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利用中国1987-2008年省级面板数据,本文实证研究了人力资本构成和生产率差距对全要素生产率的影响.估计结果显示,在其他条件不变时,高技术人力资本和低技术人力资本对全要素生产率增长都有显著的正效应,其中高技术人力资本的作用更大;两种层次人力资本对全要素生产率的边际影响依赖于该地区全要素生产率与全国最高全要素生产率之间的距离,高技术人力资本对全要素生产率的促进作用存在门槛效应,当生产率差距较小时,高技术人力资本对提高全要素生产率的作用较大,当生产率差距较大时,全要素生产率增长则主要依赖于低技术人力资本的积累.  相似文献   

全要素生产率增长的国际经验及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在工业化早期,经济增长主要依靠实物资本积累,全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献较低。随着经济进入成熟阶段,以实物资本积累为基础的增长模式被以效率为基础的增长模式代替,全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献提高。未来我国要加快发展方式转型,关键在于促进人力资本积累。为此,政府应该对低收入家庭接受教育提供更多补贴。  相似文献   

在国内大循环背景下,研究网络基础设施与人力资本水平影响全要素生产率增长的不同传导机制,利用2000-2018年省级面板数据,分析两者空间相关性及动态变化趋势,构建基准模型和空间面板模型实证检验两者对全要素生产率影响的固定效应和空间效应。研究发现:两者呈现出显著正向的空间自相关特征,对全要素生产率增长产生显著的促进效应,分别起到效率保障和技术载体的作用;两者促进全要素生产率增长的具体路径存在差异,网络基础设施从技术进步和技术效率两方面来促进全要素生产率增长;而人力资本主要通过促进技术进步实现全要素生产率增长;两者对全要素生产率产生了显著的空间溢出效应,对技术进步的空间溢出效应则更为显著。研究结论对于国内大循环背景下实现技术循环提供了理论依据和政策启示。  相似文献   

创新型人力资本、全要素生产率与经济增长分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要采用增长核算法和基于LA-VAR模型的方法,利用我国20世纪90年代以来的数据,对我国创新型人力资本、全要素生产率与经济增长的关系进行分析。结果显示:1990年以来我国TFP总体上趋于下降,经济增长方式仍属于投资拉动型,经济增长正越来越依靠于创新型人力资本;经济增长、全要素生产率增长与创新型人力资本增长之间存在单向Granger因果关系,经济增长与全要素生产率之间不存在Granger因果关系;经济增长的正向冲击对创新型人力资本具有一定的促进作用,从长期看,全要素生产率的正向冲击对创新型人力资本也具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

本文在运用数据包络分析(DEA)测算我国1983—2007年全要素生产率的变动情况的基础上,使用基于VAR的Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数等方法研究外商直接投资(FDI)、人力资本存量与全要素生产率变动之间的动态关系。结果表明:FDI与人力资本存量的提高显著提升了我国全要素生产率水平;FDI与人力资本存量之间存在互为因果关系,且人力资本对FDI的促进作用更强。基于此,本文认为促进人力资本积累、提升技术吸收消化能力,对于引进外资和推动技术进步意义重大。  相似文献   

生产性服务业发展对农业全要素生产率增长的作用效果与预期不一致,往往受到要素禀赋约束而导致偏离。该文探讨了生产性服务业对农业全要素生产率增长的作用机制与约束条件,建立了以人地比例和农村人力资本水平为门槛变量的面板门槛模型,并基于2004-2014年省际面板数据,实证分析了生产性服务业发展对农业全要素生产率增长的非线性影响。结论表明:(1)生产性服务业投入对农业全要素生产率增长的影响存在以资源禀赋为门槛的非线性效应;(2)随着人地比例扩大和农村人力资本水平提高,生产性服务业对农业全要素生产率增长效应呈现先负后正的"U"型特征;(3)不同地区门槛水平的分布呈异质性特征,各地区生产性服务业发展对农业全要素生产率增长效应存在显著差异。  相似文献   

