。通过对铁路建设项目投资控制原则确定,控制方法和措施论述,结合成灌铁路投资控制实例,阐明了铁路建设项目在决策阶段开展主动控制、设计阶段进行重点控制、招投标阶段细化控制内容、实施阶段进行动态目标控制的全过程投资控制方法,是铁路建设项目实现投资控制的有效途径,是促进项目管理科学化的重要举措。  相似文献   

回顾进藏铁路决策过程和青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段前期工作,借鉴青藏铁路经验,认为当前做好大规模铁路建设前期工作必须把握铁路发展方向,满足国家和社会需要,必须牢固树立科学发展观,科学决策,必须依靠科技进步,依靠和动员社会各界力量,做好各项工作,推进铁路跨越式发展。  相似文献   

回顾进藏铁路决策过程和青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段前期工作,借鉴青藏铁路经验,认为当前做好大规模铁路建设前期工作必须把握铁路发展方向,满足国家和社会需要,必须牢固树立科学发展观,科学决策,必须依靠科技进步,依靠和动员社会各界力量,做好各项工作,推进铁路跨越式发展.  相似文献   

正2017年云南省铁路建设共完成投资207.3亿元,保持加快推进态势。"十三五"期间,云南铁路建设从构建大通道、服务大战略的角度出发,完善枢纽和节点,着力打造面向南亚、东南亚的国际交通枢纽,建设项目和投资一直保持高位运行。  相似文献   

规范合资铁路管理体制促进铁路的改革与发展廖济广探索合资铁路建设管理的新体制,进一步规范和完善既有合资铁路公司的管理体制,对加快铁路建设,促进全国合资铁路的加速发展,具有重要的意义。一、充分认识规范合资铁路管理体制的重要意义发展合资铁路,是加快我国铁路...  相似文献   

汽车客运站场是公益性交通基础设施,是道路旅客运输重要网络节点,其项目建设的前期准备工作充分与否直接影响汽车客运站站务功能的发挥及人民群众方便、快捷的出行需求。长期以来,汽车客运站项目建设往往缺乏对项目前期工作的了解和认识,前期工作流于形式,许多建设项目盲目开始,在建设过程中遇到无法克服的困难,造成了一定的经济损失。  相似文献   

根据高速铁路的行车特点论述其存在的安全问题。从人、列车、轨道及行车环境之间的耦合效应分析高速铁路行车安全系统要素,将机车乘务员的作业能力与作业要求两种因素作用下造成的行车事故隐患分为8种类型。并初步构建我国高速铁路的行车事故预防体系、行车安全保障体系和行车事故救援体系。  相似文献   

回顾铁路工程造价标准体系形成过程,阐述按照"建设前期、工程交易期、工程实施期"三阶段实现铁路工程全过程造价管理的主要内容,分析"编制办法开放稳定,工程定额动态管理,价格信息及时发布,前期后期有机衔接"是完善铁路工程造价标准体系的关键,为实现铁路建设投资有效控制打好基础.  相似文献   

对推进铁路货运业务向现代物流转型的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用SWOT分析法系统剖析铁路货运业务实施现代物流转型战略的环境因素,对铁路发展现代物流的战略定位、基本功能、总体思路进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

