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This paper examines the extent to which business model development is an effective method of surmounting market failure in the insurance industry. In particular, it endeavours to demonstrate that replacing the traditional relationship between the insured and the insurer with a bilateral agreement opens up new markets, thus enabling hitherto non-insurable risks to be covered by new peer-to-peer business models. The insurance against risks caused by wild animals was chosen as the empirical field, since it is known to be an area which exhibits market failure. Based on 16 episodic interviews with representatives of the hunting community, demand structures and relevant contextual factors are revealed and analysed in terms of risk coverage and claims management among community members. This paper thus proposes an alternative position to that of the traditional insurance business, in which cover is based on a large and diversified risk group.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of digitalization is reaching into our everyday lives, and “self-tracking” practices gain new adherents. Yet “self-tracking”, the practice of systematically recording information about one’s health and lifestyle by digital means, is not only an opportunity for the self-tracker to enhance his self-knowledge, but also for insurers to detail and personalize their risk assessment. The following article deals with “self-tracking”-insurance contracts, i.?e. insurance contracts that adapt to the personal risk data of the insured person and offer discounts for risk-aware policyholders. In these contracts, self-tracking data will either be used as a basis for premium calculation or as an element to calculate the bonuses payable as profit participation on with-profit policies. The article focuses on the control of standard terms of “self-tracking”-insurance contracts, but also covers the legal prerequisites under which the insurance contract may be combined with a separate self-tracking-contract between the self-tracker and a third party.  相似文献   

The business interruption caused by a property claim is an existential risk both for large industrial companies and for small to medium enterprises (SME). It is especially relevant for companies working on a more complex sales and production infrastructure. Statistics show that in case of a large property claim the cost of the accompanying business interruption claim frequently exceeds the property claim. In Germany, however, the share of companies opting for business interruption insurance is much smaller than those opting for property insurance. This is especially true for SME that can hardly cover the risk themselves. The goal of this paper is to analyze the insurance decision for a business interruption policy with a special focus on SME. As a database we use the results of a representative survey among 1802 German SME with up to 100 employees. Our results show that the decision for a business interruption policy is not only dependent on hard factors such as company size and industry, but also driven by the so-called “insurance mentality”, which includes risk aversion, insurance know-how and price-sensitivity.  相似文献   

Natural disasters are increasing all over the world; whether by the ever-stressed climate change or by the ever-growing mega-agglomerations where people and investments can be expected to suffer more and more damage from these catastrophes.Owing to the statistics of Swiss Reinsurance for the decade 2006 to 2015, the extent of the worldwide damage caused by natural catastrophes is visible, and likewise the small insured proportion of less than one third. By contrasting with the global gross domestic product the insurance industry covers significantly 0.063% of global GDP. The greater part of 0.157% must be borne by the injured parties themselves, if the government does not enter into a “lender of the last resort”.The following section examines the limits to which the insurance industry is subject, how it can expand the cover through risk-selection and reinsurance, and which are the natural disasters that show limits in the insurance sector.Finally, the alternative is to introduce risk transfer, where the capital market acts as a risk bearer, and to joint ventures of countries forming a kind of mutual insurance association in order to obtain more cash resources for their budgets immediately after disasters, and then to provide the necessary emergency measures.  相似文献   

Insurers offering health-related services as accident insurance, health insurance coverage or nursing insurance for instance have a legitimate interest in reducing costs of ill insured. Information about health-conscious behavior and health risks provided by advertisement may contribute this impact. In an experimental study, we analyze the effect of credibility of advertisement and independent third-party trustmark on health risk perception and health behavior intentions. Results demonstrate significant influence of credibility of advertisement on health risk perception and higher credibility for advertisement with independent trustmark. Furthermore, higher health risk perception conducts to healthier behavior intentions.  相似文献   

Protagonists of the social health insurance (GKV) often consider competition law as being a disturbing factor for the realisation of the solidarity principle. As a consequence, there have taken place ideological struggles over the applicability of competition rules to health insur-ance funds for years. The paper deals with the four current main battle zones, i.?e., the general applicability of EC competition law to social health insurance funds, the relevance of Sect. 69 of the Social Security Code V (SGB V) as amended, the merger control of health insurance funds and the applicability of procurement law to contracts between health insurance funds and their health care providers. The focus is on the issue whether health insurance funds could be classified as undertakings within the meaning of competition law. The paper shows that the social health insurance and the private health insurance (PKV) converge more and more due to legal intrusions. It follows that exclusions from competition law are less and less legitimate. This is especially true for the offer of comprehensive health insurance including elective rates to voluntarily insured parties.  相似文献   

When a German employer establishes a defined benefit pension plan for his employees, it is common practice in Germany to purchase life insurance policies in order to finance the plan and transfer the risks from the plan to the insurer. A complete transfer of risk can only be obtained by purchasing a congruent insurance policy. The present paper develops a formal definition of congruence of an insurance policy to a pension plan. The definition is applied to a simple practical example. It becomes clear that it is almost impossible to obtain congruence of a traditional German life insurance product to an employer's defined benefit pension plan.  相似文献   

