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由中国经济联合会、中国船舶工业行业协会、中国进出口银行牵头组织的“2008年中国船舶与金融论坛”场面异常火爆,吸引了造船业、航运业、金融业及其他相关行业600多人参会。大大出乎会议主办方的预料。这表明船舶工业的快速发展已经引起了包括国内外金融界在内的相关方面的广泛关注。“当资本快速向一个行业聚集的时候。风险往往也会随之加大。”为此.中国船舶工业行业坍会会长张广钦在接受记者采访时呼吁,全行业要珍惜船市的大好形势,确保按期保质交船.维护中国造船在国际市场的良好信誉;银企各方应联手互动,广开融资渠道,规避潜在市场风险,共同推动中国船舶工业在做大做强的道路上持续健康发展。  相似文献   

接单难、交船难、盈利难、融资难……在当前的市场寒冬中.企业该如何破解生存与发展中的诸多难题?9月7日.来自中国船舶工业行业协会以及航运、造修船、融资、配套、科研、船舶交易等领域20余家企业的代表汇聚山城重庆.参加由中国船舶报社举办的《船舶经济贸易》第三届理事会第一次会议暨“中国船舶工业发展专题论坛”.热议当前航运、造船市场的现状及走势.研究发展良策.共同探讨如何通过科技创新实现破局发展.如何通过相互交流促进各单位共同进步。  相似文献   

航运与船舶市场的持续下挫进入到第五个年头.相比其他造船重镇。通过要素投资在上一轮高位船市巾快速崛起的浙汀船舶丁业面临着更大的慷力.行业亏损严重.市场前景也愈发暗淡。然而.低迷的市场在淘汰弱者的同时.也正是行业重组洗牌、再造竞争优势的最佳时期.浙江省如何在转型关键期实现从“造船大省”向“造船强省”的转变,谋取新的发展?  相似文献   

运价低、船价低.船市目前是否已经触底?接单难.交船难.船东是否毫无建造新船的意愿?海事新规频频出台.市场“门槛”不断升高.中国船舶工业应如何应对?韩国抢占海工“高地”.日本依靠新科技研发频频出击.与竞争对手相比.中国船企又应如何突破困局?  相似文献   

岸电供船(shore to ship power supply)。在英美国家又被称为“低温熨烫”式电力转换(Cold Ironing E1ectricPower Converters).或者可选用船舶电力(alternative marine power,简称AMP).指的是集装箱船、油船、客船等商用船舶到港挂靠码头后.根据当地港口法规.关停发电辅机.接通港口码头上的供电设施.使用岸电:在此过程中.目前常用的方案是.变电系统将50赫兹的岸电变为船舶常用的60赫兹高压电.将岸电电压从25千伏安转为400千伏安以上.从而为船舶提供稳定的电力供应.直至船舶离港。  相似文献   

2011中国(大连)船舶融资研讨会举行 以“创新、合作、共赢——开发件金融助推国际船舶业发展”为主题.以着力构建国家开发银行与船东、船厂和船配企业投融资合作平台为目标的2011中国(大连)船舶融资研讨会.  相似文献   

<正>国际航行船舶保税加油相关定义国际航行船舶保税加油,是指保税加油企业为国际航行船舶提供保税油供应的经营行为。根据业务发展需要,国际航行船舶保税加油可以延伸至跨关区直供业务。国际航行船舶保税油,是指对国际航线运营船舶供应的保税油储存在指定的保税油专用油库,由海关实施监管。国际航行船舶大多以燃料油为动力,船用燃料油成本通常占船舶总运营成本的30%~60%,其市场、价格变化对航运业影响巨大。为国际航行船舶提供保税燃料油享有免税政策,成本较为低廉,因此国际航行船舶使用保税燃料油已成为国际通行惯例。  相似文献   

随着国际航运业的蓬勃发展,进出境船舶代理业务亦发展迅速。船舶代理是联系检验检疫机构与船方的桥梁和纽带,是检验检疫机构对进出境船舶实施监管的助手。检验检疫机构如何提高船舶代理业务者的工作质量,进而提高检验检疫监管效能、提高国际航行船舶通关速度,营造安全、和谐、便捷、高效的口岸环境值得我们深入研究。  相似文献   

接单难、盈利难、融资难——在肖前市场环境中.船舶工业如何加快结构调整.促进转型升级?8月29日.来自中国船舶工业行业协会以及造修船、融资、配套、科研、船舶交易等领域10余家企业的代表汇聚青海两宁.参加由中国船舶报社举办的《船舶经济贸易》第三次理事会第二次会议暨“中国船舶工业转型升级专题沦坛”。热议当前造船市场的现状和走势.共同探讨船舶工业加快结构渊整、促进转型升级的良策。  相似文献   