个人所得税减免可有效激励员工工作,影响创新型人力资本结构和积累,进而影响企业全要素生产率。如何提升企业全要素生产率以助力企业实现高质量发展,是值得深入研究的话题。文章以2018年个人所得税改革为契机,选取2017~2020年A股上市公司为研究对象进行实证分析。研究发现:2018年的个人所得税改革促进了企业全要素生产率的提高,有利于企业高质量发展;衡量创新型人力资本的三个变量,包括人力资本效率、人力资本成本、人力资本结构均通过了中介效应检验,说明创新型人力资本在个人所得税改革影响企业全要素生产率的过程中起中介作用;个税改革提升企业全要素生产率的作用效果在规模大的企业、高新技术企业以及非经济发达地区的企业更加显著。  相似文献   

通过构建距离衰减的空间权重矩阵,利用空间Benhabib-Spiegel模型探讨人力资本空间溢出对全要素生产率增长的影响,结果表明:人力资本对全要素生产率增长的作用取决于考察省区人力资本水平、邻近省区人力资本水平,以及考虑地理距离的考察省区技术追赶效应;人力资本平均水平对全要素生产率增长起到积极的促进作用,邻近省区人力资本对考察地区TFP增长产生正向空间溢出效应。各省区若要充分发挥人力资本的空间溢出效应,就必须选择均衡适度的人力资本配置结构。  相似文献   

张纯记 《技术经济》2019,38(12):113-119
采用2000-2014年30个省区的面板数据,构建了动态面板数据模型,运用系统广义矩估计方法,研究了生产性服务业集聚对于绿色全要素生产率增长的影响。得到的主要结论是:第一,绿色全要素生产率增长具有较强的滞后效应,受到前期绿色全要素生产率增长的显著影响。第二,生产性服务业集聚具有促进绿色全要素生产率增长的作用,人力资本、研发投入、基础设施、对外开放也对绿色全要素生产率增长起到正向的促进作用。第三,生产性服务业集聚对绿色全要素生产率增长的影响具有非线性特征,符合“威廉姆森假说”;生产性服务业集聚对于绿色全要素生产率增长的促进作用存在明显的地区差异,生产性服务业集聚对于绿色全要素生产率增长的促进作用仅在中部地区显著。第四,生产性服务业集聚对于绿色全要素生产率增长的促进作用存在明显的行业差异,促进效应最为显著的是交通运输、仓储和邮政业,以及金融业;其次是信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,科学研究和技术服务业。  相似文献   

FDI技术溢出、人力资本与中部崛起:理论及实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国中部地区外商直接投资的现状与特征,并进行了区域比较;建立了FDI及其来源、人力资本影响技术进步和经济增长的实证模型,结合面板数据方法,研究我国中部六省外商直接投资技术溢出效应,结果发现,FDI主要通过其自身要素生产率的提高促进我国中部地区经济增长,人力资本的积累增强了FDI通过技术扩散对全要素生产率的正的外溢效应,但相对于我国港澳台地区,来自欧美日等国的FDI能够更好地与中部地区人力资本相结合。  相似文献   

采用联立方程分析方法,实证分析了收入不平等对经济增长影响的三种机制,探讨了收入不平等如何通过影响物质资本投资、人力资本投资和居民消费来作用于经济增长。结果表明,从长期看收入不平等的扩大会刺激物质资本投资,但不利于人力资本投资和居民消费增长,收入不平等对经济增长的长期影响为负。因此,从经济发展的角度政府不应容忍收入不平等的过分扩大。  相似文献   

This paper develops a growth theory that captures the replacement of physical capital accumulation by human capital accumulation as a prime engine of growth along the process of development. It argues that the positive impact of inequality on the growth process was reversed in this process. In early stages of the Industrial Revolution, when physical capital accumulation was the prime source of growth, inequality stimulated development by channelling resources towards individuals with a higher propensity to save. As human capital emerged as a growth engine, equality alleviated adverse effects of credit constraints on human capital accumulation, stimulating the growth process.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个同时含有物质资本、人力资本积累及收入分布演化的内生增长模型,来研究人力资本积累、收入分布演化与经济增长的相互作用.我们发现,更高的初始收入差异将通过直接降低人力资本增长率与间接提高下一期的物质资本与人力资本比这两个渠道对经济增长率产生负面影响.另一方面,降低收入差异能获得更高的人力资本与经济增长率,这将使得低收入国家有可能追赶上高收入国家.  相似文献   

