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预包装食品标签相关规定及标签标志错误分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预包装食品标签上的产品信息是消费者购买产品的重要依据,也是食品质量安全管理的重要内容之一。本文依据GB 7718-2011《食品安全国家标准预包装食品标签通则》探讨预包装食品标签目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

所有进出口预包装食品,境内分装食品和海关罚没的进口食品均属于办事食品标签审核的范围。  相似文献   

在中国,批准使用的食品添加剂有2400多种,其中包括1800多种香精、香料和77种一般食品添加剂,用它们完全可以调制出一杯水果味十足的果汁。一段由中国营养联盟副秘书长、国家二级营养师王旭峰现场制作饮料的视频在微博上被转载上万次。不少网友看完视频后表示以后再也不喝含有添加剂的  相似文献   

马腾 《消费导刊》2009,(11):151-151
食品标签是生产者向消费者传递关于食品各类信息的窗口,也是消费者对食品最直观的认知渠道。本文就当前食品标签存在的一些问题和如何加强消费者知情权保护展开探讨,以期更好地完善我国的食品标签制度和保护消费者的知情权。  相似文献   

近年来,受商品流通的国际化、人民币汇率升值等影响,预包装食品进口呈现种类繁多、进口量逐年上升的趋势,但很多进口商对食品标签要求一知半解,标签检验不合格现象屡见不鲜,因此,对食品标签的检验把关就愈显重要。本文总结了食品标签的标注要点,并对日常检验工作中的常见不符合项进行了归纳。  相似文献   

文松 《北京工商》2003,(10):22-23
如果把食品包装形容成是为食品遮风挡雨的“衣服”,那么附着在食品“衣服”上的标签可以说就是消费者购买食品时的“指南针”。然而,近年来部分食品上的“指南针”非但没有起到应有的作用,反而凸现出形形色色的问题,食品标签滥用已影响到食品质量和安全,消费者不容忽视。  相似文献   

选购食品时,消费者常常被包装上标注的产品产地、生产日期、保质期等弄得头疼。那么。选购食品时怎样鉴别标签的真伪呢?一般来说。下面六点可帮你有所辨别。  相似文献   

做营销,首先要读懂人。 技术的发展使得个人定制化时代得以实现。对于日益增强而复杂多变的消费需求,首先要了解,也要学会尊重。  相似文献   

Kuchler  F.  Bowman  M.  Sweitzer  M.  Greene  C. 《Journal of Consumer Policy》2020,43(2):379-395
Journal of Consumer Policy - In the USA, food producers can label their products as organic only if they are certified by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as...  相似文献   

We assessed the consumer welfare effects of two generic food miles labels: “carbon dioxide (CO2) emission” label and “time and number of kilometers” label. Using data from a choice experiment, our results generally suggest that a mandatory labeling policy for either type of label would have a positive welfare effect. However, a label informing consumers about the time and number of kilometers the food product has traveled provides greater positive welfare effects than a label informing consumers about the amount of CO2 emission .  相似文献   

In order to design the most useful instruments of consumer protection, it is necessary to understand how consumers perceive and use such instruments. Often, basic consumer rights are considered more extensively in the design of consumer protection policies than basic patterns of consumer behavior and motivation. We are more likely to make information on labels complete as viewed by the expert than useful in the normal behavior of the consumer. This study is devoted to discovering how consumers perceive nutritional labels on food products. It draws conclusions about their meaning and usefulness to consumers.  相似文献   

先做一个简单的加法:自愿性+可持续性+标准=自愿性可持续性标准(VoluntarySustainableStandards,以下简称VSS),对于这个词,熟悉社会责任的人不会太陌生。但说起这个词的内涵、发展情况以及影响,未必能有很多人完全清楚。  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of food labels as a weight loss behavior compared to regular exercise among middle-aged Americans. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity women were more likely to read food labels than men and also more successful in losing weight. Label users who did not exercise displayed a slightly greater likelihood of weight loss than those who exercised but did not read food labels. Additionally, those who only read labels were more likely to improve their chances of weight loss by adding exercise to their routines rather than abandoning label usage in favor of exercise.  相似文献   

This paper aims to reveal consumer perceptions of organic food with a special emphasis on the labelling of organic products. The objectives were to find out, whether or not a significant difference between men´s and women´s perception existed. Two groups (88 subjects in the experimental group, 59 subjects in the control group) were shown various food labels; with organic product labelling (experimental) and without (control). Results suggest the importance of organic labelling using eye-tracking data and additional in-depth interviews to discover the importance of the labelling for participants. Based on eye-tracking data, the greatest visual attention was paid to product brand, graphic elements and organic labelling claims with additional information, such as a quantity or flavour, also being important. Additional in-depth interviews discovered that labelling, particularly of the origin, is important for most consumers. Contrary to what was expected, eye-tracking showed very little difference in the perception of organic product labelling based on gender. Although organic food is being purchased by more people, 50% of participants mentioned, during interviews, that they buy organic food only occasionally. The combination of eye-tracking and in-depth interviews shows that organic product labelling can play a role in decision-making, but regardless 27% of participants do not care about the organic quality labels or don’t pay attention to them.  相似文献   

2007年3月1日,中国德国商会北京携手不莱梅大学应用科学学院公布由两个机构共同针对在华德国企业开展的“企业社会责任”调查结果。据中国德国商会有关负责人介绍,此次调查于2006年8月至10月开展。北京、上海和广州的中国德国商会向它们所有的在华会员企业发出了问卷调查,  相似文献   

如何认识当前的经济形势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>今年可以说是近年来宏观经济走势不确定性最强、政策选择最困难的一年。河南省委省政府采取一系列的措施,努力克服国际环境复杂多变、国内要素资源和市场约束加剧等困难,着力解决经济运行中的突出矛盾,经  相似文献   

受食品工业飞速发展的影响,加之人们的饮食习惯有所改变,预包装食品逐渐得到人们的青睐。作为预包装食品营养消息的主要来源,预包装食品标签的关注度也日益提升。作为消费者,希望能够透过食品标签对包装食品的营养成分了解,从而更加合理、科学的选择与自己口味相符的食品。问卷抽样调查表明,食品营养标签的使用行为一直受到营养知识、收费环境以及消费者个人特征等诸多因素影响。为提升营养标签的实质性作用,国家相关部门已经拟定相关法规,加强对消费者阅读营养标签的培养,督促生产厂商尽义务尽责任,全面推动食品营养标签制度的完善。  相似文献   

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