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A bstract . This investigation has shown that in developing countries an inconsistency arises between the need for more equitable distribution of income and wealth between classes and groups and the goals of an industrial relations system in which the trade unions are committed to 'political unionism.' While the unions helped to achieve independence and thus economic growth , in Jamaica the country moved into independence with a legacy of hardship and conflict, and of bad labor-management relations. Legitimate union demands were suppressed, producing a situation in which latent conflict became manifest. This became a permanent feature; the unions are encouraged to become militant political organizations which in Trinidad were alienated from the formal political structure. The type of unions and industrial relations systems that emerged after independence proved unsuitable and undesirable for achieving sustained rapid rates of economic growth, making reform of the labor relations system and the electoral process mandatory.  相似文献   

Abstract . What were the circumstances under which political unionism has emerged in economies of British colonial origin, such as Jamaica and Trinidad? The hypothesis tested is that the political activities of trade unions in such economies played a role in the process of economic development, helping to achieve political independence and then economic growth. But at that stage political unionism is found to be incompatible with needed acceleration of growth rates. A significant deterioration in economic and social conditions produced a crisis and the unions traded support for the parties for some control over economic and social policy. This gave the political leaders the power they needed to negotiate for independence but, in Jamaica, it changed the focus and character of the labor movement.  相似文献   

abstract This paper examines how interactions between government agencies and banking organizations led to the emergence of commercial banking in the Czech Republic and Hungary during the 1990s. We rely on interviews with bank managers at six large banks, government officers, and experts at other organizations to learn how actions based on different political ideologies shaped the banking field. We integrate prior research on institutional change, political interest, and transition economies to describe the emergence of commercial banking. Three important problems characterized commercial banking in the two countries: the disposal of bad loans, the privatization of banks, and the establishment of banking services. We argue that the solutions to these problems based on the changing political interests of organizational actors and regulators represent the phases of institutional development in commercial banking during the 1990s. Implications of our research are discussed regarding the political perspective of organizational fields in transition economies.  相似文献   

The face of unionism in the United States is becoming increasingly public sector. On the surface, public sector unionism appears as a bright spot for labor. A more careful examination of the data, however, reveals that such unionism is at a standstill. Absolute growth has been insufficient to offset losses in private industry, and it is largely tied to increases in public employment. Public employee unions face numerous serious challenges, and questions have been raised in the federal service about the very legitimacy of union representation. Future scenarios suggest that public sector unionism as a whole will likely remain in a more or less stagnant position.  相似文献   

本文对欧洲经济转型国家的反通胀进程进行了深入的考察和比较,在分析转型经济体利用货币政策、财政政策、微观改革以及行政管制措施抑制通胀的政策实践基础上,总结出若干反通胀政策的经验启示,并结合我国的现实国情,就如何更好地控制通胀提出了几点政策建议。  相似文献   

Although transition economies experience significant institutional transformations that vary in their degree and pace, scholarly knowledge of what distinguishes more successful foreign subsidiaries from less successful ones in such environments is limited and inconsistent. We enhance the understanding of this subject by examining how variations in the institutional development of transition economies influence the usefulness of a subsidiary's intangible assets and capabilities and, in turn, their effectiveness in enhancing its growth. Prior research assumes that foreign subsidiaries that operate in any given environment are always better off when they possess strong intangible assets and capabilities. Our analysis of more than 33,000 observations in 14 transition economies challenges this view and enables us to explain why some subsidiaries grow more quickly in less‐developed institutional environments, whereas others more quickly in countries with institutions that are more developed. More specifically, we show that although a subsidiary's intangible assets enhance its growth in transition economies with stronger institutions, these effects are particularly weak or insignificant in transition countries with less developed institutional environments. Conversely, a completely different pattern emerges for subsidiary capabilities, with their marginal effects on subsidiary growth being significantly higher in countries that are institutionally less developed than in transition countries with more developed institutions.  相似文献   

New data from sex surveys confirm that demand for commercial sex is based on permanent disparities between male and female desire, and is therefore ineradicable. Demand and supply are growing, facilitated by economic growth, the Internet, globalisation and changing sexual attitudes. A key objection to the sex industry is that pornography, lap dancing and prostitution promote rape and other kinds of violence against women. However, the evidence contradicts this contention. The commercial sex industry is impervious to prohibitions and cannot be eliminated. Laws which constrain sellers of sexual services or criminalise purchasers are not evidence‐based, and are bound to fail, wasting public resources.  相似文献   

