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为探讨某地区市场上常见包装食品的营养标签标志现状和消费者对其的认知度,于2016年调查某地区的10家大型超市中360种食品的营养标签标志状况,并随机抽取268名消费者,以问卷调查的形式分析消费者对食品营养标签的认识度。在360种包装食品中营养标签的平均标志率为46.94%,标志率较高的为婴幼儿食品(100.00%)、保健食品(83.93%)、乳制品(81.58%)。在被调查的169种食品标签上均包括营养成分标志,其中标志营养成分数量在3及以下的构成比最高为42.01%,有109种(64.49%)食品标签中出现营养信息产品。消费者对食品营养标签标志知晓率为69.03%、关注率为62.31%、信任率为19.03%、理解率为22.76%。我国应建立健全相关的法律法规,加强各个部门的协同合作及执法力度,并且要开展教育宣传工作,提高消费者对营养标签标志的认知及理解。 相似文献
本文以北京市消费者为例,实证分析了城市消费者对营养标签的认知水平、使用程度及获益感知情况。调查显示,北京市消费者有50%以上听说过营养标签,36.50%表示会在购买食品时查看营养标签,近70%消费者认为可以从强制性营养标签中获益。实证研究表明,消费者的认知水平与其使用营养标签的频率正相关,认知水平越高获益感越强。此外,个体特征、经济条件、时间压力、健康状况等因素对消费者的认知、使用和获益感知有不同程度影响。在此基础上,本文提出相关政策建议,以期为完善营养标签管理制度,提高消费者健康水平提供借鉴。 相似文献
我国的《食品营养标签管理规范》(以下简称《规范》在经过至少5年的研讨、制定和修改后,完成了两轮征求意见,有望近期正式出台。专家认为,营养标签在使消费者了解更多的营养信息、选择健康食品的同时。 相似文献
食品营养标签常见问题及规范措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
GB 28050-2011《预包装食品营养标签通则》是食品安全国家标准,属于强制执行的标准,食品生产企业应严格依据法律法规和标准组织生产。通过实施营养标签标准,要求预包装食品必须标示营养标签内容,有利于宣传普及食品营养知识,指导公众科学选择膳食;有利于促进消费者合理平衡膳食和身体健康;有利于规范企业正确标示营养标签,科学宣传有关营养知识,促进食品产业健康发展。该标准自2013年1月1日实施至今已有4年多,抽检的食品还存在不少营养标签不符合标准要求的情况。本文对营养标签强制标示内容进行了简要分析,并针对其常见问题和解决对策展开了讨论,旨在为研究人员提供更加有价值的参考建议。 相似文献
美国食品营养标签壁垒及我国对策研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
美国是食品营养标签法规最为严谨和完善的国家,法规的研究和制定在世界各国中均处于领先地位。中国出口至美国的食品,由于营养标签问题而遭遇技术贸易壁垒的比例很高,中国并因此遭遇了巨大的损失。本文详细介绍了美国食品标签管理的相关法律法规及对我国食品产业的影响,并从政府、各职能部门及食品出口企业等几个方面分析了应对措施突破该技术贸易壁垒。 相似文献
二十一世纪以来,国际上不断加强对人类认知心理学的研究,在诸多知名学者的共同努力之下,构建出轰动全球的S-O-R模型,该模型以信息加工理论为主要指导依据,通过利用信息处理器,实现对信息的输入、编码、加工、存储、提取以及使用等。根据消费者的购买状况可将其分为五个阶段,即确认需求、收集信息、评价方案、购买决策以及购买行为,一个完整的购买过程离不开以上五个阶段的参与。总结来说,消费者在形成电子支付的使用意愿之前,必须经过三个阶段,即确认需求阶段、收集信息阶段以及评价方案阶段,较为全面的分析与探究消费者对电子支付的使用意愿影响因素。 相似文献
论食物过敏原标签对中国食品出口的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
食物过敏是一种至今除了严防接触外尚无有效预防方法的免疫症状。大部分的食物过敏是由花生、坚果类、鱼类、甲壳类、乳类、小麦、大豆和蛋类引起。这八种过敏原合称"八大类",是食品过敏原标签的重点。回顾了美国等国家对食物过敏原标签管理所作的努力和食物过敏原标签的现状,简单分析了食物过敏原标签对我国食品出口可能产生的影响,并提出了相关的建议。 相似文献
BIDISHA MANDAL 《The Journal of consumer affairs》2010,44(3):516-527
This study investigates the use of food labels as a weight loss behavior compared to regular exercise among middle-aged Americans. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity women were more likely to read food labels than men and also more successful in losing weight. Label users who did not exercise displayed a slightly greater likelihood of weight loss than those who exercised but did not read food labels. Additionally, those who only read labels were more likely to improve their chances of weight loss by adding exercise to their routines rather than abandoning label usage in favor of exercise. 相似文献
This study examines the impact of sociodemographic and nutrition/health related factors on consumers' use of nutritional labels while food shopping, at home, and when comparing nutrients for different brands of the same foods. The results generally suggest that unemployed individuals and those who place greater importance on nutrition while shopping and following the dietary guidelines are more likely to use nutritional labels while shopping, at home, or when comparing brands. Findings also indicate that education has a positive impact on the likelihood of using labels at home. The amount of time a consumer spends on shopping, primary source of nutritional information, special diet status, and consumer's perception of the importance of price and taste when shopping are also significant factors. 相似文献
