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绩效考核作为对组织或个人工作业绩的一种评定方法在企业中的使用越来越广泛,很多企业都直接将绩效考核结果作为评优、晋升的依据。不过无论怎样的考核方式,其考核结果的表现方式都是分值。本文将和大家分析探讨如何选择更为科学的计分方法,使横向部门间的得分分值更加相对公平。  相似文献   

薄也 《商》2013,(15):27-28
西方企业激励理论和激励方法是西方管理学思想的精髓,国外关于激励的研究始于十九世纪。随着对人性认识的不断提高,激励的实践也逐渐变得有效,我国国内企业也逐渐意识到了自身管理上的不足,积极借鉴西方企业管理的经验,本文基于西方企业激励理论和激励方法的阐述,旨在对我国企业的长远发展贡献自己的微薄之力。  相似文献   

宋联可  赵骅 《商业研究》2003,(10):40-42
在前人提出人格对激励有重要影响的基础上 ,分析保健因素、激励因素与人格的联系 ,从理论上分析 ,建立“以人格制定激励方法的模型”。借鉴人格与工作匹配研究成果 ,将人格与工作联系 ,使该观点在实际中可应用 ,并建立“组织中以人格制定激励方法的模型”。论述人格对激励有重要影响 ,并将人格与激励方法联系起来研究。  相似文献   

陈辉  黄涛 《市场论坛》2004,(3):99-100
激励是在人的管理中常用的一种方法。而在饭店业管理中必须懂得激励的重要性,以便为员工创造良好的物质扣精神环境扣引导其达到饭店的管理目标。文章就探讨了现代饭店管理中的激励方法,通过有效调动员工的积极性.最大限度的发挥其自身潜能,实现其自身价值,对饭店做出最大贡献。  相似文献   

考虑人格因素选用激励方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
众多文献指出人格对激励有影响,但是没有文献资料研究如何影响。本文从具有实践性的激励方法角度出发,调查和研究不同类型人格对激励方法的偏好,为制定激励政策提供参考数据,为该领域研究提供新的方向和方法。  相似文献   

在当前的企业运营和发展的过程当中,为了留住人才,打造核心的管理团队,一些企业会将所发行的股票,赋予公司高层,让其享受相应的经济利益,从而实现有效的激励目标。本文尝试探讨当前我国一些企业在实施股权激励中所存在的一些问题,在此基础上,深入分析股权激励会计处理方法的完善思路。  相似文献   

员工激励是企业人力资源管理的重要环节,其作用的发挥直接关系企业经营发展的状况。本文就企业新生代员工激励方法存在的问题提出了优化措施。  相似文献   

一个企业之中最为基本的组成部分就是员工,对于企业来讲,如果保证运转正常,那员工就必须积极对待自己的工作。因此,企业管理者的手段对于员工而言极其重要,相应的工作措施能够成功激发员工的工作动力,这是当前企业的一大重要目标。员工的积极性需要企业多部门的共同努力,借用物质或精神上的激励来让员工充分感受到来自于企业内部的温暖,切实有效地提高员工在工作岗位上的认真度,保证每一位员工能以企业为根本努力工作。员工的工作态度对于企业而言重要至极,企业能否一路发展,有一大部分原因都在员工,因此企业应该着重于改善员工的消极情绪,通过企业高层的激励措施来切实地提高员工的思想高度,全面强化企业的整体性。  相似文献   

吴凯  曾伟娇  黄研 《商业研究》2004,(13):80-81
股权激励制度不可避免地产生效率损失,为测量经理股票期权的效率引入一种基于股票的股权激励效率的定量方法测量,由此发现,授予经理的股票冻结期越长,股权激励的效率也越低;公司股票波动性越大,经理要求的补偿溢价越高,股权激励的效率则越低。  相似文献   

