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<正>滑雪是一项具有刺激性和挑战性的冰雪运动。我们在滑雪中体验到的快感,根植于本能中对速度的追求。我们一向偏好一切能帮助自己行动更迅捷的方法和工具,我们乘坐汽车、火车和飞机,那种超越人类速度极限的体验带来的是一种无法遏制的成就感。再小的孩子也绝对不会害怕乘坐汽车,在高速行驶的列车上,孩子们最爱干的事情就是凝望窗外,亲自体会速度的快感,这是人类本能的一种追求和渴望。  相似文献   

Some groups of consumers derive great pleasure from shopping; we refer to this as hedonic shopping value. This study contributes to the current literature by establishing construct equivalence in a cross-culture study and testing the relationship of positive and negative price cues with hedonic shopping value. We investigated this concept using confirmatory factor analysis to test equivalence between the two cultures on six dimensions of price and hedonism. Results indicate that the two-group path equality provided acceptable results (chi-square?=?203.92 with 217 df, p?=?0.73; GFI?=?0.94). This indicated that the six dimensions of the price construct and hedonic shopping values are the same for the two countries. Therefore, we proceeded to test the hypotheses. As expected, neither of the two positive dimensions of price was significantly related to hedonic shopping value. Two of the four negative price cues, price mavenism and value consciousness, were positively related to hedonic shopping value.  相似文献   

1、颁奖路上,奖项即将揭晓2、交头接耳3、一大早赶来开会4、结交新朋友5、原中国对外贸易经济合作部部长石广生为领袖型企业颁奖  相似文献   

虽然面临恐怖袭击的威胁,但德国旅游业前景仍然看好.德国是欧洲第一个拿到"中国授权旅游地"(authorizeddestination sratus)的国家,从2002年12月1日起,它将可以兴高采烈地迎接来自中国的旅游者和参展商了  相似文献   

时间并非你的宝贵资源,而人的精力才是最有价值的东西。人们能够充分利用时间,却发现不能全力发挥精力,自身总是筋疲力尽,压力重重,无法集中精力,更无法让对方满意。人们利用日历、钟点、日程安排和其他时间管理工具,但用什么管理精力呢?  相似文献   

John Philpott argues the case that moving towards full employment is a structural rather than a macroeconomic issue, and points to the ned for social consensus to underpin any improvement.  相似文献   

Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China.Its name means"the place where the emperor crossed the river".Its urban area is the third largest in China,after Shanghai and Beijing.Tianjin's urban area is located along the Hai He River.Its ports,some distance away,are located on Bohai Gulf in the Pacific Ocean.Tianjin Municipality borders Hebei province to the north,south,and west;the municipality of Beijing is to the northwest,and Bohai Gulf to the east.  相似文献   

本研究借鉴国内外传媒研究者关于媒体质化研究的既有成果,集聚四家研究和调查机构及多名专家的智慧和经验,首次提出电视媒体影响力指数的概念和指标体系,并选取中央电视台、省级电视台、城市电视台三个层次共323个频道和60个全国收视率最高的代表性栏目,在全国35个中心城市对10500个样本进行了大规模的入户调查。分析结果表明,中央电视台是最具影响力的电视媒体,省级卫视影响力出现明显分化;电视栏目影响力上,中央电视台在新闻财经类栏目上优势明显,省级卫视在综艺影视剧类节目表现上与央视的差距正在缩小。本文还就收视率与影响力之间的相关性做了分析,并对这些研究结果的实际运用提出了策略性建议。  相似文献   

Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China. Its name means "the place where the emperor crossed the river". Its urban area is the third largest in China, after Shanghai and Beijing. Tianjin's urban area is located along the Hal He River. lts ports, some distance away, are located on Bohai Gulf in the Pacific Ocean. Tianjin Municipality borders Hebei province to the north, south, and west; the municipality of Beijing is to the northwest, and Bohai Gulf to the east.  相似文献   

旅游品牌塑造全攻略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘汉洪 《广告大观》2006,(3S):54-56
旅游目的地营销已经进入品牌竞争时代,品牌力成为现代旅游业核心竞争力。旅游目的地营销的根本目标就是,采取卓有成效的营销战略和策略,着力打造旅游目的地知名度、美誉度和忠诚度完美统一的强势品牌。概括起来分析,旅游目的地营销和打造强势旅游品牌必须具备一些条件并采取一些全新的营销手段。即:品牌营销战略统领下营销策略的有机结合和综合运用。  相似文献   

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