The German Insurance Contract Act of 1908 provided that the insured person would totally loose its claim on the insurance benefit in case of gross negligence. In order to give the insured person better protection the German Insurance Contract Act of 2008 rules that the insurance benefit is only reduced proportionally to the fault of the insured person. This article broaches the issue of how to calculate the amount of reduction. The main thesis is that light and gross negligence do not differ categorically from each other. Gross negligence is rather a gradual increase of negligence. Thus, the criteria that are relevant for the determination of gross negligence also decide over the weight of negligence relevant for the amount of reduction. In case the circumstances regarding a breach of warranty cannot be clarified, it is presumed that the insured person has acted with gross negligence. In this case, the gravity of the negligence has to be determined primarily by the objective weight of the breach of warranty.  相似文献   

This paper examines the wealth structure of German households from 1975 to 2014 with special reference to the asset class insurance and pension entitlements. Therefore we use a unique dataset of Deutsche Bundesbank and apply a Financial Almost Ideal Demand System (FAIDS). We find a nearly proportional reaction of the insurance share to changes in the total wealth level, but no significant impact of the insurance return to the asset class. Therefore we conclude that security and not return optimization is the main demand motive for the asset class insurance and pension entitlements. Finally, we find a positive relation between the share of the elderly in Germany and the insurance share in the portfolio.  相似文献   

In light of increasing flood damage, private flood mitigation gains more relevance. We investigate empirically whether the uptake of private flood mitigation measures in Germany is affected by (a) the perceived flood insurance coverage, and (b) public information campaigns focussing on flood hazards. We use a novel longitudinal dataset of more than 3200 households and employ a difference-in-differences estimation approach. The results show that households who state a change in their insurance status and report themselves as being insured mitigate more, not less. This contradicts the expectation of moral hazard and suggests that insurance and mitigation are rather seen as complements than substitutes. Moreover, the survey data suggest that many households falsely expect being flood-insured. Public information campaigns show no measurable effect on the flood mitigation behaviour of households, which poses questions about the effectiveness of large-scale information campaigns. In tendency, our results support the idea of compulsory flood insurance.  相似文献   

All over the world an increase in natural catastrophes and resulting damages can be observed for entire economies as well as for individual industrial enterprises. This trend leads to extraordinary expensive traditional natural catastrophe insurance or even a lack of insurance capacities. Due to the increased threat resulting from natural catastrophes and the inefficiencies of traditional insurance solutions, it will be analyzed in the following whether catastrophe bonds (cat bonds), as an alternative risk transfer instrument, should play a role in the risk management portfolio of industrial companies. It will be discussed whether catastrophe bonds are possible risk transfer instruments for industrial companies and whether certain basic prerequisites for a confirmation of the suitability are recognizable. In a further step, the design possibilities for cat bonds will be presented and the most suitable design alternatives for industrial companies as issuers of cat bonds will be elaborated. In addition, a critical comparison between the usage of traditional insurance solutions and cat bonds by industrial companies in order to protect themselves against natural catastrophes will be conducted. The result is a first orientation and a general guideline for dealing with catastrophe bonds as part of the operational risk management for industrial companies.  相似文献   

Insurance customers increasingly choose between conventional flat-rate car insurance tariffs and innovative usage-based car insurance tariffs such as a pay-per-mile tariff. Usage-based car insurance tariffs require traffic telematics. In this paper, we analyze the decision-making behavior of insurance customers concerning tariff choices as well as the psychological effects. In other service areas, it can be observed that customers often prefer a flat-rate tariff even if their billing rate would be lower on a pay-per-use tariff for a given amount of usage. In study?1, we show that the purchase intention of car insurance tariffs is influenced by psychological effects as well as the customer’s personal experience with the insurance provider and that it is higher for a flat-rate car insurance tariff compared to a pay-per-mile tariff. Customers who have had positive experiences with an insurance provider induce a higher purchase intention for car insurance than customers who have had no experience with an insurance provider. In study?2, we show that the probability of choosing a flat-rate car insurance tariff is higher with increasing monthly kilometers.  相似文献   

The article drafts a concept for applying the prohibition of indirect gender discrimination in the specific situation of insurance tariffs. In order to reveal indirect discrimination it has to be shown that each gender is affected differently by a differentiating factor to a significant extent. The basis is a statistical comparison between the total group and the disadvantaged subgroup (among potential insurance holders). Because of Art. 5 (1) of Council Directive 2004/113/EC a statistically verifiable risk difference cannot justify indirect discriminations by itself. The provision prohibits not only direct discrimination but also the use of differentiating factors highly correlated with one gender as the correlation leads to the inclusion of a higher gender-specific risk. Therefore only distinctions which are based on the individual insurance record can be justified as their aim is to influence future behaviour. In other cases it is necessary to separate the risk difference causally linked to the differentiating factor from the incorporated gender-specific risk difference.  相似文献   

