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本土革命 在一个拥挤的中国办公楼等待缓慢升降的电梯时,江南春突然有了一个关于广告的创意。所有在电梯间等候的人们,这些中国新中产阶层的成员,形成了暂时可以被抓住而又没有东西可看的受众。今天,刚刚过去了5年,江南春创立的分众传媒已经成为全中国范围的媒体巨头。其收入接近中国传统媒体巨头中央电视台广告总收入的20%。摩根士丹利报告说,分众传媒占有该领域95%的市场份额,每年收入增长170%,由于广告客户珍视其服务,分众在2007年将价格提高了40%。这一业绩带来了公司股价的上涨,2008年初的市值已经超过50亿美元。  相似文献   

在新兴市场,越来越多的跨国巨头铩羽而归。Yahoo和eBay在中国市场上却步。许多西方汽车制造商在印度试图建立业务,却步履艰难。NEC和松下退出了中国的手机市场。日本零售商八佰伴放弃了其在中国的运营。  相似文献   

封韵 《价值工程》2011,30(18):6-7
在全球金融危机蔓延的当下,以星巴克为代表的餐饮业跨国巨头纷纷选择转战二线城市。我国二线城市潜在的强大购买力是吸引外商的最重要的砝码,但是高速的近乎疯狂的扩张以及二线城市本身固有的中国式的特点,都给跨国公司的成功经营带来了巨大的挑战和威胁。笔者将以星巴克扩张为例,由浅入深,循序渐进,进行扩张过程中的利弊得失分析,并提出行之有效的可行性建设意见。  相似文献   

吴琼 《中国企业家》2009,(6):125-126
一飞冲天的“本土杀手”突然急转直下! 作为《中国企业家》和BCG的重磅关注对象,这些新兴市场挑战者正经历大起大落。去年,我们关注的主题还是“狙击跨国巨头的本土杀手”,今年,他们正遭遇第一次全球危机大考。  相似文献   

2009年,“本土杀手”正面临来自多方的压力,如更大的成本波动、政府首要措施的变化以及国际品牌认知与世界级研发能力的挑战,但是这些压力并没有阻止挑战者实现它们的增长雄心。从整体上说,它们通过适应和增强自身业务来应对这些压力。  相似文献   

是什么使得本土巨擘企业与众不同?他们做了什么获得了优势?我们找出了区别这些公司与不太成功公司的六大成功因素。我们研究的许多公司都同时持续执行了这六点中的几点,从而适应并保持业务模式在快速发展经济体环境中生存。这六大因素是:  相似文献   

对异质文化的敏感程度,以及对其细微差异的捕捉能力,决定了一次跨国并购的成败。  相似文献   

《中国企业家》专访了报告作者之一、波士顿咨询公司大中华区主席麦维德,在他看来:中国本土巨擘的CEO善用组合拳,而他们面临的最大挑战是快速成长带来的管理压力,以及如何为下一个5年做好准备。Q《中国企业家》:关于中国本土杀手的竞争力,已经有不少解读,波士顿这次有何独特的发现? A麦维德:主要有三个发现:首先,在中国成长迅速的很多创新公司,打败了外国的竞争者。他们不是国有企业,公司成立的历史也不是很长,这样的公司不仅  相似文献   

爱斌 《中国新时代》2008,(7):107-107
《与龙共舞》是集“创业者、企业家、改革者、中国问题权威专家”等多项桂冠于一身的亚新科工业技术有限公司董事长兼首席执行官司杰克的人生浓缩精华,同时也是他在中国15年的打拼奋斗史。此前.该书已于今年3月18日在海外上市,并荣居全球最大的网上书店——亚马逊书店商业类畅销书行列。  相似文献   

本土革命在一个拥挤的中国办公楼等待缓慢升降的电梯时,江南春突然有了一个关于广告的创意。所有在电梯间等候的人们,这些中国新中产阶层的成员,形成了暂时可以被抓住而又没有东西可看的受众。今天,刚刚过去了5年,江南春创立的分众传媒已经成为全中国范围的媒体巨头。其收入接近中国传统媒体巨头中央电视台广告总收入的20%。摩根士丹利报告说,分众传媒占有该领域95%的市场份额,每年收入增长170%,由于广告客户珍视  相似文献   

7月18日(美国旧金山时间7月17日),全球最大的芯片制造商Intel(英特尔)公司公布了其今年第二季度的财务报告显示,其季度赢利下跌了76个百分点.而此前的4月18日,英特尔公布的其第一季度的业绩报告也显示英特尔第一季度的净利润比去年同期巨幅缩水了82%,每股收益仅为16美分(除去用于收购的相关费用).再加上Intel已经开始裁员!数据表明,曾被分析家普遍看好其前景的Intel,最近的业绩已经下降到10年来的最低点.Intel到底怎么了,到底是谁击败了Intel?……  相似文献   