在揭示自我意识概念及其内涵的基础上,利用第二期中国女性社会地位调查福建样本的数据,描述和分析女性自我意识的特征及其影响因素.经多元线性回归分析,工作的满意度对女性自我意识产生最显著的影响;从事非农职业的女性自我意识较强,女性的受教育年限、法制政治观念、母亲受教育程度与其自我意识成正相关关系,而年龄、父亲的受教育程度对女性自我意识呈反比关系.城镇女性较农村女性的自我意识较弱.提出加强女性自我意识的对策. 相似文献
RODOLFO M. NAYGA 《The Journal of consumer affairs》2000,34(1):97-112
This paper empirically explores the relationship between nutrition knowledge, gender, and food label use. The econometric approach treats both nutrition knowledge and label use as endogenous variables when estimating the model for food label use. The results suggest that nutrition knowledge does not have an effect on label use, confirming the weak link hypothesis between knowledge and behavior. Gender effect is mainly due to differences in nutrition knowledge levels. 相似文献
在揭示自我意识概念及其内涵的基础上,利用第二期中国女性社会地位调查福建样本的数据,描述和分析女性自我意识的特征及其影响因素。经多元线性回归分析,工作的满意度对女性自我意识产生最显著的影响;从事非农职业的女性自我意识较强,女性的受教育年限、法制政治观念、母亲受教育程度与其自我意识成正相关关系,而年龄、父亲的受教育程度对女性自我意识呈反比关系。城镇女性较农村女性的自我意识较弱。提出加强女性自我意识的对策。 相似文献
We assessed the consumer welfare effects of two generic food miles labels: “carbon dioxide (CO2) emission” label and “time and number of kilometers” label. Using data from a choice experiment, our results generally suggest that a mandatory labeling policy for either type of label would have a positive welfare effect. However, a label informing consumers about the time and number of kilometers the food product has traveled provides greater positive welfare effects than a label informing consumers about the amount of CO2 emission . 相似文献
Results from a consumer survey of households in Louisiana and Texas suggest that socioeconomic factors affect consumption decisions on new food products, quail, alligator, or deer meat. Specifically, consumption of, or interest in consuming new food products are statistically associated with marital status, age, education, household size and income, race, religon, and occupation. The above-referenced socio-economic characteristics are all statistically associated with consumption decisions on qualiy and alligator meat, except for marital status and household size. Race and occupation are statistically associated with the consumption of, or interest in consuming deer meat. 相似文献
Considering the difference between hedonic and utilitarian products, this article presents how the choice of color in food packaging, along with the nutrition content claim (NCC) labeling, can influence the consumer’s perception of food healthiness and purchase intention. The responses of 120 non-color-blind and non-obese college students from two within-subject experiments were analyzed by adopting a mixed model for repeated measurement. The results suggest that utilitarian, but not hedonic, food products in blue-colored packages were perceived to be healthier than those in red-colored packages. The perception of food healthiness, which was sensitive to the package color, also influenced the purchase intention of packaged foods. Moreover, when the NCC label was presented, food in a blue package with health claims in the NCC (e.g., “light” label) was perceived healthier than food in a red package with regular labels. This article also discusses the managerial implications of the findings for packaging and advertising professionals. 相似文献
创建和培育自主品牌是零售商获取竞争优势的重要途径,本文分析了自有品牌的价格、品牌、商店形象和内在线索因素对消费者认知态度的影响以及认知态度对消费者购买意图的影响机制.在此基础上,以北京和深圳为例,通过实证分析比较认知态度对购买意向的影响及其地区差异,揭示了消费者对自有品牌的认知程度和消费者特征,完善了自有品牌的量化研究方法,并对我国零售业自有品牌发展提出了对策建议. 相似文献
大学生就业信心及其影响因素 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过就业信心透视大学生就业状况,利用职业的竞争度和个人竞争力来分析和解释大学生的就业信心;利用厦门大学2002届毕业生调查问卷的资料建立定量分析模型,从侧面反映和解释目前我国大学生就业的现状以及影响因素,并验证提出的理论假设。 相似文献