A destination image is ‘the expression of all objective knowledge, impressions, prejudice, imaginations, and emotional thoughts an individual or group might have of a particular place’ (Lawson and Baud Bovy, 1977 ). Destination images influence a tourist's travel decision-making, cognition and behaviour at a destination as well as satisfaction levels and recollection of the experience. This paper looks at the concept of tourist destination images and how destination image research has been approached from different academic disciplines and by practitioners such as tourism marketers. In particular, different techniques for the measurement of a tourist's destination images are reviewed and the dominance of structured, word-based approaches is highlighted. This paper adds to previous work that has listed the main attributes used in image studies by including recent studies, many of which are Australian. In the paper it is argued that to provide valid image research, a preliminary phase of qualitative research is important in order to distil the constructs relevant to the population being studied. Construct elicitation techniques, such as free-elicitation, interactive interviews and focus group interviews, are discussed along with new techniques that include the visual aspect of image, such as photo-elicitation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过中德两国铁路工程建设标准体系及其特点、铁路标准管理体制、高速铁路主要技术标准的简要对比分析,参考借鉴德国铁路技术和标准"走出去"的经验,结合我国铁路实际情况,提出我国铁路标准"走出去"的初步建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine home swap – a form of non-commercial hospitality that has witnessed a great expansion in the last decade. In conjunction with prior writings on various subjects related to home swap, this study can be utilised in compiling a preliminary conceptualisation of home swapping, as a form of non-commercial hospitality, with its own characteristics. In particular this study identifies six dimensions of home swap, namely (a) escape of the market, (b) asymmetric exchanges, (c) need for trustiness, (d) use of a hospitality exchange network, (e) demand for domesticity and (f) quest to experience local authenticity. The results of this study are being utilised to construct a preliminary conceptualisation of home swapping as a distinct vacation alternative building on old virtues and using new technology.  相似文献   

铁路运输对沿线城市的发展造成了巨大影响。以鄂尔多斯市为例,从铁路运输的特点及优势分析入手,探讨了铁路运输在城市发展中的地位和作用。研究鄂尔多斯市经济社会发展以及铁路运输的基本情况,认为目前鄂尔多斯市铁路运输一定程度上影响了经济社会的长期快速发展。在此基础上分析预测鄂尔多斯市的铁路客货流量,并提出了鄂尔多斯铁路发展的初步规划。  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary empirical insight into the contemporary tourist phenomenon of sightrunning. This combined offering simultaneously concurs with and evades theoretical perspectives of hybrid tourists, sport tourism, cultural tourism and urban tourism, favouring examination of such phenomena through first-hand experiences of the participants. For the purpose of the empirical study, automated content analysis was applied in order to analyse 858 reviews of sightrunning tours extracted from Tripadvisor web pages. Results reveal that running is the dominant concept, which refers to a gratifying ‘way to see and experience the city’ (rather than the sights). Additional concepts and themes, such as knowledgeable guides and proper pace, further mediate and effect participant experiences. Findings suggest that sport tourists might be concurrently interested in involving cultural experiences, and this offers some preliminary theoretical and managerial implications. They namely identify the potentially neglected tourist segment, which is of relevance for conceptualization, research and management of tourist offerings and experiences from (and beyond) the perspective of ‘running shoes’.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2003,10(1):1-15
As part of the political restructuring process in South Africa, transport legislation was approved during 2000 allocating new transport functions to new independent transport authorities, thus providing local sphere of government with a new range of powers and responsibilities. This article focuses on some international models for transport authorities, a brief historical perspective on the background to the South African situation, a summary of the legislated provisions that are relevant to transport authorities, followed by a few local case studies to illustrate the initial concepts that have emerged during preliminary investigations in South Africa. The article concludes with a discussion of anticipated problem areas.  相似文献   

Bogotá, Colombia's TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system has garnered praise for its beneficial effects on transit ridership, congestion, and air quality, yet there has been little research into the system's impacts on individuals and households, particularly on the city's lower wealth households. These households tend to be located in peripheral neighborhoods and access the BRT system largely via its sprawling network of feeder buses, rather than directly accessing the more central trunk lines. This paper examines the relationship between BRT access—especially feeder-based BRT access—and the degree to which the city's lower wealth households are able meet needs for mobility and out-of-home activity participation by analyzing changes in self-reported travel patterns among lower wealth households from before to after introduction of the BRT system. A secondary aim of this paper is to propose and test the variable ‘travel purpose diversity’ as an indicator of the degree to which households are able to meet their needs for out-of-home activity participation. Further work is needed to improve measurement of mobility in order to assess the household-level impacts of transit investments, particularly on lower wealth households. The results provide preliminary support for the validity of this indicator. Overall, findings suggest that the introduction of the BRT has not had a substantial or significant impact on the ability of Bogotá's lower wealth households to meet daily mobility needs. The paper presents some possible interpretations of these findings and offers suggestions for additional research to help improve our understanding of the impacts of Bogotá's transit investment.  相似文献   

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