For the insurance industry the moral hazard poses an incalculable risk. Changes in the behaviour of the insuree can lead to higher claims settlements and thus to higher premiums for the insured collective. Asymmetrically allocated information gives the insured individual the possibility to profit from the idea of common protection in a way that impairs insurer and the collective on the whole. Based on the homo oeconomicus model, economic concepts, first and foremost the agency theory of new institutional economics have made attempts to provide solutions for this management problem. However, behavioural economic experiments have demonstrated that the homo oeconomicus model does not fully succeed in describing the realities. As a result, the solutions proposed in these economic concepts have to be rated inadequate.The moral hazard is inherent in the conflicting realm of cooperation and defection, behaviour patterns that have evolved during the history of development of human behaviour. Ultimate behaviour analyses of these patterns do offer the opportunity to understand why humans behave in specific ways based on man's evolutionary origins and sources. Consequently, ultimate behaviour analyses could provide a solid foundation for the development of a framework giving insurers the possibility to exert influence on the insuree's behaviour and thus to assist in successfully impacting the moral hazard.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an empirical analysis regarding the corporate demand for insurance. As several studies before tested the theoretical arguments for the corporate motivation to purchase insurance, this article provides the fist empirical analysis focussing on the insurance demand of German corporations. The empirical evidence, found in the data of corporate clients of a German insurance company, supports the hypotheses regarding the relation between the demand for insurance and the size of the corporation, insolvency costs and real services of the insurer as well as the influence of the ownership structure of a stock corporation. Conflicting results were found regarding regulation.  相似文献   

The private annuity markets are traditionally small even though annuity products have many favorable properties from a theoretical point of view. In this paper, the discussed approaches to the so-called annuity puzzle are examined and evaluated. In particular, adverse selection has been repeatedly held responsible for the annuity puzzle. Thus, it is investigated if enhanced annuities can eliminate or reduce problems on the annuity markets caused by adverse selection. It is shown by a modeling approach that – depending on the superior knowledge of the insured – a first-best-solution can be implemented by offering enhanced annuities.  相似文献   

The recently introduced § 213 VVG is linked to an interesting history and regulates an issues that had been discussed in the insurance industry for some time. In its application § 213 VVG is more particular than regulations by the German data protection act, at least concerning the collection of health data. For the processing and usage of data the regulations of the German data protection act still apply. Time will show whether § 213 VVG will lead to a reconciliation of interests of the insured with those of the insurer. The aforementioned two-week-period for the data survey might be a contribution to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Life insurance companies are among the largest institutional investors. As part of their investment policy they are subject to special legal requirements. In particular the calculation of the solvency capital that has to be deposited for the market risk has changed under Solvency II. A widely spread thesis on this topic is that investments in equity have become unprofitable for life insurers due to solvency capital requirements – compared to previous periods of high equity ratios of temporally over 25%. Therefore insurers might have dropped their average stock quotas to below 5%.The intention of the present study is to analyze whether the capital requirements for the equity investments under Solvency II are a hurdle to achieve a reasonable profitability or – opposite to that – whether the equity investments are a suitable investment to provide an acceptable return on assets. For this purpose the solvency capital requirements of the equity investment under Solvency I considering the BaFin stress test are compared with the new solvency capital requirements under Solvency II including the symmetric adjustment factor (SA). Furthermore the diversification effects are taken into account; they are analyzed on the basis of the SFCR reports of the life insurance companies first published in 2017. As a result the risk capital requirements for equity investments under Solvency II have been reduced to more than 50% compared to prior solvency requirements and depending on the observed scenarios. Whilst Solvency I required an underlying risk capital of 31% at the end of 2017, Solvency II requires only 13.56% following the standard model and after aggregating the risk-mitigating effects in the group scenario. This effect results in a surplus of 7.2%, considering industry-standard capital costs for the underlying solvency capital and an average stock market return of 8% per annum. Consequently the equity investment is suitable to increase the profitability of the investments of German life insurance companies especially in the environment of low interest rates in the capital market for fixed income titles.  相似文献   

This paper is about the consequences of the transposition of the Solvency II Directive into the new German insurance supervisory law (VAG 2016) on the trustee for monitoring of the guarantee assets. The trustee of the guarantee assets is a national security mechanism to protect policyholders in case of insolvency of their insurance undertaking. The previous German Regulation of Investments (AnlV) is not valid any more for insurance undertakings falling under Solvency II since 01.01.2016. Instead of legal investments rules insurance undertakings are now obliged to have a (written) internal investment policy, which is also the basis for monitoring of guarantee assets by the trustee. Challenges arise because of the clash of the accounting view (German local GAAP) and the market valuation view of Solvency II. Our analysis contributes to a better understanding of the interplay between unchanged legal provisions and the new economic, risk based perspective of Solvency II.  相似文献   

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