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近年来,随着国家固定资产投资规模的扩大,各级审计机关加大了政府投资项目审计力度,发挥了节约政府资金、遏制建设领域腐败、促进项目管理、保证投资效果等作用,取得了良好的社会效果,但在开展此项工作的同时也暴露出一些不够规范的问题,隐藏着极大的风险,制约了投资审计的健康发展。进一步加强和完善政府投资审计工作,对促进依法行政、依法审计具  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建省在投资体制改革方面取得了显著成效,但由于投资体制改革涉及面较广,使得现行的投资体制还存在不少问题。本文针对投资体制中政府投资行为方面存在的主要问题,提出规范政府投资行为,深化福建省投资体制改革的几点对策。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建省在投资体制改革方面取得了显著成效,但由于投资体制改革涉及面较广,使得现行的投资体制还存在不少问题.本文针对投资体制中政府投资行为方面存在的主要问题,提出规范政府投资行为,深化福建省投资体制改革的几点对策.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建省在投资体制改革方面取得了显著成效,但由于投资体制改革涉及面较广,使得现行的投资体制还存在不少问题。本文针对投资体制中政府投资行为方面存在的主要问题,提出规范政府投资行为,深化福建省投资体制改革的几点对策。  相似文献   

为规范政府投资项目管理,健全完善决策科学、投向合理、运作规范、分级管理、监管严格的政府投资管理体制,保证工程质量,提高投资效益,坚持规范管理与促进发展并重,根据国家和省有关法律、法规及相关规定,结合如皋市实际情况,  相似文献   

从项目建设过程政府投资控制的影响因素进行分析,并结合了现行投资控制政策文件,从项目立项审批、明确法人主体、建立责任追究制度、履行招投标制严格竣工决算审核等环节,具体阐述了项目全过程投资控制的要点及对策。  相似文献   

<正> 一、政府投资向信用制的转换政府投资是中央和地方各级政府依托各级财政,按照国家确定的投资方向和投资政策,组织供应的建设资金。政府投资方式,经历了一个曲折发展的过程。随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断完善,实现了政府投资向信用制的转换。  相似文献   

随着中央扩大投资拉大内需的政策进一步深入,我国每年有上千亿资金用于道路、桥梁等基础设施建设和民生工程的改善,由于投资规模的急剧加大,项目工程的建设周期长,技术含量高,市场变化快,投入中间环节的减少,给管理和施工带来了许多不确定因素,也给监督部门行使监督职能带来了新的课题。因此采取行之有效的措施加强政府投资项目的管理和监督,  相似文献   

当前,在中介机构聘请人员参与国家审计过程中,存在不能及时适应国家审计理念、未能严格按照审计实施方案实施、聘请人员专业水准参差不齐等问题。本文通过讨论以上问题,提出加强聘请人员规范管理的对策,以进一步提高政府投资项目审计质量。  相似文献   

加强对政府投资的绩效审计,提高政府资金的使用效率成为当今审计的重点。积极探索并开展投资领域的绩效审计,努力提高政府投资效益,为国民经济健康、持续快速地发展服务,是我们面对新形势、新要求的必然选择。  相似文献   

FTP服务器的分级管理在机房中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵晶 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):16-17
现代网络教学是以学生为中心的教学结构、互动式的学习环境、图文声像并茂的多媒体课件应用,这使得教育变得更加直观、生动,更有助于发挥学生的主动性和积极性。所有高校为了满足教学需要,各院系都有自己的计算机机房,随着计算机课程的不断开设,计算机数量的不断增多,机房规模的不断扩大给机房的维护带来了很大的不便。而学生在学习应用的过程中有很多的信息需要存储,但是在机房里又不能给我们提供这样的条件。我们在实际的教学实践中怎样来解决这些矛盾呢?这就是我们在这里所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess how management level as a contextual factor interacts with personal characteristics in predicting expatriate performance. In particular, we focused on proactive personality (the individual’s disposition to change the organizational environment) and self-control (the individual’s disposition to change oneself to fit the organizational environment). Surveying 307 business expatriate managers in China, we hypothesized that in relation to work outcomes, the effect of proactive personality would be stronger for CEOs while the effect of self-control would be stronger for non-CEOs. We found both proactive personality and self-control to have favorable effects on our performance indicators: job performance, effectiveness, and time to proficiency. In line with our prediction, we also found the effect of proactive personality on job performance to be stronger for CEO expatriates while the effect of self-control on performance was stronger for non-CEO expatriate managers.  相似文献   

