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杨阳 《企业导报》2013,(4):194-195
教育评价所涉及的范围很广泛,高职院校技能型人才评价即是教育评价的一项重要内容。现行的高职院校人才评价体系往往是以学科知识为中心,以掌握知识的多少为标准,以卷面考试为主要手段,以考试成绩为指针的应试教育评价体系。新的职业教育评价体系应以知识、技能和素质为核心构建。就业导向的评价就是通过对培养效果和工作业绩的分析与评估,来衡量各类技能人才培养机构的办学水平;发挥企业用人需求和劳动者就业需要对职业教育培训的主导作用,引导其按照劳动力市场的需求,来确定自身发展方向,加强自身能力建设。  相似文献   

我国技术工人短缺的现状不断加重,在一定程度上不利于我国经济的整体发展.文章在阐述企业技术工人短缺的现状和企业对技能人才的激励存在的问题的基础上,提出了企业改进技能人才激励的具体措施.  相似文献   

步入新时代,党和国家对技术技能人才工作愈发重视。这项工作关系我国实体经济发展,更关系中华民族的伟大复兴。由此可见,探索构建适合我国国情的技术技能人才成长路径至关重要。为破解这一难题,本文在分析我国技术技能人才在成长历程中遭遇困境和现状的基础上,剖析其中的缘由,借鉴国外技术技能人才培养的经验,提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

技能人才是企业安全生产运行的中流砥柱。随着生产方式变革、设备更新和技术进步,生产型企业对岗位技能人才素质提出了新标准、新要求,技能人才队伍建设面临着新的机遇和挑战。在此背景下,只有构建与企业改革相适应的技能人才开发体系,才能打造与企业改革相匹配的技能人才队伍。本文以某国有特大型企业为例,深入探讨了推进技术先导型企业建设过程中,针对技能人才开发管理所采取的策略。通过强化顶层设计、精准施策、优化布局、健全配套措施等手段,企业技能人才队伍建设逐步加强,有力支撑了技术先导型企业建设。  相似文献   

随着国际资本的大量涌入,我国将成为世界制造中心,高级技能型人才将是人才需求中的重点之一。有关资料表明,在我国数千万技术工人中,高级工只占3.5%,而技师和高级技师更是稀缺,与发达国家高级工占近40%的水平相差甚远。国内许多城市面临着高级技能人才严重短缺的警告,面对高级技能人才悄然出现的断层现象,社会各界正积极探讨和采取措施以缓解高级技能人才日益突出的供求矛盾。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济,建设生态文明,需要大量的技能人才.据此,必须用科学发展观引领技术蓝领的培养进程;将节能环保理念纳入教育体系,培养学生低碳发展能力;用新型择业观指导学生打破传统束缚,立足自身优势,合理定位价值取向.  相似文献   

技能人才是我国人才队伍的重要组成部分,是支撑中国制造和中国创造的中坚力量,也是确保我国经济社会高质量发展的重要人才支撑。本文分析了新时期我国技能人才队伍的发展现状及存在的问题,提出了提升我国技能人才职业能力的对策,旨在为我国从制造大国迈向制造强国提供人才支持。  相似文献   

今后?不!现在已经有人将年轻的求职划分为两大阵营:“上过大学的”和“没有上过大学的”。现实的职业社会中,随着科技日益发展和进步,仅仅受过高中教育或一般的高职教育的年轻人,将很难竞争到优越的工作岗位。上大学可能仍是一个明智的选择,但不一定是最佳的职业准备途径。  相似文献   

技能人才是立国之本、兴业之基。实现制造强国战略、人才强国战略等战略任务,离开技能人才队伍建设将成为无源之水、无木之本。技能人才是支撑中国制造、中国创造的重要力量,特别是高技能人才,是工人阶级队伍中的优秀代表,是我国人才队伍的重要组成部分。人才聚则事业兴,加强技能人才队伍建设是实现社会主义现代化建设的重要举措,需要遵循党管人才、服务发展和分类施策原则。  相似文献   

Human resource management literature pays little attention to the agency of skilled ethnic minorities in Europe in terms of explaining their career choices and outcomes. As a step towards addressing this gap, we draw on two field studies based on qualitative interviews. One of these studies draws on interviews with 49 participants in France, and the other is based on interviews with 30 participants in Germany. Through a Bourdieuan analysis, we contribute to the human resource management literature, and demonstrate the varied forms that the agency of highly skilled ethnic minorities takes, in terms of their work experiences, in the context of structures of inequality in both countries.  相似文献   

