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在当前农民工进城落户的过程中,已经实现全家进入城市的农民工更容易产生在城市落户的需求,而且只有以家庭为单位的农民工进城落户才能最大限度避免因个人进城产生的一系列社会问题。通过对西安城六区农民工的调查,将全家进城农民工的经济需求、社会需求等进行梳理,并采用Logistic模型对影响全家进城农民工城市落户需求的因素进行分析,发现年龄、文化程度、打工时间、寻求更多发展机会、进城具备条件判断、打工收入、子女教育费用、户籍解决麻烦作用、户籍对提高地位作用9个变量对全家进城农民工的城市落户需求影响显著。  相似文献   

深化户籍制度改革与农民工市民化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
当前户籍制度改革还称不上是一次彻底的、成功的改革,与加速农民工市民化和城市化、城乡一体化的要求还有不少差距,它降低了农民工市民化的意愿和能力,提高了农民工市民化的门槛和成本,人为地造成了农民工和城市居民的对立,成为阻碍农民工市民化进程的制度瓶颈.深化户籍制度改革,必须以去利益化、城乡一体化、迁徙自由化为目标和方向,在中央的统一规划下,剥离户口所附着的福利功能,恢复户籍制度的本真功能,同时改革嵌入户籍制度之中的其他二元制度,整体推进.  相似文献   

人的城镇化,强调包容性发展,这是新型城镇化的发展方向,如何使农民工融入城市,与持有城镇户口的居民一样享有同等的发展机会和共享发展成效,成为推动城镇化健康发展、解决人的城镇化的核心。因此需要首先了解哪些因素是制约农民工融入城市的因素。中国的改革开放走过了近40年的历史,农民工也出现了两代人,他们的需要是不一样的。基于重庆市两代农民工样本的调查,通过构建Probit模型对影响两代农民工城市融入的因素进行了分析,发现年龄、受教育年限、职业类型、住房类型、居住环境、住房评价、农村老家是否有承包地等7个因素直接影响第一代农民工的城市融入状况;而受教育年限、职业类型、居住环境、是否有子女在务工城市上学等4个因素影响新生代(或第二代)农民工的城市融入状况。根据两代不同的农民工城市融入的代际差异,认为应当在住房、教育、土地方面实施差别化的政策,以推动农民工城市融入进程。政策建议包括:建立以公租房为核心的农民工住房保障体系和旧房非拆除性的改造,以改善农民工的人居环境;加强对新生代农民工的职业教育培训以适应产业发展;重视农民工子女在城市的教育公平;对农民工老家承包地和宅基地的流转要充分尊重其意愿。  相似文献   

重庆户籍制度改革中农民土地使用权退出的体制机制亟待进一步完善。立足于国内外土地银行实践和重庆相关制度条件,建立农村土地银行,有助于破解重庆农村土地使用权退出实践中的深层次难题。基于对重庆构建农村土地银行运作的思路、内容和机制的认识,其结论是:“农民保留权益退地”、“土地权益资产流转”和“财政、金融保障”是实现以土地银行...  相似文献   

宋玉军 《经济界》2011,(6):68-71
农民工外出务工是生存理性的使然,他们的就业是当前乃至今后亟待解决的一个重要问题。但当前他们的就业还存在诸多问题,需要政府有所作为。  相似文献   

农民工,是指在本地乡镇企业或者进入城镇务工的农业户口人员,农民工是我国特有的城乡二元体制的产物,是我国在特殊的历史时期出现的一个特殊的社会群体.他们为城市的建设和发展做出了巨大的贡献却不能享受产业工人的待遇,他们已经长期居住在城市却未被城市认同和接纳.他们目前仍处在产业的边缘、城乡的边缘、体制的边缘,是当前中国经济与社会矛盾的复合体.  相似文献   

转型时期城中村改造:基于农民工住宅选择的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"突进式"的"整体拆除-搬迁-重建",是当前政府部门主导城中村改造的最主要模式,这种改造模式往往会遇到很强的社会阻力,政策效果难以实现。本文通过农民工住宅选择的理论模型,从微观视角解释城中村存在和当前"突进式"改造模式预期效果难以实现的原因。通过对2007年和2009年北京市调研数据的实证分析发现,在户籍制度约束下,农民工住宅选择具有就业趋向和租金规避特征,并导致其偏好在城中村居住。从长远来看,转变经济利益导向观念,最大可能地考虑公共利益,由"突进式"整体改造模式向"渐进式"综合改良模式转变,是城中村改造的正确方向。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国每年大概有1.2亿左右农民工进城,他们为城市的经济建设做出了突出的贡献,但伴随着身份差别的是他们和城市居民的待遇差别、社会活动权利差别等,使得他们成为城市的“边缘人”。虽然政府越发地重视农民工的社会保障问题,比如全国许多城市已经为辖区范围内工作的外来农民工建立了有针对性的社会保障制度,从2000年深圳“非本市户籍员工”的养老保险制度和2002年上海市外来人员综合保险,到2004年北京市外来农民工大病医疗保险和工伤保险制度,再到2005年吉林省集养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险于一体的农民工社会保障体系,但奇怪的是,作为城镇社会保障体系的重要组成部分的“最低生活保障制度”仍然把外来农民工排除在外。  相似文献   

户籍制度与农民的日常生活户籍制度是国家对公民实施的以户为单位的户籍人口管理政策,其特点是根据地域和家庭成员关系将户籍属性区分为农业户口和非农业户口。户籍制度最初承担着保障公共安全和维护社会稳定的功能。随着实践的发展,户籍被赋予政治、社会和经济功能且在不断被强化。以户籍为依据,城镇居民在购粮、入学、养老、低保、就业、抚恤、退伍士兵安置、事故死亡赔偿、安置补偿等方面明显优于农业户口人员,这成为广大农民日常生活中  相似文献   

