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针对当前大数据时代的信息隐私泄漏问题,运用实证研究方法,通过设计、发放、收集及分析、处理调查问卷,了解我国网民的信息隐私关注情况和隐私保护行为的影响因素,从而提出相应的隐私保护建议,以引导和提升网民对信息隐私的关注和保护能力。 相似文献
大数据时代的到来,使得个人隐私担忧问题上升到一个新高度.本文在回顾已有文献的基础上,总结关于隐私定义,隐私担忧,信息保护行为,隐私权衡的发现. 相似文献
李畅畅 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2022,(2):49-53
在保护数据隐私方面,反垄断法具有缺陷性。数据本身涉及相互冲突的两方价值,即隐私保护和竞争促进。将数据隐私保护作为反垄断法的直接目的,既不利于我国反垄断法价值的实现,又不利于竞争自由的促进,还不利于我国司法和执法的推进。国外互联网行业竞争十分激烈,而中国的互联网企业尚处于发展阶段,不同国家的规定和政策内含了自身利益的需求。反垄断法不是“万能之法”,数据隐私应当通过专门立法保护。 相似文献
入世与中国的数据隐私保护 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
中国入世会带来两个方面的明显变化:一是越来越多的外国企业会继续登陆中国,在中国市场从事生产和营销活动;二是更多的中国企业会走出国门,参与国际市场竞争。这两个方面都将涉及顾客个人数据的隐私保护问题。前者将进一步激发中国消费者的数据隐私保护要求,后者则关系到中国企业能否适应世贸组织成员的隐私规则和法律,并改善与目标市场国家消费者的关系,提高国际市场竞争力的问题。我国在个人数据的隐私保护方面做得很不够,应借鉴西方国家的做法,做好各方面的工作。 相似文献
根据南都大数据研究院等机构发布的《2018网络黑灰产治理研究报告》估算,2017年我国网络安全产业规模为450多亿元,而黑灰产已达近千亿元规模。在信息诈骗等许多网络黑灰产行为中,用户的个人信息泄露是源头之一。 相似文献
如今电子商务在我国已蓬勃发展,每年"双11""双12"都吸引了众多消费者,但需要得到重视的是,大数据时代电子商务消费者隐私泄露已成为常态,若电子商务经营者不能处理好与消费者之间的关系,泄露、出卖消费者个人信息,这将导致消费者对其信任下降,既损害了消费者的利益,也不利于我国电子商务的发展,无法达到互利共赢的理想境界。本文着重分析大数据时代电子商务环境下消费者隐私泄露问题,希望社会各界引起重视,共同维护消费者的合法权益,从而保持电子商务行业的活力。 相似文献
采购环节权力分散、资金流转频繁,加之传统审计方式难以解决审计全覆盖和持续审计难题,导致企业腐败行为往往发生在采购环节。大数据技术具有高效处理数据等优势,在采购管理环节展现出极大潜力。文章首先总结出传统审计存在无法实现全覆盖、审计监督滞后等问题;其次指出大数据技术在审计中具有多维化、实时化、精准化等优势;再次比较大数据审计在采购环节中业务逻辑和风险导向两种应用模式的运行框架及优劣势;最后针对大数据审计的制约因素进行分析,提出设立首席数据官、提升审计人员数据解读能力等建议。 相似文献
最近由于CSM(央视-索福瑞)的上游控股公司TNS外方股权被WPP收购,引发国内广告界和传媒界一阵哗然,并因此引爆两个问题:一个是广告代理公司或媒介购买集团经营媒介调查数据供应的专业伦理问题,另个是单一数据供应商市场集中度超过多少才算是垄断控制立法问题。 相似文献
纵向价格垄断协议的规定破坏了市场的公平竞争,给潜在竞争者增加了市场进入的障碍,同时也侵犯了消费者的正当利益,给市场正常经营带来了负面影响。当前中国市场运行中出现了很多纵向价格垄断问题,影响了市场运行秩序的公平性,侵害了消费者的正当利益。通过分析当前中国完善纵向价格垄断协议的总体路径,要求不断完善相关法律,细化纵向价格垄断协议中相关主体的法律责任,引入惩罚性赔偿制度,明确反竞争效果的认定、抗辩、救济,明确执法考量等因素,提高在市场执行中的灵活性,细化罚款计算基础,为此要求完善相关法律责任体系,对相关企业的市场行为进行干预,更好地维护市场竞争秩序的公平性。 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2016,59(1):115-124
User-generated content, such as online product reviews, is a valuable source of consumer insight. Such unstructured big data is generated in real-time, is easily accessed, and contains messages consumers want managers to hear. Analyzing such data has potential to revolutionize market research and competitive analysis, but how can the messages be extracted? How can the vast amount of data be condensed into insights to help steer businesses’ strategy? We describe a non-proprietary technique that can be applied by anyone with statistical training. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) can analyze huge amounts of text and describe the content as focusing on unseen attributes in a specific weighting. For example, a review of a graphic novel might be analyzed to focus 70% on the storyline and 30% on the graphics. Aggregating the content from numerous consumers allows us to understand what is, collectively, on consumers’ minds, and from this we can infer what consumers care about. We can even highlight which attributes are seen positively or negatively. The value of this technique extends well beyond the CMO's office as LDA can map the relative strategic positions of competitors where they matter most: in the minds of consumers. 相似文献
Relatively high estimates of the welfare cost of monopoly power in U.S. manufacturing industries have been obtained by economists who use the Lerner equation to estimate this welfare cost from profit data. These Lerner equation loss estimates are appropriate for a monopoly with constant costs and linear demand. But if the industry is an oligopoly in a Nash-Cournot equilibrium, the Lerner equation loss estimates can be more than twice as large as the actual welfare gain that would result from the elimination of monopoly power. Partial and general equilibrium examples are presented to illustrate the nature of these estimation errors. 相似文献
《International Business Review》2020,29(6):101604
Drawing from the knowledge-based dynamic capabilities (KBDCs) view, this study examines the association of big data management capabilities with employee exploratory and exploitative activities at the individual level. Furthermore, it also investigates the mediating role of big data value creation in the association of big data management capabilities with exploratory and exploitative activities. The partial least square method was employed to analyse the hypotheses using data collected from 308 employees of 20 Chinese multinational enterprises. The existing literature gives scant attention to the role of big data management capabilities at the individual level. The main contribution of this study is that it conceptualises big data management as the ability to utilise external knowledge (generated from global users) under the resource constrained environment of an emerging economy. Furthermore, this study builds upon the existing literature on KBDC to explain big data management capabilities as antecedents to ambidexterity at the individual employee level. 相似文献
《International Journal of Research in Marketing》2020,37(1):3-14
As a research domain, the retail sector has always had many appealing features, such as its size, its multi-faceted and dynamic nature, the possibility for researchers to exploit their own domain knowledge, and an extensive coverage by business analysts. In addition, the above-average availability of good-quality data has historically been an additional selling point to empirical researchers. The paper considers to what extent the latter still holds, and explores a number of additional opportunities and challenges that emerge from the ongoing big data revolution. This is done from five perspectives: retail managers, retailing researchers, public-policy makers, investors, and retailing educators. 相似文献