文章提出了经济转型期交通运输企业在财务管理中存在的诸多问题,比如财务管理目标定位没有突出核心价值等,并有针对性地提出了对策,希望能够为经济转型期的交通运输企业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

I integrate the notion of intrinsic motivation, applied to economics most notably by Frey (1997 ), into the logic of individual contributions toward collective goods as analyzed since Olson ([1965] 1971 ). This illuminates the many and various ways through which the intrinsic motivation to contribute toward such goods can be crowded out by the application of selective incentives. I suggest that the crowding‐out effect increases the cost to society of organizing the provision of collective goods and argue in favor of designing selective incentives that mitigate this effect.  相似文献   

Discrimination in the labor market has historically been associated with gender, race, ethnicity, and age. This article introduces another basis of discrimination—international experience—which may exist in developing countries because of a colonial mindset. The research is an exploratory study, based on an analysis of in‐depth semistructured interviews with 8 HR managers, 19 employees with international experience, and 24 employees without international experience (N = 51) working in the oil and gas and telecom sectors of Pakistan. Results indicate some initial evidence of a bias, and hence discrimination during recruitment for entry‐level positions. Findings also indicate that international experience may contribute to enhanced employment opportunities, career progress, and higher compensation at senior‐level leadership positions, leaving those without such experience at a disadvantage. While in some cases international experience may be a genuine occupational requirement (GOR), further research is needed to identify whether this is in fact a GOR for senior level positions in all types of organizations or indirect discrimination under the guise of GOR. Recommendations for HR managers and organizational leaders are also set out, which can be applied in practice to foster equality of opportunity in the workplace. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是企业发展的保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业思想政治工作关系到企业改革进程和发展大局,关系到企业效益的提高,关系到国民经济基础的稳固,同时也是企业党的建设的一个重要课题.文章积极探索新形势下企业思想政治工作的新途径、新理念、新方法,力推企业思想政治工作的人格化、人性化、有形化,使之成为促进企业健康、稳定、快速发爰的动力之源和重要保障.  相似文献   

本文在介绍了EVA相关理论的基础上,分别从理论分析和公式推导两方面来共同论证这一观点。得出EVA在企业财务管理目标中的地位和作用,就是它可以把财务管理目标重新归结为:EVA最大化。因为在这一层面上,各利益相关方达成了共识,降低了代理成本、减少了“外部性”损失,从而比较圆满地完成了财务管理目标所应具有的协调、统一功能,也使目标发挥出了明确的方向引导作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国东部沿海地区由于具有临海的区位优势,把握住了全球化时代所带来的机遇,走出了各具特色的区域经济国际化道路,其中苏州和温州的国际化模式独具特色.苏州模式和温州模式时研究我国其他地区在经济全球化中如何走国际化道路的问题,具有重大参考价值和分析价值.文章从内向、外向国际化的角度对苏州国际化、温州国际化模式进行比较分析,探讨不同国际化路径的差异,并为区域经济发展提供依据.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the preferences of manufacturers in deciding whether to locate in metropolitan or nonmetropolitan (rural) areas. Using 1997 state-level data and OLS regression estimation, it was determined that nondurable goods manufacturers prefer rural areas, while durable goods manufacturers are indifferent as to area. However, both sets of manufacturers prefer to locate in larger states. Wage rates are not significant in the regressions, while durable manufacturers appear sensitive to state taxes. Some policy conclusions for local economic developers are derived from these findings.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国东部沿海地区由于具有临海的区位优势,把握住了全球化时代所带来的机遇,走出了各具特色的区域经济国际化道路,其中苏州和温州的国际化模式独具特色。苏州模式和温州模式对研究我国其他地区在经济全球化中如何走国际化道路的问题,具有重大参考价值和分析价值。文章从内向、外向国际化的角度对苏州国际化、温州国际化模式进行比较分析,探讨不同国际化路径的差异,并为区域经济发展提供依据。  相似文献   

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