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张宝华 《化工管理》2004,(11):51-51
天津石化热电厂担负着为天津石化生产装置和生活后勤系统供电、供汽的任务,在天津石化检维修系统重组后,该厂只有594名员工。随着天津石化第三次创业的来临,对企业的管理水平和人才队伍建设提出了更高的要求。发展中的企业需要高素质的人才,同时高素质的人才也需要发展中的企业这个可以施展才华的沃土。为圆满完成天津石化第三次创业的使命,热电厂的领导班子从树立科学的发展观和以人为本的理念出发,不断挖掘员工的潜能,在机制和栓心留人等方面为人才的脱颖而出创造条件,为可持续发展做好人才储备。  相似文献   

天津石化百万吨乙烯及配套项目建成近日,中国最大百万吨乙烯单套装置——天津石化100万吨/年乙烯装置一次开车成功,生产出合格产品,标志着中国石化天津百万吨乙烯及配套项目全面建成投产。  相似文献   

董波  柴润金 《中国石化》2007,(10):42-43
多年来,天津石化在积极扩大生产规模的同时,其主要装置能耗指标逐年下降,在中国石化同类装置中均名列前茅。尤其是在装置规模和产能不断增大的情况下,节水量实现了连续五年节约200万吨的奋斗目标。[编者按]  相似文献   

据悉,沙特基础工业公司(萨比克)周六表示,公司和中石化已签署一份协议,将参与开发天津石化联合体项目,并将研究在石化联合体中新增聚碳酸酯(PC)装置。天津联合体将是双方出资50:50的合资企业,双方将投资新建100万吨/年的乙烯衍生物装置,包括60万吨/年聚乙烯和40万吨/年乙二醇,乙烯原料将来自于天津石化的乙烯裂解装置。  相似文献   

天津石化以植物环氧豆油及杂醇为主要原料生产生物基聚醚多元醇项目,日前通过鉴定。今年1~6月,天津石化采用该技术已工业化生产聚醚产品200吨。  相似文献   

TPM活动就是通过全员参与,并以团队工作的方式,创建并维持优良的设备管理系统,提高设备的综合利用效率,增进安全性及高质量,从而全面提高生产系统的运作效率。天津石化是中石化系统首家引入TPM管理的企业。4年来,天津石化共成立TPM活动小组220余个,制作OPL教材21000余件,复原或改善现场不合理点81000余条。现场目视化整齐清晰,员工操作水平、装置可靠度明显提高。这就是TPM活动结合传统设备管理产生的1+1>2效应,使天津石化现场管理水平迈上一个新台阶。为提高市场竞争力,使天津石化成为具有自我保健体制的绿色和谐企业,天津石化人抱定成功的信念,他们要——  相似文献   

经济分析是企业生产经营优化的基础。经济分析方法较多,实际优化工作中需要针对优化对象和优化范围选择合适的方法。石化工业是典型的过程工业,文章结合石化企业特点论述了石化企业生产经营优化三种常用经济分析方法的具体应用。指出边际贡献分析法只适合石化行业下游装置的局部优化分析,投入产出分析法可用于任何类型装置的优化分析但不适合石化企业整体优化,线性规划法作为最优化分析方法,更适合于石化企业的整体优化分析。同时指出,无论采用那种经济分析方法,都要综合考虑原料资源、装置能力、市场环境等各种相关要素。  相似文献   

正眼前看缺少的是几十人,长远看是要破解有效盘活用工存量的难题。结构调整已成为当下石化企业的主要任务,但现有的人员结构已不能完全适应企业的发展需求。2015年初,天津石化启动"系统操作员培养工程",计划用三年时间培养一批高素质的生产装置驾驭者。通过一年的实践,这项工程已初见成效。减法变乘法"精兵之法"初见端倪2014年,天津石化炼油系统新  相似文献   

金陵石化合资企业经营良好本刊讯金陵石化加强对合资企业的管理,帮助合资企业拓展生产经营,收效显著。去年该公司12个合资企业有10个盈利,累计完成销售收入16.4861亿元,实现利润1.18亿元。2001年,金陵石化公司统一归口管理合资企业,制定了《金陵石化合资企业管理办法》,明确专人负责合资企业管理,协调合资企业与公司、工厂之间的关系,帮助合资企业解决生产经营、市场开发中遇到的困难和问题,定期交流信息,并在原料、专有技术等方面对合资企业进行全力支持。天津石化乙烯两聚产品产销两旺天津石化乙烯厂紧盯市…  相似文献   

1月18日,沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)在京宣布,其子公司——中沙天津石化有限公司为其新的320万吨石化一体化项目,签署了一份总额为182.6亿元(26.8亿美元)的融资协议,包括一份122.6亿的长期贷款协议以及金额为60亿元人民币的短期流动资金。该石化一体化项目位于中国天津,  相似文献   

为了完成生产经营任务,采油企业内某些单位客观上还存在一些短期行为。从最终影响来看,采取短期行为,可能使得采油成本在短期内趋于下降,但会导致后期成本急剧上升,不利于企业的可持续发展。因此,需要运用法律、行政、制度、政策等多种手段,建立成本管理控制长效机制,以克服各种短期行为的发生,从而实现采油企业成本的长期效能。  相似文献   

考虑煤炭价格的非线性特征,采用模式匹配的方法对煤炭价格进行了短期预测。并选取了秦皇岛港煤炭交易市场山西优混(Q5500)煤种价格进行实证研究。实证研究结果表明,模式匹配法能够较好地进行煤炭价格短期预测,可为煤炭生产、消费企业以及政府进行科学决策提供支撑。  相似文献   