We use an input–output model to examine the effect of trade integration on productivity growth and the demand for skilled workers in Canada for the period 1981–1997. We find that trade integration has a positive effect on both labour productivity and total factor productivity. Labour productivity and total factor productivity grew faster in export and import industries than in the total business sector over this period, and this productivity growth gap has widened over time. Canada is found to have a comparative advantage in capital- and natural-resource-intensive industries, although it has declined over time. We find that trade integration has little effect on the demand for skilled and unskilled workers in Canada.  相似文献   

<正>分业态、精细化、差异化管理,是企业做强做大的核心竞争力。品牌住宅物业联盟发展历程近年来,随着物业管理行业的发展,物业服务的业态越来越丰富,业主的个性化需求越来越多,窄众精准的市场定位越来越细分化,进而要求物业服务企业在专业化、标准化、个性化服务方面水平越来越高。为此,2014年,由本刊牵头,业内部分品牌物业服务企业联合创始  相似文献   

This article considers how two new strategies for improving pay and skills development have been used in the UK National Health Service (NHS) to develop labour capacity and capability by stimulating the development of relatively coherent internal labour markets for workers at the lower end of the occupational hierarchy. Drawing on data from 13 NHS trusts, we scrutinise the implications of the new national pay system, Agenda for Change, for healthcare assistants and cleaners and find substantial one‐off improvements in pay for these groups as a direct result of the new national pay framework. However, the detailed case‐study data reveal there is considerable uncertainty regarding the extent, depth and durability of pay improvements. In particular, opportunities for pay progression in reward for acquisition of new skills and qualifications were more variable as a result of the stronger role of management choice and strategy at the organisational level in implementing the new national strategy for skills development, the Skills Escalator. Moreover, management strategy shaped the demand for, and distribution of, intermediate‐level skills (through new job design, for example), which was critical to the effectiveness of trusts in pulling lower grade employees up through an internal career trajectory.  相似文献   

Here the trajectory of manual work in the British coal mining industry since the late nineteenth century is examined in relation to five sociological models of development of modern skilled work. Each of the models is examined in the four main phases of the labour process in coal mining.  相似文献   

分析了上海物流业的发展现状,介绍了推进发展物流业的工作情况,指出了目前发展物流业存在的一些问题及解决的几点建议。  相似文献   

谭忠  杨会军  何松柏 《物流技术》2009,28(12):263-264
在分析实施军用集装箱运输必要性的基础上,从管理体制机制、装备设备配套建设以及提高认识水平等方面,就如何推进我军集装箱运输提出了几点设想.  相似文献   

The participation of social inclusion workers in project management is to a large extent aimed at setting up businesses and mainly entails working with businessmen and women and entrepreneurs. Policies formulated to this end involve four lines of action: improving infrastructure; managing local businesses; supporting and managing the creation of micro-businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises; and carrying out socio-economic studies which aid the economic and social development of a particular local community. This study includes an analysis of the characteristics of the service provided by local development workers with regard to the development areas concerned, the nature of the work carried out and the groups involved, the characteristics of the service offered to entrepreneurs and groups of entrepreneurs and the characteristics of the projects managed. Field work was carried out during the 2004 which entailed the use of a questionnaire intended for all local development workers included in our own directory.  相似文献   

Firms' investments in general training and the skilled labour market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anette Boom   《Labour economics》2005,12(6):781-805
An adverse selection model is analysed, where firms can train or hire a skilled worker. In equilibrium, the market wage is determined by supply and demand. The quality of the supplied skilled labour is negatively biased, because workers stem from firms that shut down and from firms that observed their trainee's bad quality during the training. If fewer firms were to shut down, then the supplied average quality deteriorates and the incentive to train increases. The incentive is inefficient, because firms must share the informational rent and they free-ride. Ex ante workers may wish to increase the firms' bargaining power.  相似文献   

智慧地进行城镇建设积极促进我国城镇可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今天我就"智慧地进行城镇建设,积极促进我国城镇可持续发展"这个主题做一个简单的演讲.主要讨论四个方面:第一,我国城市信息化建设计基本情况;笫二,城市化建设所面临 的新形协;第三,如何用智慧城市来推进城市化的建设;第四,最近几年我国智慧城市建设的一些思考.  相似文献   

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