推进我国农民工社会保障与市民化制度创新问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析我国农民工社会保障不利于促进农民工市民化问题的现状、农民工社会保障与农民工市民化二者之间的关系,提出推进农民工社会保障与市民化的制度创新措施,加快农民工社会保障制度的建立和完善,促进农民工市民化.  相似文献   

就业能力对农民工城市居留意愿的影响——以上海市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗恩立 《城市问题》2012,(7):96-102
就业是民生之本,提升就业能力可为改善农民工的城市生存发展处境提供基础性条件,进而影响其城市居留意愿。本文基于对上海市1026份农民工的问卷调查,应用Logistic回归分析,考察这一群体就业能力因素对于其城市长期居留意愿的影响。研究发现,就业能力的五个核心指标中教育程度、就业服务享有、社会网络以及职业类型显著影响农民工的城市居留意愿,而工会参与因素影响不显著;传统变量中只有婚姻状况通过显著性检验。研究显示,适恰的就业能力支持政策将既有助于农民工,尤其是新生代农民工的城市职业发展,也有利于提高其留城意愿、促进我国持续稳定的城市化。  相似文献   

青年农民工是伴随中国改革开放大潮成长起来的一支新型劳动大军,是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量。在党和政府高度重视农村剩余劳动力转移的大背景之下,其生存和发展状况日益受到社会关注。运用幸福感指数量表及SPSS15.0,对山东省威海市220名青年农民工幸福指数进行测算及对其幸福指数影响因素进行回归分析,结果表明,青年农民工整体上对目前生活的满意程度不高,这与工资收入、工作时间、婚姻状况等密切相关,而与性别、文化程度、变动工作次数等因素相关性不强。  相似文献   

对农民工的主要社会功能进行了评价。在此基础上,分析了农民工问题的主要表现,指出社会中一些重要的组成部分之间关系的失调是引发农民工问题的主要原因。  相似文献   

在科学发展下努力建设社会主义和谐社会的今天,农民工日益成为我国劳动力市场的一大主力军,一个发展国民经济不可或缺的部分,但农民工群体存在的问题特别是社会保障问题很不尽人意,正视农民工社会保障问题并积极探讨解决对策势在必行。文中从我国农民工社会保障的必要性和现状分析,提出了一些建设性对策。  相似文献   

Changing workforce demographics have highlighted the need to provide training and development opportunities for older workers. This article critically examines the current state of research on the use of systematic instructional design procedures to develop work‐related training that is inclusive of older workers. The review reveals a disconnect between what the literature recommends to achieve age‐inclusive design and what is offered as evidence of age‐inclusive design. Age‐related generalizations about cognition and learning capacity often serve as the basis for design decisions, with little attention paid to the role of training context and content. The article recommends that this disconnect be resolved and offers some specific suggestions about how human resource managers can integrate sound instructional design principles into the training and development component of their talent management strategies. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Temporary workers in low-skilled roles often experience ‘hard’ HRM practices, for example the use of the Bradford Factor to monitor absence, rather than using incentives to reward attendance. However, this peripheral workforce has become increasingly diverse in the UK since the A8 European Union expansion, which has seen over a million migrants from central and eastern Europe register to work in the UK. Importantly, there is also heterogeneity within this group of workers, for example between those who intend to migrate for a short period of time then return, and those who are more settled and wish to develop a career. By considering the particular case of absence management, this paper examines how these different groups of migrants respond to HRM practices. The key contribution of the paper is to examine how different groups of migrants experience these practices, rather than simply comparing migrant and native workers as two homogeneous groups. The paper presents data from the food manufacturing sector in the UK. In total, 88 semi-structured interviews were conducted with operations managers, HR managers, union convenors and workers on permanent, temporary and agency contracts. In addition, data from informal interviews and observation at five companies are presented.  相似文献   

A number of British trade unions have developed initiatives to facilitate migrant workers' access to English‐language tuition. This article focuses on the efforts of two trade unions and explores the ways in which they have supported migrant workers and the extent and effectiveness of their attempts to link education to their recruitment and organising activities.  相似文献   

This critical case study looks at the campaign led by Citizens UK and Unison to get the University of East London (UEL) to sign up to the London living wage (LLW). UEL agreed to pay the LLW after a brief campaign in November 2010 and it was subsequently implemented in August 2011. The study charts the course of the campaign and draws on mobilisation theory and new primary research to account for its success. What our findings suggest is that community organisers and union activists were able to organise and mobilise a largely apolitical group of migrant workers. This, we suggest, can be explained by the successful mobilisation of the community and augurs well for future broad‐based campaigns.  相似文献   

We examine the survey responses of 278 individuals who transitioned from the workplace to working from home (WFH) as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic to understand how individuals’ attainment of productivity in work and meaning in life are affected by WFH. We also assess their perceived stress and health challenges experienced since WFH. On average, workers perceive that productivity and meaning changed in opposite directions with the shift to WFH—productivity increased while the meaning derived from daily activities decreased. Stress was reduced while health problems increased. By investigating these changes, we identify important common sources of support and friction associated with remote work that affect multiple dimensions of work and life. For example, personal fortitude is an important source of support, and the intrusion of work into life is an important friction. Our findings lead to concrete recommendations for both organizational leaders and workers in setting key priorities for supporting remote work.  相似文献   

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