聚四氢呋喃是一种性能优异的高分子材料,主要用于生产新型合成纤维氨纶,且在非纤领域中的应用潜力巨大。简要介绍了聚四氢呋喃的合成工艺、生产现状、应用领域方面的一些情况,对聚四氢呋喃近期的市场需求进行了分析,并对国内相关的生产企业提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

National food strategies, sponsored by the World Food Council, are intended to produce policy blueprints for improving food production in poor countries. International experience with agricultural development discloses wide agreement on national and local policy specifics which should have priority. However, the absence of research into the political attitudes and processes which foster consensus on goals and the reconciliation of competing desirable policies, eg short term v long term, equity v efficiency, may impede the desired policy reform.  相似文献   

人力资本是经济增长的重要源泉。本文运用主成分分析法测算出湖南省1988~2008年的人力资本存量。然后基于改进的柯布——道格拉斯生产函数,建立两个模型,利用Johansen协整分析、Granger因果分析方法、VEC模型和脉冲响应函数,比较分析了包含工业化程度和不包含工业化程度的条件下,湖南省人力资本对经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:湖南省人力资本与经济增长存在长期协整关系,但作用并不显著,而短期内人力资本对经济增长存在显著正效应;工业化程度影响了人力资本对经济增长的作用,并且推动了经济增长,但短期内工业化对经济增长的正效应并不显著。  相似文献   

创新是推动中小企业持续发展,获得竞争优势的重要力量。本文就是否影响创新投资的两个因素:政府补助和银行信贷,基于深市中小板的企业样本展开实证研究。研究结果表明:相比科技型中小企业,政府补助或信贷融资更有利于制造型中小企业进行创新投资。另一方面,政府补助对于这两类企业的创新投资都具有正向的驱动作用。但是,单纯信贷融资对于科技型中小企业创新投资的影响作用不显著,对于制造型中小企业的影响甚至是负向的。因此,仅仅依靠银行信贷来推动中小企业创新是不合理的,应该加大政府扶持力度,推动中小企业,特别是制造型中小企业进行创新投资。  相似文献   

Research summary : Prior work on the benefits of business sustainability often applies short‐term causal logic and data analysis. In this article, we argue that the social and the environmental practices (SEPs) associated with business sustainability not only contribute to short‐term outcomes, but also to organizational resilience, which we define as the firm's ability to sense and correct maladaptive tendencies and cope positively with unexpected situations. Because organizational resilience is a latent, path‐dependent construct, we assess it through the long‐term outcomes, including improved financial volatility, sales growth, and survival rates. We tested these hypotheses with data from 121 U.S.‐based matched‐pairs (242 individual firms) over a 15‐year period. We also tested, but did not find support for, the relationship between SEPs and short‐term financial performance. Managerial summary : Most managers look for short‐term financial benefits to justify socially responsible or sustainable practices. In this article, we argue that such practices also help firms become more resilient, which helps them avoid crises and bounce back from shocks. However, it is difficult to measure the avoidance of shocks, so we analyzed long‐term outcomes. We show that firms that adopt responsible social and environmental practices, relative to a carefully matched control group, have lower financial volatility, higher sales growth, and higher chances of survival over a 15‐year period; yet, we were unable to find any differences in short‐term profits. We hope this research provides good reasons for firms to practice sustainability beyond the pursuit of short‐term profits. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate how borrowers perceive the risk in the adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) versus fixed rate mortgage (FRM) choice. We develop a mortgage choice model where the coefficient on the long‐term bond risk premium is conditional on the borrower's perceived risk. We show that the perceived risk fluctuates over time according to the short‐term interest rate level and housing market conditions. We find that when the short‐term rate level is high (low), the borrowers perceive low (high) risk of a short‐term rate rise, thus opting for ARMs (FRMs). Also, during a down housing market they become more risk‐averse perceiving higher risk in choosing ARMs. The perceived risk level alters the borrowers’ sensitivity to the long‐term bond risk premium.  相似文献   

Recent empirical findings concerning the performance effects of service business model innovation (servitization) and its interplay with product innovation are mixed. Using the lenses of the demand‐based view on value creation and complementarity, the performance impact of two key service business models is examined: the product‐oriented model and the customer‐oriented model, implemented jointly with product innovation. Results indicate that the interplay between service business model innovation and product innovation results in long‐term performance benefits coupled with a degree of short‐term performance sacrifice. Service business model innovation in isolation from product innovation results in short‐term profit gains but long‐term knowledge loss and, thus, market performance decline. Our study suggests that firms need to look beyond the evidence on short‐term effects in order to achieve superior performance in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper presents an operational model that generates short term planning decisions for the fresh produce industry. In particular, the application developed helps the grower to maximize his revenues by making production and distribution decisions during the harvest season. The main motivation for this model comes from the fact that the profitability of producers is highly dependent on the handling of short term planning in the harvest season. Some of the factors affecting profitability include the management of labor costs, the preservation of the value of perishable crops, and the use transportation modes that provide the best trade-off between time (quality of products) and cost. These issues are interrelated, and their judicious management is fundamental for attaining good financial results. The results of the proposed planning model indicate that significant savings can be obtained by managing the trade-off of the freshness at the delivery of the product with the added labor and transportation cost at the grower's side. Moreover the results also show that dynamic, information based, management practices might be preferred over traditional practices based in fixed labor allocation and distribution practices.  相似文献   

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