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在网球运动和网球比赛中,发球是唯一可以由运动员自己来控制的技术,运动员可以随心所欲的按照比赛规则进行发球而不受对方的制约,发球的好坏是影响运动员成绩好坏和成败的重要因素。网球中的发球技术不但是一个技术性的动作,更是一个由战略、战术、心理素质等多种因素组成的一个完整的体系,这几个要素相互影响,相互制约,共同决定了运动员发球的好坏,本文以运动心理学为出发点,对网球运动中心理因素对发球的影响进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

郭苏芝 《商场现代化》2012,(18):125-126
网球,无论场地、运动装备,还是运动技战术、体质和心理素质的付出,均需昂贵的经济投资。同时,独来独往的单飞参赛,整个团队全额自费,不仅真正体现网球运动员的职业意义,而且充分反映网球运动员自行投资的商业价值,本文客观的予以评价。  相似文献   

程鹏 《商》2014,(33):288-288
随着当今篮球比赛对抗强度越来越紧张和激烈,进而对运动员技战术水平要求越来越高,对运动员心理素质的要求也越来越高。队员在比赛中心理素质的好坏,对篮球比赛的最终胜负起着至关重要的作用。本文通过文献资料法、专家访谈法及综合分析法对篮球运动员在比赛中出现的各种不良心理状况进行分析,总结得出心理素质训练的措施及调节方法,为篮球运动员在比赛中更好的发挥其技战术水平,取得好的比赛成绩提供训练方法和理论参考。  相似文献   

王冬 《中国电子商务》2013,(24):265-265
在竞技体育中,良好的身体素质,足够的力量是运动员习得运动技能,熟练加以运用,最终取得比赛胜利的基础,所以运动员在进行体能锻炼的时候,也要对身体力气进行锻炼。一直以来,教练关注最多的是手脚上力气的训练,而对于身体力气的锻炼不是特别的重视。但是网球这项竞技运动并不是通过身体某一个部位单独来完成的,它需要各个肌群的相互协调与配合,共同发力才能完成。尤其是很细肌群它在整个动作过程中起着稳定全局,衔接、传递等关键性的作用,所以,对核心力量训练技术的研究与分析在培养青少年网球运动员中有着一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

王莉 《中国电子商务》2012,(19):130-130
当今的排球运动,正朝着全攻全守、社会化、商业化、职业化的方向发展,对运动员的身体素质和心理素质提出了更高的要求,其中,运动员的心理状态最直接地反映着运动员当前心理活动的特点和状况,对比赛成绩起着最直接的影响,特别是在技术水平相当的较量中,心理状态的好坏往往决定着比赛的胜负。因此对排球比赛中心理问题的探讨就显的尤为重要。  相似文献   

杨玉凤  卞圆媛  范佩峥 《商》2014,(49):246-246
体育竞赛,这是一项复杂的赛事,影响因素涉及到方方面面。运动员是竞赛的主体,他们的心理素质可以直接关系到比赛走势和比赛成绩,运动员之间的较量不仅涉及到身体、战术水平,也可以说是心理素质的抗衡。本文对跆拳道运动员在比赛过程中存在的不良心理现象进行了分析,并提出了相关应对策略。旨在使教练员运动员更加重视心理素质的培养,避免不良心理现象导致比赛的失利,以及为提高跆拳道运动员在比赛中的心理素质提供参考的依据。  相似文献   

在现代中学生三级跳远比赛中,运动员比赛成绩的高低不仅取决于运动员优良的身体素质和完善的动作技术发挥,也要取决于运动员系统的心理素质训练和较高的心理素质的发挥。心理素质训练是不容忽视的,必须加强心理素质训练,给予中学生树立良好、的自信心,提高三级跳远比赛的自我调控能力及时解决各种不确定因素,取得优异的比赛成绩。  相似文献   

郑玮 《中国电子商务》2013,(17):116-116
随着体育运动的快速发展,运动员的心理素质对比赛结果的影响显得越来越重要,因此,在重视运动员的体能训练、技术训练的同时,还应该加强运动员的心理素质训练,使不良的心理状态在比赛中尽量减少。其中运动员在比赛中产生的焦虑情绪,是影响运动员比赛成绩的重要心理因素,尤其是在一些球类比赛更为的重要。通过对比赛中运动员产生焦虑的原因的了解,从而对产生焦虑心理的运动员采取针对性的手段进行心理素质训练,有利于运动员竞技能力的发挥,并取得更好的比赛成绩。.  相似文献   

崔黎鹏 《致富时代》2010,(9):200-200
足球运动员在青少年时期就应当加强心理素质训练,使心理素质得到锻炼和提高,以适应各种环境下的比赛。随着青少年足球运动员年龄的增长和技战术水平的提高,心理素质训练的意义和作用就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

人们通常根据心率的变化范围来安排负荷强度调整运动量。大量的文献资料对有关心率、最大心率及目标心率在运动训练中的应用从不同角度作了进一步的概括。随着网球运动的发展,竞争日趋激烈,而网球又是一项比赛时间长、战术变化多、易受外界影响的隔网对抗性运动项目,因而对运动员的心理素质提出了更高的要求。本文参阅了最近国内一些有关研究资料,就心率变化在运动实践的中反应心理特征变化的应用作一综述分析。  相似文献   

Using the results of 1068 different golf, tennis, and track and field (in particular: running) events, this paper examines the relation between athlete performance and stock returns of firms endorsed by athletes. We find that a tournament victory is associated with significant and positive market-adjusted stock returns for the endorsed clothing brand. Regression analysis reveals that winning is associated with a more positive price reaction than finishing as runner-up. In addition, we find that returns after a victory are significantly higher for endorsed clothing brands than for equipment brands. We did not detect return differences between superstars and regular athletes, nor between frequently endorsed brands and less commonly endorsed brands.  相似文献   