我国是世界上水运大国之一.年港口货物吞吐量达70多亿吨。每年在我国沿海和内河港口靠泊装卸货物的船舶数量巨大.据测算.如果船舶在港口靠泊期间关停自身的燃油发电机而改用岸电.每年减少燃油消耗约300万吨.相当于减少二氧化碳排放917万吨.减少二氧化硫排放12.6万吨.减少氮化物排放19.5万吨。其中.减排的二氧化碳约占全国排放总量的1.36%0.相当于180万人口一年的排放量:减排的二氧化硫约占全国排放总量的5.4%。.相当于720万人口一年的排放量。为实现绿色航运,目前.交通运输部已把船舶靠港使用岸电列入“车、船、路、港”干家企业低碳交通专项行动的重要内容之一。为尽快促进国际岸电技术的发展脚步.如今.中国海事界已经积极行动起来.  相似文献   

In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become .the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the w total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later.[第一段]  相似文献   

据江苏省船舶工业行业协会统计,2008年该省8家主要造船企业交付使用船舶119艘、515.025万载重吨,吨位比上年同期增长32.17%,首次突破500万载重吨大关,创出历史最高水平。本文将对江苏主要船企2008年生产业绩、产品结构和国际市场做一下综合分析。  相似文献   

According to the announcement released by the National Bureau of Statistics on July 12th,China's annual summer grain output in 2010fell for the first time in 7 years to123.10 million tons,a drop of 0.3%,or 0.39 million tons less than the previous year.  相似文献   


This article examines the incidence and possible cost of “Critical Circumstances” penalties in U.S. antidumping enforcement. Critical Circumstances penalties are surprisingly common. Of the 297 foreign firms that were assessed antidumping duties greater than 25% during the period 1980–1995, 89 (or 30%) were also assessed a Critical Circumstances penalty. The volume of imports affected by these Critical Circumstances penalties was approximately $991 million over the 15 year period (or about $66 million per year). The average level of the Critical Circumstances penalties was about 79% of the value of the relevant commerce, assessed for a period of up to 90 days, or as much as $13 million per year. The economic cost to the United States from Critical Circumstances penalties comes largely from the reduction in export levels (increase in prices) that foreign firms may make in the expectation that a Critical Circumstances penalty may be assessed. The article presents evidence that foreign firms have restricted their exports to the United States to avoid or minimize Critical Circumstances penalties, and discusses a simple model that may illustrate how foreign firms react to the possibility of such penalties.  相似文献   

At present, China has a shipbuilding capacity of about 66 million dead weight tons (DWT). According to Shipbuilding Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Planning, China is targeting~at taking a share of more than 35% in global shipbuilding completions in 2011, meaning a total production of 35 to 40 million DWT per year, of which 70% plus will be exported and the demand in domestic market totals 10 million DWT or so. Till then, more than one third of the constructed shipbuilding infrastructure is of overcapacities.  相似文献   

China's producer's price index (PPI) for manufactured goods rose by 2.4% in July over the same period of last year, the National Bureau of Statistics said.  相似文献   

After several months' downtrend, the export market of Chinese flat-panel TV began to recover in the first quarter, with 5.815 million LCD TV sets exported to overseas, increasing by 17.7% from the same time of a year ago, and 132,000 plasma TV sets exported, up by 1.5% with the same comparison. Since the later half of 2008, export volume of color TV sets from China continued to decrease, making the exporters of such products in China really touch the influence of economic crisis. In February of this year, Buy American Act was adopted by US Congress, which reminded of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930s. To deal with the economic crisis then, the US government issued Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, and highly lifted the tariff tax for over 2,000 types of products. Not long after the act, many countries like UK, France, Germany and so on took retaliatory measures against USA,  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3-4):133-164

This paper examines the future prospects of Sub-Saharan African region in the international market for tourism. This was achieved by analyzing past trends of international tourism arrivals and receipts in the region, and projecting these trends to the year 2010 using an amalgamation of four different time-series projection models after being evaluated by the MAPE. Results are given as confidence limits in three different scenarios. They show that arrivals of international tourists to Sub-Saharan Africa would increase from 17.9 millions in 2000 (end of observed period) to 28.9 million and 44.9 million tourists by the year 2010. The figures for receipts would go from $7.0b in 2000 to $11.0b and $15.3b by the year 2010. Receipts per capita (i.e., per tourist) would however decline at an annual rate of between ?0.48% and ?0.91% during the projection period. Socioeconomic impacts of these findings are given, and their implications for international marketing strategies and government public policies in Sub-Saharan Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

According to the latest census of April 1, 1971, India had a total population of about 547 million, of which 184 million were the potential labour force (i.e., all employed persons and all the unemployed, taken together). As the population growth is still accelerating, it is foreseen that the country’s population will reach about 695 million by 1981 which means that new jobs should be found every year for six million potential workers.  相似文献   

Analysis of Energy Consumption in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Present characteristics of Beijing's energy consumption
1.1 The slowing of the growth in total energy consumption
In 2008. Beijing's total energy consumption reached 63.437 million tons of standard coal, an increase of 586.6 thousand tons compared with the previous year. The increasing range was 1%, dropping 5.45% compared with the previous year, as shown in Figure 1.  相似文献   

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