张宏伟 《物流科技》2014,(12):52-53
跨国公司实施物流外包已成为其主要物流运作模式。文章从跨国公司使用物流外包的状况、跨国公司物流外包决策的影响因素、跨国公司对物流服务商的选择以及物流外包对跨国公司绩效的影响等四方面对相关文献进行梳理、归纳和总结。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化情况的加深,企业的经济行为已不可避免地带有了全球化的性质,在全球化并购热潮中,发达国家的跨国企业占据了优势,在并购资金,技术,经验,管理等方面都优越于发展中国家,他们通过在全球进行的扩张满足自身身的需求。  相似文献   

There is widely held assumption that knowledge is one of the most important drivers of firm’s performance. Multinational companies (MNCs) have the potential advantage of acquiring and utilizing knowledge across borders. But for this potential advantage to become real, the knowledge generated in any of their units around the world should be transferred to their other units. This paper adopts an innovative approach for the study of intra-MNC knowledge transfer by focusing on the role of repatriates as transferors of knowledge from foreign subsidiaries to the headquearters, which is an under-researched topic. In particular, the paper studies the impact of repatriates’ abilities and motivation to share knowledge (disseminative capacity) on the transfer of knowledge from subsidiaries to headquarters (reverse knowledge transfer). In addition, the paper examines the determinants of repatriates’ disseminative capacity. After reviewing the relevant literature and proposing the hypotheses, this paper presents an empirical research with a sample of Spanish MNCs. The findings provide evidence that repatriates’ disseminative capacity is positively associated with reverse knowledge transfer. The paper also identifies some drivers of this: the knowledge the repatriates acquired during the expatriation and the firm’s international assignments policy.  相似文献   

The challenge of the management of expatriates and repatriates has never been more timely nor urgent: globalization has forced expatriation into the corporate agenda, confronting us with an array of questions on HRM strategy and practice. We propose that a wide range of current thinking and practice may be conveniently grouped into a taxonomy of five organizational options, each advancing a different set of expatriation relationships: Global, Emissary, Peripheral, Professional, and Expedient. A framework outlining the main configurations of these options generates a generic model for expatriation at the organizational level. This forms the principal part of the article, followed by a comprehensive discussion and implications for practice. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although multinational corporations (MNCs) invest considerable resources in sending managers on foreign assignments, too many managers report dissatisfaction with their postrepatriation careers, and a significant percentage leave the firm within a year. This failure to harness learning and develop a cadre of globally trained managers raises questions about the current objectives and strategies that drive the investment in expatriation. A study of managers who had recently completed their expatriate assignment points to underorganized home office operations, poorly defined mentor roles, and large gaps between managers' expectations and reality as key contributors to the problem. This paper calls for a strategic orientation toward managing the expatriate function and proposes a comprehensive configuration of processes, systems, and structures necessary for implementing new strategies for developing the next generation of globally trained managers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

跨国公司在华物流运作模式以物流外包为主。文章着重从跨国公司在华物流外包的业务范围、物流服务商的类型和选择方式以及物流外包对其企业绩效的影响等方面进行分析,为"走出去"的我国跨国企业提供物流外包方面的建议。  相似文献   

There has been considerable research over the past few decades on the process through which headquarters of multinationals from developed economies exercise control over their network of subsidiaries in foreign countries. However, little research has been conducted on multinationals from emerging economies operating in developed countries. In this article, we examine the motives for, and mechanisms by which, headquarters of Taiwanese multinationals exercise control over their subsidiaries in the UK. The article draws on data collected through 66 interviews with top managers and human resource managers from four UK based subsidiaries of Taiwanese multinationals. The study reveals that Taiwanese multinationals use both output control and behaviour control to manage their subsidiaries in the UK.  相似文献   

Dr Ray Robinson, of the University of Sussex, considers that the education voucher may be useful in, improving aspects of efficiency in the supply of education, but holds the proposals for its introduction to be untimely: the voucher has been presented as a measure to penalise bad teachers rather than as a stimulus to the good.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of the relationship between corporate intangible assets and the multinational network structure of the firm. Specifically, the question addressed in this paper is whether the nature of corporate intangible assets determines the mode of geographic expansion of the MNC. The interactive effects between the level and type of corporate intangibles and the foreign expansion path of MNCs are also examined. Based on the analysis of 362 MNCs, representing 88 three-digit SIC industries, the results of this study show that R&D-intensive MNCs maintain substantially more geographically diversified and less geographically focused operating networks than advertising-intensive MNCs. Furthermore, R&D-intensive MNCs' foreign investments create more value through geographic diversification, while non-R&D-intensive MNCs benefit the most by increasing the geographic focus of their foreign investment activities. We also document that MNCs without significant levels of technology know-how and marketing based intangible assets can benefit the most from geographic-focused rather than geographic-diversified foreign business operations.  相似文献   

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