合理预算规划加强审计监督 2005年中央和地方预算草案贯彻了党中央的方针政策,体现了科学发展观和稳健财政政策的要求,调整支出结构,加大了重点领域和薄弱环节的投入,增加了对地方的补助支出.  相似文献   

This work extends knowledge concerning the relationships among open innovation, innovative performance and government support for innovation within Brazilian firms. Data were obtained from two different firm samples (Sample A, on incremental innovation, and Sample B, on radical innovation). The main research results are as follows. First, in considering government support for innovation, Sample B, based on radical innovation, played a superior and stronger role than Sample A. Secondly, for both samples, the cooperation of external firms has a positive effect on firms’ innovative performance, which was positively controlled by the size of the firms. Thirdly, in general, radical innovation requires synergy and a more intense focus regarding the constructs considered therein. This work also adds value in methodological terms, as this is the first research to have tested different models of samples with different levels of radicalism in innovation.  相似文献   

The government has changed its view of how to gauge the size of the budget deficit. Nick Parsons and David Coleman, of Union Discount, argue that this change is an ill-omen for the control of public spending.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the optimal choices of the federal income tax, federal transfers, and local taxes in a dynamic model of capital accumulation and with explicit game structures among multiple private agents, multiple local governments, and the federal government. In general, the optimal local property tax is zero if the local property tax is constrained to be nonnegative, whereas the optimal local consumption tax is always positive. When the local consumption tax is chosen optimally, the federal income tax can be either positive or negative. For most reasonable parameter values, our numerical calculations have shown that with a positive local consumption tax there exists a reverse transfer from local governments to the federal government.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a capacity sharing model in a supply chain to reveal the factors affecting equilibrium outcomes. The results show that improving the technical level lowers capacity charge and increases seller profits in any case. Product differentiation has uncertain impacts on equilibrium outcomes, which depend on government regulations and oligopolistic competition models. The improvement of supplier's fixed component of marginal costs improves capacity sharing charge and reduces profits and consumer surplus. The government regulations and oligopolistic competition model directly affect equilibrium outcomes and welfare distribution. Government capacity control helps improve social welfare, but the effect of government subsidies is uncertain.  相似文献   

From the literature on nonparametric rank tests, limiting distributions of Wilcoxon's test tor symmetry and ot Friedman's test for treatment effect are known for observations that are classified in blocks. It is assumed that there is no interaction between blocks and treatments. In the case of fixed blocks this assumption is quite reasonable, in the case of random blocks it is not, as the presence of a random interaction does not make testing for treatment effect superfluous. For classified, categorical data in random blocks the limiting distribution will be derived in this paper of Wilcoxon's rank test in a model which includes a random interaction between blocks and treatments.
An illustration is given by some data from a judgement comparison experiment for the image quality of Video Long Play discs.  相似文献   

企业家对于国家经济社会发展的推动作用,已经是不争的事实。 计划经济时期,那些辛苦工作在工厂的领导们,如果用现代企业家的标准去衡量他们,大致也就是个”车间主任”而已。中国当代的企业家队伍,是与中国的市场经济相伴而生的。随着市场经济体制的建立和企业改革的深入,企业家越来越被重视,企业家的作用越来越得以彰显。这无疑是中国的一大进步。  相似文献   

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