An optimal redistributive tax-subsidy formula is derived for a growth model where income inequality is endogenously driven by an adult's choice of occupation between work and management. Investment in human capital is the engine of growth. The world's stock of exploitable knowledge as well as the economy's average human capital determine the potential rate of return from investment in human capital in an economy. How much available knowledge would be exploited in the economy depends on the proportion of innovators in our model. A redistributive tax reform impacts growth as well as income inequality via its influence over the occupational choice. The optimal redistributive tax rate is path-dependent in the sense that it depends on the initial wealth distribution. The normative implication of the model is that the optimal capital income tax rate could very well be positive if the initial wealth inequality exceeds a threshold. The optimal capital income tax rate depends inversely on the initial wealth inequality.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of human capital endowments on measured inequality in Cameroon. We first estimate determinants of household economic well‐being (HEW) in which human capital endowments are considered as endogenous effort‐related regressors, while controlling for exogenous circumstance‐related variables. Second, we simulate alternative counterfactual distributions of HEW: one in which human capital endowments are equalized; and the other in which variations are entirely attributable to the unobservable terms. Finally we compare inequality in the factual distribution of household well‐being with inequality in each of the simulated distributions. Direct and indirect exogenous opportunity‐inducing circumstances are inequality‐augmenting, whereas human capital endowments are inequality‐reducing in the actual distribution. Education and health interventions will ameliorate well‐being and mitigate inequality. Thus, leveling the playing ground for individuals to have equitable exposure to education, health and labor market participation is required for a low‐income country like Cameroon to enhance equity and sustainable household economic growth.  相似文献   

唐颖 《经济问题》2007,(5):102-105
内生经济增长理论认为,知识和人力资本的外部效应与创新带来的垄断势力推动经济增长的同时,也会带来非帕雷托最优的经济增长收入分配的不公平,将阻碍经济增长;加快知识和人力资本积累、促进技术进步以及缓解收入分配不公平的财政政策能纠正市场失效,使长期经济增长达到社会最优.  相似文献   

Does redistribution increase inequality? Is inequality harmful for growth? Both questions have recently been addressed in a number of single-tax models. In this paper, I examine the relationship between policy, growth and inequality when income and inherited wealth can be taxed at different rates. In the model, parents accumulate human capital and a return-bearing, storable good in order to increase the quality of their children. Inequality arises because the learning ability of children is stochastic. Redistributive labor income taxation has a negative impact on short- and long-run growth while taxation of inherited stocks increases growth. Effects of both taxes on income inequality are ambiguous. A switch from income to inheritance taxation may increase average utility of all generations involved. I calculate a structure-induced equilibrium of the political process by means of a stochastic simulation of the model. In the short run initial wealth-inequality can stimulate growth, while initial inequality of the endowment with human capital is harmful for growth.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between inequality, redistribution, and growth using a recently-compiled dataset that distinguishes clearly between market (pre-tax and transfer) and net (post tax and transfer) inequality, and allows us to calculate redistributive transfers for a large number of advanced and developing countries. Across a variety of estimation methods, data samples, and robustness checks, we find: (1) lower net inequality is robustly correlated with faster and more durable growth, controlling for the level of redistribution; (2) redistribution appears benign in terms of its impact on growth, except when it is extensive; and (3) inequality seems to affect growth through human capital accumulation and fertility channels.  相似文献   

Using taxation statistics, we first derive consistently defined Gini coefficients for the period 1942–2013 for Australia as a whole as well as its eight states and territories. While income inequality exhibited a downward trend until 1979, it has since been on the rise not only over time, but also across states and territories. We then proceed to examine the effect of inequality on economic growth after controlling for changes arising from investment in physical and human capital using available panel data across all states and territories (1986–2013). We find that inequality adversely affects economic growth with a couple of years delay, an outcome consistent with similar studies undertaken in the United States and Europe. Our findings suggest that policymakers can address rising income inequality by implementing measures that support, and enhance, human capital accumulation given its long-run economic and social benefits.  相似文献   

本文回顾了近半个多世纪以来有关收入和财富分配持续性不平等的原因及其动态演化方面的理论,包括收入和财富分布的随机过程模型、新古典框架下不平等的动态演化理论、人力资本投资对持续性不平等的影响、不完全资本市场下持续性不平等的动态演化、经济增长中持续性不平等的动态演化以及其他各种机制对不平等动态演化的影响等。论文还对有关持续性不平等理论的发展脉络和内在演化逻辑进行了梳理,并在此基础上对现有文献进行了总体评述,并对今后研究的发展方向作了简单讨论。  相似文献   

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