A metric of credit score performance is developed to study the usage and performance of credit scoring in the loan origination process. We examine the performance of origination FICO scores as measures of ex ante borrower creditworthiness using loan‐level data on ex post performance of subprime mortgages. Parametric and nonparametric estimates of credit score performance reveal different trends, especially on originations with low credit scores. The data suggest a trend of increased emphasis on higher credit scores accompanying a trend of increased riskiness in other origination attributes. Over time, this increased emphasis on credit scoring coincided with deterioration in FICO performance largely because of the fact that higher credit score originations of later cohorts were more likely to have riskier attributes. However, controlling for other attributes on originations and changes in economic conditions, we find that, as measures of borrower ranking, FICO performance on subprime loans over the years remains fairly stable.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速增长,消费者逐渐呈现出由非绿色品牌向绿色品牌转换的消费趋势。为了更好地提高绿色营销绩效,须从基本因素、强化因素、深化因素三个层面,分析和研究消费者绿色品牌转换过程影响因素的作用,在此基础上从绿色产品生产控制、企业绿色产品宣传推广、绿色产品监督管理、绿色环保的社会宣传等方面出发,构建绿色营销下的消费者品牌转换促成机制,以期望规范企业绿色营销活动,为企业更好地实施绿色营销战略提出建议。  相似文献   

禁令制度起源于英国,成熟于美国商业秘密法,它是衡平法保护商业秘密的重要手段。禁令主要可分为临时禁令、初步禁令和终局禁令三类,它们各有其不同的适用条件。禁令对相关方的利益影响重大,因此在发布禁令时要以利益平衡为原则,注意其范围和时间限制,以激励和促进创新。  相似文献   

Data protection has become an increasingly important aspect of consumer policy in recent years in Germany. One of the most interesting subjects under discussion was that of scoring. Scoring attempts to give a prognosis as to whether a consumer is willing and able to repay a given kind of credit. While the USA already had specific regulations on scoring, there was no such equivalent in Germany, especially with regard to consumer rights on transparency. In 2009, the German parliament approved a specific regulation under the Data Protection Act on scoring which came into effect on 1 April 2010. This new law set standards for scoring and granted transparency rights to consumers. One of the effects has been that large numbers of consumers have since availed of these new rights and addressed scoring agencies in order to receive information on their scores.  相似文献   

本文对中央储备粮直属库激励机制在企业发展过程中的作用、存在的得与失,以及如何实现激励机制再造进行了深入分析,希望在当前国家粮食宏观调控和企业改革发展面临的新形势下,通过完善企业激励机制,实现中储粮事业的再次腾飞。  相似文献   

吴江  张国华 《市场研究》2009,(12):30-34
<正>一个电视频道的真正价值,应该是综合评估了该电视频道多方面价值后的结果。这样的评估结果才能给频道、栏目管理或制作者、广告主以可靠和信心的保证。目前常用的频道价值评估办法,多是使用单一的收视率指标或结合覆盖入户率指标进行评价和排序,经常忽视了  相似文献   

We analyze a two-attribute single item procurement auction that uses yardstick competition to settle prices. The auction simplifies the procurement process by reducing the principal’s articulation of preferences to simply choosing the most preferred offer as if it was a market with posted prices. This is done simply by replacing the submitted sealed bids by yardstick bids, computed by a linear weighting of the other participants’ bids. We show that there is only one type of Nash equilibria where some agents may win the auction by submitting a zero price-bid. Using a simulation study we demonstrate that following this type of equilibrium behavior often leads to winner’s curse. The simulations show that in auctions with more than 12 participants the chance of facing winner’s curse is around 95 %. Truthful reporting, on the other hand, does not constitute a Nash equilibrium but it is ex post individually rational. Using a simulation study we demonstrate that truthful bidding may indeed represent some kind of focal point.  相似文献   

U.S. commercial banks are increasingly using small business credit‐scoring models to underwrite small business credits. The paper discusses this lending technology, evaluates the research findings on the effects of this technology on small business credit availability, and links these findings to a number of research and policy issues.  相似文献   

随着经济的飞速发展和新巴塞尔资本协议在全球迅速推进,我国个人信用评分的重要性日益加强。由于个人信用的动态变化、信用评分目的转变,采用动态信用评分方法势在必行。  相似文献   

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