This study, via the use of focus groups, explores the common meanings that advertising practitioners in 10 countries associate with athlete endorsers. The study's macro perspective brings a unique understanding of practitioners’ universal thinking and practices in relation to athlete endorsement. It reveals that practitioners across the world correlate athlete endorsers with a wide range of positive and useful psychological, social, physical, skillfulness, and sport meanings. In particular, authenticity, objective performance, and the athletes’ belonging to the realm of sport—considered by practitioners as a carrier of positive meanings and as a “meeting place” between audiences and endorsers—were identified as greatly contributing to athletes’ positive endorsement value. The article places the various universal dimensions of athletes raised by practitioners in a holistic conceptual profile, in order to help visualize and organize thoughts when selecting athlete endorsers for marketing campaigns.  相似文献   

设计一款乒乓球游戏能让大家更方便快捷的感受到国球的魅力。该系统灵活方便,能任意改变球的球速和分制,采用开关操作,LED显示,分别对软件和硬件进行调试,最终达到了软件和硬件的良好结合。该设计采用模块化的设计,程序结构简单,任务明确。  相似文献   

新形势下我校大学生心理健康教育调查状况分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生心理健康素质是大学生健康成才的重要素质,也是大学生全面素质教育的重要内容。为进一步提高大学生心理素质水平,推进和谐校园建设,文章根据对连续几年入校新生的心理健康普查结果的统计及系统分析,以及多年在一线心理咨询工作的基础上,做了充分的调查研究后,总结了我校大学生较为突出的心理问题,为新形势下提高我校大学生心理健康水平提供实际的对策和思考。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the relationship between two types of performances, one on the ground (of a tennis court) and the other on the floor (of the stock market). The empirical application looks into the tennis player, Rafael Nadal, and his endorsing firms. The findings show a positive reaction in the market value when the tennis player wins matches in the Grand Slams, the intriguing effect being the diminishing sensitivity pattern that such reaction shows and the absence of loss aversion.  相似文献   


Recent research suggests men are increasingly concerned with their body size, which has led to a corresponding increase in marketing efforts for weight loss products geared toward them. In many cases, these ads include athlete endorsers of the product. Drawing from the match-up hypothesis and social comparison theory, this study employed structural equation modeling to explore relationships between men’s body image, endorser credibility, advertisement believability, and purchase intentions for weight loss products using two advertisements featuring former professional athlete endorsers. Results indicate an inverse relationship between consumer body image and athlete endorser credibility, such that individuals with lower body image perceived the endorsers as more credible. Further, athlete endorser credibility was positively associated with advertisement believability, which itself was associated with purchase intentions. These findings suggest that athlete endorsers are an effective tool in marketing weight loss products to men, particularly those with negative body image. Further implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

定向越野在我国是一个新兴的运动项目,运动队伍的建设大多处于起步阶段。选择什么性格类型和人格特点的运动员更加适合这个运动项目,更能取得较好的运动成绩是值得研究和探索的课题。本人根据对定向越野这个项目的认识和运动员人格分析,做出一些判断和思考,为以后这个运动项目的运动员选材提出一些建议和意见。  相似文献   

运动员文化教育是体育事业可持续发展的一个极其重要的环节,通过文化教育可以有效提高运动员的综合素质,有助于教练员的科学训练和运动员竞技能力的提高。从我国运动员文化教育的现状和存在的问题出发,运用文献资料法、访谈法和逻辑分析法,通过探讨我国运动员文化教育的现状和存在的问题,并通过一定的分析研究,旨在探索提高我国运动员文化教育工作的有效对策和途径,从而为更好地促进我国体育事业持续、健康发展服务,也为今后运动队进行文化教育提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   


Little advertising research explores the role of culture in selecting celebrity endorsers. The purpose of this study is to explore how the selection process of athlete endorsers is shaped by national contexts. Based on interviews with advertising practitioners in 10 countries, the study reveals similarities in practitioners’ thinking across countries on a variety of matters related to athlete endorsement. It reveals the importance given by practitioners to the “cultural attractiveness” of national athlete endorsers when using them to connect with their national audience and shows that the selection process depends greatly on various cultural pressures linked to sporting traditions of each country. The study also shows how practitioners believe that athlete endorsers should be used mainly to generate brand and advertising awareness principally under pressure from clients’ emotional input.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among pre‐purchase and post‐purchase satisfaction and fashion involvement of women who participated in tennis. As women's activities in sports, including tennis, are growing, it is necessary to investigate their clothing needs in order to meet consumers’ needs. A final sample consisted of 124 women who attended a Cortec United States Tennis Association Women's Pro Tournament. The questionnaires were personally distributed and collected during the tournament. The theoretical base for this study was the Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard model on consumer decision making. There was a positive significant relationship between pre‐purchase satisfaction and post‐purchase satisfaction (P < 0.01). There was a positive significant relationship between pre‐purchase satisfaction and fashion involvement (P < 0.001). Also, there was a positive significant relationship between post‐purchase satisfaction and fashion involvement (P < 0.001). Comfort was identified as the most important clothing attribute and fit the second most important for women to achieve satisfaction before and after purchasing tennis apparel. Seventy‐two percent of the women indicated the need for improved fit of tennis wear. Women of all ages reported garment length as a problem for each garment type. Two major reasons for not purchasing tennis clothing were high prices and inappropriate sizes.  相似文献   

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